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Atheist Desire to Disprove God


Left Hand Path
this is blatantly false information

Is it? Then why is it taught in school?

As an atheist, tell me what it is that I believe.

As an atheist, you tell me what you believe.

i see what you mean here...but you have to realize
you'll have a really short conversation ;)

Not as short as I first thought it would. It appears my nonesense has something about it, otherwise it would just be nonesense.
I post to point out your error's


This makes absolutely no sense.

I made no claims that God exists, merely that atheism is a belief, as red is a color. Nor am I trying to "prove" disbelief.
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merely that atheism is a belief

it is a lack of belief

you have been told this, mant times, why wont you learn???????

you need to figure out the difference between

lack of belief

because atheist are not the bottom two


Is it? Then why is it taught in school?

yes it is blatantly false information.

so when did they teach that god doesnt exist?

when you make false claims it is on you to prove your point, so far you have failed in all aspects


Left Hand Path
if i were born blind, the color red simply doesn't exists...is that disbelief?

Fortunately what if, situations don't apply in a practical reality.

But to oblige you, a blind person does not see color, which makes his belief of it's existence irrelevant to it anyways.

no sense to you,,, and therein lies the exact problem with this thread and your participation

Explain to me then, teacher.

it is a lack of belief

you have been told this, mant times, why wont you learn???????

you need to figure out the difference between

lack of belief

because atheist are not the bottom two

You need to figure out, that you think atheism is a lack of belief, when really atheists themselves have told me that they believe in atheism, that atheism is a belief.

Yes, atheism is a lack of belief, but you can't just use one definition of it to try and sway your argument.

You belief that atheism is a lack of belief, and there you have a belief.

yes it is blatantly false information.

And you know this...how?

so when did they teach that god doesnt exist?

When they started teaching scientific theory :D

when you make false claims it is on you to prove your point, so far you have failed in all aspects

And what false claims have I exactly made? Educate me, so you can learn.


when really atheists themselves have told me that they believe in atheism, that atheism is a belief.

are you young? have you graduated high school?

you cannot understand people ARE different and have different views????? your example does not cover everyone

You belief that atheism is a lack of belief, and there you have a belief.

WRONG I HAVE A LACK OF BELIEF OF GOD,,,, it is you who is telling me what I beleive and do not believe. It is not your ability to dictate what someone else believes in or does not or has lack of belief of.

by the way you have proven your ignornce in written words ,,,, you dont have the intellegenece to understand how to use the word belief and believe as you misquoted in yourstatement above

please learn basic english skills before you debate meaning because your lost
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Is it? Then why is it taught in school?

As an atheist, you tell me what you believe.

Not as short as I first thought it would. It appears my nonesense has something about it, otherwise it would just be nonesense.

This makes absolutely no sense.

I made no claims that God exists, merely that atheism is a belief, as red is a color. Nor am I trying to "prove" disbelief.



Veteran Member
Fortunately what if, situations don't apply in a practical reality.

But to oblige you, a blind person does not see color, which makes his belief of it's existence irrelevant to it anyways.

it is relevant because the blind person believes a person of sight sees colors, whatever that means for the blind person...
disbelief is the refusal of belief...
atheism isn't a refusal of belief but, god has not been empirically proven such as the the color red to a blind person.
if i were born blind i would be a-hue-istic.


Rogue Theologian
This isn't hard. Yes, atheism can also be the belief that God doesn't exist. However, it can also be simply the lack of belief that God exists.

Strategy? I didn't realize there was strategy involved in deciding whether or not a being exists in reality.

Also, fear isn't a very good motivator to believe in God. You're trying to scare us with a being we can see from the evidence is ridiculously unlikely to exist. And a god who poofs me out of existence because he gave me a rational mind and a complete lack of evidence for his existence but still expects me to believe he exists? That's not a god I want to believe in or worship anyway.

This has nothing to do with fear.

How you deal with others is the point.

Denial has no consequence?

Of course it does.

Have you decided there is no afterlife?
If not...are you here to pat your self on the back ....with denial?
And that works..... how?

If you DO have some notion about an afterlife.....
Then the consequence for all you say.... is pending.


So if you believe an idea to be false.....
What you believe is not a belief?

I believe your entire religion is false. That says nothing about the existence or non-existence of a divine being or beings. Believing your religion is false is not what makes me an atheist - I could still be a Polytheist, a deist or a pantheist. Only searching my heart and mind and discovering that belief in a divine being or beings is nowhere to be found defines me as an atheist.

One final time: I do not need to make one single factual assertion about the Chinese language to acknowledge I don't speak it. I don't need to make one single factual assertion about supernatural beings to acknowledge I don't believe in any.

You've been banging this back and forth....with denial.

Denial is a belief....a declaration.

And the consequence.....
God will deny you exist.

And then you won't.

How's that for strategy?

And if you undo your belly button your bum will fall off. How is that for a consequence?



As an atheist, you tell me what you believe.

As a secular humanist, I believe quite a lot. As a skeptic, I believe anything with high quality, verifiable, credible empirical evidence to back it up.

"As an atheist," I don't believe anything. Didn't anyone explain that atheism is a lack of belief in a single factual claim?

To refuse to embrace an idea without evidence is not the same as claiming the idea is false. If there is ever credible evidence of supernatural beings I'll have no trouble adapting my understanding to accommodate them. Why? Because it is impossible to become attached to a lack of belief.


Rogue Theologian
I believe your entire religion is false.

A bad assumption on your part.
I don't have a religion...just faith.

That says nothing about the existence or non-existence of a divine being or beings. Believing your religion is false is not what makes me an atheist - I could still be a Polytheist, a deist or a pantheist. Only searching my heart and mind and discovering that belief in a divine being or beings is nowhere to be found defines me as an atheist.

That you failed to see the possibility....more positively....
is no fault but your own.

One final time: I do not need to make one single factual assertion about the Chinese language to acknowledge I don't speak it. I don't need to make one single factual assertion about supernatural beings to acknowledge I don't believe in any.

Lack of faith.....noted.

And if you undo your belly button your bum will fall off. How is that for a consequence?

And if you keep your mind closed until you die....
dust you will be.

Not believing in an afterlife.....virtually guarantees the result.


someone once said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Since the existence of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient god is about the most extraordinary of all claims, it should require the most extraordinary of all proof to be accepted. Therefore an atheist has no burden to disprove the existence of a god, it is incumbent upon those who do believe to convince us. I haven't seen anyone come close.

But from what I've read from the new atheists, specifically Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris (Haven't read Dennett.) they aren't trying to do that. They are trying to show the dangers and harm that religion does and disturb the notion that on balance religion is a good thing. One might disagree, but they cite example after example. They attack their theses from various angles, and thus try to illustrate their point such that perhaps one of these will resonate with the reader.

Of all of these four men, sometimes referred to as the four horsemen, a title they good-naturedly adopted for a video I saw wherein the four sit around in the same room discussing things, I think Dawkins has the best ability to speak to the masses overall while Harris' "Letter to a Christian Nation" is the most succinct example of writing.

Dawkins however has it seems adopted much more of a role than book author and professor -- he seems to be on a mission to make atheism and rational thought popular.
Dawkins has contributed much time into the creation of advertisements like the London bus ads which IIRC said, "There probably isn't a god. Now go enjoy your life."

Whether it is the efforts of people like these or other factors, the population of those who are atheist or at least non-religious seems to be rising rapidly in the U.S. It's about time IMO. Actually I tend to think the reason for the increased ranks of the non-religious has to do with the opening up of the world and the massive influx of information at our fingertips on the internet and via a wide variety of news channels etc. The more we know, the more we see the holes in our little petty human-like god that demands worship and obedience and is jealous and spiteful.


And if you keep your mind closed until you die....
dust you will be.

Not believing in an afterlife.....virtually guarantees the result.

In fact my mind is very open to any and all propositions with credible supporting evidence. I think perhaps you are projecting your own intolerance of alternative perspectives onto others.

I have evidence your religion is false: you are my evidence. You are unable to form a reasoned argument to support it and you do not appear to be an unusually fortunate, wise, admirable or ethical individual. If your "faith" pleases your interventionist god, he has a funny way of showing it.


Left Hand Path
You say atheism is a belief. If this is so, simply tell me what it is that I believe.

Whatever you make out of it. You have to understand that people make what they want out of beliefs. It doesn't have to be indoctrinated or practiced through ritual. Though I do realize that there are certain, "sects" of atheism practice and study over doctrines.

From my understanding, you are an "explicit" atheist, a "weak" one at that. You believe atheism is a lack of belief.

Unless you have misinformed me of course.

he cant even make a proper sentence let alone debate wording

Do not taunt me with your lack of aesthetic solipsism.

To accuse me of making improper sentences is far beyond audacious when the accuser stands guilty of the same crime :shrug:

I suggest you stick to the purpose of these forums instead of being a philistine troll.

I'm glad you two have resorted to demoralizing tactics. At least there is a humor about it :D

it is relevant because the blind person believes a person of sight sees colors, whatever that means for the blind person...

What relevance is color to a man who cannot see?

is the refusal of belief...
atheism isn't a refusal of belief but, god has not been empirically proven such as the the color red to a blind person.
if i were born blind i would be a-hue-istic.

I agree completely. But I am not basing my argument that the atheist belief involves a God, just merely a belief, an attachment to what others believe.

I seemed to have struggle getting that across. Who knows if it even did.
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Left Hand Path
As a secular humanist, I believe quite a lot. As a skeptic, I believe anything with high quality, verifiable, credible empirical evidence to back it up.
Looks like you share a common ground with the Opposition.

As an atheist," I don't believe anything. Didn't anyone explain that atheism is a lack of belief in a single factual claim?

As an atheist, you don't believe anything. That's exactly my point.

refuse to embrace an idea without evidence is not the same as claiming the idea is false. If there is ever credible evidence of supernatural beings I'll have no trouble adapting my understanding to accommodate them. Why? Because it is impossible to become attached to a lack of belief.

You are attached as long as you give meaning to it. And I never refused to embrace anything, had you noticed I agreed with everything everyone provided with me as to what atheism was, it just seems to lag a little bit in the point that, belief is viewed as something that one perceives as true, even if it has to embrace the idea that, disbelieve or lack of belief is what atheism is. Atheism is the lack of belief in supernatural or certain "ideas" of God, it's not merely just a lack of belief.

You give meaning, belief to what atheism is, therefore it is believed to be.