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Ask your questions about God here.


Active Member
why did God choose you as a spokeperson? What qualities does he look for in a spokesperson? Are you a prophet of God?

1. I never asked; "Why me". I can assure you that I have no greater "line to God" then you do, or anyone else for that matter. God inspires many everday, have you asked God for direction?

2. I am not a spokesperson for God, God has already spoken to man in His Three Books.

3. The definition of prophet is: "An authoritative person who divines the future. So the answer would be no, I have made no claims of knowing the future.


Active Member
And also I want to comment on this..My soul is in oppression...Whether God is on the front lawn of the white house answering questions or not..I could just as surely deny Him if He was in front of me as I can now..Grant it less likely.But unless he removed temptation and I suffered not..unless the threat of eteranal damnation is removed..I am under threat of an eternal debt of suffering unless I act accordingly here on Earth....If thats not opressesion I don't know what is..



If he removed temptation, we would all go to Heaven, there would be no righteousness or sin, there would be no good or bad, there would be no right or wrong, we would have no choices to make, that is oppression. You control your own destiny in life, that is freedom. Heaven is with God, Hell is without God, I would advise to choose Heaven.


Active Member
If this was already asked, I apologize.

I see you are gathering answers from 3 books which was created by man. If God did not creat religion, why use references from books which are man made?

Well there are many answers in the book that were not taken from the Three Books. In order to answer your question however, the Three Books were wrote by man, however they were inspired by God.


Veteran Member
I believe I found the problem!

You feel that God is capable of seeing the future, so you feel that God knew when He created Iblis, that Iblis would become satan, and tempt us away from God. I understand now!

The only problem is that God cannot see the future.(You were probably told by someone else that He can) If God could see the future, then we are all truly walking a predetermined path, and life is basically meaningless.(This is explained in detail in the book)

satan still submits to God, it is simply his mission to show God that we are not worthy of God.(You have to admit many of mankind have submitted to satan) The Qur'an is a great authority on this exact topic, when you have some time, you should check into it.


these two words 'can not' never comes after the name of God. God can see future, past and now. because it is beyond it all. if you read Qur'an you'd see all the verses about next world are said in PAST TENSE.

you must surrender your soul, your body and your ego to hear voice of God. if not, the voice you could hear would be demon misleading you. it is your business to know. yet if you are willing to drag Noble Qur'an into your sick knowledge, you better come with real verses from it. othervise, please speak for yourself.

it doesnot matter if you give a few right information, as long as you mix them with demonic stuff.


Active Member

these two words 'can not' never comes after the name of God. God can see future, past and now. because it is beyond it all. if you read Qur'an you'd see all the verses about next world are said in PAST TENSE.

you must surrender your soul, your body and your ego to hear voice of God. if not, the voice you could hear would be demon misleading you. it is your business to know. yet if you are willing to drag Noble Qur'an into your sick knowledge, you better come with real verses from it. othervise, please speak for yourself.

it doesnot matter if you give a few right information, as long as you mix them with demonic stuff.

Let me give you a few more examples of what God cannot do:

1. As already stated God does not tempt.(I can quote the Bible again if you wish)
2. God cannot lie.
3. God cannot have malice.
4. God cannot cease to exist.
5. God cannot see the future.

I will do a C&P from the book, to help better explain:

It is also important to note that there are a few misunderstandings on what God can and what God cannot do. Since God has given us Freedom, He cannot “see the future”. If the future were already decided upon then we would all be truly robots going through our life on a predetermined path. If it was true that God could see the future, then we would have never been created,(on earth) look here at Genesis 6 - 6:

And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on earth and He grieved in his heart.

While God cannot “see” the future, God can “make” the future. In the case of Genesis, God decided to destroy mankind on earth via the Great Flood. Obviously it would be illogical to create mankind only to know you would destroy him later. Compare God’s children (mankind) to your children; do you know what your children will do in their lifetime? Of course not, you can raise your children any way you wish, however they will choose their own path in life when they leave the “house”. Mankind did (And still does) choose his own path of life, as we have already left the “house”. (The Garden of Eden) Even after we left the Garden of Eden, God still guides us in our life. This is the same way that after your children grow up and leave the house, you will still do the best you can to guide them to a fulfilled life. Some of you have done the best you could to raise your children and yet after they leave the house they rebel against you, this is the same as some of mankind rebelling against God the Father.

God, in His Infinite Wisdom, also knows the true heart of a man, a good example of this is in Exodus 7-4:

But Pharaoh will not heed you so that I may lay my hand on
Egypt and bring My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.

God knew that Pharaoh would not let Moses take the Israelites out of Egypt, this is not “seeing the future”, this is a simple matter of knowing the true heart and thoughts of a man. (See the chapter “Prayer” for an explanation of how God knows exactly what you are thinking at all times)

In your anger you have transgressed:

these two words 'can not' never comes after the name of God. God can see future, past and now. because it is beyond it all. if you read Qur'an you'd see all the verses about next world are said in PAST TENSE.

"because it is beyond it all" - Hopefully we can both agree that "it" cannot be used as a reference to God. I have read the entire Qur'an, as such I will show some real versus, which pertain to your post, as you suggested:

SURAH 31 – 19:

“And be moderate in your pace, and lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds, without doubt, is the braying of an ***.”

SURAH 10 – 100:

No soul can believe, except by the Will of Allah, and He will place Doubt or obscurity on those who will not understand.

Surah 6 – 104:

“Now have come to you, from your Lord, proofs to open your eyes: if any will see, it will be for the good of his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own harm: I am not here to watch over your doings.

SURAH 17 – 36:

And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of feeling in the heart will be enquired into on the Day of Reckoning.

SURAH 5 – 101 and 102:

O you who believe! Do not ask questions about things which if made plain to you may cause you trouble. But if you ask about things when the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.

SURAH 10 – 15 and 16:

But when Our Signs are rehearsed to them, those who do not rest their hope on their meeting with Us, say: “Bring us a reading other than this, or change this,” say: “It is not for me, of my own accord, to change it: I follow nothing but what is revealed to me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the Penalty of a Great Day to come.” Say: “If Allah had so willed, I should not have rehearsed it to you, nor should He have made it known to you. A whole life-time before this I have tarried amongst you: will you not then understand?”

SURAH 16 – 101:

When We substitute one revelation for another, - and Allah knows best what He reveals in stages, - they say, “You are but a forger”: but most of them do not understand.

SURAH 109 – 4 through 6:

And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship,

Nor will you worship that which I worship.
To you be your Way and to me mine.

Now I will only ask for you to show me one passage, the passage that states God can see the future.


Flaming Queer
As I am not religious, I really cannot comment on religions. There is only One God, I do understand however that mankind has "created" many gods over the course of time. Since I have already defined God, I will assume that this question is along the line of: "How do you explain so-called other "gods""?(Please correct me if I am wrong)

Mankind has many emotions, I am sure you are aware of this. Many of these emotions were handed to us by God upon Creation, which the exception of a few.(God is not capable of fear or malice, as two examples) If you are to believe that there is/was "gods" then the emotion of jealousy comes into play.(God has already admitted to being a jealous God)

In order for there to be multiple gods, the emotion of jealousy cannot exist,(Which we both know that it does) because that emotion would have been acted upon quite awhile ago, most likely in an extremly violent way. During my conversations with God, there was never any mention of any other. Therefore if you are to believe that at any given point in time there were multiple gods, that time has long past, and there has not been, in existence, more then One God, since the creation of what we know as reality.

fair enough. i disagree with your opinion on this, but this isn't a debate thread.

a question on God not being capable of fear or malice, are you saying God is not omnipotent?


Kal-El's Mama
I see you are busy responding to all these questions and I hope you don't mind me asking you more questions. I don't usually visit these threads, but this one interested me.

the Three Books were wrote by man, however they were inspired by God.

I understand that they were written by man, but what I don't understand is how were they inspired by God? Since the books are written by man, how do we know it's not from that man himself and not through God? That would be like writting fiction, wouldn't it? In order for the book to be non-fiction, shouldn't it have been written by God himself?

I hope these words do not read like I am debating with you as I am just merely getting some questions answered. Thank you.


Active Member
fair enough. i disagree with your opinion on this, but this isn't a debate thread.

a question on God not being capable of fear or malice, are you saying God is not omnipotent?

I have mentioned already that there are some things God cannot do, such as:

1. As already stated God does not tempt.(I can quote the Bible again if you wish)
2. God cannot lie.
3. God cannot have malice.
4. God cannot cease to exist.
5. God cannot see the future.
(And God cannot fear)

This is a matter, I guess that seems confusing. Omnipotent is defined as: "almighty: having unlimited power". Is God omnipotent? Yes, Indeed. None of the 6 listed things has anything to do with power. There is an indivudual that is rather upset because I put "cannot" after the word "God". This is not at all a limitation. Look at the 6 things: since God created everything in existence, God cannot fear anything in that existence. This is not a limitation at all, BUT an example of the power of God. God cannot lie because when one lies, it is usually done out of personal fault, God cannot have personal fault.(We just both discovered anything God cannot do) I could go on, but I hope you see the point that I am trying to make. Nothing that God cannot do, has anything to do with being omnipotent.


Active Member
I see you are busy responding to all these questions and I hope you don't mind me asking you more questions. I don't usually visit these threads, but this one interested me.

I understand that they were written by man, but what I don't understand is how were they inspired by God? Since the books are written by man, how do we know it's not from that man himself and not through God? That would be like writting fiction, wouldn't it? In order for the book to be non-fiction, shouldn't it have been written by God himself?

I hope these words do not read like I am debating with you as I am just merely getting some questions answered. Thank you.

Let me show a passage from the Qur'an:

SURAH 42 – 51:

It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending of a Messenger to reveal, with Allah’s permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise.

It is through these methods that God communicates to mankind. I have never seen an "appearance" of God, nor have I heard "voices in my head".

You asked the question: "In order for the book to be non-fiction, shouldn't it have been written by God Himself"? Let us look at an example at what God did write, The Ten Commandments. Where are these today? If they have not been destroyed by man, and they were found tommorow, do you know how much death, destruction, and violence this would cause? Mankind constantly fights over God, and uses God as an excuse to cause incite and unrest. The problem here is that Jews, Christians, and Muslims(As well as any other "religion") have no claim whatsoever over God. God is the God of ALL, and does not belong to a single people or religion. Many feel that the primary mission of Jesus was to pay for our sins, but I can tell you that is incorrect. The primary Mission of Jesus was to show the world that God, was the God of all. If you look at man's history, you will see that He did accomplish His Mission. Before this time, Jews had a "monopoly" on God.(Or what they thought was a monopoly anyway)

I know it may be a little confusing, let me show another example from the Qur'an:

SURAH 41 – 44:

Had we sent this as a Qur’an in a language other than Arabic, they would have said: “Why are not its verses explained in detail? What! A Book not in Arabic and a Messenger an Arab?” Say: “It is a guide and a healing to those who believe; and for those who do not believe, there is a deafness in their ears, and it is blindness in their eyes: they are as it were being called from a place far distant.

As you can see whoever would posses something directly written by God, would throw us back a few thousand years. We would be consumed by jealousy yet again, and the feelings of hatefulness and resentment would start all over again. The person/group/religion that possed the written item would, yet again, try to convince the world that they were the only ones worthy of worshipping God.

Do you not see how awesome it is that God has spread His knowledge and Wisdom through multiple peoples, and religions today? Yes, in ignorance, they seprate themselves from their neighbor to an extent, but this is far better then one religion or people trying to keep God all to themselves.(This is also explained in the book)



Active Member
Yes accordign to this poster..The truth about God can be found in all three of those books..If you ask God to show you as you study them..



INDEED! Truly awesome post! If you read and comprehend all Three Books, then I am worthless to you, my book is meaningless, and you will know God, and not need, or desire, Knowledge about God from men!

P.S. You have me in tears, I am so happy :)


Immobile Wanderer
I can see where you are confused here, although it seems to be my fault. When I speak of "Life" I speak of the Soul. Did God create our physical existence?(If this is what you call life) Yes. Did God create our Soul? No, our Soul is a part of God. So while you may say that without God, we would have no Soul, I guess you could argue that God did not "create" the Soul, since our Soul is a part of God. On the other hand you could argue that He did create the Soul through giving us the "Breath of LIfe".

If you want the answer to the question: "Did God create life". The answer is: Yes. However if you are trying to make it a play on words then I guess you will ask the question again.

I am afraid you are unable to resolve or reconcile your contradiction in the matter of creation of Life/Soul. I'll leave it at that. Meanwhile, I wish you brisk sales of your book based on your conversations with God.


Veteran Member
Let me give you a few more examples of what God cannot do:

you simply can't.

1. As already stated God does not tempt.(I can quote the Bible again if you wish)
Tavrah and Bible were originally word from God. yet they've both have changed and original ones are gone. however there are still parts that macth with Qur'an. but i can't trust what's written in Bible completely. there is only one source left for each till the end of time. that is Noble Qur'an. no man could change anything in it. but people are able to make wrong interpretions.
and for that matter;

[5:73] They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.

1- Tempt.

don't you know what tempt is? you can tempt the weak. God isnot weak, the patience that God have has no limits. because God has nothing to do with limits at all.

[2:267] O ye who believe! Give of the good things which ye have (honourably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad, in order that out of it ye may give away something, when ye yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is free of all wants, and worthy of all praise.

2. God cannot lie.
i don't know if you knew what you're doing. if you're intention is good then you should know that saying God can not do this, God can not do that....etc is an insult. if that is your intention then it is fine. you're on your own.

2- Lie

this is another result of being weak. people tell lie to get things done in the way they prefer to be. people tell lie because they are afraid of telling the truth. God doesnot have any weakness. God fears noone. God doesnot tell lie because God simply doesnot need anything. if it wants, that shall happen. there is no higher authority than God, to judge or to stop or to punish God. God doesnot lie. saying that God can not means that God is not able to lie. it sounds like a weakness, doesnot it? almost sounds like honesty is not a virtue which is pretty sick.

3. God cannot have malice.
3- Malice

it is funny. you're listing the weaknesses of men and seeing it as God's. why do you keep saying 'can not'? God is nothing like the weak. God has justice and above all there is no wrongs or mistakes in it's justice. so you would come up and say God cannot be unfair? do you really think that- for example I, would buy it and say "No, no God can be anything, God can be unfair!"? you see, this is why i call your knowledge sick and demonic. unfortunately it sure IS. so, beware. there is no way you can escape from this. if you're naive, put that book in trash, even burn it. if you're aware of what you're doing, that's fine. you're gonna deal with me. don't get me wrong. i donot have problem with honest people.

4. God cannot cease to exist.
existance is the art of the Creator. everything that exists is it's creation. God isnot a part of creation. because it is not created. to be exist is part of God's creation. that's a concept created by God. all existance belongs to God. but God isnot belong to existance.

5. God cannot see the future.
there is future for us. thewrefor we get older everyday. God doesnot have a age. it doesnot get old. because the concept of time is created by God. therefor God isnot under command of what it created. we are. becasue we were born and we would die. that process occures in time. so we are in time. God is not. it is beyond it. as you could start watching a dvd from a exact time of it, God is able to see any single point of time. because God isnot in time, because God is not depend on time but time is depend on God as everything else.

[67:26] Say: "As to the knowledge of the time, it is with Allah alone

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.(from 112)

[1] Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; [2] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; [3] He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; [4] And there is none like unto Him.

[7:187] They ask thee about the (final) Hour, when will be its appointed time? Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (alone): none but He can reveal as to when it will occur. Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the earth. Only, all of a sudden will it come to you." They ask thee as if thou wert eager in search thereof: say: "The knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone), but most men know not."
[7:38] He will say: "Enter ye in the company of the Peoples who passed away before you - men and Jinns - into the Fire. Every time a new People enters, it curses its sister-People (that went before), until they follow each other, all into the Fire. Saith the last about the first: "Our Lord! it is these that misled us: so give them a double Penalty in the Fire." He will say: "Doubled for all": but this ye do not understand.

ps: if God doesnot see the future then how come we know about this converstaion that didnot happen yet.

[2:30] Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praise and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."

ps: that is even before we were created.

[2:115] To Allah belong the East and the West: whithersoever ye turn, there is Allah's countenance. For Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
ps: all-knowing means knows everything. God is all-Knowing, LITERALLY. with no exceptions. big words, such as 'never', 'always', 'every'....etc are belong to God. because God is the Greatest without exceptions.

I will do a C&P from the book, to help better explain:

It is also important to note that there are a few misunderstandings on what God can and what God cannot do. Since God has given us Freedom, He cannot “see the future”. If the future were already decided upon then we would all be truly robots going through our life on a predetermined path. If it was true that God could see the future, then we would have never been created,(on earth) look here at Genesis 6 - 6:

mistake in logic. you know you can't explain God. you can turn to God by using your intellect (not logic, logic is just a tool of intellect) at a certain point your intellect couldnot understand further. and after that point faith and love carries you closer to God, not a temporary tool of mind.
we are given freewill. you know in hell, people wouldnot be able to run away because freewill would be taken away. here you make desicions and you are responsible of them. God knows all doesnot mean God makes you do this do that. you do it. but since God's justice is perfect, that let us live our lives under the command of our freewills. so there would be proof. if God sent us to heaven and hell before we earned them, that would not be justice. so yes, God knows what it's creature could and would do but we don't. that is what matters to us and God knows that too. so we experience. when the time ends, you'd see every act you made appear before your eyes as an hologram. your body would be the witness of your actions. people couldnot even defend themselves because everything would be perfectly clear. people who enters hell would know that is exactly what they deserve. if they were happened to send hell right now, because God knows they would end up there, then they wouldnot knw they deserved it. that's unfair and cruel.

In your anger you have transgressed:

"because it is beyond it all" - Hopefully we can both agree that "it" cannot be used as a reference to God.
no, we can't. i respect all the Christians because they used to name the Creator God and call God "he" and "him"
that is an habit. i refuse to call it "He" God has nothing to do with sexuality. as God has an opposite (Goddess) The Creator doesnot have an opposite. cos it is absolute. also, in our language we have just one word for "he-she-it"
so, yes, this is my personal choice not to call God "He". i rather say "it" because this word doesnot refer any sexuality.

when i have time i would read the rest of your post.


Flaming Queer
I have mentioned already that there are some things God cannot do, such as:

1. As already stated God does not tempt.(I can quote the Bible again if you wish)
2. God cannot lie.
3. God cannot have malice.
4. God cannot cease to exist.
5. God cannot see the future.
(And God cannot fear)

This is a matter, I guess that seems confusing. Omnipotent is defined as: "almighty: having unlimited power". Is God omnipotent? Yes, Indeed. None of the 6 listed things has anything to do with power. There is an indivudual that is rather upset because I put "cannot" after the word "God". This is not at all a limitation. Look at the 6 things: since God created everything in existence, God cannot fear anything in that existence. This is not a limitation at all, BUT an example of the power of God. God cannot lie because when one lies, it is usually done out of personal fault, God cannot have personal fault.(We just both discovered anything God cannot do) I could go on, but I hope you see the point that I am trying to make. Nothing that God cannot do, has anything to do with being omnipotent.

oh we can all quote the Bible :)

2Kings2:23-25, if God condones that, i would say he is pretty malicious, spiteful and petty.

as for not being able to lie, what was he doing to Abraham when he said he wanted Abraham to kill his son? 'cause that certainly wasn't entirely truthful now, was it.


Immobile Wanderer
i refuse to call it "He" God has nothing to do with sexuality. as God has an opposite (Goddess) The Creator doesnot have an opposite. cos it is absolute. also, in our language we have just one word for "he-she-it"
so, yes, this is my personally choice not to call God "He". i rather say "it" because this word doesnot refer any sexuality.
I am impressed by your exercising a personal choice in the matter of referring to Allah as "it" when Allah is universally in English translations referred to as He, with, of course, a caveat that there is nothing of gender in the Quranic usage. As you exercise your independence of thought, you probably also ought to allow TruthaboutGod to exercise his independence of thought about Allah – though you have the right, as all do, to critique him.


Veteran Member
I am impressed by your exercising a personal choice in the matter of referring to Allah as "it" when Allah is universally in English translations referred to as He, with, of course, a caveat that there is nothing of gender in the Quranic usage. As you exercise your independence of thought, you probably also ought to allow TruthaboutGod to exercise his independence of thought about Allah – though you have the right, as all do, to critique him.

what's your point?
this is nothing like i told him to stop calling God 'he'
i actually don't mind what people do and believe. yet if one is going to mention Qur'an, then i am sorry, i just can't sit down and watch. so i speak and tell what i know. what's your problem with that?