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As of this moment, who would you vote for in the Republican nomination?

RF Republican Primary Poll. As of now, who would you vote for in the RNC primary?

  • Donald Trump

  • Jeb Bush

  • Scott Walker

  • Marco Rubio

  • Ben Carson

  • Ted Cruz

  • Mike Huckabee

  • Rand Paul

  • Carli Fiorina

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
I want to see Carly vs Hilary.

Lets see how well the gals can run things for a change.
I'd very much like to see a gal run things for a change but not Carly. When she said, "Having met Vladimir Putin, I wouldn’t talk to him at all. We’ve talked way too much to him. What I would do immediately, I would begin rebuilding the Sixth Fleet, I would begin rebuilding the missile defense program in Poland, I would also conduct military exercises in the Baltic states, I’d probably send a few thousand more troops to Germany. Vladimir Putin would get the message. ..." IMO, its plain stupidity to antagonize Russia especially militarily right on their border. What would she do if Putin pushes back? A far better Republican candidate would be someone like South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I think the consensus on Sanders is wrong. The guy has much broader apeal than many give him credit for. I hear many republicans who badmouth Trump as a clown respecting Sanders. That tells me those on the fringes of the Republican party and undecideds could go his way. I could see women and minorities voting for him. He might be socialist, but at least he's not Trump.
Sanders is actually a centrist, from a global view. Only stupid, money-worshiping, plutocratic America sees Sanders as some leftist radical. I'm so ashamed of this country.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
The Republican sweep first evident in the last record making victories for conservatives, libertarian and nationalist GOP candidates extending their new majority in the House and taking over the Senate, in what many say is a precursor to the 2016 Presidential campaign, and the first time in over 40 years Tuesday, the Democrats have lost the Governorship in an historical upset.

The voters in Kentucky elected Republican and Tea Party favorite and millionaire GOP investor and businessman Matt Bevin, an outsider anti-establishment non-politician and anti-McConnell businessman who has modeled his run on Donald Trump, shocks the news pundits and polls to win the state’s next chief executive and defeated the in-power state Attorney General and Democrat Jack Conway.

Bevin is a new-comer who first made headlines attempting to challenge the current Senate leader and Republican Mitch McConnell who is part of the Republican "leadership" of which one of the leaders, Boehner, lost his position as Speaker of the House.

McConnell faces his own challenges now to outst him as Senate Majority Leader by challenges from the same opposition that is driving Trump and Carson to the top of the polls as the top tier Republican candidates for President.

This victory is huge for the anti-establishment wave, as we learn this morning that establishment candidate Jeb Bush has dropped to 4% or under after his recent attacks on fellow Floridian Marco Rubio.

Rubio is also seen as outside the establishment, though he is a politician who has not yet made the upper tier but has seen a rise in the polls after his fearless slap down of biased CNBC moderators at the last debate, who along with several other candidates took the management of the debate designed to simply assassinate the candidates and abrogate discussion of actual issues in favor of boxed-in commercials for the Democrats, and literally turned the agenda of the debate format on it's head and shamed the Democratic Party operatives and put the CNBC moderators into their place. Shades of how many of these candidates will manage and take control of any negotiations with world leaders such as Putin and others where Obama has failed.

Bush continues to slide, now losing what support he has, some of which has gone over to Rubio. The Jeb Bush campaign has now entered the death gasps stage according to trends, his failure to join in, challenge and manage the CNBC "moderators" was seen by the Republican base as yet another sign that he would be incapable to manage and negotiate with challenges from world leaders such as Putin.

Yesterday's victory of Bevin is seen by many as a victory for Trump and outsiders such as Carson. Carson is leading Hillary in a recent poll if they were the nominees, where Carson beats Clinton by 5+ points in a recent RealClear Politics poll.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
I don't have anything against the "1%". Donald Trump strikes me as a man willing to help out and fight for the things and people he cares about, in this case it would be the United States and the American people. The other rich guy or "1%center" in this race is (Democrat) Bernie Sanders, but he's too old, a wimp, and an admitted socialist, which is fine, however, the US is not a socialist nation, it is a capitalistic representative republic which is what made it one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world in its first 100 years. The last thing we need is a socialist or another wimp in the white house. Talk about turning America into another 3rd world economy, oh hell no. :smirkcat: The rest of the candidates just seem to fall short to me and/or are establishment politicians, same old, same old, all talk, do nothing but the will of their special interest donors and owners.
Where did you hey your 1%center figures? According to Inside Gov Bernie Sanders and Marco Rubio are the only two non-millionaire candidates although there are two candidates whose net worth is unknown.
Martin O'Malley unknown
George Pataki unknown
Bernie Sanders $330,506
Marco Rubio $443,500
Lindsey Grahm $1.02 million
Rand Paul $1.33 million
John Kasich $2.5 million
Bobby Jindal $2.7 million
Ted Cruz $3.17 million
Chris Christie $4 million
Mike Huckabee $5 million
Rick Santorum $5 million
Jeb Bush $10 million
Ben Carson $10 million
Hillary Clinton $21.5 million
Carly Fiorina $59 million
Donald Trump $10 billion