No one is changing the definition of marriage. You can still define marriage as strictly one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. Within your church, within your house, within your family. The legal definition is not the only one available to you. Like chill my brother. Words can have different meanings to different people without the wholesale collapse of said words or indeed society. That's the beauty of language. I mean hell, marriage in the secular context doesn't mean a goddamned thing anyway, imo. There's no conviction, no sacred sacrifice, no sanctity in secular marriages. It has already been devalued by heterosexuals for decades now. I mean just how sacred is the 2 minute marriages celebs have these days?But I'll say again:
Let's not change the definition of marriage. . That is what you guys want to do and I disagree. There is no need to argue further. You come from a different paradigm to me. A vastly different one. a scary one if I am to be honest.
Hell I can walk into any magistrate and get married to some yobbo I just met provided they are 18 and of the opposite sex, for the money, for the lolz, because of a bet or any other ridiculous reason you can think of. How exactly is that more holy than a gay couple who have been together for more than say 50 years without so much as looking at others?
Is that marriage on a stupid dare really more meaningful because it's to a guy instead of another girl? Because I hate to break this to you, but society at large already has changed the definition of marriage. At least to me. Legal Marriage to me doesn't mean anything except civil rights and a marriage done in a Church/Temple is different. That has tradition, honour, sanctity. (That's not to say there aren't those things in secular marriages. Just a generalization for the sake of time.) Marriage only has a deeper meaning to those who choose to think of it that way. Not because of any law, man made or divine. But because they chose to define it that way for themselves. For whatever reason.
So why so hung up on the word marriage? Holy Matrimony is in my view a much better way to describe religious marriages.
Marriage as a word is actually very personal if you think about it. And no law will change that. Because people will define marriage according to them and their scenario/beliefs and it will differ person to person even.
And what is scary about this paradigm? Other countries have had legal gay marriage for a long time. No fire or brimstone has descended. In fact nothing has happened at all.
Ahh yes, the oh so noble cause of fighting to keep treating otherwise law abiding citizens, your fellow man, as second class citizens within their own country. Very Jesus like, I must say. Because why? A word? What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would still smell as sweet.I'm the one being slandered here. I say thank God there are people like me who aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Who will suffer the slings of outrageous misfortune. Who will stand alone in this Godless world and fight for the right to ......(sorry guess I'm getting carried away, I'll stop now )
(Shakes is pretty awesome, is he not? Teen angst in R and J aside)
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