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Atheist Desire to Disprove God


#1 Now,, can you argue that man has not been creating man and women gods and spirits for the last 200,000 years???

#2 Can you show me a remote tribe who does not have made up spirits or gods in any part of the world???

#3 Can you show me any parallels in these remote tribes that would indicate that there god is also your god talking to them in the local language and thus the god figure is sharing the same information with all people????

#4 Can you show me that your hebrew god figure does not have any simularity's with previous pagan religions such as sumerians and egpytions???

#5 The ancient hebrews put more importance on male's then females, does this show in their early writings regarding the god figure being created as a male "father" ????

#6 Do you think all other gods and spirits are made up by the local people of that geographic region?

#7 Did people speak other languages around the world before the tower of babal?

#8 Is the earth 6000 years old


New Member
I would never say most those names you listed are trying disprove religion. If that's what you think they you need to look again. For the most part if you actually read their works such as maybe Dawkin's God Delusion you will see that he isn't trying to disprove it or bash it. Dawkins is only trying to open your eyes a bit. Make you think about what it is you are believing.

To believe something as blindly as some of you do is amazing to me.

I tell you bigfoot exists...you deny. Lockness monster...you deny. Aliens...denied. Thor...denied.

Question is why do you deny these things? Lack of proof is the answer you will give or at least it is the answer you "Should" give.

So why not use that same though process for your god? Why is that the exception?

Is it because people tell you that you have to accept it on faith? Ever think why they are telling you that? It's because it's a crazy proposel and they know it can't be proven so they came up with a system that will keep you believing. Keep you emptying your pockets to them and also keep your obedience.

As before...Athiests don't try to "Disprove" your theories. We simply ask....what do you have to prove them?


Dios - ang - Pastol
Atheist lives are senseless and meaningless.

For Christians, life's purpose is to avoid being punished by the all-loving God.


Atheist lives are senseless and meaningless.

For Christians, life's purpose is to avoid being punished by the all-loving God.

you better go back and read the bible again, check the OT

I have never seen a more childish, jealous and murderous person that has ever lived then the god of the OT.

if you believe in the bible he is guilty of the largest mass murder ever recorded and would be sought after and tried and convicted if found.

he should be labeled as the largest mass murderer ever recorded.


Rogue Theologian
really, how so?

Oh and if you have to fear the one that loves you the most, you may want to seek a councilor for signs of abuse

And God doesn't play by rules?
How about....
He will do unto you as you did unto others.

Oh that's right.....
no afterlife...no consequence....
nothing to fear ....but the grave.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Sounds rather senseless and meaningless.

How so? I mean in as much as I don't totally agree with putting that way... I mean love can defend love I think... I mean what's the point of love but to show kindness and mercy to all concerned? If you offend love by hate and malicious talk or deed cannot justice prevail with a loving action of justice?

I don't get it. You can't push love and kindness into a corner and tell it to behave the way you want it too so that it fits into the definitions you have of them. You know we believe God is love... so it follows that we believe our common Creator is one and love is one. So you cannot confine love to some kinky definition easily abused.

Yes... I don't want to be punished by love. But when I offend love I know I will at least feel as if I'm being punished. But I don't come to love for fear of punishment... I come to love because I love love.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You know we believe God is love... so it follows that we believe our common Creator is one and love is one. So you cannot confine love to some kinky definition easily abused.

And that, by itself, is a very good reason to consider Atheism. No definition is more abused than that of God.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
And that, by itself, is a very good reason to consider Atheism. No definition is more abused than that of God.

Granted... that God is abused in name and definition. But how do I define is not as good as how do We define. Now I know that as an atheist you do not try to define what you do not believe in... however for my part it is plainly seen in the teachings of Christ that God is love and against any and all forms of self righteous thought and deed. Atheist are just as prone to be self righteous as are Theist. So inorder to overcome this we need to get off the one liner quick wit and onto a understanding of what the other means. Unless of course you just don't want to. Seeing as that you're in a religious forum I assume you do want to understand why folks believe.

I'll bet you know the bible than most who say they believe. But without the practice of prayer and a deeper desire to get to know if the Creator of the Universe had anything to do with this god in a box we call the Bible... how would you know. I say I know because of Jesus teachings applied in my life and with my life in the lives of others. But I know phoneys abound and as Mark Twain says there's two kinds of folks, suckers and phoneys... which one are you? In other words LuisDantas... don't you think my post deserved better than picking out one line as if I hadn't qualified what I meant? Punishment of love is to live without love. God is love and it would be a form of self punishment not to try to understand the fullest definition of our Creator Love. Just as it would for me to try harder to understand LuisDantas... and oneliners are not going to accomplish that.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'll bet you know the bible than most who say they believe. But without the practice of prayer and a deeper desire to get to know if the Creator of the Universe had anything to do with this god in a box we call the Bible... how would you know. I say I know because of Jesus teachings applied in my life and with my life in the lives of others. But I know phoneys abound and as Mark Twain says there's two kinds of folks, suckers and phoneys... which one are you?
Is that the same Mark Twain who wrote "faith is believing what you know ain't so?"

In other words LuisDantas... don't you think my post deserved better than picking out one line as if I hadn't qualified what I meant? Punishment of love is to live without love. God is love and it would be a form of self punishment not to try to understand the fullest definition of our Creator Love. Just as it would for me to try harder to understand LuisDantas... and oneliners are not going to accomplish that.
As someone who does deny God, I can tell you: denying God does not mean to deny love. I have the ability to appreciate every form of love that actually exists... and if it doesn't exist, then it isn't really love at all.


teachings of Christ

there in lies the problem.

faith blinds those to the real history and education they could be getting.

%99 of christians refuse to look at historical jesus and the real facts regarding his possible life.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I would never say most those names you listed are trying disprove religion. If that's what you think they you need to look again. For the most part if you actually read their works such as maybe Dawkin's God Delusion you will see that he isn't trying to disprove it or bash it. Dawkins is only trying to open your eyes a bit. Make you think about what it is you are believing.

To believe something as blindly as some of you do is amazing to me.

I tell you bigfoot exists...you deny. Lockness monster...you deny. Aliens...denied. Thor...denied.

Question is why do you deny these things? Lack of proof is the answer you will give or at least it is the answer you "Should" give.

So why not use that same though process for your god? Why is that the exception?

Is it because people tell you that you have to accept it on faith? Ever think why they are telling you that? It's because it's a crazy proposel and they know it can't be proven so they came up with a system that will keep you believing. Keep you emptying your pockets to them and also keep your obedience.

As before...Athiests don't try to "Disprove" your theories. We simply ask....what do you have to prove them?


Exactly what I said a few pages ago....


they cant prove god exist

I can prove hebrews made god up from previous pagan religions as all previous gods were made up.

funny those who claim to know him often know the least about god or previous gods


Rogue Theologian
there in lies the problem.

faith blinds those to the real history and education they could be getting.

%99 of christians refuse to look at historical jesus and the real facts regarding his possible life.

And you would claim to know the Carpenter?....
and still not believe?

That''ll stand well before the angels!!!!!!

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Teachings of Christ...
I suppose you're refering to my post? It would be nice if you'd address the whole of it rather than pick out a line and pounce on it in a way that seems meant to taunt rather than enlighten.
there in lies the problem.

faith blinds those to the real history and education they could be getting.

%99 of christians refuse to look at historical jesus and the real facts regarding his possible life.
It is not faith that blinds people to real history and education because the liars who lead the blind have much faith in their lies. It is lieing to oneself to assume that history could replace a truth with a lie that came before it disguised as truth. And it is the height to assume that it can actually be proven using sience and education exactly what came before this or that in relation to millenia of history. History has a psychological progression that bears much resemblence to the coming and going of nations and individuals. You yourself are tearing at the fabric of the nations rather trying to seek the motivations source. You are not asking or seeking truth but believing you already posses it. Were you a Christian it you would be no different... you would still rip and tear at folks trying to make them feel less than until you realized your folly and changed.
they cant prove god exist

I can prove hebrews made god up from previous pagan religions as all previous gods were made up.

funny those who claim to know him often know the least about god or previous gods
Funny are those who read a book the bought at a book store or checked out of a library could show them what they already wanted to believe and then go about believing and preaching it. Blessed are those Athiest who are persecuted for believing in nothing... but you on the other hand believe and preach and teach like the worst we Christians have to offer.


Left Hand Path
It's become quite clear you know very little about Atheist.....

Actually no, I was one for some time.

I just happened to stumble across a more clear understanding of nature.

If you truly believe in nothing, you should say you believe in nothing, instead of labeling yourself.

The label itself insinuates a belief, since in essence, it is the belief of non-belief.



Admiral Obvious
Actually no, I was one for some time.

I just happened to stumble across a more clear understanding of nature.

If you truly believe in nothing, you should say you believe in nothing, instead of labeling yourself.

The label itself insinuates a belief, since in essence, it is the belief of non-belief.
I never understood the need for some people to make non-belief a belief.

You know, I do have this interesting hobby.
Yeah, I don't collect stamps.