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Atheism-vague thread.


originally sent by captain britain via frubals:

dude whatever, meant well, but i got the gist of the nature of the atheist, so all is well. Peace.

Well there you have it. Teenage foot stomping, doing whatever you like as long as you don't get caught and a philosophy of death are "the nature of the atheist", and Cap'n Brit has checked out with no further comment. Anybody else get one of these?

Peace to you too, well-meaner.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Well there you have it. Teenage foot stomping, doing whatever you like as long as you don't get caught and a philosophy of death are "the nature of the atheist", and Cap'n Brit has checked out with no further comment. Anybody else get one of these?

Peace to you too, well-meaner.

I think he's just upset that we didn't go "Gosh golly gee willikers, maybe we should reassess our views and perhaps turn from this path of death and destruction and accept Christ as our savior."


I think he's just upset that we didn't go "Gosh golly gee willikers, maybe we should reassess our views and perhaps turn from this path of death and destruction and accept Christ as our savior."

Well, that could be the case, but unless he comes back to discuss the points we atheists have made in his own thread, in direct response to his own question, which was directed at us, I guess we'll never know.

So, anybody else up for a baby-killing cannibalistic drug-crazed rape rampage?


Well-Known Member
Atheism is a belief, not a philosopy, I'm sure atheists run the gamut as far as types of philosophies they believe, and certainly not all of them are benign, same as theists.


Intentionally Blank
I am an atheist, and I strongly suspect that when we die, we die. I call this, "The Philosophy of Reality."


Intentionally Blank
Well it led me to think of the finality of death and how it effects the minds of the more stricter atheists, i know there is the same proportion of bad guys in all walks of life, Christians included, but our moral codes, views on the afterlife and ways we view the world are very well discussed and laid out in the Bible for all to read, sure we have many interpretations of it but its out there.

The phrase i chose was probably crap but it did atleast inspire to look a bit closer at the Atheist perspective in life so not all is bad.
But i picked and thats that, if we could drop the phrase the source etc and reach the goal of people like me getting to know you guys and your world views better that will suit me fine.
I only found while looking for stuff about the 50,000 year old tree thread.
And look at it this way my mistake will likely gain Ham more foes than friends so all is not bad.

To move on, for an Atheist where is the morality born from in the context of one life and as long as the police do not catch you, your home free.
What sources do you look to?

Because I think that when I die I'll be dead, I strive to make the most that I can out of what I think is the only chance I will ever get.

Ponder these quotes, which go pretty far to explain my morality:

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
--Dalai Lama

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
--Dalai Lama

When I do bad, I feel bad, and when I do good, I feel good, and that is my religion.
--Abraham Lincoln

The reward for living a good life is--a good life.
--The Happy Heretic

Another way to put it: Virtue is the science of happiness. There are no shortcuts. What makes people happy is loving and being kind to other people, meaningful work, integrity and autonomy. I want to be happy, so I strive to practice those things every day.


Well-Known Member
Alceste said:
So, anybody else up for a baby-killing cannibalistic drug-crazed rape rampage?
Me three! Can I bring friends?

I would post my view but I think autodidact has worded it in a better way than I would :)



Well-Known Member
.... however I would like to discuss what Atheism is in deeper language than "there is no God"

That`s just it though.
There is nothing deeper about atheism than "There is no god".
That`s it that`s all there is nothing deeper about atheism.

Atheism isn`t a philosophy it`s simply a lack of belief.

For the wolrdview or life philosophy of atheists you`d have to talk to each individual atheist as we follow no creed.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Atheism isn't a philosophy, nor is it "of death". Since atheists believe that this life on earth in the here and now is all that we have, they tend to hold it in high regard and celebrate it, and to make the most of what time we have. If anything, I would say that the abrahamic religions are a "philosophy of death" since they abhor their own earthly existence so much.

If you could only comprehend what awaits Christians, that is those born again by the spirit of God.
I don't know what Christians your referring to ,but we embrace life here, knowing that it is preparation for our new and eternal life and home with him.

As Christians , that is "Christ living in the believer"we abhor the sinful desires that taunt us and tempt us and lead us down paths that we don't want to go, but the knowledge that sin will bring death only makes us want to live that much more and Christ is the way the truth and that life.

Death is a common word we use, but it's certainly not a pessimistic view.
We are called to put to death the desires of the sinful nature, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit, why ? so we can live in victory ,joy and peace of the Holy Ghost.
This not the world's view, live today ,for tommorrow you die.
Jesus says die to your carnal desires so that I weill bring life eternal and life more abundant.
Sin to the Christian will take us places we don't want to go,keep us longer then we want to stay and cost us more then we are willing to pay, this is what we abhor

Maybe to the Atheist it's just a reason to enjoy the pleasures of this carnal life for a season,......eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die, and denying God seems to only allow one to have a clearer conscience when doing so.


If you could only comprehend what awaits Christians, that is those born again by the spirit of God.

But I do comprehend what Christians think awaits them. I just don't find it in the least bit appealing myself. Can you comprehend that?


Intentionally Blank
roli: For the umpteenth time, slandering other people is immoral, and you should not do it. The only reason that I do not believe that God exists is that there appears to be no evidence that she does. You actually agree with this, citing only your own subjective, internal, inaccessible experience as evidence, and skipping lightly over other people's similar subjective, internal, inaccessible experience. Yet you continue to impugn us, to slander us, with apparently no conscience. I don't "deny God," I don't think there is one. Not so I can eat, drink and
be merry, but because the evidence does not seem to indicate that there is one. (or more.)

You claim to hold the moral high ground, all the while spreading vicious lies about other people, and thereby demonstrating your lack of morality.


Well-Known Member
To move on, for an Atheist where is the morality born from in the context of one life and as long as the police do not catch you, your home free.
What sources do you look to?
Your characterization of atheists as "do whatever we can get away with" is unfair and unfounded. There are far more examples in recent memory of Christians doing whatever they could get away with, but let's not go back and forth over which worldview has the most virtuous people.

My view of morality is that it is a trait that we have evolved that has been advantageous for survival. While tigers have better natural killing weapons, there is a reason we never ever have to worry about being eaten by one. It is because we have evolved society and cooperative civilization. I do not steal because stealing undermines the ordered society in which we live and that society is a HUGE evolutionary advantage. Of course, situations will arise where people need to fulfill more basic needs (such as survival) where they will turn to stealing, and some people are thieves by nature, but by and large, most people are NOT theives because of the way humans have evolved.

I do not have a single source for this view, though Darwin is of course seminal.


Well-Known Member
Now listen ive just about had enough of teenage foot stamping, im asking questions to the respective group of people im interested in finding out about, if you cant just take the question and deal with it for what it is fine, dont bother with it atall.
Ive not once had a dig, and if my questions are not great so what? leave em alone.
Im starting to wonder what on earth posessed me to show an interest atall.
The thread is dead as far as im concerned, though it has gave me a glimpse of what the phrase might mean,
Was looking for insight not sarcasm, but hey, life is a let down at times.
Not to worry.:rolleyes:
For the record, other than the phrase "invisible skydaddy" I don't think FatherHeathen was disrespectful or sarcastic at all (I must admit, I love that phrase :)). If you were expecting the atheists on this thread to think "....GOSH! Maybe he's RIGHT! Maybe I DON'T have a basis for morality....I better turn to Jebus!" then it is right that you are annoyed. Religion is not the only source of morality and it is possible to believe in right and wrong without it.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
we embrace life here, knowing that it is preparation for our new and eternal life and home with him.
This is what I was trying to get at when I said in post # 10 “It seems to me that a major component if not the basis of many religions is the denial of death. Why are so many people unable or unwilling to accept their own mortality?” At this point no one has responded to this question. Atheism of course has no consistent position on life, death, or the afterlife. Speaking only for myself I have come to terms with my own mortality, and my human limitations. Promises of eternal life seem very shallow.

Maybe to the Atheist it's just a reason to enjoy the pleasures of this carnal life for a season,......eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die, and denying God seems to only allow one to have a clearer conscience when doing so.
I have never seen any evidence that suggests that Atheists are anymore hedonistic than Theists. And it certainly isn’t consistent with my experience.


Worshipper of Athe.
I'm just a lowly agnostic, but since I don't have a God to direct me, I think I'll join in, if you don't mind.

I just wish I had a reason to live ...

Think about an erotic encounter with someone you love. Think about the sun on a crisp March morning. Think about the taste of a gigantic sandwich with ham, cheese, mustard, and pickles. These are reasons to live: real, tangible reasons that I know exist because I've experienced them. I've got more reason to live now than I did back when I believed that every day was another chance to fall out-of-grace with god and burn forever.


Well-Known Member
Maybe to the Atheist it's just a reason to enjoy the pleasures of this carnal life for a season,......eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die, and denying God seems to only allow one to have a clearer conscience when doing so.

Atheism must really be hard for theists to understand.

Even if I did believe in a god it does not mean that I`d follow his edicts as it is and always has been my choice as to what ethical philosophy I follow.

Following a god even upon belief of his existence does not mean one is being ethical.
It merely means he`s being led by a god.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
roli: For the umpteenth time, slandering other people is immoral, and you should not do it. The only reason that I do not believe that God exists is that there appears to be no evidence that she does. You actually agree with this, citing only your own subjective, internal, inaccessible experience as evidence, and skipping lightly over other people's similar subjective, internal, inaccessible experience. Yet you continue to impugn us, to slander us, with apparently no conscience. I don't "deny God," I don't think there is one. Not so I can eat, drink and
be merry, but because the evidence does not seem to indicate that there is one. (or more.)

You claim to hold the moral high ground, all the while spreading vicious lies about other people, and thereby demonstrating your lack of morality.
You should look in the mirror once and awhile, you seem to be describing yourself.
"Vicious lies",ya that's me, come on Auto, look around, where are you?, what forum are you on ? ,what goes on here?
I am challenging you and your position and if you have a problem with that you can exit the forum anytime, but Christians are entitled to oppose and refute you as you are free to do the same.......and you do, while being far more insulting to people then you want to acknowledge.
More so to those who obviously oppose your world view.
Jhn 15:19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

You say you don't deny God,what is that,all you have ever done is deny God in virtually every arguement that is brought to the table.
And you do it well!
But that is your right to do,.......it's what you believe.