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Ask your questions about God here.


Active Member
Interesting, but truthfully speaking, who cannot answer questions about god? Heck, it's child's play, to say the least.

I do find this position to be somewhat disingenuous as this stance indicates that the writer may well be here simply to vent and is quite possibly not terribly interested in defending their belief structures.

All that aside I do have a couple of questions. Give 'em your best shot.

1. How did "god" manifest "himself" to you?
2. Why did "god" choose you to deliver his message?
3. Was there something in particular that precipitated this first contact? (Perhaps you could briefly outline your psychological state prior to the event.)

4. Did this "entity" state outright that it was god?
a) If yes, could you please elaborate on it's assertions.​
b) If no, then what made you, an insignificant human animal, realize that, in fact, you were talking/thinking/communicating with the "creator" of All That Is?​

What yardstick did you apply to your experience to validate what you were being told was "truth"?​

(I am assuming that you understand that so-called "truth" is relative.)​

I yet again get confused when someone cares not about the knowledge of God, yet is simply interested in you proving that you actually communicated with God. I will answer your questions here, even though they have nothing at all to do with God. Be advised though that again I state that my task is to convey, not convince. I honestly do not care if you go to Heaven or Hell, if you believe I have communicated with God, or that I am mentally insane. It does not matter, I realize that your accpetance or denial in no way effects me. It just confuses me why someone is given the opportunity to have their questions answered, and yet instead they are more interested in trying to explain to you that you are wrong.

So I will answer your questions here, however I will also ask you a question: "Do you have any questions about God?"

1. As the Qur'an states:
SURAH 17 – 85:

They ask you concerning the Spirit of inspiration. Say: “The Spirit comes by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, O men!

SURAH 29 – 18:

“And if you reject the Message, so did the generations before you: and the duty of the Messenger is only to preach publicly and clearly.”

2. I do not think this should be seen as a "message", maybe more of an explanation? As far as to why God choose me, I have no idea. God does inspire many so I do not feel that I am uncommon or "special", also God made it clear I could do the book or someone else could, so yet again I do not claim to be any different from everyone else.

3. Is it even logically possible for someone to give an unbiased opinion on one's own psychological state? You do realize that I cannot answer this question, as any comment I make on my own mental state cannot be taken literally, since there is always a conflict of interest present. However could I ask you what mental state you were in when you made this post? Instead of asking questions about God, why ask questions about me?(I am not God)

4. Yes


Active Member
Why would God damn His own self to eternal seperation from Himself?

Is he a multiple personality??>..Like with billions of people inside of Him and many thousands of new ones a day being created ???That He may or may not decide to reincorporate back into His whole self it they are good for Himself?



Hopefully you have read this thread, as I believe this has already been answered. God does not damn Himself ro His creations. We by our own free will damn ourselves.(If you are one of those that damn yourself)


3. Is it even logically possible for someone to give an unbiased opinion on one's own psychological state? You do realize that I cannot answer this question, as any comment I make on my own mental state cannot be taken literally, since there is always a conflict of interest present. However could I ask you what mental state you were in when you made this post? Instead of asking questions about God, why ask questions about me?(I am not God)



Depends Upon My Mood..
Hopefully you have read this thread, as I believe this has already been answered. God does not damn Himself ro His creations. We by our own free will damn ourselves.(If you are one of those that damn yourself)


Free will..

We damn oursleves even though God created us and God is in us?..

Why did God create free will??...He certaintly didnt have to.And He knew the end result was possible aposates.or ...non choosing of God...

Why wasnt God satisfied with what He had??That he was infinity...And He was all love..




Active Member
What do you mean by this? It sounds close to Christianity - the blood of Christ purchasing freedom - but it also sounds like the rationale for a genocide. I'm curious if you're speaking in political or spiritual terms (or both).

Anyway, I'll hang up now.:eek:

You cannot have freedom without first paying for it. Some Christians believe that Christ did to pay for our sins, I disagree as I believe He died to pay for our Freedom. Is not paying for our sin, freeing us from that sin? The price of freedom is extremely high, and the only currency of freedom is blood. Do you feel that the current U.S. soldiers in Iraq are paying for their(Iraq) freedom? It won't happen, you can think it will, however it will not. Iraq will not be free until they are willing to pay for their own freedom.(Which is what I believe we are supposed to be training them for)

Your use of the word "genocide" is rather confusing. Here is the definition:
The deliberate and systematic destruction of an entire people who belong to one racial, political, cultural or religious group.

Why would you murder people? I am white, yet I do not want to murder non-whites, what freedom does this bring me? I am a republican, yet I do not want to murder all the democrats... wait... never mind I really don't.(Yes, this was an attempt at a joke) What freedom would this bring me? I am not religious yet I do not want to murder the Jews/Christians/Muslims, what freedom would this bring me?

The only way to confuse genocide with paying for freedom is if you are in a "hitler" mindframe. I do believe he was mentally unbalanced as he truly believed that genocide would bring him freedom. I do not find it a coincendence that those that were truly free destroyed him, as I am also one who does not believe that God works in mysterious ways :)


Hey Truth,

You referred to Paul's psychological state. This really says it all:

And for those who didn't see it in that nasty anti-Angellous thread. Yours truly in a very recent photograph. BTW: My nose is not that big in real life, lol. But I do love this particular image.


The very next picture taken was of me trying to get my mouth around the camera lens, lol.

I guess one thing that does not come across very clearly in my more acidic posts is that in "real" life I always balance extremely incendiary comments within pointed jokes. Most of these jokes however would not get past the RF filters and would be marked as PG-18 as I have a rather salty tongue.

Perfectly sane IMHO.

Note: http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...scientific-evidence-angellous-your-daddy.html


You cannot have freedom without first paying for it. Some Christians believe that Christ did to pay for our sins, I disagree as I believe He died to pay for our Freedom. Is not paying for our sin, freeing us from that sin? The price of freedom is extremely high, and the only currency of freedom is blood. Do you feel that the current U.S. soldiers in Iraq are paying for their(Iraq) freedom? It won't happen, you can think it will, however it will not. Iraq will not be free until they are willing to pay for their own freedom.(Which is what I believe we are supposed to be training them for)

Your use of the word "genocide" is rather confusing. Here is the definition:
The deliberate and systematic destruction of an entire people who belong to one racial, political, cultural or religious group.

Why would you murder people? I am white, yet I do not want to murder non-whites, what freedom does this bring me? I am a republican, yet I do not want to murder all the democrats... wait... never mind I really don't.(Yes, this was an attempt at a joke) What freedom would this bring me? I am not religious yet I do not want to murder the Jews/Christians/Muslims, what freedom would this bring me?

The only way to confuse genocide with paying for freedom is if you are in a "hitler" mindframe. I do believe he was mentally unbalanced as he truly believed that genocide would bring him freedom. I do not find it a coincendence that those that were truly free destroyed him, as I am also one who does not believe that God works in mysterious ways :)

If "true freedom" is only bought with blood, then people are perfectly justified in killing others (spilling blood) for this freedom.


Active Member
If you truly love your neighbor, would you kill him?

It depends on your neighbor, you do not think that the Jews just marched into the Promised Land? When I was in the U.S. Army I was a 19Kilo which is a combat MOS. Although I never saw combat, there would be no hesitation with engaging and destroying a target. The difference bettwen a "kill" and a "murder" is that a murder always involves malice, I never acted out of malice while in the army.


It depends on your neighbor, you do not think that the Jews just marched into the Promised Land? When I was in the U.S. Army I was a 19Kilo which is a combat MOS. Although I never saw combat, there would be no hesitation with engaging and destroying a target. The difference bettwen a "kill" and a "murder" is that a murder always involves malice, I never acted out of malice while in the army.

I don't have any issue with the difference between "killing" and "murder." What I'm wondering is how you can love your neighbor and shoot them at the same time... perhaps we're forgetting the other command of Christ - that we should love our enemies and give them food and water... we love them by providing for them and not killing them.

Interesting how that would go against freedom, because if we didn't kill our enemies, we would not be free.

I suppose that God - or his self-appointed representatives - can justify their refusal to follow some of the best known teachings of Christ in the name of spilling blood for freedom.


Active Member
Because....I would be unseperated from God..Why do I have to be a pion deliberatley seperated by God Himself ??..(which He chose to seperate not me..I was just born)

Why did he seperated me from Him?...why am I an atom(or a bunch of them)..When I never had to be except He decided?

What made Him decide that?

Was He bored?



I do not know if I understand the questions here. It is your choice to be seperate from God, if you are choosing to follow God's Plan, then you are not seperate from Him.

You are atomic in body because of the transgressions of mankind before you. This should not upset you however, because if you follow God's Plan, you will again be with Him. Because of the trangressions that mankind has committed before you, God has given you the freedom to choose to be with Him or without Him.


Active Member
This question will settle some issues between myself and some other members:

Seriously, Does God like Willie Nelson more than the Dixie Chicks?

note: Texans: Dixie Chicks or Willie Nelson?

No idea, and this is a questions I refuse to ask in my prayers as it has no bearing on what I consider something intelligent :) Of course you are free to ask God this yourself, although I highly doubt you will get an aswer as the answer is truly meaningless.




Active Member

Free will..

We damn oursleves even though God created us and God is in us?..

Why did God create free will??...He certaintly didnt have to.And He knew the end result was possible aposates.or ...non choosing of God...

Why wasnt God satisfied with what He had??That he was infinity...And He was all love..



Why did God create freewill?
Is a Soul in oppression truly a gift? Do you truly understand what it means not to have free will?

Why wasn't God satisfied with what He had?
If you had Love to give, and you were alone, who would you give it to?


Active Member
If "true freedom" is only bought with blood, then people are perfectly justified in killing others (spilling blood) for this freedom.

Are you asking my opinion, or what God has taught on this subject?

This greatly depends, our freedom was already paid for. In order to answer this question I need you to reference the freedom you are referring to.

What has been taught: (C&P from book)

Let us look at 2 Corinthians 3 – 17 for the answer:

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.