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Athiest Design


Lucid Dreamer
Are you so sure that nothing else in the universe benefits from our life experience?

Pretty sure, yeah.

What else do I think is out there? Take what's here and multiply it by the biggest number you can come up with. That's what I think is out there.

That's a lot of stuff alright. And most likely none of it is interested in us.

You provided what you consider evidence? For what?

That the universe would be unaffected by our absence.

You can see that the rest of the universe goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do on the earth? Wow, quite the closed minded view, especially of things you have no evidence for whatsoever. What about the dark side of the moon, are you sure there's nothing there that might be extremely interested in humanity?

Ok, to be more specific, we can see that the rest of the universe that we can see goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do on earth, and so it stands to reason that most likely the rest of the universe also is unaffected by our presence.

Yes, I'm sure there's nothing on the dark side of the moon interested in us. Do you think there is? Do you have any reason to think there is?

Why do you think there is no God?

I have seen no reason to think there is a god.
I said our purpose here is to grow, expand, and examine and it's pretty much what you said? Yeah, except you left out words that mean grow, expand, and examine.

You didn't explain how we are truly not connected to the universe. What you said was that humans haven't travelled to other planets but what planet would the souls be on? What planet would God be on?

Until we expand humanity into space? Sigh... Now I got you figured out, you're a trekkie kid who thinks humans main goal should be to abandon the planet for space. Yeah, abandon the beautiful gardens, pounding ocean surf, Sequoia forests, playgrounds, animals, all for the empty void of space.

What's so invaluable about new experiences? Someday in the future when you see your child being born, you'll have an idea.

Our whole individual purpose is to find some self satisfaction? No, that is not our "purpose" even though it may well be yours. What would the universe need or want with a selfish being?

A little hint, throwing insults means you are losing the argument...

Acting as if you need EXACT words to make a point. I said we may potentially get to space, and maybe colonize other planets, etc, etc. It's obvious from what I'm saying that we're a species that advances ourselves over time. You're acting as if not saying we will FOR SURE get to space and do other things that I think we won't.

LOL, the purpose of space exploration is not to "find God" or souls for that matter. That is one of the weirdest thing I have ever heard from any religious person. BTW, I did explain it all. You did your little petty retort and said "you didn't make any point" when it's sitting right there in front of you. When this thread is more active you will see other people noticing that quite a great deal. But seriously... "find God and souls." Why do you think we would go into space to find God our souls? Have any of our space missions been to find God? Did we send probes to Mars to search caves for God, so we could find him on his super computer monitoring everything on Earth? Then he would turn around and say "oh, you caught me!"

There you go trying to put words in my mouth. I never once said that we should abandoned Earth. It is in our nature to advance and expand. There may come the day where we break off from Earth to see what's out there. NEVER said we should abandon Earth, LOL. We would naturally be inclined to attempt to colonize other planets, and just generally explore to see what's out there among other things. We certainly wouldn't be out in the void of space searching for God. As far as abandoning all of that stuff; if we found habitable planets, and or were able to Tera-form planets, then we would have all that on those planets as well. You seem to have this idea that everything you stated would be beautiful and magical to everyone, as well. I much prefer the sound of gun fire in Battlefield 2142 over the pounding of the ocean.

You and I both know what I meant. Yes, that would be a big deal. I've had a lot of big deals. People in my life getting killed among other things. We end up having emotional experiences. So what? We all have emotional reactions. We all experience new things, but so what? We all do, and that's just a normal part of living. It shapes a lot of who we are, but we could do with out some of them.

It's not our purpose? Well, since you seem to know what it is, then tell me. All of that bonding souls and experiencing new things are very narrow answers. I experience new things every day, but it's not necessarily going to change the world dramatically. That is a very braud answer, and pretty much what I said anyway. And how can it not be our purpose, but it can be mine? That makes no sense since I am part of humanity as well. Since we're all part of the same world and purpose you seem to propose, then I would have to be part of it. So, tell me, what is our individual purpose in your eyes? You seem to say no to mine, but not give me one of your own.

Insults? Like you implying I am a complete idiot a couple posts back in a very Beavis and Butthead manner? A little hint for you: this isn't even an argument. It's me making points, and you simply saying "no, you're wrong" with out making any real points yourself.

Super Universe

Defender of God

Pretty sure, yeah.

That's a lot of stuff alright. And most likely none of it is interested in us.

That the universe would be unaffected by our absence.

Ok, to be more specific, we can see that the rest of the universe that we can see goes on doing what it does regardless of what we do on earth, and so it stands to reason that most likely the rest of the universe also is unaffected by our presence.

Yes, I'm sure there's nothing on the dark side of the moon interested in us. Do you think there is? Do you have any reason to think there is?

I have seen no reason to think there is a god.

You're pretty sure that nothing else benefits from our life experience? And you've been to how much of the universe? Less than one percent. You know exactly how much of all there is to know? Less than one percent again. Yet you are so sure of something you cannot know?

Most likely none of the universe is interested in us? How so? What leads you to this conclusion? Is it just because you want some kind of extra help or protection from God or the angels and since you didn't get it you are rebelling?

You've provided no evidence that the universe would be unaffected by our absence. I can make the claim that the universe would dissappear the instant that human's become extinct and provide just as much evidence for it as you can against it, which is none.

Some things out there might just be greatly affected by the energy discharges we create when we explode nuclear weapons. Can you see enough to prove this is not so?

You are sure there is nothing on the dark side of the moon interested in us? And how would you know?

You have no reason to think there is a God? I'm sure you don't. You want absolute proof, a sign or a vision. But what have you ever done to deserve such a thing?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Acting as if you need EXACT words to make a point. I said we may potentially get to space, and maybe colonize other planets, etc, etc. It's obvious from what I'm saying that we're a species that advances ourselves over time. You're acting as if not saying we will FOR SURE get to space and do other things that I think we won't.

LOL, the purpose of space exploration is not to "find God" or souls for that matter. That is one of the weirdest thing I have ever heard from any religious person. BTW, I did explain it all. You did your little petty retort and said "you didn't make any point" when it's sitting right there in front of you. When this thread is more active you will see other people noticing that quite a great deal. But seriously... "find God and souls." Why do you think we would go into space to find God our souls? Have any of our space missions been to find God? Did we send probes to Mars to search caves for God, so we could find him on his super computer monitoring everything on Earth? Then he would turn around and say "oh, you caught me!"

There you go trying to put words in my mouth. I never once said that we should abandoned Earth. It is in our nature to advance and expand. There may come the day where we break off from Earth to see what's out there. NEVER said we should abandon Earth, LOL. We would naturally be inclined to attempt to colonize other planets, and just generally explore to see what's out there among other things. We certainly wouldn't be out in the void of space searching for God. As far as abandoning all of that stuff; if we found habitable planets, and or were able to Tera-form planets, then we would have all that on those planets as well. You seem to have this idea that everything you stated would be beautiful and magical to everyone, as well. I much prefer the sound of gun fire in Battlefield 2142 over the pounding of the ocean.

You and I both know what I meant. Yes, that would be a big deal. I've had a lot of big deals. People in my life getting killed among other things. We end up having emotional experiences. So what? We all have emotional reactions. We all experience new things, but so what? We all do, and that's just a normal part of living. It shapes a lot of who we are, but we could do with out some of them.

It's not our purpose? Well, since you seem to know what it is, then tell me. All of that bonding souls and experiencing new things are very narrow answers. I experience new things every day, but it's not necessarily going to change the world dramatically. That is a very braud answer, and pretty much what I said anyway. And how can it not be our purpose, but it can be mine? That makes no sense since I am part of humanity as well. Since we're all part of the same world and purpose you seem to propose, then I would have to be part of it. So, tell me, what is our individual purpose in your eyes? You seem to say no to mine, but not give me one of your own.

Insults? Like you implying I am a complete idiot a couple posts back in a very Beavis and Butthead manner? A little hint for you: this isn't even an argument. It's me making points, and you simply saying "no, you're wrong" with out making any real points yourself.

I didn't say that the purpose of space exploration was to find God. What I asked was where in the universe do you think God would be, if He exists of course? On a planet?

You prefer the sound of gunfire to the sound of the ocean? Yeah, I know you do. You're angry at everything. Life is not fair. But, who told you it was fair? Why did you think that in the first place? Deal with it. Rise above it. Take control and don't allow anything to control and own you.

You've had a lot of big deals, people in your life getting killed? God does not prevent death for a very good reason, the soul has to be released. The soul is everlasting, not the human body. People don't live forever because a place for that already exists, the earth was not meant to replace heaven.

Sometimes it's tough to see the good things over the bad but they are there. Life is amazing, death is nothing compared to it. The ocean, the sky, the deserts, the glaciers, the volcano's, the planet is incredible. What compares to it? A video game? It doesn't even come close.

We could do without some of the bad things? Yeah, we could, but what would you learn then? A parent can tell a child a thousand times to stay out of the street but only when that child hears and sees a vehicle's tires screeching to a halt in front of it does it really understand how important it is.

Super Universe

Defender of God
If God exists, he has not seen fit to prove his existence to me, and if he does not exist, the question need not be asked.

Lets see, God creates the universe that is larger than you can even imagine. He creates the physical laws that you can barely comprehend. He forms life in some way that you don't understand and yet you think you deserve that He prove Himself to you?

As if you could even begin to comprehend Him?


Lucid Dreamer
You know SU, it might be easier to debate with you if you were not always so condescending to everyone.

You're pretty sure that nothing else benefits from our life experience? And you've been to how much of the universe? Less than one percent. You know exactly how much of all there is to know? Less than one percent again. Yet you are so sure of something you cannot know?

Most likely none of the universe is interested in us? How so? What leads you to this conclusion? Is it just because you want some kind of extra help or protection from God or the angels and since you didn't get it you are rebelling?

How many times do I have to answer the same question? But no, I am not rebelling because I didn't get what I want. I simply don't believe because nothing has convinced me that a god must exist.

You've provided no evidence that the universe would be unaffected by our absence. I can make the claim that the universe would dissappear the instant that human's become extinct and provide just as much evidence for it as you can against it, which is none.

Based on how we see that the universe works now, there is no reason to assume that it would vanish if we all died.
Do you honestly not see how your claims are greater than mine?

Some things out there might just be greatly affected by the energy discharges we create when we explode nuclear weapons. Can you see enough to prove this is not so?

You are sure there is nothing on the dark side of the moon interested in us? And how would you know?

You have no reason to think there is a God? I'm sure you don't. You want absolute proof, a sign or a vision. But what have you ever done to deserve such a thing?

I noticed you didn't bother to even try answering my question. Do you think there is something on the dark side of the moon? If so, what reason do you have to think there is?
If we have no evidence that there is something there, then there is no reason to assume that there is.
You do not have to have seen every square inch of the universe in order to have some general understanding of it.

Why would I have to deserve evidence? Evidence is either there or it isn't, regardless of what I deserve.
I didn't say that the purpose of space exploration was to find God. What I asked was where in the universe do you think God would be, if He exists of course? On a planet?

You prefer the sound of gunfire to the sound of the ocean? Yeah, I know you do. You're angry at everything. Life is not fair. But, who told you it was fair? Why did you think that in the first place? Deal with it. Rise above it. Take control and don't allow anything to control and own you.

You've had a lot of big deals, people in your life getting killed? God does not prevent death for a very good reason, the soul has to be released. The soul is everlasting, not the human body. People don't live forever because a place for that already exists, the earth was not meant to replace heaven.

Sometimes it's tough to see the good things over the bad but they are there. Life is amazing, death is nothing compared to it. The ocean, the sky, the deserts, the glaciers, the volcano's, the planet is incredible. What compares to it? A video game? It doesn't even come close.

We could do without some of the bad things? Yeah, we could, but what would you learn then? A parent can tell a child a thousand times to stay out of the street but only when that child hears and sees a vehicle's tires screeching to a halt in front of it does it really understand how important it is.

The way you answered the question implied that we would be searching for God on other planets. God wouldn't even be on a planet, as God would be a being working outside of our space and time. Come on now, you know the answer to that.

In my favorite video game... lol. There you go again attempting to put words in my mouth. I never once said I was angry or anything of the sort. I am merely stating my points. I have said enough times that I am a very happy and content person.

I answered that question, but instead of refuting it you completely go off on something else. Your answer is completely irrelevant to the answer I gave, because it was only that very small part of a larger answer to a question that has nothing to do with what you are going on about. That being said, I never asked for some theological, religious explanation of the soul. I never even implied that I was torn apart by death, nor that I didn't understand it. You simply went on about death because it was out of the way, and convenient at the moment for you.

That was a very nice pseudo-artist babble you went on there. Beauty changes from eye to eye of each person. Not everyone is going to be that easily amused, or find the same things as awesome as you do.

I was speaking of the unnecessary bad, such as rapists, murderers, you get the idea. Never said anything about the necessary things. By the way, what you described wasn't "bad" it was live and learn. A truck driving down the road, when a kid pops out of nowhere 5 feet in front of it is no more evil than a Lion chasing down a gazelle in the wild.

Super Universe

Defender of God
You know SU, it might be easier to debate with you if you were not always so condescending to everyone.

How many times do I have to answer the same question? But no, I am not rebelling because I didn't get what I want. I simply don't believe because nothing has convinced me that a god must exist.

Based on how we see that the universe works now, there is no reason to assume that it would vanish if we all died.
Do you honestly not see how your claims are greater than mine?

I noticed you didn't bother to even try answering my question. Do you think there is something on the dark side of the moon? If so, what reason do you have to think there is?
If we have no evidence that there is something there, then there is no reason to assume that there is.
You do not have to have seen every square inch of the universe in order to have some general understanding of it.

Why would I have to deserve evidence? Evidence is either there or it isn't, regardless of what I deserve.

Who am I condescending to? Those who think they are so smart, yet have no degree. Those who think they know everything but are just teenagers. Those who are angry because they are equal and nothing more. These are the ones who need to be brought back down to earth, where the rest of us are.

Any person who thinks they have it all figured out is welcome to enlighten us all. Shine a light in the darkness and stop trying to do the opposite just because you are angry that God only gave you a universe and life and somehow forgot that you wanted to be rich and famous as well.

Those who are down, unsure of themselves and the universe, afraid of things, I help them to their feet. Which one do you think you are?

How many times do you have to answer the same question? Uh, once would suffice. If your only evidence is "I don't see" and you have only been to .000000000000001 of something then it should be obvious why you didn't see very much.

Hmm, based on how we see that the universe works now? What do we see? We see a lot of stuff that seems to have all originated from a common origin point yet that would defy what we know about physics. Where does this gravity thing come from? What type of energy is it? What's with this String Theory and why does it predict eleven dimensions? If you have always lived in a room you can imagine the rooms above but how many? And how large the outside of the house? If you say it's not there, how do you know?

My claim, that the universe might just disappear if humans went extinct is greater than yours? Uh, so? Maybe my claim is unsubstantiated but that does not mean it's false. It could just be that way.

Why should I answer your questions when you don't answer mine. This is my thread, who do you think is in charge here?

Why do you have to deserve evidence? Would you give a loaded weapon to a child? Probably not until they've developed some maturity and ability to understand the consequences of using it and not using it.

You don't know God exists because you haven't earned the right to know. You haven't examined the earth, life, and the universe with an open and mature mind. You depend on the scientists to prove everything for you but they can't see God because they haven't earned it either. They think a trillion accidents happened in exact precision and in the perfect order to form the universe.


The Lost One
super universe said:
So, if we all had to abide by your choice, your answer to an afterlife is that you have had enough but you don't mind if others continue on?

My ideals would be, there would be no afterlife whatsoever for anyone. Life on earth is the only reality, and one's death is the end of one's "self". There are no soul or spirit, therefore no afterlife.

Though I believe this, it doesn't mean that I would force this belief upon you or upon others. This is how I wish thing to be; it doesn't mean that my idea are true (or yours for that matter) and I am not encouraging to share this same sentiment.

As I have said, you and others, are entitled your own belief on the whole religious or spiritual issues, and any belief of the afterlife.

I thought I made myself clear on this in previous posts.


Lucid Dreamer
Who am I condescending to? Those who think they are so smart, yet have no degree. Those who think they know everything but are just teenagers. Those who are angry because they are equal and nothing more. These are the ones who need to be brought back down to earth, where the rest of us are.
Any person who thinks they have it all figured out is welcome to enlighten us all. Shine a light in the darkness and stop trying to do the opposite just because you are angry that God only gave you a universe and life and somehow forgot that you wanted to be rich and famous as well.

Those who are down, unsure of themselves and the universe, afraid of things, I help them to their feet. Which one do you think you are?

It makes you seem extremely arrogant and condescending when you assume those things about people and think they can’t have a valid point of view because of it.
You and I are just two people who disagree, yet we each use our own best judgment to reach our conclusions.

How many times do you have to answer the same question? Uh, once would suffice. If your only evidence is "I don't see" and you have only been to .000000000000001 of something then it should be obvious why you didn't see very much.

I have answered your question. My answer was that because of what we can see we know that very likely the universe doesn’t care about us and would go on just the same without us.
So far the only objection I’ve seen you give in response is that there might be something out there that does care about us.
I’ll give you that there is a small possiblility that something somewhere might be very interested in us. However, with no evidence for it we have no reason to assume that there is something.

Hmm, based on how we see that the universe works now? What do we see? We see a lot of stuff that seems to have all originated from a common origin point yet that would defy what we know about physics. Where does this gravity thing come from? What type of energy is it? What's with this String Theory and why does it predict eleven dimensions? If you have always lived in a room you can imagine the rooms above but how many? And how large the outside of the house? If you say it's not there, how do you know?

None of this has anything to do with whether the universe would miss us or not.

My claim, that the universe might just disappear if humans went extinct is greater than yours? Uh, so? Maybe my claim is unsubstantiated but that does not mean it's false. It could just be that way.

A greater claim requires greater evidence to support it. Evidence suggests that the universe existed long before we did. So it seems logical to think the universe would continue to exist after we don’t.

Why should I answer your questions when you don't answer mine. This is my thread, who do you think is in charge here?

Starting a conversation does not make you king. In a courteous debate each side addressed the other’s points/questions and makes their own points/questions. I have tried several times now to answer your question.

Why do you have to deserve evidence? Would you give a loaded weapon to a child? Probably not until they've developed some maturity and ability to understand the consequences of using it and not using it.

Evidence is like a loaded weapon? How so?

You don't know God exists because you haven't earned the right to know. You haven't examined the earth, life, and the universe with an open and mature mind. You depend on the scientists to prove everything for you but they can't see God because they haven't earned it either. They think a trillion accidents happened in exact precision and in the perfect order to form the universe.

I guess you should know me and how I’ve examined life better than anyone, right? You obviously know exactly how everyone thinks.

Super Universe

Defender of God
It makes you seem extremely arrogant and condescending when you assume those things about people and think they can’t have a valid point of view because of it.
You and I are just two people who disagree, yet we each use our own best judgment to reach our conclusions.

I have answered your question. My answer was that because of what we can see we know that very likely the universe doesn’t care about us and would go on just the same without us.
So far the only objection I’ve seen you give in response is that there might be something out there that does care about us.
I’ll give you that there is a small possiblility that something somewhere might be very interested in us. However, with no evidence for it we have no reason to assume that there is something.

None of this has anything to do with whether the universe would miss us or not.

A greater claim requires greater evidence to support it. Evidence suggests that the universe existed long before we did. So it seems logical to think the universe would continue to exist after we don’t.

Starting a conversation does not make you king. In a courteous debate each side addressed the other’s points/questions and makes their own points/questions. I have tried several times now to answer your question.

Evidence is like a loaded weapon? How so?

I guess you should know me and how I’ve examined life better than anyone, right? You obviously know exactly how everyone thinks.

I'm arrogant because I try to bring down those who act superior? Then I'm arrogant. I rarely think people don't have valid arguments. In fact, I think athiest's have absolutely valid reasons for not believing in God. Their lives are screwed up so they see God as unactive or not there at all. Maybe He exists but what does it matter to them because they aren't getting any benefit from Him. Well, you do have a life. That's something, isn't it? In fact it's absolutely amazing. The earth is amazing! But you don't even notice because you're too concerned with getting a new stereo or plasma tv that you don't see the really beautiful things. How long is that stupid stereo going to last anyway?

The thing that upsets me is when people won't admit the reason they don't believe. They say "I see no reason to believe" when the truth is their idea of God is incorrect. They think He would, or should, be all over the earth fixing this and preventing that but that would invalidate the whole purpose of the earth to exist in the first place. YOU'RE supposed to fix it! It's you're home! But I guess it's easier to just do nothing and complain "Oh, it's too hard. The issue's are too complex. No one will listen to me. Boo hoo..."

Like it or not, it's time to start dealing with your life, your situation. Some of you have spent a million years bouncing around at this level, it's time to move on. It really is. You're clogging up the pipeline. New souls can't come here because too many old souls haven't ascended.

What you can see is .000000001 of what exists. But if you want to close your mind off from the incredible multi-verse then so be it. Shrink that box around you small and tight, as if it protects you when it really doesn't.


Just me
Premium Member
I'm arrogant because I try to bring down those who act superior? Then I'm arrogant. I rarely think people don't have valid arguments. In fact, I think athiest's have absolutely valid reasons for not believing in God. Their lives are screwed up so they see God as unactive or not there at all. Maybe He exists but what does it matter to them because they aren't getting any benefit from Him. Well, you do have a life. That's something, isn't it? In fact it's absolutely amazing. The earth is amazing! But you don't even notice because you're too concerned with getting a new stereo or plasma tv that you don't see the really beautiful things. How long is that stupid stereo going to last anyway?

The thing that upsets me is when people won't admit the reason they don't believe.
Sup; the problem is that "the reason they don't believe" is your take, not theirs. They cannot possibly admit your take rather than theirs.

They say "I see no reason to believe" when the truth is their idea of God is incorrect. They think He would, or should, be all over the earth fixing this and preventing that but that would invalidate the whole purpose of the earth to exist in the first place. YOU'RE supposed to fix it! It's you're home! But I guess it's easier to just do nothing and complain "Oh, it's too hard. The issue's are too complex. No one will listen to me. Boo hoo..."
If there's one thing I've learned since coming to RF, it's that no "idea of God" is incorrect, because it is ever only ever an idea of God. Even the most feverent believer --even you --possesses only an idea of God.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Sup; the problem is that "the reason they don't believe" is your take, not theirs. They cannot possibly admit your take rather than theirs.

If there's one thing I've learned since coming to RF, it's that no "idea of God" is incorrect, because it is ever only ever an idea of God. Even the most feverent believer --even you --possesses only an idea of God.

People can only see what they have been shown. I don't expect anyone to know absolutely, positively, 100% that God exists because you're not supposed to know. But why don't people examine themselves? Why don't they find out why they think this or that? Why do people yell at their spouse when they are really upset at themselves for screwing up the job interview? Come on, figure yourself out...

I would agree that no idea of God is entirely incorrect or correct. What can an ant understand of the space shuttle?

And yes, we are all in the same boat. People think I act like a "know it all", I don't know more, just different.


Just me
Premium Member
People can only see what they have been shown.
...by their own imaginations, right.

I don't expect anyone to know absolutely, positively, 100% that God exists because you're not supposed to know.
Who says? Says who? That there is part of your image (idea) of God.

But why don't people examine themselves? Why don't they find out why they think this or that? Why do people yell at their spouse when they are really upset at themselves for screwing up the job interview? Come on, figure yourself out...themselves? Why don't they find out why they think this or that? Why do people yell at their spouse when they are really upset at themselves for screwing up the job interview? Come on, figure yourself out...
You can't make people figure themselves out. It happens in its own good time. And if you have no power to influence it, you're just butting your head against a wall.

I would agree that no idea of God is entirely incorrect or correct. What can an ant understand of the space shuttle?
And yes, we are all in the same boat. People think I act like a "know it all", I don't know more, just different.
But you talk like you know it all. ;)


Lucid Dreamer
I'm arrogant because I try to bring down those who act superior? Then I'm arrogant.

But then you appear to be acting superior. Why is it ok for you to act superior when you say everyone else needs to be brought down?

Well, you do have a life. That's something, isn't it? In fact it's absolutely amazing. The earth is amazing! But you don't even notice because you're too concerned with getting a new stereo or plasma tv that you don't see the really beautiful things. How long is that stupid stereo going to last anyway?

The earth is indeed amazing. I love nature and animals, and the universe. I enjoy learning more about them because it is always fascinating. And I am humbled and insignificant compared to it all. I am not nearly as materialistic as you are assuming me to be.

The thing that upsets me is when people won't admit the reason they don't believe. They say "I see no reason to believe" when the truth is their idea of God is incorrect. They think He would, or should, be all over the earth fixing this and preventing that but that would invalidate the whole purpose of the earth to exist in the first place. YOU'RE supposed to fix it! It's you're home! But I guess it's easier to just do nothing and complain "Oh, it's too hard. The issue's are too complex. No one will listen to me. Boo hoo..."

I have considered many concepts of god, and they all seem unlikely to me. Obviously the kind of god that goes around fixing everything doesn't exist. But I realized that in itself doesn't discredit all other concepts of god. Each concept of god must be considered individually.

How difficult life might be has nothing to do with me not believing in god. You can’t tell me that I’m wrong when I say that.

Super Universe

Defender of God
...by their own imaginations, right.

Who says? Says who? That there is part of your image (idea) of God.

You can't make people figure themselves out. It happens in its own good time. And if you have no power to influence it, you're just butting your head against a wall.

But you talk like you know it all. ;)

Uh, how does imagination show anything?

Part of my idea of God? So, you think that God does not have the ability to prove Himself to you?

I can't make people figure themselves out? And that is exactly right. Sissy, crying big baby adults who can't handle life pay tens of thousands of dollars to therapists who could tell them exactly what is wrong in the first week because people can't figure themselves out.

It happens in good time? But it has to happen before death, otherwise the game starts all over again from the beginning. I'm not putting my head against a wall. If I help one in a thousand then it was worth it.

I talk like I know it all? wood u preefur dat i takl liek tis so u can fiel betur?

Super Universe

Defender of God
But then you appear to be acting superior. Why is it ok for you to act superior when you say everyone else needs to be brought down?

The earth is indeed amazing. I love nature and animals, and the universe. I enjoy learning more about them because it is always fascinating. And I am humbled and insignificant compared to it all. I am not nearly as materialistic as you are assuming me to be.

I have considered many concepts of god, and they all seem unlikely to me. Obviously the kind of god that goes around fixing everything doesn't exist. But I realized that in itself doesn't discredit all other concepts of god. Each concept of god must be considered individually.

How difficult life might be has nothing to do with me not believing in god. You can’t tell me that I’m wrong when I say that.

I didn't say everyone else needs to be brought down. Sigh... I said "I try to bring down those who act superior". If you think you know more about God and the universe, hey I'm all ears buddy. Give me your best stuff.

Where do you think this gravity stuff comes from? What do you think about String Theory? What do you think are the critieria that souls are looking for in personalities? What frequency String Energy do you think creates this dimension? What's the nature of the sun to earth String Energy conduit and why does it run through the arctic circle?

Believe me and investigate what I say or don't believe me. It matters not. I'm not going to act like I don't know that God exists to make you feel more comfortable with yourself. I don't really care whether you believe or not. 95% of the world doesn't really believe in Him so you're in good company. If a religious person really knew God, do you think they'd be listening to a preacher man tell them about Him?

You're not materialistic? Good. So you think amazingly beautiful things happen by accident? Also, becoming humble is a major step on the way to realization of the truth. When the veil is lifted you'll wonder "How did I not realize this all along?"