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Banning ‘Woke’ Words in State Documents, Arkansas Governor Signs Executive Order


colors your eyes with what's not there
There is a predictability to the arguments and tactics that your team uses.

There's a predictability to the arguments and tactics you use:

Repeated cliché catchphrases that sound like corporate-speak, like "your team," "let's zoom out," "circle back," "steelman," "sealioning," and so on.

Repeated refusal to answer good-faith questions.

Repeated claims of victimhood when you willingly admit to wanting to be the contrarian. In short, you invite and then lament.

Overuse of smileys which leave you looking insincere and manipulative rather than humorous or friendly.

Holding others to standards you don't keep yourself. (Good Alinsky tactic there!)

A pretense to liberalism that doesn't ring true as evidenced by (but not limited to) your using the pre-transition pronouns of transitioned people and your use of the term "woke."

In short, I think you're a troll, and I don't say that lightly. I think you're here to stir the pot and muddy the water and your derailing of the Bubba Copeland thread is a good illustration of that.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
There's a predictability to the arguments and tactics you use:

Repeated cliché catchphrases that sound like corporate-speak, like "your team," "let's zoom out," "circle back," "steelman," "sealioning," and so on.
Indeed, until you up your game, those are the only tools I need.

Repeated refusal to answer good-faith questions.
Pot, meet kettle.

Repeated claims of victimhood when you willingly admit to wanting to be the contrarian. In short, you invite and then lament.
I only lament the lack of actual conversation.

Holding others to standards you don't keep yourself. (Good Alinsky tactic there!)
If you debate honestly, so will I. But I will not turn the other cheek when you initiate bad faith.

A pretense to liberalism that doesn't ring true as evidenced by (but not limited to) your using the pre-transition pronouns of transitioned people and your use of the term "woke."

In short, I think you're a troll, and I don't say that lightly. I think you're here to stir the pot and muddy the water and your derailing of the Bubba Copeland thread is a good illustration of that.

Your team (and I use that term because you have never stood up and told us what you actually stand for), seems to align very closely with "the woke". You hold many of the same ideas and use many of the same tactics.

I am not trolling you, but I am trying to wake you up from the spell created by the progressive kool-aid you've drunk. It's divisive and illogical, and we need to be unifying and logical if we're to survive.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Your team (and I use that term because you have never stood up and told us what you actually stand for), seems to align very closely with "the woke". You hold many of the same ideas and use many of the same tactics.

Liberals don't use woke as an epithet. Only right-wingers do that.

progressive kool-aid

I don't believe you're the liberal you say you are, and why I think you're a troll. I know right-wingers very, very well.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Liberals don't use woke as an epithet. Only right-wingers do that.

I'm happy to stand with JK Rowling, Sam Harris, Andrew Doyle, Douglas Murray, Bill Maher and others like them.

I don't believe you're the liberal you say you are, and why I think you're a troll.
Just to be sure, I looked up the definition of internet troll. Nope, that's not me. I know my intentions and I think "liberal contrarian" matches my intentions.

As for "right-wingers", this is an example of a woke tactic, to try to reduce everyone to simple identity politics categories. People aren't so easily pigeon holed ;)


Veteran Member
I'm happy to stand with JK Rowling, Sam Harris, Andrew Doyle, Douglas Murray, Bill Maher and others like them.

Just to be sure, I looked up the definition of internet troll. Nope, that's not me. I know my intentions and I think "liberal contrarian" matches my intentions.

As for "right-wingers", this is an example of a woke tactic, to try to reduce everyone to simple identity politics categories. People aren't so easily pigeon holed ;)
Except for the "woke," right? :oops:


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Except for the "woke," right? :oops:
It's a good point.

Identity politics is usually used to categorize people by immutable characteristics like skin color, sex, nationality - things a person cannot change. But sometimes it's used to categorize people according to what they believe, like left-wing or right-wing.

I would say that crude categories are mostly useless (and often harmful), but that finer grained categories are essential. For example, anyone can be pro-choice (hooray). Maybe left leaning people are statistically more likely to be pro-choice, but millions and millions of conservatives are also pro-choice. So to me pro-choice vs, not-pro-choice is a useful category, where-as lefty vs conservative is cruder and less useful, perhaps even counter-productive.

OTOH, there seems to be a collection of IDEAS that some people agree with that I'm calling "woke" ideas. (And again, I'm not attached to the term "woke", I'm happy to switch to a different term if anyone knows what it should be.)

To me, "woke" is broader than a single idea like pro-choice, but it's no where near as broad as left-wing vs. right-wing. I do think that many ideas that I'd put under the "woke" category have similar underlying axioms, and to me that strengthens the idea that it's a useful category. And of course, a person could very well believe in some of these "woke" ideas but not all of them.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There are a collection of ideas that "you guys" / "your team" tend to agree on. See my post above.
You keeo saying that, but do you realize @Revoltingest is his own team here? He's not the only Libertarian, but his only Deep South libertarian company is me, but I'm just as far Left as he is Right.
It's another of your disingenuous efforts in bad faith debating.


Veteran Member
Are there any opinions or ideas associated with being a Canadian progressive? :)
Not particularly. I kind of just made that up to describe myself.
I advocate for the progress, improvement and/or reform of the human condition through social reform.
Basically, I just want everyone to be a happy and contributing member of society and to mind their own business.


Veteran Member
I am not trolling you, but I am trying to wake you up from the spell created by the progressive kool-aid you've drunk. It's divisive and illogical, and we need to be unifying and logical if we're to survive.
You accuse tolerant and open minded people of drinking some toxic Kool-Aid and completely dismiss that it is likely you drunk on some deadly mixture. What I notice about your attitude is a near complete dismissal of anyone who doesn't agree with you, which thus far is just a few laregly silent folks. You really seem so deeply committed to your beliefs that you can't consider the possiblty of being mistaken, and that is one vice that is dangerous in humans, especially those dedicated against categories of citizens. Your attitude against trans people is very much like those in the Confederate States in how they saw black people. I have to say I find this disturbing.

We Never Know

No Slack
You accuse tolerant and open minded people of drinking some toxic Kool-Aid and completely dismiss that it is likely you drunk on some deadly mixture. What I notice about your attitude is a near complete dismissal of anyone who doesn't agree with you, which thus far is just a few laregly silent folks. You really seem so deeply committed to your beliefs that you can't consider the possiblty of being mistaken, and that is one vice that is dangerous in humans, especially those dedicated against categories of citizens. Your attitude against trans people is very much like those in the Confederate States in how they saw black people. I have to say I find this disturbing.

"What I notice about your attitude is a near complete dismissal of anyone who doesn't agree with you"

You left out that if I, a male, doesn't agree with their agenda(pronouns, bathroom usage, etc) then I am called a transphobe(another label).

There are males and transgender males,
Not cis-males and males


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You accuse tolerant and open minded people of drinking some toxic Kool-Aid and completely dismiss that it is likely you drunk on some deadly mixture. What I notice about your attitude is a near complete dismissal of anyone who doesn't agree with you, which thus far is just a few laregly silent folks. You really seem so deeply committed to your beliefs that you can't consider the possiblty of being mistaken, and that is one vice that is dangerous in humans, especially those dedicated against categories of citizens. Your attitude against trans people is very much like those in the Confederate States in how they saw black people. I have to say I find this disturbing.

In post #746 I listed a bunch of famous and thoughtful people who have all spoken publicly, and at length on this topic and who all agree with my stance. I think I'm in good company.

I guess my bad attitude towards trans people came out when I said:

"we should find win-win solutions for women and trans people"

or maybe my true colors came out when I said:

"Dress however you please.
Call yourself whatever you like.
Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.
Live your best life in peace and security."

Yeah, what a transphobe I am :rolleyes:


I'm a planet
"What I notice about your attitude is a near complete dismissal of anyone who doesn't agree with you"

You left out that if I, a male, doesn't agree with their agenda(pronouns, bathroom usage, etc) then I am called a transphobe(another label).

There are males and transgender males,
Not cis-males and males
Here's my thing: if and when a you encounter a transgender person, I doubt your experience will be what you are describing in your posts. Worry about it then.