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Atheist Ads on New York Subway

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Then I would ask them if apes wear clothes. Case closed.

I find your lack of faith disturbing...



Well-Known Member
It seems that what you call mistakes aren't mistakes after all.
What's New | United Cor
"We want everyone to know that people can be good without religious beliefs," said John Rafferty, a spokesperson for Big Apple CoR."

The Ten Commandments are objective.

Assuming God is real is valid because there is no way to know for sure, so either I assume he is real, or I assume he is not, we have to do one.

" Assuming God is real is valid because there is no way to know for sure"

Assuming I am an alien from googalplexian galaxy is valid because there is no way for you to know for sure.

"we have to do one."



I would prefer to see more Coexist posters and bumper stickers. Or Carl Sagan quotes about the Universe. Telling people they can be good without god isn't really going to make people reconsider what they believe.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer to see more Coexist posters and bumper stickers. Or Carl Sagan quotes about the Universe. Telling people they can be good without god isn't really going to make people reconsider what they believe.

Certainly not.

Nor is that the point. The true believers will NEVER change. Ever. Not gonna happen.

But the fence sitters - there is some hope.
I find it annoying people find it their job to tell people God is not needed...

Religion has been around for a long time, and you could argue God has too, no pretty poster is gonna get rid of religion.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
What I would do is drag my kids right past the sign and say "kids, those signs are from people that don't believe in God." "They think we got here by chance and we are just glorified animals". "Kids does that make sense, are you an animal." Of course kids know they aren't an animal so they will say no and possible laugh. Then I would ask them if apes wear clothes. Case closed.

Man, it's a good thing we got this smiley:


We don't think we're glorified animals. We know that we're animals, the glorified part you can debate if you wish. Kids only know what you tell them. Obviously your kids are more likely to think we're not animals, but that's only because you'd be more likely to teach them lies rather than science. If they've had a decent biology class, they'd know we're animals.

As far as apes wearing clothes, you win the prize for most idiotic idea of the month. Congratulations!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I would prefer to see more Coexist posters and bumper stickers. Or Carl Sagan quotes about the Universe. Telling people they can be good without god isn't really going to make people reconsider what they believe.

That's not the point. The point of that phrase is to tell people that it's OK not to believe in God, that not believing in God doesn't make you a bad person.

For instance, I was doing a sort of survey at work asking people about their religious beliefs. When I asked one girl whether she believed in God or Christianity, her response was "Well, I'm a good person". I had to explain to her that "believing in God" =/= "good person". That's the kind of thinking that phrase is trying to get rid of. It's not trying to convert anyone.


Tu Stultus Es
That's not the point. The point of that phrase is to tell people that it's OK not to believe in God, that not believing in God doesn't make you a bad person.

For instance, I was doing a sort of survey at work asking people about their religious beliefs. When I asked one girl whether she believed in God or Christianity, her response was "Well, I'm a good person". I had to explain to her that "believing in God" =/= "good person". That's the kind of thinking that phrase is trying to get rid of. It's not trying to convert anyone.
It's such an odd thing to see atheism being equated with amoral at the very least and immoral more often. Here's my quick anecdote: I used to be an assistant manager at a bookstore and I was working in the receiving room. Another employee, Ray, was working with me and we got to talking about various things. So religion is eventually brought up and Ray mentions that he's a Baptist, and I tell him I'm not religious. He seemed flustered by this and asks the inevitable "but you believe in God right?" I tell him I'm an atheist. Ray replies with "But you're such a nice guy!"

Little did he know I'm actually a jerk but that has nothing to do with my atheism.


Premium Member
What I would do is drag my kids right past the sign and say "kids, those signs are from people that don't believe in God." "They think we got here by chance and we are just glorified animals". "Kids does that make sense, are you an animal." Of course kids know they aren't an animal so they will say no and possible laugh. Then I would ask them if apes wear clothes. Case closed.

Really? I have to admit that sounds like a very ignorant and uneducated view to me.


Devoid of Ettiquette
What I would do is drag my kids right past the sign and say "kids, those signs are from people that don't believe in God." "They think we got here by chance and we are just glorified animals". "Kids does that make sense, are you an animal." Of course kids know they aren't an animal so they will say no and possible laugh. Then I would ask them if apes wear clothes. Case closed.
Of course not. We aren't mammals at all! We are self-contained ultra-beings with no biological connection to the rest of the planet which is why we never get sick or die and why we don't test medical remedies and procedures on other lower forms of mammals who are biologically similar to us.
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Devoid of Ettiquette
I always wanted to know what we atheists were trying to convince people of, exactly.
Personally, I think atheism only exists because theists have been shoving their fairy stories in our face all this time. If they'd just shut up and leave us alone, we would not need to label ourselves as anything except humans.


Devoid of Ettiquette
I am personally disappointed with all atheists who have no problem with this ad. All it does is prove that you believe in atheism as a religion.


Well-Known Member
I am personally disappointed with all atheists who have no problem with this ad. All it does is prove that you believe in atheism as a religion.

Ummm...I'm so use to hearing this a lot so yes it does bother me but...

I've seen so many ads contributed by christians till I'm blue in the face about how other faiths will go to hell for not following their "logic".

Neither notion is right and an atheist would have to be just as ignorant as the typical person of faith to actually think this just as it would be ignorant of me to assume all christians are just as ignorant as those who demonize homosexuality and people who don't follow christ.