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Athiest Design

There is no meaning to life? There is no meaning to YOUR life. I'm not going sailing with you in your boat named "Boo hoo, I can't handle it!"

Hell is perfectly fair, it's the prison system for the universe.

Never said there was no meaning to my life. There's no true meaning to life in general as a whole, but like anyone else, I make my own meaning to my own personal life in context to the world and people around me. At which part did I say I was crying and couldn't handle what I said, which made sense if taken an actual look at?

Depends on what your view of Hell is.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Never said there was no meaning to my life. There's no true meaning to life in general as a whole, but like anyone else, I make my own meaning to my own personal life in context to the world and people around me. At which part did I say I was crying and couldn't handle what I said, which made sense if taken an actual look at?

There's no meaning to life in general? Once again, there's no meaning, generally speaking, to YOUR life.

At which part did you cry and say you couldn't handle it? Which part did you say you could?
There's no meaning to life in general? Once again, there's no meaning, generally speaking, to YOUR life.

At which part did you cry and say you couldn't handle it? Which part did you say you could?

Life as a whole. The grass, trees, animals, people, everything as a whole. We only hold meaning and purpose to the world around us, like I said. The purpose I give my life may be to fix computers, do surgery, etc. But whatever my purpose may be, it is only valid to the world around me. And on the other side, you might say my purpose right now is to make you look like an idiot by pointing out that you don't actually address any of my points even though they are there nice and neat for you to absorb and understand. So, as you see, your meaning and purpose can change also completely change in context to where you are, and who you are around. I make my own meaning in life, and am pretty happy with it. Enough people appreciate me and the things I do to give my life more of a personal meaning, which is all we can hope for anyway. There are those who achieve greater meaning to the world, such as inventing something great, or even assassinating somebody famous. But even in such instances, they are all only relevant to the world around us.

As far as me crying and not being able to handle it; you made that accusation, so the burden of proof is on you to prove that I am, not that I'm not. And I already said I am very content and happy with my life, and the people and world around me.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Life as a whole. The grass, trees, animals, people, everything as a whole. We only hold meaning and purpose to the world around us, like I said. The purpose I give my life may be to fix computers, do surgery, etc. But whatever my purpose may be, it is only valid to the world around me. And on the other side, you might say my purpose right now is to make you look like an idiot by pointing out that you don't actually address any of my points even though they are there nice and neat for you to absorb and understand. So, as you see, your meaning and purpose can change also completely change in context to where you are, and who you are around. I make my own meaning in life, and am pretty happy with it. Enough people appreciate me and the things I do to give my life more of a personal meaning, which is all we can hope for anyway. There are those who achieve greater meaning to the world, such as inventing something great, or even assassinating somebody famous. But even in such instances, they are all only relevant to the world around us.

As far as me crying and not being able to handle it; you made that accusation, so the burden of proof is on you to prove that I am, not that I'm not. And I already said I am very content and happy with my life, and the people and world around me.

You made the accusation that life has no meaning. I'm sure you haven't been to as much of the world as I have yet you still feel qualified to make the claim that people's lives, animal life, and all the lovely gardens have no meaning at all?

And what proof have you provided for it? None, but you demand that I provide proof. There are those who's view of the world is small and ugly, they only have themselves to blame for it.

I didn't address the points you made? You didn't make any points. You just complained because you don't see the point in all of it. When a child cries because it doesn't want to go to school what exactly is the point it's trying to make?


The Lost One
Super Universe said:
Would it be okay to you if only your existence ends and others continue on to learn and experience more?
You are entitled to your belief of what your afterlife and paradise would be.

Just one life-time is enough for me. I was only informing you of my preference, would be of "no existence". To me, the statement, "Rest in Peace" would mean no more hardship and pain, and you can truly rest. I was also informing you that not everyone would have the same idea on paradise.
You made the accusation that life has no meaning. I'm sure you haven't been to as much of the world as I have yet you still feel qualified to make the claim that people's lives, animal life, and all the lovely gardens have no meaning at all?

And what proof have you provided for it? None, but you demand that I provide proof. There are those who's view of the world is small and ugly, they only have themselves to blame for it.

I didn't address the points you made? You didn't make any points. You just complained because you don't see the point in all of it. When a child cries because it doesn't want to go to school what exactly is the point it's trying to make?

If you actually understood and absorbed what I said, they do have meaning. Their meaning is to everything else around them. You can find endless possibilities to plants and animals to everything else around them: Provide nutrients, air, food, etc, but they're only relevant to us and our world. I did say we have purpose, but on a massive cosmic scale, we don't really have a real purpose that has yet been determined. If a meteor hit our planet tomorrow and wiped us out, the universe wouldn't be better or worse off for it.

Let's say I accuse you of having a Barbie doll in your mouth right now. Who's supposed to show the proof of that? The one making the accusation is the one that the burden of proof falls on. I don't have to defend myself saying I'm not crying or complaining when you're the one making the accusation. The burden of proof is on you. If I claimed that there was a real life purple tiger sitting next to me, it would be up to me to prove it. It would be like me going "you said [insert name] is a douche!" You would then probably go "you don't know me, nor were you part of that conversation." Then I go "prove you didn't say that then!" I would be the person making the accusation, so I would have to be the one to prove it. Besides, I already said I'm pretty happy. Just making my statements ^_^.

LOL, there was no complaining. I was merely making my statement about the questions at hand. I have no idea where you got the complaining idea about. If you paid attention, I do see the point. There's points of doing literally everything, but just not on the cosmic scale thus far. There's purpose in taking out the trash because it will rot and stink up the house. There's purpose in going to work because we need the money. And what kind of stupid question is that? If a child is crying because he/she doesn't want to go to school, then it's crying due to something going on. If the child is old enough to be in school, then the kid can tell you. "People are picking on me." "My teacher hates me." Any number of possibilities depending on what's going on. That was a completely stupid question.

Super Universe

Defender of God
You are entitled to your belief of what your afterlife and paradise would be.

Just one life-time is enough for me. I was only informing you of my preference, would be of "no existence". To me, the statement, "Rest in Peace" would mean no more hardship and pain, and you can truly rest. I was also informing you that not everyone would have the same idea on paradise.

My belief about my afterlife is that it's going to take a great deal of dedication and hard work. The earth is only a primer, like preschool for the universe.

So, if we all had to abide by your choice, your answer to an afterlife is that you have had enough but you don't mind if others continue on?

Super Universe

Defender of God
I did say we have purpose, but on a massive cosmic scale, we don't really have a real purpose that has yet been determined. If a meteor hit our planet tomorrow and wiped us out, the universe wouldn't be better or worse off for it.

Please provide some proof of your claim that the universe wouldn't be better or worse off if the earth was destroyed.
Please provide some proof of your claim that the universe wouldn't be better or worse off if the earth was destroyed.

This is the only thing you are able to reply to after that? lulz...

Anyway, we as a species, a planet, a society, whatever, are all only contained to this planet. We have yet to discover the technology to go out and colonize other worlds and have an impact on the universe other than sending the occasional satellite out into space. The universe is so vast that our tiny little planet isn't even a blip on the cosmic radar. Perhaps there are alien species out there making their mark on the universe. Out there colonizing other planets, stripping barren planets of their resources, etc. If an alien race like that were to be wiped out, then the impact would be felt through out where ever they had contact with. Every planet they had colonized, every planet they were mining, every other species they had contact with would feel the effect of their disappearance.

We are confined to our planet thus far. We may get to the point where we make a difference beyond our own planet, or we may not, but that time hasn't come yet. If we were wiped out today, the universe wouldn't be affected at all. Our planet would keep rotating around the sun, the universe would keep going on, and nobody would be the wiser. If our species became some galactic empire, then we would have greater impact on everything around us, and even then it would still be confined to this galaxy until we had means to get to others.

So, now that I said my piece, go ahead and provide proof that there is some sort of super divine purpose for us and everything.

Super Universe

Defender of God
This is the only thing you are able to reply to after that? lulz...

Anyway, we as a species, a planet, a society, whatever, are all only contained to this planet. We have yet to discover the technology to go out and colonize other worlds and have an impact on the universe other than sending the occasional satellite out into space. The universe is so vast that our tiny little planet isn't even a blip on the cosmic radar. Perhaps there are alien species out there making their mark on the universe. Out there colonizing other planets, stripping barren planets of their resources, etc. If an alien race like that were to be wiped out, then the impact would be felt through out where ever they had contact with. Every planet they had colonized, every planet they were mining, every other species they had contact with would feel the effect of their disappearance.

We are confined to our planet thus far. We may get to the point where we make a difference beyond our own planet, or we may not, but that time hasn't come yet. If we were wiped out today, the universe wouldn't be affected at all. Our planet would keep rotating around the sun, the universe would keep going on, and nobody would be the wiser. If our species became some galactic empire, then we would have greater impact on everything around us, and even then it would still be confined to this galaxy until we had means to get to others.

So, now that I said my piece, go ahead and provide proof that there is some sort of super divine purpose for us and everything.

You're not in charge of anything here. You can't pull my chain in this direction or that, I choose. I'm not one bit surprised you think this is all I am able to reply to since you think the incredible earth, and life (except yours of course) is meaningless.

So, your unnecessarily long diatribe is that since we have not expanded onto other planets that the earth is meaningless to the universe? Hmm, claim after claim, but once again you provide no proof.

Please provide some proof that all life we know of isn't doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing for the universe.
Please provide proof that, if all life on the earth ended, no one would be the wiser.

You want me to provide proof that there is some super divine purpose for us and everything? Once again, you don't have any power here to give orders. Oh, and I didn't make the claim that there is some divine purpose for us and everything.
You're not in charge of anything here. You can't pull my chain in this direction or that, I choose. I'm not one bit surprised you think this is all I am able to reply to since you think the incredible earth, and life (except yours of course) is meaningless.

So, your unnecessarily long diatribe is that since we have not expanded onto other planets that the earth is meaningless to the universe? Hmm, claim after claim, but once again you provide no proof.

Please provide some proof that all life we know of isn't doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing for the universe.
Please provide proof that, if all life on the earth ended, no one would be the wiser.

You want me to provide proof that there is some super divine purpose for us and everything? Once again, you don't have any power here to give orders. Oh, and I didn't make the claim that there is some divine purpose for us and everything.

I have posted my argument plenty of times (which isn't really even an argument anyway since I was simply answering questions in a thought out way,) but instead of refuting it you simply say there is no proof. I'm making pretty valid arguments and points, but you simply look past them and say they aren't actually there. I'm pretty sure everyone else on this forum can see that. Pretty petty tactic.

LOL, wow... if you actually read and understood what I was saying before, YES everything is doing what it's supposed to. I said and stated some events on which that is true. I ONLY said that it's only relevant TO PEOPLE, EARTH, WHATEVER ELSE IT ACTUALLY HAS SOME AFFECT OVER. And once again you say "please provide proof" to something I said that actually showed you exactly what I meant. There's that tactic of completely ignoring the argument and saying there's no proof. Fact is that I made points, and you didn't refute anything.

Yes, show me the purpose of humanity beyond our Earthly confines. Please do it, and please attempt to refute what I said instead of simply dismissing it; all it does is show you have nothing against my position. You never had to make the claim there was a divine purpose, but you really do a good job of implying that there is one. Any complete idiot can understand what I have been saying in my posts. It's as simple as saying "I have purpose in the medical profession because I am a surgeon, but have no purpose as a professional chef because I cannot cook worth a crap."


Lucid Dreamer
So, your unnecessarily long diatribe is that since we have not expanded onto other planets that the earth is meaningless to the universe? Hmm, claim after claim, but once again you provide no proof.

That is proof, isn't it? We are not currently affecting the rest of the universe, therefore if we no longer existed the rest of the universe would still be unaffected. Though, if the earth disappeared the moon wouldn't have anything to revolve around, so that would be different.

Please provide some proof that all life we know of isn't doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing for the universe.

We are doing exactly what we are "supposed" to be doing for the universe. Which is not very much. We exist, that's all life is "meant" to do.

Please provide proof that, if all life on the earth ended, no one would be the wiser.

Look up at the sky. See the moon, stars, planets and all the rest of the universe? Do you think they are behaving any differently than they would if we didn't exist?

You want me to provide proof that there is some super divine purpose for us and everything? Once again, you don't have any power here to give orders.

Yet you seem to think you have plenty of power to demand things of others.

Oh, and I didn't make the claim that there is some divine purpose for us and everything.

You strongly implied it.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I have posted my argument plenty of times (which isn't really even an argument anyway since I was simply answering questions in a thought out way,) but instead of refuting it you simply say there is no proof. I'm making pretty valid arguments and points, but you simply look past them and say they aren't actually there. I'm pretty sure everyone else on this forum can see that. Pretty petty tactic.

LOL, wow... if you actually read and understood what I was saying before, YES everything is doing what it's supposed to. I said and stated some events on which that is true. I ONLY said that it's only relevant TO PEOPLE, EARTH, WHATEVER ELSE IT ACTUALLY HAS SOME AFFECT OVER. And once again you say "please provide proof" to something I said that actually showed you exactly what I meant. There's that tactic of completely ignoring the argument and saying there's no proof. Fact is that I made points, and you didn't refute anything.

Yes, show me the purpose of humanity beyond our Earthly confines. Please do it, and please attempt to refute what I said instead of simply dismissing it; all it does is show you have nothing against my position. You never had to make the claim there was a divine purpose, but you really do a good job of implying that there is one. Any complete idiot can understand what I have been saying in my posts. It's as simple as saying "I have purpose in the medical profession because I am a surgeon, but have no purpose as a professional chef because I cannot cook worth a crap."

Humanity could provide an invaluable biologic lifeform for souls to join with in order to experience unique personality combinations and examine how they grow and mature in complex situations but since you have "proof" that everything we do isn't connected to the rest of the universe I'd like to see it. Uh, you do have some proof to back up all these claims of yours, don't you?

You made points? With who? You demanded that I give proof for some claim I didn't even make then you made claim after claim and still have provided no proof.

Show you proof of the purpose of humanity beyond the earthly confines? Your head would explode.

Any complete idiot can understand what you have been saying in your posts? Okay, hehe... But you said it, not me.

Super Universe

Defender of God
That is proof, isn't it? We are not currently affecting the rest of the universe, therefore if we no longer existed the rest of the universe would still be unaffected. Though, if the earth disappeared the moon wouldn't have anything to revolve around, so that would be different.

We are doing exactly what we are "supposed" to be doing for the universe. Which is not very much. We exist, that's all life is "meant" to do.

Look up at the sky. See the moon, stars, planets and all the rest of the universe? Do you think they are behaving any differently than they would if we didn't exist?

Yet you seem to think you have plenty of power to demand things of others.

You strongly implied it.

Hmm, existence is nothing huh? So learning has no value whatsoever?

Do I think the moon, stars, planets, and the universe would behave differently if we didn't exist? No. But what makes you so sure that is all that's out there?

One person says I imply this, someone else says I imply that. The typical athiest argument is that theists have to provide proof for their claims while the athiests somehow do not. I just turned the tables. Now, personally, I don't care for the "provide proof" argument because no one ever agrees on what constitutes proof anyway. A stubborn man can deny everything until the end.

I just want to know this, why are you so sure that there the earth and life have no value to the universe? If God does exist, why do you think He doesn't?
Humanity could provide an invaluable biologic lifeform for souls to join with in order to experience unique personality combinations and examine how they grow and mature in complex situations but since you have "proof" that everything we do isn't connected to the rest of the universe I'd like to see it. Uh, you do have some proof to back up all these claims of yours, don't you?

You made points? With who? You demanded that I give proof for some claim I didn't even make then you made claim after claim and still have provided no proof.

Show you proof of the purpose of humanity beyond the earthly confines? Your head would explode.

Any complete idiot can understand what you have been saying in your posts? I can't argue with that, hehe...

Funny you ask for proof of myself when you say we're some invaluable biological life form, and have these souls that join with us. You're pretty much saying our purpose here is to grow and expand, and examine, which is pretty much exactly what I said anyway. Outside that, we have no real other purpose as a whole, but individual purposes. BTW, I already explained why we're not truly connected to the rest of the universe. Go back and read what I said about that. You're like the little kid who asks "why" after everything the parent says. What makes us invaluable anyway? Who decides that we're invaluable? WE decide that. An alien species could deem us unworthy and wipe us out for all we know. We can build things, we can ask questions, big whoop. Until we expand humanity into space, we have no purpose on the rest of the universe. I showed and explained everything. I would like to see why we are so such invaluable biological organisms, and what's so super purposeful in examining new experiences and what not. If we wanted to simply "experience unique personality combinations" we would all be tripping on acid, or just interacting with people. Our whole individual purpose is nothing more than to find some self satisfaction with our lives. As a species, it's just to grow and expand. That's pretty much it. I don't see where you're getting all these weird ideas from when you seem to be agreeing with me on that anyway. Of course, you'll just say "you made no points" and refuse to respond with any of your own even though they're laying right there in front of you.

Yes, I made points. I made points, and by you disagreeing with my points you must obviously have a different opinion on the subject matter. Instead of refuting any points I make you simply say "you didn't make points" and some simple statement simply saying that something different from what I said is true with out backing it up.

Another way of saying you don't have a clue on what to say about that.

Good, then get yourself up to the level of complete idiot, then we just might actually have a 2 way chat.


Lucid Dreamer
Hmm, existence is nothing huh? So learning has no value whatsoever?

It has value to us while we are alive.

Do I think the moon, stars, planets, and the universe would behave differently if we didn't exist? No. But what makes you so sure that is all that's out there?

What else do you suggest is out there?

One person says I imply this, someone else says I imply that. The typical athiest argument is that theists have to provide proof for their claims while the athiests somehow do not. I just turned the tables.

But we provided what we concider to be evidence. Would you mind returning the courtesy?

I just want to know this, why are you so sure that there the earth and life have no value to the universe?
Because, like I already tried to explain, we can see that the rest of the universe goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do here on earth.

If God does exist, why do you think He doesn't?
Why do I think he has no value to the universe? I'm not sure I understand the question.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Funny you ask for proof of myself when you say we're some invaluable biological life form, and have these souls that join with us. You're pretty much saying our purpose here is to grow and expand, and examine, which is pretty much exactly what I said anyway. Outside that, we have no real other purpose as a whole, but individual purposes. BTW, I already explained why we're not truly connected to the rest of the universe. Go back and read what I said about that. You're like the little kid who asks "why" after everything the parent says. What makes us invaluable anyway? Who decides that we're invaluable? WE decide that. An alien species could deem us unworthy and wipe us out for all we know. We can build things, we can ask questions, big whoop. Until we expand humanity into space, we have no purpose on the rest of the universe. I showed and explained everything. I would like to see why we are so such invaluable biological organisms, and what's so super purposeful in examining new experiences and what not. If we wanted to simply "experience unique personality combinations" we would all be tripping on acid, or just interacting with people. Our whole individual purpose is nothing more than to find some self satisfaction with our lives. As a species, it's just to grow and expand. That's pretty much it. I don't see where you're getting all these weird ideas from when you seem to be agreeing with me on that anyway. Of course, you'll just say "you made no points" and refuse to respond with any of your own even though they're laying right there in front of you.

Yes, I made points. I made points, and by you disagreeing with my points you must obviously have a different opinion on the subject matter. Instead of refuting any points I make you simply say "you didn't make points" and some simple statement simply saying that something different from what I said is true with out backing it up.

Another way of saying you don't have a clue on what to say about that.

Good, then get yourself up to the level of complete idiot, then we just might actually have a 2 way chat.

I said our purpose here is to grow, expand, and examine and it's pretty much what you said? Yeah, except you left out words that mean grow, expand, and examine.

You didn't explain how we are truly not connected to the universe. What you said was that humans haven't travelled to other planets but what planet would the souls be on? What planet would God be on?

Until we expand humanity into space? Sigh... Now I got you figured out, you're a trekkie kid who thinks humans main goal should be to abandon the planet for space. Yeah, abandon the beautiful gardens, pounding ocean surf, Sequoia forests, playgrounds, animals, all for the empty void of space.

What's so invaluable about new experiences? Someday in the future when you see your child being born, you'll have an idea.

Our whole individual purpose is to find some self satisfaction? No, that is not our "purpose" even though it may well be yours. What would the universe need or want with a selfish being?

A little hint, throwing insults means you are losing the argument...

Super Universe

Defender of God

It has value to us while we are alive.

What else do you suggest is out there?

But we provided what we concider to be evidence. Would you mind returning the courtesy?

Because, like I already tried to explain, we can see that the rest of the universe goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do here on earth.

Why do I think he has no value to the universe? I'm not sure I understand the question.

Are you so sure that nothing else in the universe benefits from our life experience?

What else do I think is out there? Take what's here and multiply it by the biggest number you can come up with. That's what I think is out there.

You provided what you consider evidence? For what?

You can see that the rest of the universe goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do on the earth? Wow, quite the closed minded view, especially of things you have no evidence for whatsoever. What about the dark side of the moon, are you sure there's nothing there that might be extremely interested in humanity?

Why do you think there is no God?