Qigong / Yang Style Taijiquan / 7 Star Mantis
I want to ask people if they see the same thing about Atheism -that it's an empty shell of a life. I'm not talking about scriptures, church, beliefs, facts or anything else... I just want to see if anyone else sees that no connection to divinity feels empty, and lacking... your opinions would be appreciated.
I actually feel like life has more meaning now that I am not religious. I used to be a part of a fundamentalist religion that believed that the world was ruled by Satan and that not keeping God as the main focus of life, which included how we should behave and think. It had a very negative view of the world and pretty much took the fun out of it, was full of judgement towards insiders and outsiders and many other things. The cognitive dissonance hit when the beliefs contradicted what I experienced in reality.
As you might see, my prior belief system was like a prison. The real world seemed empty because it lacked in spirituality apparently.
Now that I am free of it I enjoy life so much more. When I was religious I didn't feel complete being connected to a deity, I felt constantly guilty and miserable because there was no connection in the first place. Take prayer for instance. I persevered in prayer because I was told that I had to have a relationship with God, but the problem is that good relationships are not a one way street. God didn't reply, so it pretty much served the same purpose as me talking to myself and solving my own problems. God wasn't there in the relationship therefore the relationship was empty.
Life seems richer to me now because to me religion limits our understanding and freedom, whereas letting go of religion helped me to live life the way I see fit.