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Bad things about Christianity


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
Fair enough, but not all Christians have the same concept of the afterlife.

Neither do Jews :eek:

I merely don't believe that belief is the utter highest requirement for the highest salvation. The viewpoint I follow is that after death, our souls (in general) go to a place where we are cleansed . A kind of changing room, a way to put it. :cool: Then Heaven.


Well-Known Member
adilrockstar said:
What do you not like about Christianity?

The thing I dislike the most about Christianity is the radical fundies it churns out - I understand that most Christians aren't extreme fundies, but I'm just saying, they don't do much to help mainstream Christians. I also disagree with plenty things in the Bible and hate how some Christians use their beliefs to try to hinder science or rights, like stem cell research and abortion. Sorry for any Christians I offend (I respect most of you here), but that's my opinion.

How does your Religion differ?

I don't have a religion.

What drew you to your Religion?

What drew me to my lack of religion was reading the Bible and learning about science.


Not your average Mormon
Sunstone said:
Including Paul?
Yes, including Paul. Of course, you can take certain of his statements out of context and you might be inclined to view them differently than he meant them. But I believe Paul was a true follower of Jesus Christ. It would be a little easier for me to comment if I knew which statements you were specifically referring to.


The cake is a lie
While I'm still trying to decide if this is because of Christianity or Christians, I really dislike the guilt-complex it gives a lot of people, especially if they don't fit into the strict definition of what a good Christian should be. It always breaks my heart to see people filled with self-loathing because they think they're not good enough.

At the moment, I'm UU and getting drawn towards Buddhism. From what I've been able to learn, there's no "you're all born sinners" mentality in Buddhism. Just a sort of "yeah, everyone screws up. Learn from it and move on" mentality.

The truth in Buddhism and the respect for people in UU is what drew me to them.


The idea that I have this test with one true/false question: "Is Jesus the Son of God sent here to die for our sins". I either get an A and eternal salvation or an F and eternal damnation. C'mon, am I really supposed to figure this out after 2000 years?

We've got video tape and eyewitnesses of Babe Ruth in 1932 supposedly calling his shot, yet we still don't know if that's what he was really doing or not. If we can't figure that out, how am I supposed to know if passages written 40+ years after Jesus' death are accurate?


Well-Known Member
Victor said:
Oh sorry, I thought you meant it as a joke. When you say "Jesus teachings" it is like saying you are Christian. It can mean everything from love your neighbor to the smallest details. It's just too vague.
hahaha, okay l'll admit I was wrong, I MEANT to include the word SOME before "Jesus's teachings" but I didn't in that sentence. I did include it when I said SOME of Christianity though.:D

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Original sin and the trinity was just too much for me. I could not accept original sin, because it made no sense to me that if God is all powerful that He could not forgive Adam and his wife Eve for one mistake. I also disagree with being born into sins. Thats one thing that drew me towards the study of many other religions, but disbelief in the trinity is what ultimately drew me towards Islam. Islam teaches that all people are born muslim actually. That means that we are born completely innocent and acceptable by Allah. We are born good with the propensity to commit evil. Certainly we were not born evil.

The trinity is a story in and of itself. I just could not wrap my mind around the fact that Jesus was indeed a human being and that I worshipped him. As I read more about it, Jesus himself essentially denies he is God when he says that no man has seen God. The idea of the trinity went against what Jesus was talking about, and was not in conjunction with the rest of the bible. These were my personal hang-ups.

The way some christians proselytize is what gave it a bad rap. Everyone does not invite towards their religion that way. It seems a little condescending sometimes.


The Lost One
tlcmel said:
That's great:) , and admirable, unfortunately I can't find anything I like about Christianity.(except for Jesus's teachings).
victor said:

Good one.
I don't mind Jesus' teaching, particularly those about compassionate and love. I just mainly dubious about the miracles and resurrection.

What I don't like, is what Paul has to say or teach...sometimes.


Well-Known Member
gnostic said:
I don't mind Jesus' teaching, particularly those about compassionate and love. I just mainly dubious about the miracles and resurrection.

What I don't like, is what Paul has to say or teach...sometimes.
Thank you, frubals my dear!;)


Admiral Obvious
My biggest problem with Christianity is it's followers.
More specifically the way most of them not only display their hipocrisy but their being proud of it.

I do not agree with the homophobia that many Christians deny exists within the Bible.
I disagree with the punishing of the children for the parents sins.

Just to name a few...


Moved on
I'm going to try to be fairly nice and hopefully not break too many rules here. In my defense, he is asking me what I dislike.
adilrockstar said:
What do you not like about Christianity?
Many things really. From Christianity itself, not so much. I dislike the idea of an omnipotent god, a human god, a heaven/hell afterlife based on faith, occassional taking literally of the bible, and it's universalist tendencies (this is the one that really gets me. Details coming.) On the other hand, the acts of past Christians make things even worse. There was the wars and conversion of my people, the whole damnation aspect for those who don't convert, and quite a bit of other little things. However, the big thing was the near destruction of the old faiths. Fortunately, the ancient germanic religion was kept very intact through all that. Probably not active, but certainly recorded :).
How does your Religion differ?
Well, a few things. First, not just anybody can be an Asatruar/Irminist (I kind of fit on the border, leaning towards Irminenschaft). It's an ancestral faith. We are connected through our Germanic ancestors. Also, we don't have a concept of salvation. When you die, you go to hel or asgard. Both are actually rather nice. If you are really evil though, it just may not be so cozy... Also, we don't believe it's the only way to bliss/enlightenment/whatever. After all, none of that exists ;)
What drew you to your Religion?
It actually all started here on RF. Darkdale (what ever happened to him anyways?) posted a few threads about Asatru. I checked them out, they seemed cool, so I studied some more. It just kind of clicked.

EDIT: Actually, come down to it, I actually kind of like LDS folks (Mormons). They come off as a pretty cool bunch. Certainly not my type of religion, but nice folks for sure.


Active Member
Gentoo said:
Most of the things I don't like about Christianity refers to it's followers in general, but I don't think that's what you're getting at :). I don't like the whole Hell concept. It makes no sense to me and is contrary to a loving God.

Mine is different because there is no Hell, we pay for our "sins" right here on Earth through the laws of Karma.

Many wonderful things drew me to where I am, mainly it outlines a lot of the beliefs I already had, so I was already Pagan/Wiccan, I just didnt' know it :)

See their are different views out there among Christians about Hell. The way my church believes is that all the souls lost to Satan will be desroyed. They will only suffer in Hell until Christ comes back and the final judgment is handed down.

Just another view....of course I believe my view is Biblically correct:D ha ha ha. I guess we will see in the end.

God Bless



Active Member
Faint said:
I personally do not like Christianity (or any religion that stems from the Old Testament) because, to quote Richard Dawkins,

Thanks for the response. I can understand why that view is held by many people.

God Bless



The Feisty Penguin
adilrockstar said:
See their are different views out there among Christians about Hell. The way my church believes is that all the souls lost to Satan will be desroyed. They will only suffer in Hell until Christ comes back and the final judgment is handed down.

Just another view....of course I believe my view is Biblically correct:D ha ha ha. I guess we will see in the end.

God Bless


Hmm, I hadn't heard that before. I did learn something today :) thanks!


Obstructor of justice
I have a hard time agreeing with most of the theology in Christianity, from monotheism, to Original Sin, to the very idea that there is something to be saved from.

And, I don't have a religion. Lacking the ability to make a connection and/or cultivate a realitionship with any form of Deity is what led me to be an atheist.


Active Member
fantôme profane said:
I am not going to say that there is anything “bad” about Christianity, rather that it is simply based on some assertions that I cannot personally accept. I do not accept the existence of a personal “God”. I don’t believe in a man who was either the “Son of God” or “God” incarnate who died so this “God” would be able to forgive humanity, and then came back to life. And I don’t believe in the existence of something called a soul that somehow allows human consciousness to exist when the brain no longer functions. There is nothing necessarily “bad” about any of these things, but I personally see no reason to believe they are true.

Thanks for the response. I can understand where you are coming from. I struggled in the past with my mind, trying to understand it all.

I guess the reason I accepted Christ was because of the Love that I kept feeling in my heart when I went to Church. I could not deny it. I would read my Bible and truth would pour itself out on me. Even though there were many questions that I had, I just kept on pressing in and in and in. Then one day...............BANG :angel2: a light went off. All of my doubt dissolved. It was trully amazing. I looked at life with new eyes. I took the promises in the Bible as truth and my life changed, as did my doubt. That is my personal experience with Christianity. I wasn't born a believer, I had to seek out truth even when I was praying in total silence to the air. It took a lot of pressing. One day after seeking enough God revealed himself to me. I guess he was just testing me.

God Bless



The Lost One
I see what Jesus taught in his time, doesn't always correspond to what Christianity and Christians have done, along their long history.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I reject the notion of the crucifiction, as a physical event. Christ did do a fairly good job with the mess he was handed though.