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As of this moment, who would you vote for in the Republican nomination?

RF Republican Primary Poll. As of now, who would you vote for in the RNC primary?

  • Donald Trump

  • Jeb Bush

  • Scott Walker

  • Marco Rubio

  • Ben Carson

  • Ted Cruz

  • Mike Huckabee

  • Rand Paul

  • Carli Fiorina

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
There are three Republicans I could vote for; Abrahan Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower.
+ 3

None of these three would have even the slightest chance of getting the Republican nomination if they were running today. Even Reagan wouldn't have a chance if he was running on what he did versus what he said he would do.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
I'm well aware of that. I just listed the three Republicans who had some progressive ideas.
+ 3

None of these three would have even the slightest chance of getting the Republican nomination if they were running today. Even Reagan wouldn't have a chance if he was running on what he did versus what he said he would do.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Breaking: Trump just picked up the "go Trump" endorsement and money of Democrat and Casino Titan Steve Wynn who just threw up on Obama and is going Republican. THIS IS HUGE, Trump and Wynn have been the "clash of Titans" for over a decade, now kissin' cousins. BIG MONEY for Trump, Nevada is Trump. Congrats Trump! Let's make America Great Again (and open a casino in Puerto Rico, too, also more money to overthrow Castro).


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Today Trump hits new national high with the Monmouth University survey released this morning, Trump takes 30 percent support nationally, a four-point gain over the same survey from before the first GOP debate. And Ben Carson, another non-politician, takes an amazing 18 percent in second (and possible running mate with Trump - and actually it could go the other way around with Trump as VP on ticket with Carson, it doesn't matter what the "pundits" say, do not think Trump would not though it is likely Trump Prez and Carson VP).

I predict Rubio, who last night was on FOX with some lame attack on Trump over his campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" as if Trump should be condemned for saying "... America is not great". My God, I know Rubio is a kid and all that, and didn't live in those days like me, but I swear remembering Reagan's 1980 campaign which I recall the same slogan used, so I checked and sure enough:


I could give a dozen more examples of the slogan on different buttons, posters from the 1980 campaign, I am not interested in your opinion of Reagan either, the point being is Rubio is so naive he doesn't know this and makes me think anyone who would use such a lame attack on Trump while being so ignorant of even modern 20th Century campaign history exposes himself as an amateur, too immature and uninformed to make the pay grade of President and so lame that he effectively just accused Ronald Reagan of the same accusation "how dare you say America is not great!" line he just dealt to Trump.

Oh, I suppose when he realizes this, he will say, "But Reagan said 'Let's'! So it is different."

And when I first heard him do this antic on FOX, besides being almost too stupid to believe he tried such a thing, and so ignorant of the Reagan campaigns, my only and immediate reaction was this kid is just a kid and no way Presidential material. And the FOX host just blew it, herself having zero acumen of facts and total perspective of even recent history.

I predict that the base will see it likewise as I, and not only will Rubio now remain in the bottom tier, he will drop yet another point down and has, either by his own violation or ill incentive of his advisors, basically ruined himself. See you later, Rubio.

And in regaeds to the "pledge", Trump was perfect in timing in first refusing, and even more so by now signing the "pledge" as these "leaders" do not understand what an idiotic mistake they have just made in which actially now they have left Trump with two Aces and two Jacks, they now have only Aces and Eights but why should I explain why as they will soon find out. Every "good American" knows Aces and Eights.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Trump is not Reagan, and Reagan would not be welcomed in today's Republican Party because of his actions as president. He talked the conservative talk but simply didn't walk the conservative walk.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member

Each candidate had their moment, I would say that once again about 1/5 th of the line of questioning was simply odd, non-issue related, hits on the front runner Trump that really were a waste of air time and I am not interested in what some Rolling Stone "journalist" said about what Trump may or may not have said or meant about Carly's face, and so on. However, CNN did a better job than FOX at least in getting back to the issues than FOX did in it's harping on such petty things as part of their pro-Bush, pro-amnesty agenda.

For what it's worth, checking the largest internet poll, it has Trump the winner of the 2nd debate at 63% first place, with Carly second place at 14% and Rand in third behind Carly at 6%.

That sounds about right. None of the attacks on Trump had any effect on my vote so far, which is Trump. My observation is, while Rand did poorly at first, he came back in the last hour and did very well so I agree he came in third, but I think Carly and Rand were ties.

I think Trump's fearless stand on increasing taxes on hedge fund scammers before Republicans who like me frown on taxes impressed me as a type of person who simply won't be "the Party" but rather a President. Same with Paul. He also said Iraq was a disaster, dicey to say while being strong for the military, but ... he is right, and the base is largely won over now to that reality and we need to come up with a better way. Cruz in my opinion did very well, better than the initial poll indicates.

As a Republican, I do not base my choices in a primary just based on these debates. I watch world events, the economy, and jobs. Today HP announced 30,000 MORE layoffs and an agenda to expand their already outsoucing agenda to outsource jobs ovedseas to 60%. I have had enough of this. How can the heads of some Company call themselves an "American company" or business and yet in fact they are a foreign company and no longer America while their CEOs still live in America, benefit from the protection of the American military, our police, their children go to our schools, they drive our roads, et all, all paid for by our hardworking and taxpaying citizens. I think these CEOs need to have to move and live in the foreign country their business really resides, their children go to the schools their in China or Philipines et all, in fact I think they should forfeit their citizenship and go there instead.

Cary F. was the head of HP. She did the same. I support Trump. Not her. I think the Republican base is as sick of this stuff as I have become.

For the base - the economy and jobs. Not just this, but very important. Trump atracts those who want to win, for America and the economy. So he will continue to lead.
Last edited:


Same with Paul. He also said Iraq was a disaster, dicey to say while being strong for the military, but ... he is right, and the base is largely won over now to that reality and we need to come up with a better way.

If only Republicans would have recognized this a decade ago, just think of the taxes I wouldn't owe the government for it.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Here is the reality right now, I know Rand Paul fans won't like it.

But the truth on the ground is, well, let me tell the truth. I am getting BOMBARDED in the last 3 days with solicitations from Rand and his wife et all for money. I gave him money early on, and a bit later since he is an anti-establishment wing against the RNC "leadership" which the Republican base hates, like me, they despise the "leadership" and especially Mitch mumble-mouth McConnell and really cannot stand Bush and his entire amnesty and, frankly, Jeb thinks he is a Mexican in his own mind. I don't care if one thinks that, I care about locking down the Southern border, which is one other reason most of the base is supporting Trump and they don't care if Trump was once a Democrat, in fact the old timers like me remember that the same Bush family when Reagan first tried to run had attacked Reagan viciously with the same stupid lines viz "Reagan was a Democrat" (true, who cares), "Reagan is an entertainer" (true, who cares), so viz "Trump was a Democrat" (true, who cares), "Trump is an entertainer" (true, who cares) - the base isn't interested in Carson's attacks on Trump for not going to church or for not being a bible thumper like suddenly Carson is pretending to be, nor do they care if Carly cries. "Cry for Carly" isn't working, in fact today's polls Trump has even increased his margins even more and that is of today after the "Cry for Carly" and "How dare Trump say nothing when some no name in the audience at some rally said Obama is a muslim". The base doesn't want or see Trump as being some PC policeman or Nazi that would monitor every damn thing someone says and then has to shout to the wind to defend Obama. What nonsense, in fact Trump didn't even hear clearly what the guy said, and no one cares anyway, people say all sorts of things in a crowd and the real danger comes from the "political spy police" who seem to think they need to watch every word that comes out of someone's mouth and then demand their arrest or something. I don't think someone needs to be arrested for calling Obama a muslim, maybe the one's who need to be arrested are the pigs who are going to visit Obama in the Whitehouse from "Black (only) lives matter" who were running around with domestic terrorists saying "Kill the police".

But back to Rand, one of the reasons Rand is popular is that he also doesn't believe in this speech control crap from the left wing who are totalitarian in acts. I am sure they want to arrest the guy in the crowd who said Obama is a muslim, but we haven't lost all of our freedoms yet and it is still legal to say that and I will defend his right to do so. As far as my personal opinion, I think Obama is messed up in his head, he is half-white and half-black (he isn't black, that is a lie) and he goes between this split personality of taking on the "black radical" from his black mom and the "muslim politics" from his white dad, both of which falsely blames everyone else and basically he thinks America is the problem and while he may say he is a Christian (he actually was a Muslim, then later got involved in a crazy Christian cult that was run by a former Black Muslim nutjob and really is more an Afro-Centric politico nut "church"), but in my view he is a Muslim sympathizer of the "hate the West" wing of Muslim politics and thus not a muslim but also not a non-muslim but adheres to muslim politics. He is messed up and I cannot stand him and he is part of the problem.

But back to Rand. So Rand is a nice guy, but here is the deal....

This money begging, it is now frantic, I know the facts, so... I think we are watching the last month of his campaign, it is about to run out of money and steam. I mean, it is bad. So, like Rand but it is probably over.

As far as Chris Christie, he is a one-percenter that no longer even belongs in the race and is basically doing his "pay back for the money" to the WSJ pro-amnesty and McConnell wing in play with kisses for Kelly to attack Trump and has jumped on the band wagon to condemn Trump for "not saying anything" when that guy in the crowd said Obama is a muslim, so basically the hog Christie who has now zero chance at the nomination endorses Obama and thinks the Republican base who is now sick of and rejected fatso is a bunch of xeno's just because they don't want hordes of muslim men between 18 and 29 years old from Pakistan, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, and Palestinians (only a few are actual Syrians fleeing, and it looks like none are Syrian Christians being mass murdered by Islamic nutjobs) hording into the US like they are into Europe bringing their arrogant and superiority complexes and hateful and totalitarian ways into the United States. Just the other day, some Mullah pronounced the plan and urged the Muslim men to "interbreed" (that was his exact words) with "the Westerners" to convert them to Islam, this has been a long time agenda in India and now they want to import this here. So fatso should step out of the race, he has zero support and is simply an agent of the "divide and rule" left wingers.

Sorry Rand, it looks like your pockets are going empty, but I can't chip in, I am supporting Trump with the cash now.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll in all the media outlets this morning has Trump at 32% and Carson at 22%.

42% of Republicans in this same poll also say Trump is going to win.

Who is in third is sort of becoming a non-starter, considerung the staying power of Trump, and now since this summer the same is true of Carson as a strong second. But for what it's worth, I already forgot who is currently in third, doubling checking it is Rubio at 10% and Fiorina has dropped now down to 5% thanks to the efforts by the pro-amnesty crowd at FOX pushing her as "the candidate surging who as a women we can all cry for because of that mean ol' Trump and who is the "I am Women, hear me cry" one to beat Hillary" as many of them at FOX helped ruin her instead of helping her, worse case example the Kelly the "Kreep" who is increasingly despised by most, and if Rubio lets this same crowd become his cheerleaders he will be single digits next.

So that is the facts, and unless Trump or Carson are arrested for child molestation, probably things are not going to change much.

At this juncture, Jindal should simply drop out, and while I think it is sort of sad the fact is Rand Paul is now gone literally panic attack begging for money because "this is it" (? ... his own words), frankly even though he doesn't want to he is about to have to drop out of the race and currently is at 2% only. But, don't discount Obama doing yet another dramatic overreach in government abuse of power and unconstitutional intrusion that could push Paul's numbers back up.

We are going to see some more drop outs now after Perry's (same pro-amnesty FOX crowd destroyed him by using him to attack Trump - Perry: "he (Trump) put a bullet through the chest of John McCain", accusing Trump of murder and in a secret plot to mass-murder all the Vets - but really Perry destroyed himself). Lesson one for any Republican who wants to be a candidate for President or V.P. is to stay away from the Chamber of Commerce crowd at FOX unless you wwnt to be suicidal.

Whatever side you are on, that is the facts on the ground. And as far as the latest attack on Trump because he said Bush (the W) didn't keep us safe prior to 911, that attack isn't going to work because the only reason he said that is he already knows that is what the majority of the Republican base believes, many were alive then and clearly remember that before 911 all W would do is run around with then President of Mexico Vicente Fox to push amnesty for Mexicans and would call conservatives nativists for trying to distract from the establishment's amnesty for Mexicans agenda with this nonsense about Islamic extremists and how they are going to come back after hitting the World Trade Center once to "finish the job". Bush could not allow these warnings from the base because they did not fit into the amnesty agenda, so the base remembers clearly the struggle at that time which thanks to Bush and his sombrero came down to the wire and thousands died because amnesty was more important than keeping things safe.

Jeb Bush is seen as the same by the base, at this juncture my recommendation is that Jeb should drop out of the race, but he won't until he runs out of money but that is becoming more of a reality every week that passes.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
As the field gets narrowed down, there likely will be a shifting away from Trump since he has the highest negativity numbers amongst Republicans. Whether it'll be enough to eventually replace him, only time will tell.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Hmmm, according to your metrics people will shift away from Hillary to???????
Possibly, especially if the FBI investigation would show something substantive against her. This is why I have mixed feelings about Biden getting into the race. On the one hand I don't think it's likely he can win the nomination plus all he's gone through with his son, but on the other hand if Hillary defaults due to the investigation, I think Biden has a better chance than Sanders to get elected.

However, the "metrics" according to the most recent polls indicates that Hillary is still the run-away favorite. As for me, I yearn for the Bern.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Bush has less than 10 million dollars left now in the campaign war chest from his donors, less than Cruz or Rubio and getting worse. Rubio knocked the breath out of Jeb at the debate with a gut punch in Marco's respone to Jeb's rather lame attempt to attack Rubio and Jeb's rather stupid attempt to make some noise by trying to hit Marco on the head with a baseball bat and not only missing Rubio's head but ended up swinging the bat into his own kneecap, so this attack backfired on Jeb and he ended up getting the deserving gut punch in return from the kid that, as even some supporters in the media are saying it is time for the whiner Jeb and his merry band of amigos to drop out of the race.

He is finished, after this final disaster to his campaign he appeared the next morning on the Hannity show, who doesn't like Bush, and honestly I don't remember exactly what Jeb Bush said because it didn't even make much sense and certainly didn't connect with the base - I think it was something monotone about his record in Florida which no one cares about and does not necessarily mean it was Bush alone, even Rubio contributed to this "record" which at this juncture in the campaign no one cares to listen to.

The main thing with the Hannity appearance was Jeb's face in the chest to head fullfront cameo while he sat in what looked like some room in a trailer park RV, albeit one of those $162,000 dollar RVs but tacky anyway, and looked back at Hannity from a remote. Maybe it was from his "campaign trailer".

Besides looking more like a school boy than Marco who has shown up late for a job interview with his breath smelling like he just ate a hotdog and has a mustard stain on his shirt, it was his shocking face.

He had these two, camera clear, red marks on both of his cheeks like his wife punched him, not slapped but smacked with knuckles, to both sides of his face.

My God, I said outloud, "How long has your wife been beating you and when will it stop?". It isn't far fetched, those Latina's often go right for the face. They weren't small, they looked like serious damage.

Could it be that, now that he has cut the pay to his campaign staff, that some disgruntled staffer applied a bad case of rosie highlight to his cheeks ("Jeb, let me give you some makeup before the camera rolls, it will help (...sucker)", I suppose it is possible.

But these cheeks definitely look like he got it both sides of the face, or he might have got it slammed both sides between a door and the side panel when he tried to peek his head into that room his "cleaning lady" from Mexico was alone in trying to dust off the lamp shades.

Call the doctor.

So some "expert" on campaigns, some guy who worked for the campaign of some Democrat who lost about 10 years ago, was just on FOX saying don't count Bush down for the 10 count because he has his own corrupt foundation like Hillary and can come back, it is "too early" to say the fat lady sang.

So, like now, suddenly the base is all going to say, "Ya Voll, I feel sorry for Jeb, so now I am going to vote for him".

No. That isn't going to happen. It is too late. I suppose he can go on, he still has 10 million, but he isn't going to get above 7% at most from here on end, it is just going to get worse, he and "amnesty Lindsay Graham" need to come to grips with their own demons and take a nice vacation in Puerto Rico. I've been there and it is full of great memories, a great place to vacation and there was a great hike I took in a rain forest there. I love the crickets at night downtown, too. Definitely a place to have some good time, Jeb and Lindsay got to go there.

One day I hope PR will become a State, it will be a prime site to retire for folks in the North side of the 48, but competition to Florida so maybe Bush better not do that after all. For me, though, I have no plans to retire there.


Veteran Member
It appears that Senator Rubio has garnered the most attention after the debate(?). Below copied from
FOX News First: Oct. 30
By Chris Stirewalt
In the first measurement of which candidates have driven the discussion following the third debate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has had a breakout moment. Rubio posted the largest single gain of any candidate so far in The Edge from the New Analytics Company.

The Edge is a one-of-a-kind measurement from the New Analytics that “scrubs” television, radio, print, internet and social media for mentions of the 2016 candidates. It is not a public opinion survey, but the team at New Analytics believes that The Edge provides a way to show changes in the race before polls can reflect them. The data are compiled into a single score and provided to Fox News First. You can view the full results at http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2015/10/30/rubio-rockets-in-media-mentions-post-debate/

Donald Trump, 26.48 [+.66]; Jeb Bush, 16.70 [+3.82]; Ben Carson, 15.37 [+1.84]; Marco Rubio, 13.74 [+7.06]; Ted Cruz, 7.59 [+.82]; John Kasich, 6.02 [+2.09]; Carly Fiorina, 5.81 [+.30]; Mike Huckabee, 5.65 [+1.07]; Chris Christie, 5.38 [+2.00]; Rand Paul, 5.1 [.28]