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Ask your questions about God here.



Oh ..O.K.. :sorry1:

I've been called stupid so many times I just assumed I was at the very least included.It doesnt bother me anymore..I just accept it..(that I can at least act stupid or be stupid sometimes)..Plus Im a horrilbe speller ..and even words I can spell I mess up because I type too fast..Plus I never even graduated high school..

Anywway Im glad this time I wasnt stupid.....



Well, don't worry about that one if I were you. :p



I find it to be a rather pathetic attempt to be heard. Masking one's own views as God's is a trick as old as prostitution, though not as reliably profitable.
It seems that RF is a place that attracts people like this who exploit the membership to peddle their trinkets, and I suppose we have to live with it.

Hmm... That was an angle I hadn't considered...


Depends Upon My Mood..

I find it to be a rather pathetic attempt to be heard. Masking one's own views as God's is a trick as old as prostitution, though not as reliably profitable.

It seems that RF is a place that attracts people like this who exploit the membership to peddle their trinkets, and I suppose we have to live with it.

I dont know..maybe he meant no harm..I I for one found it interesting even if not completely original or "new" to read..But at least he beleives in aliens..and evolution.

I like him..




Well-Known Member
I dont know if you are referring to me or not..But I suppose my stupidity freedom is paid for by me..or by whomever has to endure my stupidtiy.Or whomever suffers the conseqeunses of my stupidness.



I wasn't referring to you specifically, just the inanity of the thread in general. And strictly IMO, of course. :)


Veteran Member
why did God choose you as a spokeperson? What qualities does he look for in a spokesperson? Are you a prophet of God?



Please stay on topic and avoid personal comments.



Depends Upon My Mood..
I wasn't referring to you specifically, just the inanity of the thread in general. And strictly IMO, of course. :)

O.K...thanks.. :rainbow1:

But curious..what was the most insane or stupid about this thread?..The guy who started it ..or the people responding?..Both?..

Was anyone not insane or stupid?...




Depends Upon My Mood..
O.K...thanks.. :rainbow1:

But curious..what was the most insane or stupid about this thread?..The guy who started it ..or the people responding?..Both?..

Was anyone not insane or stupid?...



OOPS..never mind..off topic..Mod got on us...better stop.. :)




Depends Upon My Mood..
Why did God create freewill?
Is a Soul in oppression truly a gift? Do you truly understand what it means not to have free will?

Why wasn't God satisfied with what He had?
If you had Love to give, and you were alone, who would you give it to?

And also I want to comment on this..My soul is in oppression...Whether God is on the front lawn of the white house answering questions or not..I could just as surely deny Him if He was in front of me as I can now..Grant it less likely.But unless he removed temptation and I suffered not..unless the threat of eteranal damnation is removed..I am under threat of an eternal debt of suffering unless I act accordingly here on Earth....If thats not opressesion I don't know what is..




Active Member
Amen. GOD is a "hard sell". Either everybody's already got one or the seller doesn't have the customer's color.

I do find it strange that so many can ask questions, and yet refuse to believe the truthful answers. There is a SURAH in the Qur'an that deals with this, Here is a C&P from the book:

You must also guard against asking questions of God that you cannot mentally handle, if the Truth were told to you. Remember the example of the son that lay on the alter of Abraham as a sacrifice to God; the Jews say it was Isaac and the Muslims say it was Ishmael? What if you were told the true son that laid there and it was not who you thought it was? Remember that anything you have learned about mankind’s history with God, you have learned from MAN. What if man was wrong? Would this not shake the very foundation of your belief? The Qur’an gives us a solemn warning concerning this in SURAH 5 – 101 and 102:

O you who believe! Do not ask questions about things which if made plain to you may cause you trouble. But if you ask about things when the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.



Active Member
My question:
Originally Posted by K.Venugopal
You first answered my question, “Did God create life?” by saying, “Yes, the life that we know, and the life we do not know (The Soul).” Where you have answered, “Yes, God created the Soul", you are now saying, "The Soul is the very essence of God and it is eternal (not created)". Are you contradicting yourself?

Your answer:
You have clearly equated Soul with Life. While at one place you said God created life, at another you say life (soul) is eternal. This is a contradiction. Please answer categorically - Did God create life or not?

I can see where you are confused here, although it seems to be my fault. When I speak of "Life" I speak of the Soul. Did God create our physical existence?(If this is what you call life) Yes. Did God create our Soul? No, our Soul is a part of God. So while you may say that without God, we would have no Soul, I guess you could argue that God did not "create" the Soul, since our Soul is a part of God. On the other hand you could argue that He did create the Soul through giving us the "Breath of LIfe".

If you want the answer to the question: "Did God create life". The answer is: Yes. However if you are trying to make it a play on words then I guess you will ask the question again.


Active Member
Yup. So God created Iblis, who became satan....

OK but you quoted it in reference to satan, so i assumed you were using it as an explaination for your position. If not, please clarify.

Yes, you quoted it. In James and other places....which is why I raised the question of why would God create iblis who then became satan, if satan is there to tempt man and God even encourages satan to tempt man. If God did not expressly create iblis to become satan, then God is not omnipotent (its the classic problem of evil). And if God does not want to tempt man to evil why does he encourage satan to do it? This is where I am finding big faults with your logic.

Um, you just said God created iblis who became satan, then encourages satan to tempt man. The argument is simply how can God create an evil being like satan if he does not want to tempt mankind? Please dont say its because he gave satan free will just like he gave mankind free will, thats absurd.--If satan had free will he would know hes not destined to win the final battle, and so should logically end his rebellion as theres no point to it. Why would he damn himself to eternal hell if he had free will? It makes no sense.

I personally don't believe in satan/the devil, whatever, so I personally don't have a problem discussing these things. I am merely interested to hear your explaination as to why you believe all these conflicting things?

I believe I found the problem!

You feel that God is capable of seeing the future, so you feel that God knew when He created Iblis, that Iblis would become satan, and tempt us away from God. I understand now!

The only problem is that God cannot see the future.(You were probably told by someone else that He can) If God could see the future, then we are all truly walking a predetermined path, and life is basically meaningless.(This is explained in detail in the book)

satan still submits to God, it is simply his mission to show God that we are not worthy of God.(You have to admit many of mankind have submitted to satan) The Qur'an is a great authority on this exact topic, when you have some time, you should check into it.


Active Member
Can you answer questions about how God views specific sins...

Example... one that seems to divide people and is argued over..Divorce and remarriage?

God "hates" divorce right?..Its considered a sin right?..And once you are maried you are married to that person in Gods eyes for life ...So if you are divorced for whatever reason..Against your will..or you initiated it...or mutually agreed ....Some will argue that untill your ex husband or wife dies..you are committing adultery if you remarry...Because you havent "repented" of the sin of divorce for one you are actively sinning..And your second spouse isnt actually your spouse in Gods eyes(acording to some peoples translation)...So every day you are living in adultery..

Any thoughts or information on that?



The reason God does not approve of divorce is that it goes against God's Plan. God does however understand the we do sin, and we do make mistakes. If you have married and ended up in a divocre, do not see this as a life ending event. God does not Judge your entire life on a single mistake or sin, He Judges you on your entire life. I have been divorced,(Twice) however now I have been with the same women for 14 years. I understand the mistakes that I have made, and do the best I can not to repeat the sins, that I have already commited. God knows your true heart :)


Active Member

Specifically what is "seperation form God"...Is it living in active sin (rebellion)even though you believe Him?..Or is seperation denial that He exist even if you live morally and strive to love and help other people?

Is a moral,kind and compassionate person seperated from God and doomed eternally if they deny His existance?..

Or....when they die..will they see God and pronounce..thats who you were and recognize Him and be counted as chosen?

Because if God is love??..and the message is love...isnt love an action word ?..So if you are love in action arent you in obedience? Regardless of if you have a dialogue or "relationship" or acknowledge Him?



Well first, you must either accept or deny God, then you must make a choice to live within, or outside of God's Plan. I guess I cannot understand how someone could claim to understand Love, live within God's Plan, and then deny that God exists. This seems to be a case of ignorance, which is easily forgiven. Mankind in itself is ignorant in many ways. A man that accepts the reality of God, and yet spends his whole life working against God, would surley go to Hell before a man that works with God, yet is too ignorant to accept the reality of God. Truly though If you are living a life that works within God's Plan, why would you deny reality? There may be exceptions, however I do not feel this would be a common case.

Actually I think there is a Biblical quote that is in the book, that kind of touches on this matter: (C&P from the book)

A further explanation is in Ezekiel 33 – 17 through 19:

Yet the children of your people say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ But it is their way which is not fair! When the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, he shall die because of it. “But when the wicked turns from his wickedness and does what is lawful and right, he shall live because of it.

God has no feeling of vengeance when a man dies, no feeling of relief or happiness, regardless how evil or wicked that person was. If God was to feel this way, then this would show malice, which God is incapable of. In Ezekiel 18 – 32 we can find further proof of this:

“For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,” says the Lord God, “Therefore turn and LIVE!”

And again in Ezekiel 33 – 11, for even more clarification, God swears by His Own existence:

Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of

Obviously if God is not elated in one’s death, He also does not harm those who Serve Him, as can be seen in SURAH 3 – 182:

“This is because of the unrighteous deeds which your hands sent before you: for Allah never harms those who serve Him.”



Active Member
This thread clearly illustrates all that is wrong with this forum, pretend "free thinkers", wacky believers and indeed the Internet, the World and the whole damn Universe.

"Freedom is not free, it has to be paid for".

So who paid for all the freedom to be demonstrably stupid?

I honestly do not feel this is a question about God.


Active Member
I dont know if you are referring to me or not..But I suppose my stupidity freedom is paid for by me..or by whomever has to endure my stupidtiy.Or whomever suffers the conseqeunses of my stupidness.



I hope this post was a joke :)

One who constanly asks questions,(Which you have) shows a desire for knowledge. One who shows a desire for knowledge, cannot be classified as stupid.


Active Member
Hello Truthers,

I've done some thinking about the answers that you've provided and have come to a conclusion. I want you to understand where I am coming from with this conclusion, and why I felt it necessary to ask any questions at all...

First of all, you need to recognize how your actions these past few days might appear to others on this forum. You come on a forum which has the purpose of exploring and discussing all religions, claim you have spoken to God, and that you have all the answers. This gives the highly educated people of this good forum one or more of these three different impressions; 1) You are here to try to start your own religion, 2) You are here to try to convert people to your religion, 3) You are possibly mentally unstable. This puts me, and possibly others, on the defensive.

However, then you began answering your questions in a matter that proved that you were not interested in starting your own religion, that you weren't interested in converting people, and that you are at least as sane as your average man on the street. This leaves me with only one conclusion; you legitimately had a spiritual experience which took the form of a conversation with the Divine. Yet, had you approached this forum in a different manner, and breached the subject of this experience in a different manner, I wouldn't have doubted this from the beginning.

Discussing your personal spiritual experiences in a public manner is something that should be handled with a certain amount of diplomacy... which in my opinion you did not do, even though you meant no harm. Using diplomacy prevents much the teasing you are getting from other users, and allows us to take you more seriously.

I want to be clear in that I don't agree with everything you are saying. In my personal spiritual experiences, it has been my understanding that every manner of emotional love and the physical expression of that love is acceptable to the Divine. Similarly, it is my impression that "God's Plan" for humanity has nothing to do with child raising, but instead is to experience life, learn, and grow. However, now that I understand that you open to such discussion and disagreements, I have more respect towards you.

I look forward to debating with you on the finer points of humanity's birth-right to commune with the divine. Now do you have any questions for me? Namaste. :)

I will be the first to admit that I could never be a diplomat. When God explains something to me, I always take it as "written in stone". I do not question what I am told, although quite a few times I ask for a more unabridged explanation, so that I do not misinterpret something. I hope that you can understand that I feel this is so AWESOME, that God has explained to me many of the things that mankind does not understand. However when you try to tell your neighbor the Truth, it seems that they are not interested in the Truth. They are more interested in "Why did God pick you?", "Prove to me that you have communicated with God", "When is the last time you had your mental health checked?" etc... That is why I may seem a little "cold", I am now close to 40, and am starting to figure out that physical life does not last as long as I had thought at a younger age.(I think we all figure this out later in life) So I try to spend the most time with those that are truly searching for God and the Truth. I simply do not have the time to spend with someone that is merely asking questions for their own entertainment.

As heartless as it may sound though, I truly do not have any feelings at all if someone accepts or denies the Truth, as I can give it to you, but I cannot force you to accept it.(There is that freedom thing kicking in) I guess it is kind of like a child that goes to stick a fork in an eletrical outlet. I can tell the child a million times not to do it, and if he runs towards the outlet, fork in hand, I can grab him... but I understand that I cannot grab you. Jesus uses a parable about a sheep that falls into a pit on the Sabbath, He explains that it is ok to lift the sheep out on the Sabbath, that this is not a violation of it. I think that I try to hard to save the single sheep, and need to pay more attention to what the rest of the sheep are doing when I am spending all my time saving one sheep. This is a fault of my own that I still have to this day. Some may feel that it is good to save the one sheep, however if the rest of the sheep run away while you are saving the lone sheep, you will understand how silly it is to spend all your time with only one sheep.

I understand that I am not the only one that God inspires, yet it seems so difficult to find others. There are so many objects in place that work against us, it seems almost an impossible task. The one phrase that God has stated to me more times then anything else is the fact that I am to convey, not convince. As a man I freely admit that I am ignorant, as I still try to convince, which always leads to disaster. Ah well... As long as people still ask questions about God, I will do what I can to help, but I do not know all the answers. There are a few questions that I did not receive answers for, and there are other topics that were discussed that were not meant to be put in the book.

As far as God's Plan goes, let me clarify a little. Here is the first paragraph in the book on the topic:

What is God’s Plan? This question has been asked for ages. Many people feel that “God works in mysterious ways”, this is really untrue. At all times God knows exactly what He is doing and always follows His Plan. As God created mankind as a companion to God, God’s Plan is to “further the existence of mankind”. As we are God’s Children, He wants us to go forth and multiply in a productive manner. Is this not what you want for your children? Do you not want to see your children grow up and become a productive member of mankind? This is exactly what God wants for His children.(Mankind)

If there is another edition of the book, it will be changed slightly to avoid misunderstanding. The:
“further the existence of mankind", will be changed to: "peaceful continuation of the existence of mankind". This of course is the same as:

Genesis 1-28:

Then God blessed them and God said to them “Be fruitful and multiply”.

To me all three are the same, however I can see the original text being misunderstood.