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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist

What does someone's religion have to do with how well they will run the country?

LOL... have we ever had an Atheist President in this country? Haven't all US Presidents taken an oath with a Bible? IMO... this country is rooted in Christianity... even some of the Founding Fathers who were Deist had to adjust to Christianity. Prayer is requesting God to guide the leaders of this country, and I still believe when our political leaders meet in Washington, prayer is the norm.


Veteran Member
Just to recap...

June 4, 2009
Obama Speaking in Cairo, Egypt
Obama says"Peace and Security" at minute 25:25 (concerning Israel and Palestine)

President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt

August 18, 2009
Obama With Egyptian President Mubarak
Obama says"Peace and Security" at minute 1:25 (concerning Israel and Palestine)

President Obama and President Mubarak Speak to the Press

August 21, 2009
Obama says "Peace and Security" at minute 2:22 and minute 4:15 (concerning Israel and Palestine)

Persian -پیام پرزیدنت اوباما به مناسبت ماه رمضان

August 21, 2009
Same speech. different language translation.

Arabic -الرئيس أوباما يوجه رسالته بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان

August 21, 2009
Same speech. different language translation.

Punjabi - صدر اوباما رمضان دا سنیہہ دیندے ہین

1 Thessalonians 5: 3
For when they shall say, PEACE and SAFETY; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1 Thessalonians 5: 3
For when they (OBAMA and his ALLIES) shall say, PEACE and SAFETY (SECURITY); then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

The video below, which I posted earlier in this thread, was REMOVED by Youtube,

When you see this peace treaty, between Israel and Palestine, SIGNED, THIS will mark the MIDWAY point of the FINAL 7 year tribulation period.

May 28, 2009 (Israeli and Palestinian Peace Negotians)

President Obama & Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Speak

Possible Time Frame of the 7 Year Tribulation Period

Fall 2006 ~ 7 Year Tribulation Begins
Spring 2010 ~ Middle of 7 Year Tribulation (PEACE TREATY SIGNED BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE)
Fall 2013 ~ 7 Year Tribulation Ends

Luke 21: 28
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh

D&C 35: 26
Lift up your hearts and be glad, your redemption draweth nigh.
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Just a recap...

June 4, 2009
Obama Speaking in Cairo, Egypt
Obama says"Peace and Security" at minute 25:25 (concerning Israel and Palestine)

President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt

August .


I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I once belong to an Evangelical community that was very obsessed with end times, and the Anti-Christ.... just like you. The typical rapture eschatology theology is a relatively new theology that is highly unscriptural. I am very intrigue about mainstream stream end times views of the LDS Church. Do most LDS Christians believe like you?


Veteran Member

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I once belong to an Evangelical community that was very obsessed with end times, and the Anti-Christ.... just like you. The typical rapture eschatology theology is a relatively new theology that is highly unscriptural. I am very intrigue about mainstream stream end times views of the LDS Church. Do most LDS Christians believe like you?
There is NO ONE like me in this world.

THE FIRST RESURRECTION (RAPTURE AS EVANGELICALS CALL IT) AND THE BEAST OF REVELATION !3 (THE FINAL ANTICHRIST AS EVANGELICALS CALL HIM) ARE ALL SCRIPTURALLY BASED, just different terms have been assigned to these people and events, depending on the religious belief system.

I'm NOT an Evengelical Christian, I'm an LDS MEMBER, and have been all my life. All I've done is used Evangelical terms, such as rapture and final antichrist. to describe an event (the first resurrection) and a person (the beast of REVELATION !3).
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Liebe ist für alle da
You and most others want a taylor made Jesus.
You're one to talk about people making a tailor made Jesus. You seem to do it all the time with your post.

Obama is a false messiah, which the world has been looking for, and God has, in his divine wisdom, given a false messiah to them, in these last and final days of this earth's existence, as we know it.
No one is claiming that Obama is the Messiah at all....no what only crazies Evangelicals, and Fundies(like you), claim him to be a Messiah, false or not.
There is NO ONE like me in this world.

THE FIRST RESURRECTION (RAPTURE AS EVANGELICALS CALL IT) AND THE BEAST OF REVELATION !3 (THE FINAL ANTICHRIST AS EVANGELICALS CALL HIM) ARE ALL SCRIPTURALLY BASED, just different terms have been assigned to these people and events, depending on the religious belief system.

I'm NOT an Evengelical Christian, I'm an LDS MEMBER, and have been all my life. All I've done is used Evangelical terms, such as rapture and final antichrist. to describe an event (the first resurrection) and a person (the beast of REVELATION !3).

If you have been an LDS member your entire life, then to doctrines taught by the LDS Church has influenced your end times view. Therefore, you probably represent the mainstream perspective of LDS members on President Obama. It is no secret that Utah is extremely far right in the political spectrum.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
LOL... have we ever had an Atheist President in this country? Haven't all US Presidents taken an oath with a Bible? IMO... this country is rooted in Christianity... even some of the Founding Fathers who were Deist had to adjust to Christianity. Prayer is requesting God to guide the leaders of this country, and I still believe when our political leaders meet in Washington, prayer is the norm.

Well I'm not American. So at least not in my country. In Canada, Prime Minister Harper is a Bible-thumper and yet he (mostly) keeps his religious baggage at the door. It doesn't affect how he runs the country. And as an atheist, I'm fine with that. I don't require an atheist leader, just a good one.

Nonetheless, you still haven't answered that question. You've simply stated how rampant Christianity is in Washington. You haven't connected how this affects each individual president's rule.
Well I'm not American. So at least not in my country. In Canada, Prime Minister Harper is a Bible-thumper and yet he (mostly) keeps his religious baggage at the door. It doesn't affect how he runs the country. And as an atheist, I'm fine with that. I don't require an atheist leader, just a good one.

Nonetheless, you still haven't answered that question. You've simply stated how rampant Christianity is in Washington. You haven't connected how this affects each individual president's rule.

God guides the leaders of countries for His glory, working out His will and plan. I don't think you will have an atheist President in America for a very long time. I want leader who seek the wisdom and guidance of God. I don't want leaders who trust in their own wisdom.


Ah so presidents who are devout Christians are doing god's will by invading countries and killing innocent civilians. Now I understand.

What's ironic is that god's wisdom and plan seems to match up with man's wants and wisdom's too.


God guides the leaders of countries for His glory, working out His will and plan. I don't think you will have an atheist President in America for a very long time. I want leader who seek the wisdom and guidance of God. I don't want leaders who trust in their own wisdom.

I do not think there a single politician stupid enough to publicly state that he/she is an atheist in a democratic country that has a mass majority of christians. Did you know that the supreme court ruled congress's act to put "under god" in pledge of allegiance back in the 50's, unconstitutional? Change is upon us!! I don't care what religion a president is (for the most part).
God guides the leaders of countries for His glory, working out His will and plan
Yea, you can keep your theocracy:facepalm:
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Veteran Member
If you have been an LDS member your entire life, then to doctrines taught by the LDS Church has influenced your end times view. Therefore, you probably represent the mainstream perspective of LDS members on President Obama. It is no secret that Utah is extremely far right in the political spectrum.
Yes, UTAH is a Republican majority state. I live in the highest LDS consentrated area of the state, that being South Jordan, Utah.

We now have TWO TEMPLES in South Jordan, Utah, where I live. I live TWO miles from TWO LDS temples. Nowhere IN THE WORLD are there TWO LDS temples in the SAME CITY.

I live in the middle of the most highly concentrated LDS community in the world.
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Yes, UTAH is a Republican majority state. I live in the highest LDS consentrated area of the state, that being South Jordan, Utah.

We now have TWO TEMPLES in South Jordan, Utah, where I live. I live TWO miles from TWO LDS temples. Nowhere IN THE WORLD are there TWO LDS temples in the SAME CITY.

I live in the middle of the most highly concentrated LDS community in the world.

I had to work in Salt Lake City for a few weeks. I visited the Temple, and the guided tour was quite a show. So, since you live in the most LDS community in the world, it is safe to assume that your end times view is very mainstream LDS. Doesn't your view have to do with Christ coming back to America too? I think LDS eschatology is very well defined, even though you may not admit it. Please share your eschatology view about President Obama and the return of Christ to America. Doesn't LDS theology teach Christ is suppose to return to Missouri, Upstate New York, or Salt Lake City?


Well-Known Member
FFH's views on the "end times" in no way represent the mainstream LDS views. By his own admission he hasn't even stepped foot in an LDS church for years. He pulls stuff from obscure non-LDS sources and goes off on these kinds of rants. In fact, President Obama is only the latest in a long like of "Antichrists" he's "identified."
FFH's views on the "end times" in no way represent the mainstream LDS views. By his own admission he hasn't even stepped foot in an LDS church for years. He pulls stuff from obscure non-LDS sources and goes off on these kinds of rants. In fact, President Obama is only the latest in a long like of "Antichrists" he's "identified."

Thanks for sharing that. Do you mind posting the mainstream end times view of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Does it have something to do with the return of Christ to America?


Well-Known Member
Please share your eschatology view about ... the return of Christ to America. Doesn't LDS theology teach Christ is suppose to return to Missouri, Upstate New York, or Salt Lake City?
Our belief is that Christ will return to the world at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. That will be the time when all the world will see and recognize Him for who He is.

Also, we do believe that there will be a meeting between Christ and major Priesthood holders from throughout history (Prophets from ancient times and modern times primarily, though I'm sure it won't be limited to just them) will happen in Jackson County, Missouri sometime around His return (I'm not sure if it's known if the meeting will happen before or after the Second Coming in Jerusalem.)


Veteran Member
I had to work in Salt Lake City for a few weeks. I visited the Temple, and the guided tour was quite a show. So, since you live in the most LDS community in the world, it is safe to assume that your end times view is very mainstream LDS. Doesn't your view have to do with Christ coming back to America too? I think LDS eschatology is very well defined, even though you may not admit it. Please share your eschatology view about President Obama and the return of Christ to America. Doesn't LDS theology teach Christ is suppose to return to Missouri, Upstate New York, or Salt Lake City?
Jesus Christ will set up the NEW JERUSALEM (city built by Jesus Christ himself), which will descend ONTO the AMERICAN CONTINENT.

LDS theology is VERY misunderstood, so you will NEVER get this response from an LDS member.

I've done EXTENSIVE Biblical and LDS scriptural research on this subject.

Jackson County, Missouri was supposed to be the LDS headquarters (New Jerusalem), but it was revoked by the LORD, at the VERY BEGINNINGS of LDS history, and the LORD drove the LDS saints (pioneers) to the Salt Lake valley, where they built the LDS headquarters (New Jerusalem) up from that point.

JESUS will NOW DESTROY the world and build the NEW JERUSALEM himself, which will descend from heaven, as stated in Revelation 21

Rev. 21: 2
And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Most LDS members are clueless about what's REALLY going to happen.

The earth will be destroyed and a new heaven and a new earth will appear and the LORD Jesus Christ will descend onto earth with the NEW JERUSALEM built by him.

The New Jerusalem, built by Jesus Christ, which descends from heaven, onto the American Continent. is 1,500 miles cubed (12,000 fulongs cubed), according to Revelation 21:6.

Rev. 21: 16
16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
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Veteran Member
So you care to comment on this for us FFH.

A link does not a post make. :no:



It shows me, and is symbolic of, the fact that OBAMA is the final world leader, who will cause destruction to come upon the world.

God is in control, though, of EVERY SITUATION, in this NOW VERY DARKENED WORLD.

God is trying to show us WHO OBAMA REALLY IS.

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