That's precisely what all proselytising religions say, except maybe 'God' is used instead. And, yes, you're just following your faith.
Sharing is not proselytizing. Proselytizing implies
intent to convert but sharing does not imply intent to convert.
Nobody has any way of knowing the intent of any other person. Even if I was happy that someone chose to become a Baha’i that would not imply intent to convert, because I would never want anyone to become a Baha’i unless
they freely chose to do so after doing all the necessary research and investigation.
Baha’is are only supposed to “teach” the Baha’i Faith to people if they have shared and someone is interested in learning more about it.
Share: give a portion of (something) to another or others.
Teach: show or explain to (someone) how to do something.
Proselytize: convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
I stand up to it because it's inherently critical of other religions.
Please show me where the Baha'i Faith is critical of other religions. Disagreeing with some of the beliefs of other religions that have been corrupted by man is not being critical of the religion as it was originally revealed.
Despite this mountain of evidence for all the harm it can cause, you continue? It makes no sense to me. But carry on. Do what you will. It's your karma to bear.
No, Baha'is do not do what other religions such as Christianity have done.
Any Baha'is that attempt to convert people are going against the teachings of Baha'u'llah. There is a quote to that effect but I cannot find it right now.