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Ask your questions about God here.



Are you asking my opinion, or what God has taught on this subject?

This greatly depends, our freedom was already paid for. In order to answer this question I need you to reference the freedom you are referring to.

What has been taught: (C&P from book)

Let us look at 2 Corinthians 3 – 17 for the answer:

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Either. I should hope that such intimate communion with God has taught you some wisdom. If not, that's fine too.

I am curious if either one of you (you or your God) has the audacity to overturn the words of Christ for freedom - in the sense of killing one's enemies. Jesus taught as a prophet of God, now you're teaching as a prophet of God, supposedly (I don't know, that's why I ask) overturning his teachings for something new. I'm curious if purchasing freedom with blood means that we kill - not murder - our enemies, instead of giving them food and shelter like Jesus said.


Active Member
Either. I should hope that such intimate communion with God has taught you some wisdom. If not, that's fine too.

I am curious if either one of you (you or your God) has the audacity to overturn the words of Christ for freedom - in the sense of killing one's enemies. Jesus taught as a prophet of God, now you're teaching as a prophet of God, supposedly (I don't know, that's why I ask) overturning his teachings for something new. I'm curious if purchasing freedom with blood means that we kill - not murder - our enemies, instead of giving them food and shelter like Jesus said.

I am not teaching as a prophet of God. Your Freedom has already been paid for, Jesus taught us to Love, why are you on the subject of killing?


Flaming Queer
O.K. You are then asking me to define God? I have answered this question on my website, let me C&P the answer...

"I AM He Who Is the Creator of everything Known and Unknown in the Existence of Reality."

If this still does not answer your question, please help me a little so I can comprehend what it is that you are asking.

sorry i'm late responding to this.

i shall explain my question a bit more then: there are many religions, there are many acclaimed Gods, many acclaimed origins of the universe - which one are you answering questions on? are you talking about Chaos and Gaea of the Classical Greek Religion? or the Gods Nun and Ra-Atum from the Ancient Greek Religion? or the 'creation in 6 days' God of the Old Testiment?

God is a title, not a name - and many religions have entitled many things "God", so which "God" are you talking about? the God of which religious tradition?


I think I see where you are going here. Before given any answers or even starting the book, God had me read the Old Testament and the New Testament. After reading those, I was then directed to read the Qur'an, it was only after this that I could write freely everything that was explained to me.

The book does not at all change anything in the Bible or the Qur'an.(It actually uses both as a reference) It simply explains the answers to mankinds questions that mankind feels have not been answered directly, It also corrects misunderstandings that commonly occur.

I do not claim to have written a "Holy Text", the Three Words of God were written quite a few years before I even existed. As far as the people you mentioned I do not know all of them, however I am very familiar with a few such as Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.(As spelled in the Qur'an) You will not find any word in the book debating anything they have taught man, it is only a correction of how man has misunderstood/twisted what they have taught us about God.

Truth truly cannot conflict with Truth, you will not find conflict with the book and what is in the Three Books. You will only find corrections(Corrections of mans misunderstandings, not corrections of scripture) and explanations, I know this may sound a little vague. It seems that you are seeing friction between what I have stated with what Prophets have stated, yet I have stated nothing yet. It is expected for one to be skeptical, but what have I stated thus far that you feel is in conflict?

No... I'm anticipating friction. And while a number of my colleges on this thread have attempted to find friction in what you have said, I can see that there hasn't been any. Yet.

I have a number of other questions for you...
1) Is it your intent to start a new religion?
2) Must humans believe in God, as you understand God, to go to heaven?
3) Has God ever endorsed war as a means of spreading his message?
4) Which wars fought in God's name was looked upon by God favorably?
5) How does God feel about atheists?

I await your response. Namaste.


Active Member
Dear TruthaboutGod:
If you are going to continue with your presentation of the truth about God, you better have thick skin and a strong psychological constitution. It seems like you have a lot of racing thoughts about religion and God running through your mind. Did you write your book in an attempt to discover what God was saying to you? It sounds like you have experienced a lot of psychological trauma surrounding your religious experiences. Have you any disciples who follow your teachings? Have there been any converts to your way of thinking? Do you have a lot of time alone with your ideas? Do people tend to reject you socially because of your beliefs or are there a number of people who seek your companionship? The answer to some of these questions should be helpful to you in attempting to assess if God God is speaking to you or if past religious experiences have a stronger voice in what you are hearing than you would want to admit.

If you have a need for acceptance and fellowship, this forum may not be the best place to find it since debate here might be rough. You do not appear arrogant with your presentation but you have stated several times in this thread that you did not care whether people accepted the fact that God had been talking to you or not. If that were totally true, why did you write the book? You seem to be asking for help and from reading the responses on this thread, I think there are quit a few who would agree with that point of view.

I think that most people on this thread are actually very kind hearted. If they sense you are seeking an emotional healing of some type, these people will surely withhold their sarcasm in hope that you find the fellowship you seek. At any rate, you agree that the New Testament is a book on which you base your authority for knowledge. The writings of Paul are good psychological text to help you think through your thoughts and intents. Use these writings to test the process by which God is speaking to you. What if you discover that the voice you hear is not completely from God? Remember that Paul said the carnal mind was not subject to the will of God and Satan has a lot to say about how we think about religion. Confusion certainly is not of God and the Devil is the angle of light.

God bless you brother.


Does God suffer?

With what's happening on Earth, if He didn't, He has no emotions at all.

.... You can take wet sand and create anything you desire....

Like a sandwich?

If you never felt physical or emotional pain, how could you be happy or sad? How would you know the difference between right and wrong? You cannot have righteousness without sin, light without darkness, right without wrong, pleasure without... pain.....

You don't need to know the hurt of pain to know happiness of pleasure.

God created mankind to be a companion to God.

None of my companions behave in such an aloof way as God. "Why create me to have me as a companion and then play some hide and seek game with me that I can never win?"


Citizen Mod
Hi TruthAboutGod,
Thank you for the previous responses.
I have a few more questions.

What is GOD's perspective on reincarnation?

How does GOD view sin?

What does GOD think about religions (and is there any particular organization that is currently, accurately expressing His Truth) and what exactly is His relationship to other Holy books?


Active Member
sorry i'm late responding to this.

i shall explain my question a bit more then: there are many religions, there are many acclaimed Gods, many acclaimed origins of the universe - which one are you answering questions on? are you talking about Chaos and Gaea of the Classical Greek Religion? or the Gods Nun and Ra-Atum from the Ancient Greek Religion? or the 'creation in 6 days' God of the Old Testiment?

God is a title, not a name - and many religions have entitled many things "God", so which "God" are you talking about? the God of which religious tradition?

As I am not religious, I really cannot comment on religions. There is only One God, I do understand however that mankind has "created" many gods over the course of time. Since I have already defined God, I will assume that this question is along the line of: "How do you explain so-called other "gods""?(Please correct me if I am wrong)

Mankind has many emotions, I am sure you are aware of this. Many of these emotions were handed to us by God upon Creation, which the exception of a few.(God is not capable of fear or malice, as two examples) If you are to believe that there is/was "gods" then the emotion of jealousy comes into play.(God has already admitted to being a jealous God)

In order for there to be multiple gods, the emotion of jealousy cannot exist,(Which we both know that it does) because that emotion would have been acted upon quite awhile ago, most likely in an extremly violent way. During my conversations with God, there was never any mention of any other. Therefore if you are to believe that at any given point in time there were multiple gods, that time has long past, and there has not been, in existence, more then One God, since the creation of what we know as reality.


Active Member
No... I'm anticipating friction. And while a number of my colleges on this thread have attempted to find friction in what you have said, I can see that there hasn't been any. Yet.

I have a number of other questions for you...
1) Is it your intent to start a new religion?
2) Must humans believe in God, as you understand God, to go to heaven?
3) Has God ever endorsed war as a means of spreading his message?
4) Which wars fought in God's name was looked upon by God favorably?
5) How does God feel about atheists?

I await your response. Namaste.

1. Indeed NOT! This is most horrid, as mankind already has too many religions. If you are familiar with how Ibliss became satan, you would understand that he is the great divider.(Sorry but I refuse to capitalize any reference to satan whatsoever) You can now see that the more religions mankind has, the more mankind is divided away from God. What does more religions do to mankind? Nothing at all but to seperate us from each other and God. Today it is very obvious that mankind uses religions to cause death and destruction, "in the name of god". In the current state of world affairs, I am sure you are familiar with the term "Muslim Terrorist". Truly I can tell you that there is no such thing as is evident with this passage from the Qur'an: (C&P from the book)

I had mentioned earlier that there is no such thing as a “Muslim Terrorist”, and now the Qur’an will prove it, SURAH 4 – 93:

If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein forever: and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him.

As you know a “malicious kill” is a murder, which has already been discussed. So if a man straps a bomb to his chest, this obviously shows that he has “malice” and the intent to murder, and if one of those that is murdered is a believer in God, his only reward will be Hell. So the next time you hear the phrase “Muslim Terrorist” make sure that you understand the Truth, no Muslim would ever do this kind of act. I would ask that God would condemn an individual that even utters this phrase. Again we can see the Message from the Qur’an urging mankind NOT to murder or even kill, SURAH 6 – 151:

Say “Come, I will rehearse what Allah has really prohibited you from”: join not anything as equal to Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want; - We provide sustenance for you and for them; - do not come near to shameful deeds, whether open or secret; TAKE NOT LIFE, which Allah has made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that you may learn wisdom.

As you can see a terrorist is a terrorist, regardless what religion he/she hides behind.

2. This questions is a little confusing. If you are asking if we believe in God, so that we can go to Heaven, then I would say, no. I do not see God as a "belief", it is a simple matter of accepting or dening reality. I accept the reality of the sun,(Our star) not because I want to receive it's heat, but simply because it exists. Some need faith to believe in God, this I find troubling, as I have no faith. Faith is defined as believing in something that you cannot see or prove. I can see everything around me, that God has created, so I accept reality, as I have no need for faith. If you need faith to believe in God, thats fine,(I guess) however, hopefully, there will come a point in time that you can simple accept the reality of God, at this point, you will see faith for what it is, a crutch.

3. This is hard to answer as I do not know what message you are talking about. I am not familiar with a message that God is trying to spread. As a man, sometimes I am ignorant because I do not understand the question, if you can elaborate on this, I will try to answer it. Some of the things that God has explained to me, had to be explained over and over again until I "got it".

4. The wars that He won, which was probably all of them. (LOL - sorry again I do not understand what wars were fought in God's name.) If you are speaking about something like the Jews waging war to enter the Promised Land, then I can understand. However most "wars" are created and fought by mankind, regardless if they claim it is in God's name or not. War in itself goes against God's Plan, there have been a few times in history that God had decided that action needed to be taken to continue His Plan, and His direct involvement was needed.(Sodom and Gomorrah, The Great Flood, as two examples) If there are people today that claim they are at war in the name of God, I would have some serious questions, as the last war that(to me) was justified was WW2.

5. We will use the definition: "Someone who denies the existence of God", if this is O.K. Honestly I do not see how God would care. Someone that denies the existence of God, does not change the existence of God. God has provided more then enough proof and guidance to mankind on the subject of the existence of God. I believe that this would be seen as a case of ignorance. One who has existed, outside of the influence of man, and has never been told of God, would be seen as far greater then one who has been given the Truth of God, and yet denies it.


Active Member
Dear TruthaboutGod:
If you are going to continue with your presentation of the truth about God, you better have thick skin and a strong psychological constitution. It seems like you have a lot of racing thoughts about religion and God running through your mind. Did you write your book in an attempt to discover what God was saying to you? It sounds like you have experienced a lot of psychological trauma surrounding your religious experiences. Have you any disciples who follow your teachings? Have there been any converts to your way of thinking? Do you have a lot of time alone with your ideas? Do people tend to reject you socially because of your beliefs or are there a number of people who seek your companionship? The answer to some of these questions should be helpful to you in attempting to assess if God God is speaking to you or if past religious experiences have a stronger voice in what you are hearing than you would want to admit.

If you have a need for acceptance and fellowship, this forum may not be the best place to find it since debate here might be rough. You do not appear arrogant with your presentation but you have stated several times in this thread that you did not care whether people accepted the fact that God had been talking to you or not. If that were totally true, why did you write the book? You seem to be asking for help and from reading the responses on this thread, I think there are quit a few who would agree with that point of view.

I think that most people on this thread are actually very kind hearted. If they sense you are seeking an emotional healing of some type, these people will surely withhold their sarcasm in hope that you find the fellowship you seek. At any rate, you agree that the New Testament is a book on which you base your authority for knowledge. The writings of Paul are good psychological text to help you think through your thoughts and intents. Use these writings to test the process by which God is speaking to you. What if you discover that the voice you hear is not completely from God? Remember that Paul said the carnal mind was not subject to the will of God and Satan has a lot to say about how we think about religion. Confusion certainly is not of God and the Devil is the angle of light.

God bless you brother.

I have no trauma with religion, as I do not expose myself to it. There is nothing wrong with religion, it is when man uses religion to further his own goals, that create problems. If you are religious and attend a church that truly provides you with knowledge and wisdom about God, I would encourage you to stay there.

Any disciples that follow my teachings? I did not know I was teaching. What is in the book is simply the Truth about God, since this has come from God, it is obvious that I am not the one teaching. I do not have any want or desire to teach, God has given you Three Books, read them. There is no greater teacher about God, then God.

Any converts? Converting to what? I do not understand this question.

Do I have a lot of time alone with my ideas? I do not have any ideas, I simply did as God has asked.

Do people tend to reject me socially? No, I have been with the same woman for 14 years, have three children, coach soccer, play poker, read, etc... Why would I be rejected, what have I done to require rejection? Many people seek me for advice, however I do not know if this would be considered companionship.

Past religious experience? That was about 27 years ago, I have no complaints about it, the people that I was around seemed to be God fearing individuals.

My need for accpetance? Not at all, as God has made it quite clear,(This was one of those things that He had to explain to me numerous times) that my task is to convey, not convince. I simply cannot dwell on people that want to question my relationship with God, when there are other people out there that have a serious interest in knowing the Truth about God. If you feel that I am mentally unstable and am just stating my opinion on everything, thats cool. I have no need for respect or admiration here, as if I had your respect and admiration, I would have no idea what to do with it. I have no desire whatsoever for a position over my fellow man. I am not greater then you, nor am I lesser. If I deserve anything for speaking the truth about God, I will be more then happy to accept that from God, what could mankind possible offer me that is greater then what God has?

Why did I write the book? Because that is what God asked me to do.

Paul's writing's. I have read the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an. This was what God had directed me to read.


Active Member
Hi TruthAboutGod,
Thank you for the previous responses.
I have a few more questions.

What is GOD's perspective on reincarnation?

How does GOD view sin?

What does GOD think about religions (and is there any particular organization that is currently, accurately expressing His Truth) and what exactly is His relationship to other Holy books?

1. Reincarnation. This was never discussed.
2. Sin. We all sin, some more then others. I still sin, although I make an honest effort to try and sin less then I did in the past. How does God view sin? Well I think it is obvious that He does not view it in a positive manner.
3. I would encouarge you not to put a huge investment into religion. Read the Three Books and ask God in your prayers for knowledge and wisdom to comprehend what you are reading. This in itself will bring you closer to God then any religion. You must understand that religion is a way for mankind to seek God, and this is awesome as it shows a thirst for knowledge about God. A problem only occurs when man himself, tries to teach above and beyond that which the Three Books teach us. In my opinion, this happens today more then any time in history. You also cannot look down upon any of the religions, as stated, this is man's way of seeking God. Jews see Jews in a better light then they see Christians and Muslims, this is the same for Christians, and Muslims. This is horrid, we are all God's children, one not better then another. When we are Judged, you will not be Judged by what religion you followed. There are Jews, Christians, and Muslims, that do understand the Truth about God, and they view each other in a positive manner, however these are rare individuals indeed. Never let a man tell you he can bring you closer to God, then God can Himself.(Through His Three Books)


Well-Known Member
What is your opinion of the theory of evolution?
What about gay people?
What about hell and satan---why did God create them?

...Just a few things I'd like to know your opinion on.


Well-Known Member
Also, you talk about the Three Books, you mean the OT, NT and Qur'an?
Does this mean that Buddhism doesnt count? Or Taoism, or Shintoism, or Hinduism, or the million other religious traditions? What about them?


Active Member
What is your opinion of the theory of evolution?
What about gay people?
What about hell and satan---why did God create them?

...Just a few things I'd like to know your opinion on.

1. The Big Bang reality? I think it's awesome, I am actually surprised mankind has figured it out this fast. Now if we could only get the scientists to agree that it was the Will of God, that caused the "Bang". An object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless acted upon by an outside influence. The outside influence that caused the massive expansion of energy, was the Will of God.

2. Homosexuality is against God's Plan.(I can provide you with God's Plan, if you wish)

3. Actually God did not "create satan". Before satan existed, he was Ibliss. Here is a C&P from the book that helps explain it:

The best information about satan comes to us from the Qur’an. In the Qur’an it is explained that satan exists as an angel named “ibliss”. God tells the angels to bow to His creation of man, and ibliss refuses. The knowledge of exactly what had happened is mentioned a few times in the Qur’an, the best example for this book is in SURAH 38 – 71 through 85:

Behold, your Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create man from clay”: “When I have fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him of My Spirit, you fall down in obeisance to him.” So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together: Not so Iblis: he was haughty, and became of those who reject faith. Allah said: “O Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with My hands? Are you haughty? Or are you one of the high and mighty ones?” Iblis said: “I am better then he: You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.” Allah said: “Then you get out from here: for you are rejected, accursed. And My curse shall be on you till the Day of Judgment.” Iblis said: “O my Lord! Give me respite till the Day the dead are raised.” Allah said: “Respite then is granted to you – Till the Day of the Time Appointed.” Iblis said: “Then, by Your power, I will put them all in the wrong – Except Your Servants amongst them, sincere and purified by Your grace.” Allah said: “Then it is just and fitting – and I say what is just and fitting – That I will certainly fill Hell with you and those that follow you, - every one.

iblis based his argument on the fact that he was created BEFORE mankind was created, and that we were simply “clay” and he was fire, SURAH 15 – 26 and 27 shows us this:

We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape; And the Jinn race, We created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.

Do not misunderstand what “clay” is here, fire has no form and simply burns, clay on the other hand can be molded into a “form”, and therefore man was referred to as being made from clay, because we have a distinct form.

I hope this helps explain satan and Hell.



Active Member
Also, you talk about the Three Books, you mean the OT, NT and Qur'an?
Does this mean that Buddhism doesnt count? Or Taoism, or Shintoism, or Hinduism, or the million other religious traditions? What about them?

As I have mentioned before, I cannot comment on religions, as I have no knowledge of the religions you mentioned. The Three Books are what God had directed me to study, as such, I cannot provide a correct answer on what religions are, or are not valid.


Well-Known Member
As I have mentioned before, I cannot comment on religions, as I have no knowledge of the religions you mentioned. The Three Books are what God had directed me to study, as such, I cannot provide a correct answer on what religions are, or are not valid.
The problem then arises: Since you are referring to established religions---Judaism, Christianity, Islam, with thousands of years of tradition and millions of books in print saying how they should be/should not be interpreted, what about where these "Three Books" come into conflict with each other, or with other religions?

And what do you mean God did not create Satan? God made everything, or he is NOT GOD.


Active Member
The problem then arises: Since you are referring to established religions---Judaism, Christianity, Islam, with thousands of years of tradition and millions of books in print saying how they should be/should not be interpreted, what about where these "Three Books" come into conflict with each other, or with other religions?

And what do you mean God did not create Satan? God made everything, or he is NOT GOD.

As stated I have read the Three Books, however I did not find any conflict. If you could show me an example, that would help. I did notice a few events that were witnessed by different people, that were described a little differently, but I could not classify this as a "conflict".

I think you misunderstood the post. God did create Iblis, who later became satan. What I meant was that God did not outright create satan, thus as to have opposition. satan still submits to God, as is evident in the Qur'an. It is simply the objective of satan to divide mankind away from God, this is why I refer to satan as the great divider. God actually encourages satan to attempt to lead us astray, as can be seen here: (A C&P from the book)

On another account of what had transpired in this creation of mankind, we can see that God actually encourages satan to lead us astray. This is not something “evil” that God has done, this is simply God having confidence in what He has created, knowing that some of us will never follow satan, regardless what satan offers us, SURAH 17 – 64 and 65: (God speaking)

“Lead to destruction those whom you can among them, with your seductive voice; make assaults on them with your cavalry and your infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and make promises to them” - But Satan promises them nothing but deceit. – “As for My servants, no authority you shall have over them: “enough is your Lord for a disposer of affairs.”

As you can see the easiest way through life, and through the gates of Heaven, is simply to serve God, although satan will test you, he is powerless, if you resist.

In one account you can almost see the contempt in satan’s words. In response, God states the penalty of satan and those who follow him. You will then note that the conversation ends abruptly, as God will always dictate when a conversation is finished. This is found in SURAH 7 – 17 and 18: (satan speaking)

“Then I will assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: nor will You find gratitude in most of them for your Mercies.” Allah said: “Get out from this, disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow you, I will fill Hell with you all.

It is important to note here that only satan can tempt mankind, as God has no interest in this sin, and therefore does not tempt man. This can be seen here in James 1 – 13:

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.

And following temptation almost always leads to sin, James 1 – 15:

Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

satan’s primary mission is to steer us away from God, not to be “bad” and “evil”. It is through being “bad” and “evil” that satan finds it easiest to accomplish his objective. In Psalm 64 – 6 we see that it states:

“Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep”.

It is this that satan targets to pull us away from God. satan is an intelligent individual that simply lacks the knowledge to use this intelligence in a constructive form. NEVER think that satan is stupid or ignorant, as underestimating your enemy will always cause you to bow to him. satan was once an Angel of God, and retains his Angelic knowledge, power, and wisdom. It is true that satan fights a losing battle, however satan is beyond mankind,(on earth) so it is best that you leave it to God to deal with satan. For now you should just avoid satan’s temptations. If you can avoid 100% of the temptations of satan in your physical lifetime, the plot of Heaven that belongs to you, is larger then earth itself, literally.

I hope this explains the matter more clearly.


Well-Known Member
I think you misunderstood the post. God did create Iblis, who later became satan. What I meant was that God did not outright create satan, thus as to have opposition. satan still submits to God, as is evident in the Qur'an. It is simply the objective of satan to divide mankind away from God, this is why I refer to satan as the great divider. God actually encourages satan to attempt to lead us astray.....

Ok this makes no sense whatsoever. First you said God did not create satan ,then you said he did, and now you are saying God actually encourages satan to lead us astray. Then in the convoluted quotes of James and the Qur'an you say that God would not lead anyone to temptation because temptation leads to sin----so you are saying BOTH that God created satan in order to tempt man, but also he did not.

I think this is probably what happens when you mix the Three Books together without understanding their differences.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I yet again get confused when someone cares not about the knowledge of God, yet is simply interested in you proving that you actually communicated with God. I will answer your questions here, even though they have nothing at all to do with God. Be advised though that again I state that my task is to convey, not convince. I honestly do not care if you go to Heaven or Hell, if you believe I have communicated with God, or that I am mentally insane. It does not matter, I realize that your accpetance or denial in no way effects me. It just confuses me why someone is given the opportunity to have their questions answered, and yet instead they are more interested in trying to explain to you that you are wrong.
Yes, questions of this nature are a bother, aren't they. Heaven's to Betsy that one would have the temerity to ask to see ones credentials. It would only seem wise to explain WHY you, above all others on this sad little rock, have a "hot line" to god.

Let us be clear. I actually have no interest in what other human animals think about god. Their words are like the prattle of little children who know not, that which they gush on and on about, at the drop of a hat. Like children, they are often amusing, sometimes precious, but usually their dialogue is little more than overactive imagination. Sadly, most often, they show very little of even that. I see nothing of any note in the reams you have supplied already that would indicate your "link" is in any way valid.

So I will answer your questions here, however I will also ask you a question: "Do you have any questions about God?"
The real question, my friend is, "Is there an iota of validity in your answers regarding my questions about god?" Frankly (and gently) there is nothing you can tell me on this subject that merits my continued attention to your unimaginative answers.

1. As the Qur'an states:
SURAH 17 – 85:

They ask you concerning the Spirit of inspiration. Say: “The Spirit comes by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, O men!

SURAH 29 – 18:

“And if you reject the Message, so did the generations before you: and the duty of the Messenger is only to preach publicly and clearly.”
You do appreciate that the "take it or leave it" approach is akin to intellectual suicide, correct? In some circles it may also be taken as evidence of "spiritual bankruptcy".

2. I do not think this should be seen as a "message", maybe more of an explanation? As far as to why God choose me, I have no idea. God does inspire many so I do not feel that I am uncommon or "special", also God made it clear I could do the book or someone else could, so yet again I do not claim to be any different from everyone else.
Why, pray tell would you preface this text with a quote from the Qur'an that flatly states, "And if you reject the Message, so did the generations before you: and the duty of the Messenger is only to preach publicly and clearly." if it is not a "message to mankind". You are playing loose and fancy with the facts, methinks. Forgive me, although you ARE being quite cordial throughout, your dialogue DOES make you "special" regardless of your claims to the contrary. It is somewhat ludicrous to express opinions regarding God, stated as facts, and remain distanced from a greatly exaggerated position to that of your fellow human animals. You are "in the know", after all, so your claims of humility are somewhat meaningless. What you may not understand is that this thread isn't about god at all. It is ALL about YOU!

3. Is it even logically possible for someone to give an unbiased opinion on one's own psychological state? You do realize that I cannot answer this question, as any comment I make on my own mental state cannot be taken literally, since there is always a conflict of interest present. However could I ask you what mental state you were in when you made this post? Instead of asking questions about God, why ask questions about me?(I am not God)
And I could respond from the same intellectually impoverished position, my friend. To answer your first question, Yes, it is very simple to give an overview of ones own psychological status prior to the events in question. All that is required is something we human animals refer to as HONESTY. Admittedly, some human animals have more difficulity with this concept than other human animals but if one has a good heart they ought to be able to cough up a reasonably accurate portrayal. PS: I prefer my "truth" unvarnished and not glossed over for general public consumption. If you could manage it, it would be appreciated.

Now that is telling. The being you conversed with, actually stated, "I am god". VERY interesting. Given that, in my experience, "god" does not communicate with simple words -- that is very telling. I can only wonder "who" you were talking to, in reality, that would make such a bold claim. My advice: Don't quit your day job, just yet. Good luck with the book. Sadly, the people who will gravitate to your thinking are not the type you should want to be around. That does not bode well.


Citizen Mod
This in itself will bring you closer to God then any religion. You must understand that religion is a way for mankind to seek God, and this is awesome as it shows a thirst for knowledge about God. A problem only occurs when man himself, tries to teach above and beyond that which the Three Books teach us. In my opinion, this happens today more then any time in history. You also cannot look down upon any of the religions, as stated, this is man's way of seeking God. Jews see Jews in a better light then they see Christians and Muslims, this is the same for Christians, and Muslims. This is horrid, we are all God's children, one not better then another. When we are Judged, you will not be Judged by what religion you followed. There are Jews, Christians, and Muslims, that do understand the Truth about God, and they view each other in a positive manner, however these are rare individuals indeed. Never let a man tell you he can bring you closer to God, then God can Himself.(Through His Three Books)

Thanks again for your responses Truthabout God.

I would also be interested in hearing about God's plan.

Why did not God recommend The Book Of Mormon to you as a fourth book?