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Atheism as a Belief

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
A repeating pattern that I've observed, is of theists/religionists expressing the opinion that atheism is a belief, or a belief system, despite how many atheists explain to them that this isn't the case for themselves.

Why is it important for many theists to hold and support this view?

Can some not understand the logical difference? Do some feel that it somehow weakens atheism, or equalizes atheism and theism on some level? Why will so many not change their opinion, even when their arguments are shown to be incorrect?
People are constantly trying to find some sort of level playing field, even when it comes views contrary to their own, it provides a logical pivot in their mind which allows them to better understand and debate against it.
But it doesn't matter. Belief or non-belief is not important.


Well-Known Member
A repeating pattern that I've observed, is of theists/religionists expressing the opinion that atheism is a belief, or a belief system, despite how many atheists explain to them that this isn't the case for themselves.

Why is it important for many theists to hold and support this view?

Can some not understand the logical difference? Do some feel that it somehow weakens atheism, or equalizes atheism and theism on some level? Why will so many not change their opinion, even when their arguments are shown to be incorrect?
I changed...
I can't speak for anyone else, but I will tell you the idea I had in my head about atheism was blown out of proportion to what it actually is.

There are still extremist that are atheist, and I think that is what most theists imagine when thinking about atheists.

Clearly it is not a belief system, and I am happily corrected.

Edit: When I say most theists, I really mean most uneducated theists ;)


Well-Known Member
Theism isn't even a belief system. Theism entails a belief but by itself means nothing. A person can believe God exists but not care one whit about that. An apatheist?! Could be a theist or an atheist. Or an agnostic. Or a squirrel for all I know.

Let's just cut to the chase and start calling atheists buttholes and be done with the pretense many theists are hiding behind. Doesn't bother me. Call me an arrogant butthole all you want. Whatever it takes to start moving some dialogue to something beyond tit for tat. Or mickiel's ever popular thread of complete incoherent nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Can some not understand the logical difference? Do some feel that it somehow weakens atheism, or equalizes atheism and theism on some level? Why will so many not change their opinion, even when their arguments are shown to be incorrect?

I think that is as likely an explanation as anything. It's like when 'creationists' describe those who accept the reality of evolution as 'evolutionists'. Evolution has mountains of evidence behind it, so creationists want to bring evolution down to their level, one of faith rather than fact.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
The only logical position, if you take out faith is agnostism. There is no proof there is no God.

Yes, but it has been explained to you multiple times that you misunderstand atheism. Still, you hold this view. When you look inside, why do you have such a strong need for atheism to be a belief? Is it threatening to you somehow? Do you simply not have the ability to admit when you're wrong? Do you even know?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
A repeating pattern that I've observed, is of theists/religionists expressing the opinion that atheism is a belief, or a belief system, despite how many atheists explain to them that this isn't the case for themselves.

Why is it important for many theists to hold and support this view?

Can some not understand the logical difference? Do some feel that it somehow weakens atheism, or equalizes atheism and theism on some level? Why will so many not change their opinion, even when their arguments are shown to be incorrect?

of course atheism is a lack of belief.
Thus atheism is a non belief..

However, if one involves Buddhism or any form of mysticism we find that any human construct is a belief. Thus atheism in its lack of belief is a belief, as it is a lack of belief in God/s.... because atheism involves concepts, the concept that God/s do not exist...

We can sum this up by the following short story:

One day Mara, the Evil One, was travelling through the villages of India with his attendants.
he saw a man doing walking meditation whose face was lit up on wonder. The man had just discovered something on the ground in front of him.
Mara’s attendant asked what that was and Mara replied,
“A piece of truth.” “Doesn’t this bother you when someone finds a piece of truth, O Evil One?”
his attendant asked. “No,” Mara replied. “Right after this, they usually make a belief out of it.”

From 108 Treasures for the Heart: A Guide for Daily Living by Benny Liow

Mara is expressing the idea that once we think we have the truth, we do not...thus once we align our thoughts
to a place where there is no belief in God/s we have lost our way.

People like to say Buddhism is "atheistic" in fact a better way would be to say Buddhism ultimatly is beyond words or concepts. We find this time and time and again in various forms of Buddhism and mysticism.

SO this is one way we can explain that atheism, just like theism are actually beliefs, even though atheism is centered around not believing....the fact that it does not believ in an X factor is the red flag that makes it a belief, because there is a bulls eye, a target..even though there isnt

:) Of course I have explained this elsewhere....
Please commence the name calling and ridicule from those that do not understand


Well-Known Member
A repeating pattern that I've observed, is of theists/religionists expressing the opinion that atheism is a belief, or a belief system, despite how many atheists explain to them that this isn't the case for themselves.

Why is it important for many theists to hold and support this view?

Can some not understand the logical difference? Do some feel that it somehow weakens atheism, or equalizes atheism and theism on some level? Why will so many not change their opinion, even when their arguments are shown to be incorrect?

It is simply this: An atheist seems able to promote his ideology openly in nearly any public education arena simply by insisting his/her ideology is non-religious in its nature. The "christian" on the other hand is fenced in by stipulations which seem to benefit hedonism.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Yes, but it has been explained to you multiple times that you misunderstand atheism. Still, you hold this view. When you look inside, why do you have such a strong need for atheism to be a belief? Is it threatening to you somehow? Do you simply not have the ability to admit when you're wrong? Do you even know?

I've seen many atheists admit that God could be real. How is it not a belief system when he could be real.


Well-Known Member
It is simply this: An atheist seems able to promote his ideology openly in nearly any public education arena simply by insisting his/her ideology is non-religious in its nature. The "christian" on the other hand is fenced in by stipulations which seem to benefit hedonism.

Give one example of an athiest ideolgoy, and tell us how it's been pushed into the public education 'arena' as you say.


Well-Known Member
I've seen many atheists admit that God could be real. How is it not a belief system when he could be real.

Theoritcally the yetti could be real. Conceeding that there is enough unexplored terrian in the world to support a small population of these thus far mythical creatures is not the same as believing they exist.

Have you paid any attention. Atheists are those who do not hold a belief in a god. DO NOT HOLD A BELIEF. Help us help you. What about that is difficult for you to grasp?


Well-Known Member
It is simply this: An atheist seems able to promote his ideology openly in nearly any public education arena simply by insisting his/her ideology is non-religious in its nature. The "christian" on the other hand is fenced in by stipulations which seem to benefit hedonism.

You know what grinds my gears. The Venutians get spangled cuffs while the Lilliputians are not even allowed in Ys. And who wouldn't want to go there?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
That's not what the dictonary says, that is agnostic.

From Dictionary.com:

a⋅the⋅ist  /ˈeɪθiɪst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ey-thee-ist] Show IPA
a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.

dis⋅be⋅lieve  /ˌdɪsbɪˈliv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [dis-bi-leev] Show IPA verb, -lieved, -liev⋅ing.
1. to have no belief in; refuse or reject belief in: to disbelieve reports of UFO sightings.

So, most broadly, an atheist is: a person who has no belief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

If you're original position was based on the dictionary definition, you'll be changing your position now, correct?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
That's not what the dictonary says, that is agnostic.

you need a better dictionary
