3 questions
1. Now that Atheists are able to overturns Bushs conscience rule, will Christian doctors be fired, put in jail, or killed outright for refusing to perform infanticide?
2. Communist atheists have done a near complete job of successfully killing most Christians in China, North Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam. Now I know that these things take time because they are best done gradually (The safest road to hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. - C. S. Lewis) but seeing how we have been on this road for quite some time now, how much longer before the atheists communist controlled UN takes over the world (if they have not already don so), starts enforcing hate speech laws which prohibit the preaching/practicing/gathering of all Christian denominations within those remaining areas in which Christianity is still practiced?
3. One more question Once atheists are successful at tramping out all of the Christians (through hate crime laws, pro-abortion laws, and the communist NWO) What form will the worldwide survival of the fittest/Darwinian ethnic cleansing take place? Will it be fast and painless through the use of atomic warfare? or a slow gradual road to hell? Or a combination of the above?
Just wondering what my kids have to look forward to.
Thanks for the answers!
Dear idea,
Your fantasies about christians being fired, jailed, and tramped out are a delightful thought, but, unfortunately, nothing more than a fantasy!
1) I would imagine that overturning this rule will result in people actually
doing the job they're
paid to do, regardless of their primitive
superstitions. Additionally, where I live,
in the US, we have laws against murder, so that
anyone who commits one is imprisoned, regardless of their superstitions or lack thereof.
2) This is a good point and essentially highlights the
inefficiencies of communism. An atheistic capitalist country would have been successful in wiping out
all the christians long ago. Just imagine what could be accomplished when you take to great things - capitalism and atheism - and put them together.
3) Ha - this is a trick question, as once all the christians, and other superstitionists, are tramped out, no ethnic cleansing will be
necessary. Evolution will be able to take its natural course, unhindered by those created it by it, yet refuse to accept the truth of it.