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Be Offended By the Post Above You


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yeh! But ya keep putting it on the same 'ole dirty body.
Ever hear about not putting new wine in old wine skins, ya heathen! Same principle applies here. You're taintin' it right away!
If'n this is yer offer to wash me, toots?
Yeah, it's offensive....but I ain't object'n!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Archghhghh! Me Mrs would object to yer illicit affections fer me!
(Although...she might be OK with the clean'n up & smell'n better part.)


Atheist Triple Goddess
...first it is red bricks... then pinstriping thereof is being bandied about..... at this point of course everything deteriorates until we deal with annual kilt burnings (I am delicate so just let me pretend that "cleaning" means burning)... what next? Are we abolishing catnip? Will Bastet and her holy days be ignored? Left Hander Day stricken from the calendar? What? I am offended and perturbed that we sunk as low as to encourage the most revolting among us to try his hand at verse.
....too upset to share a furball at this time....


Atheist Triple Goddess
No blame is being assigned, as we all know bricks just lay about and life happens to them--be the red or otherwise colored...you have to admit a change to maybe yellow would not be a bad idea...while those who are revolting our senses go about their life of chicanery in soiled kilts that beg to cleansed with a deluge. But then we find out that god is on vacation again and the rain has to wait. I am offended that we do not have better gods at our disposal.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hey! I'm not the one covered in pigeon poop, ya feces bedecked piece'o statuary!

Dang, that feline got in the way....again!
So utterly offensive.....

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
You need to get some new material that attempt at offense is so old it is no longer offensive but it is rather unimaginative and pathetic.... I feel sorry for you and your lack of imagination


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well, I'm recovering from a cold, & me think'n organ has been slow for a week or so.
Hey, you gots Klingons on Uranus!


Atheist Triple Goddess
Was that cold connected to that episode of diarrhea of the mouth? Illness lowers the threshold of civilized sentiment and makes one into a revoltingest spectacle. We will have to burn that kilt in any event. get yourself something new to wear. a toga maybe?