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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist


Veteran Member
FFH, didn't you know that it's a sin to lie and bare false witness? I think you should get on your knees right now and beg Jesus for forgiveness. Maybe if you're lucky you won't end up in hell. ;)
Yeah, what I write is all recorded in Heaven and Jesus will judge me by my thoughts, words and deeds done on earth.

I'll be nice from here on out. ;)


Veteran Member
Which is?

So when exactly did he share these unique religious views of his with the public? When has he expressed any particular spiritual tenets and dogma and then implored for others to follow them?

It's the duty of a successful leader to please the people. And any politician who would openly promote and favor any particular faith and try to mix religion and politics has no business even being in office.

Who? How? And from what threat?

In your wacky little world even common sense and critical thought draw people away from god.
Well, according to you I'm just wacked out, so no need or reason to answer any of your questions then, I guess.

Obama's religious/political buffet is astounding !!!!

He just needs a little work on his accent, when using foreign words. ;)

June 4, 2009
Obama Speaking in Cairo, Egypt

President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt
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HAHAHA, no it's not. Immigration and birth rates don't count, that's the only thing that makes it look like it is. Maybe it is you who should do some research.

I had a feeling that was coming...

...and I was prepared for it too.

Since I cannot attach my own document to this post, would it be fine with you if I send you the proof for Islam being the fastest growing Religion in terms of the number of people embracing it?

If so, just PM me your e-mail.


Liebe ist für alle da
I had a feeling that was coming...

...and I was prepared for it too.

Since I cannot attach my own document to this post, would it be fine with you if I send you the proof for Islam being the fastest growing Religion in terms of the number of people embracing it?

If so, just PM me your e-mail.
My emails in my profile if you feel the need to send it. But It's not the fastest growing based on people embracing it. It's all propaganda.


My emails in my profile if you feel the need to send it. But It's not the fastest growing based on people embracing it. It's all propaganda.

God-Willing I will send it to you.

All you need to do is to stop living in denial.

No disrespect.


Veteran Member
To remove the need for a god doesn't require a group effort.
The more we ignore God, the worse things get, and the more people tend to want to pull together, to fix things, which cannot be fixed, if you ignore or reject God.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The more we ignore God, the worse things get, and the more people tend to want to pull together, to fix things, which cannot be fixed, if you ignore or reject God.

It is not so much "ignoring god" as it is ignoring the ridiculous portrayals of god and the ridicilous things people have attributed to god. Your "god", the one you offer us now, is a sock puppet and product of your own mind. If there is a god, none of this ridicilous nonsense has anything to do with him.


Veteran Member
It is not so much "ignoring god" as it is ignoring the ridiculous portrayals of god and the ridicilous things people have attributed to god. Your "god", the one you offer us now, is a sock puppet and product of your own mind. If there is a god, none of this ridicilous nonsense has anything to do with him.
God puts people like Obama in power, if that's what the majority of people want.

God gives us the desires of our hearts, but we are not free to choose the evil consequences of our evil desires and actions.

God rewards those who desire good, if they're faith is based in the LORD Jesus Christ.

Psalms 37: 4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
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A question to FFH:

If it turns out in the next 4 (or so) years that Obama was not the Anti-Christ, will you then:

  1. Acknowledge that you were wrong and search for the truth or
  2. Continue to live in denial
Which one?


Veteran Member
Now read the previous verses.

Psalms 37
1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.


Veteran Member
A question to FFH:

If it turns out in the next 4 (or so) years that Obama was not the Anti-Christ, will you then:

  1. Acknowledge that you were wrong and search for the truth or
  2. Continue to live in denial
Which one?
I won't have to do either.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
He's trying to bring the world together in peace, by uniting all religious groups, it just doesn't work that way in the real world.


Someones gotta stop all this peace and getting along.

I will not stand for it. Something has to be done

Let's all write a letter to our heads of state and also the heads of our various religions and demand that we go back to killing each other.

Jesus Christ will set up the NEW JERUSALEM (city built by Jesus Christ himself), which will descend ONTO the AMERICAN CONTINENT.

LDS theology is VERY misunderstood, so you will NEVER get this response from an LDS member.

I've done EXTENSIVE Biblical and LDS scriptural research on this subject.

Jackson County, Missouri was supposed to be the LDS headquarters (New Jerusalem), but it was revoked by the LORD, at the VERY BEGINNINGS of LDS history, and the LORD drove the LDS saints (pioneers) to the Salt Lake valley, where they built the LDS headquarters (New Jerusalem) up from that point.

JESUS will NOW DESTROY the world and build the NEW JERUSALEM himself, which will descend from heaven, as stated in Revelation 21

Rev. 21: 2
And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Most LDS members are clueless about what's REALLY going to happen.

The earth will be destroyed and a new heaven and a new earth will appear and the LORD Jesus Christ will descend onto earth with the NEW JERUSALEM built by him.

The New Jerusalem, built by Jesus Christ, which descends from heaven, onto the American Continent. is 1,500 miles cubed (12,000 fulongs cubed), according to Revelation 21:6.

Rev. 21: 16
16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

Sounds like a copycat of mainstream premillennial rapture theology commonly found in Evangelical churches today. The Left Behind theology is fiction.


Well-Known Member
I should make a list... the pains and problems of religion hehe.

This thread shows the first IMHO. It teaches and bestows a false world view onto the credulous and its followers that know no better. (Or never were given a chance to perhaps?)