They are not my beliefs they are things Trump is doing and saying. You either agree with Trumps policies or you don’t, I pretty much disagree with most everything Trump and the GOP have done thus far. I find it alarming that Trumps die hard followers don’t see not one negative aspect of any of Trumps agendas.
So, the fact that you disagree with Trump and what he is doing - is that because of Trump's beliefs or your beliefs?
People might still see negative aspects of Trump's agendas, but it's also a matter of consistency in principles and beliefs. It's also a matter of how seriously one wants to take the issues in question.
Fact is, a lot of the issues we're facing now that seem to be the bugbears for those who staunchly oppose Trump, these all could have been dealt with years ago - long before Trump. But too many people didn't take them seriously and didn't want to address them in earnest. They just assumed that all "right thinking" people would agree with them and scarcely gave it a second thought.
The fact that you find it "alarming" now is very telling, but I don't think you're looking at the big picture.