Higher and Higher
Was it because Torah was shared or because Rome was occupying Israel and the Sanhedrin took action against Jesus, subsequently followed by his crucifixion by the Romans? It seems to me you are confounding cause and effect.
You know no legitimate sanhedrin took action against Jesus, right?
The actual chief Sanhedrin had ceased adjudicating capital cases at that time, out of fears of corruption in government. Plus, blasphemy cases were extremely rare, and were rarely brought to capital hearings even under the best of circumstances. And no legitimate Jewish court would have handed over a criminal of any kind to be killed by the Romans, since everyone knew that the Romans employed execution practices forbidden to us.
Additionally, the Christian scriptures depict the sanhedrin which condemned Jesus as being called and presided over by the High Priest, who did not have such authority even when the office was not filled by a corrupted Tzedoki (Sadducee), as was the case at that time. If a "sanhedrin" condemned Jesus, it was an illegitimate court-- a farce.