I offered a dictionary definition, if you are disagreeing with the dictionary, then you are the one deviating from what most people understand the word to mean, that is how dictionaries are compiled. My observation was based on that commonly understood definition. If you disagree with it say how and why, implying I am in error is simply wrong. So to start with you disagree with this definition then?
- an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
So how do you define a miracle then, that would be a start.
You brought them up?? And the moon isn't fixed, it orbits the earth, did you not know this?
What does that even mean?
The moon orbits the earth, again to remotely imply it could stop moving is absurdly nonsensical, tidal flows are caused by the moons gravitational force, can you imagine what would happen if its orbit stopped. I have no idea what connection you're assuming between the sun and moon, and spears and bows, as you have offered nothing comprehensible to explain this.
That's because it is incomprehensible, I have no idea what you're assuming the connection is, and I see no measurement whatsoever?
I think you mean reading, not listening, and no amount of reading is going to make this vague jumble of words comprehensible.
Oh I know what the words mean, they just make no sense in the context you're offering them, and you have simply made the unevidenced and inexplicable claim they are somehow measurements?
You just keep repeating it, even after i have explained it means nothing to me? How on earth are figs the same as stars?
Seriously that made no sense when you first posted it, and repeating it isn't going to change that. I have no idea what it is supposed to mean, and you have failed to explain.
If you say so, it mean nothing to me sorry, can you offer nothing in the way of explanation here?
So entirely subjective then, and not remotely objective evidence.
I already know how the words sound, this adds no meaning to what you have claimed, none.