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Atheists: If there's no God, then where did the world come from?


Active Member
Why is it you always attack Atheists? Do the creationists that believe in science get off the hook from your overinflated rants?

And you always happen to defend them.

I don't attack atheists, atheists just have a knack to attack me. All the time.
If one does not want to be criticized or ridiculed, then one thing to not do is ask the same obnoxious bull **** questions over and over :D

Seriously, it gets old.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
'Zero'. Physics has a hard time labeling 'nothing', as well they should.
It is not that " Physics has a hard time labeling 'nothing'". It is that 'nothing' is basicly a meaningless word concerning physics.
It would be quite a challenge indeed to find anywhere within our Universe where 'nothing exists'.
You see, you keep saying how everyone is claiming "something from nothing", as if that is some violation of natural law.
Where is this "nothing"? Who claimed this "nothing" exists?
All we know is our own Universe. The laws of cause/effect, matter, energy, time and space exist only within our Universe. Speculation on where the Singularity that expanded into our Universe came from using your limited understanding of how things work in our Universe is nothing but wild guesses and very likely wrong.
There is no "proof" that some deity was the "cause", only biased speculation.
And this isn't Jeopardy. If all you can do is ask me the same stupid questions over and over, and by extension being rude, then you will be ignored.
So you don't like being asked hard questions, tough.
I may not change your dogmatic thinking, but perhaps someone else reading this will apply a little reason and resist intentional ignorance.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Proof, proof, proof.

Yep that's what we are asking for.

It just cannot be the entire absence of contrary proof
I don't have to disprove something that you haven't proven to start with.

But if you would like to run with your "if it can't be disproven it must be real" hypothesis you are going to have to admit that unicorns, santa claus, easter bunny, tooth fairy, flying spaghetti monster, the greek pantheon, the norse pantheon, the egyptian pantheon, smart blondes and nice redheads exist as well.

Are you willing to admit these things?

It just has to be there for all eyes to see.Like life beginning on Earth isn't a miracle enough,
Really you're going to invoke the god of gaps argument?
or that the connections in holy texts surpass mere coincidence.
Connections? Please explain.

Science only 'proves' it's own hypothesis' through relative evidence, which is entirely blown out of proportion by most atheists. It is all entirely subject to it's own ordeals. Up it's own ***, to be short. Science figures out the workings of the world, it doesn't figure out it's conception. We can see what a proton does, but we cannot know what a proton is. Among everything else, but truth does not have to be subject to science, nor can it really in all technicality. Science assumes the initial condition of everything, which keeps it from being any more than observation.
God of gaps again?

Let me give you an example of god of gaps. The greco roman types explained lighting by saying that zeus threw lighting bolts.

Later on science has proven that this is not the case, not only that but science has figured out a way to create lightning bolts. Not only that but science has figured out a way to make lightning play the mario brothers theme song

YouTube - Twin Musical Tesla Coils playing Mario Bros

Which is something even your god can't do.

You can't use what we don't know as proof of god.

I know im wasting my time explaining this to you, but now you can't claim you didnt know.

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Well-Known Member
And you always happen to defend them.

I don't attack atheists, atheists just have a knack to attack me. All the time.
If one does not want to be criticized or ridiculed, then one thing to not do is ask the same obnoxious bull **** questions over and over :D

Seriously, it gets old.

BS. Every time you criticized someone for believing in the TOE, which is just about every single post you have made on this forum, you have aimed it directly at atheists.

I don't know if you have some flaw in your brain that does not allow you to learn new information, but I am pretty sure on several occasions I asked you to stop making sweeping generalizations, especially ones that are so obviously false. You have not done so.

You have failed to show here how you have this crazy ability to know exactly how every atheist on the planet feels about science in general.

You have failed to explain why it is when you criticize the TOE, you do not include the theists that believe in it. Seems to me your only interest on this forum is to spread your fundy propaganda, and verbally bash atheists in the process.

You seem to have some beef with atheists because they believe in science, and do not share your biased and uninformed beliefs.

People on this board did not start off criticizing you or the things you say. All they did was ask you for evidence to back up your claims. It's no one elses problem that you failed to do so, and then took it as criticism.

From day one you have done nothing but openly criticize and insult atheists. It got worse when you seemed to jump on the newhope bandwagon when it appeared she would actually validate your unsupported claims.

What gets old is having to repeatedly ask over and over for you to substantiate your claims with something more than the "God did it" horse****.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
BS. Every time you criticized someone for believing in the TOE, which is just about every single post you have made on this forum, you have aimed it directly at atheists.

I don't know if you have some flaw in your brain that does not allow you to learn new information, but I am pretty sure on several occasions I asked you to stop making sweeping generalizations, especially ones that are so obviously false. You have not done so.

You have failed to show here how you have this crazy ability to know exactly how every atheist on the planet feels about science in general.

You have failed to explain why it is when you criticize the TOE, you do not include the theists that believe in it. Seems to me your only interest on this forum is to spread your fundy propaganda, and verbally bash atheists in the process.

You seem to have some beef with atheists because they believe in science, and do not share your biased and uninformed beliefs.

People on this board did not start off criticizing you or the things you say. All they did was ask you for evidence to back up your claims. It's no one elses problem that you failed to do so, and then took it as criticism.

From day one you have done nothing but openly criticize and insult atheists. It got worse when you seemed to jump on the newhope bandwagon when it appeared she would actually validate your unsupported claims.

What gets old is having to repeatedly ask over and over for you to substantiate your claims with something more than the "God did it" horse****.

I also want to mention that every criticism of the ToE by him is never substantiated by evidence.....even after we requested it.....:sad:


Active Member
I have been saying up and down the thread that there is only one way reality started. I have provided a logical basis thoroughly and it stands perfectly. It had to have come from an infinite being with will.
I'm talking to a bunch of strawman who are just ****** off because I served a 1up for theists and nothing contrary can arise except for some ridiculously asinine demand for 'proof'. Newsflash: the proof is right in front of your face :D
Who's the one with the denial complex now? Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Atheists are not always right just because they worship science. Some of you have gotten so used to presuming to be right over any theist about everything that your bias bleeds at the simplest of ordeals.
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Active Member
I'm gonna have to go with you.

That's exactly my point. You're in denial.
So I'll have to go with 'grow up'.

Even Einstein believed in a god and he believed in a static universe. You all seem to think that science and god cannot both be correct and that was your flaw from the get-go.
Whatever, maybe some you really shouldn't be on a religious site with that kind of ridiculous anti-god attitude. The sum of all of you is a big, giant troll.
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I have been saying up and down the thread that there is only one way reality started. I have provided a logical basis thoroughly and it stands perfectly. It had to have come from an infinite being with will.
I'm talking to a bunch of strawman who are just ****** off because I served a 1up for theists and nothing contrary can arise except for some ridiculously asinine demand for 'proof'. Newsflash: the proof is right in front of your face :D
Who's the one with the denial complex now? Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Atheists are not always right just because they worship science. Some of you have gotten so used to presuming to be right over any theist about everything that your bias bleeds at the simplest of ordeals.

You realize that "logic" requires "proof."

Really all people have done here (antics aside) is ask you to fill in the blanks - a logical argument has no holes - and when you see how absurdly incomplete your "logic" is perhaps you will improve or abandon it.

As it stands, you're just making stuff up that shows utter contempt for your subject and insisting that you're right. Insisting that you are right isn't proof.


I'll have to go with "learn the fundamentals of logic and the come back."

That would be useless without a bit of training in how to reason. He's having more than a difficult time negotiating the definitions of the words he's making up and the substance of the material that he's failing to address.

He can't even make it to logic without a healthy premise.


Even Einstein believed in a god and he believed in a static universe.


Holy crap that's rich!

(I'm going to pull whatever it is that's in my butt and call it a rational argument)


Active Member
You realize that "logic" requires "proof."

Really all people have done here (antics aside) is ask you to fill in the blanks - a logical argument has no holes - and when you see how absurdly incomplete your "logic" is perhaps you will improve or abandon it.

As it stands, you're just making stuff up that shows utter contempt for your subject and insisting that you're right. Insisting that you are right isn't proof.

I have proof. Did the universe begin? Yes. Something cannot come from nothing, you all have confirmed that.
So what proof is needed? My logic has no holes, and that is why no one has been able to contend it. Period.
We know what matter is composed of in space through infared/x-rays/etc. etc.
I guess that isn't proof because we haven't seen touched it with our own hands and seen for ourselves.
You all are throwing up the most stupid argument I've ever heard in my life. Don't bash theists on here anymore, capeesh? It's only for your own good :D

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I have been saying up and down the thread that there is only one way reality started. I have provided a logical basis thoroughly and it stands perfectly. It had to have come from an infinite being with will.

This is pure speculation. You make a definitive claim based on ignorance and faith. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean "ignorance" as in (stupid)....rather you don't know and are oblivious to what is known. The old...(because I don't know means god did it)...doesn't work anymore....

I'm talking to a bunch of strawman who are just ****** off because I served a 1up for theists and nothing contrary can arise except for some ridiculously asinine demand for 'proof'. Newsflash: the proof is right in front of your face :D

You make the claim (god did it) then it is on you to present the evidence. You have failed to present anything to substantiate your claims. Opinions aren't evidences that can be checked...

Atheists are not always right just because they worship science.

You generalize too much. And for the record....Atheist don't worship science....:rolleyes:

Some of you have gotten so used to presuming to be right over any theist about everything that your bias bleeds at the simplest of ordeals.

We're only right when we've proven you wrong and you've been shown to be wrong......;)
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godless wonder
Sum1sGruj (really? trying to be gangsta?) is just playing people here. This guys about as christian as I am skinny. He's just getting his kicks from pissin' you guys off.


Hey did you guys know that Ghandi was a Angellousian monk who invented cornpie and loved the Rangers?

Ghandi's long study of bedbugs lead him to conclude that Gonzo farted out reality.

I am right!:bow: