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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Who cares if you are a Christian ?

I have a valid reason for asking you to clarify. Please.

If I read your posts in this thread, do you explain what you meant by starting a thread titled: "... a sign that the Anti-Christ is near"?

It's a simple yes or no question.


Well-Known Member
I have a valid reason for asking you to clarify. Please.

If I read your posts in this thread, do you explain what you meant by starting a thread titled: "... a sign that the Anti-Christ is near"?

It's a simple yes or no question.

You never asked if I was a Christian .. but the answer has Zero which has no bearing on on the fact that you have engaged in assumed premise fallacy .. have no clue how I am defining the anti christ .. which is the question you should be asking .. rather than crying out "Absolute Rubbish" having absolutly no clue what you are claiming is Rubbish.

The post you are responding to gives some explanation of what the anti-christ is ...
"The forces of order and chaos are in constant battle against each other .. The chaos monster is looking to destroy peace and tranquility .. to dominate and control YOU Brother Dym .. yet you are in denial of the existence of these forces ... and the words of the Prophets written on the subway walls.

The title of the thread asks of Bibi is a sign that the Anti Christ is near .. "The Chaos Monster" now given as some clarification of the term "Anti -Christ" as opposed the silly nonsense definition you looked up online .. one givin by religious right apocalyptic Christians .. a group you profess not to be part of .. but insist on adopting their ideologcal foibles .. as if this somehow supports your "Absolute Rubbish" claim ... a claimwhich you have yet to support in the quest for a valid argument for something"

What part of "The Chaos Monster" did you fail to understands was - at least in part - a description of the Anti Christ .. and what is meant by "are you a christian" .. what is a Christian ?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You never asked if I was a Christian .. but the answer has Zero which has no bearing on on the fact that you have engaged in assumed premise fallacy .. have no clue how I am defining the anti christ .. which is the question you should be asking .. rather than crying out "Absolute Rubbish" having absolutly no clue what you are claiming is Rubbish.

The post you are responding to gives some explanation of what the anti-christ is ...

What part of "The Chaos Monster" did you fail to understands was - at least in part - a description of the Anti Christ .. and what is meant by "are you a christian" .. what is a Christian ?

This ^^ is how you answer a yes or no question? I didn't read a word of it. Sarg? I had no idea your were religious to this extent.

Something is happening in your grey-brain-places. I have no idea what's wrong. I have no idea what you're talking about. If you don't realize this is only going to be convincing to yourself? I don't know what to say. From my position, I'm seeing you puff up like puff-pastry in the oven. There is no substance to any of this.

I'm saying: "It's ambiguous." You're refusing to answer a SPECIFIC simple yes or no question. You're proving my point.

Listen, maybe people who already agree with you will be emboldened and encouraged by this. I have no idea, it looks like pseudo-religious self-gratification to me. Not my thing. I'm out.

Please enjoy yourself with your friends. Circle up and fire away at , into, an imaginary Bibi sock-puppet. Be my guest. What ever is going on with you. I hope you get it out of your system.



Well-Known Member
This ^^ is how you answer a yes or no question? I didn't read a word of it. Sarg? I had no idea your were religious to this extent.

Something is happening in your grey-brain-places. I have no idea what's wrong. I have no idea what you're talking about. If you don't realize this is only going to be convincing to yourself? I don't know what to say. From my position, I'm seeing you puff up like puff-pastry in the oven. There is no substance to any of this.

I'm saying: "It's ambiguous." You're refusing to answer a SPECIFIC simple yes or no question. You're proving my point.

Listen, maybe people who already agree with you will be emboldened and encouraged by this. I have no idea, it looks like pseudo-religious self-gratification to me. Not my thing. I'm out.

Please enjoy yourself with your friends. Circle up and fire away at , into, an imaginary Bibi sock-puppet. Be my guest. What ever is going on with you. I hope you get it out of your system.


You did not ask a yes/no question ? and now you are running around trying to deflect from claim "Ambiguous Rubbish" rather than support your claim while projecting your " pseudo religious self gratification" onto others .. and making up imaginarry Bibi sock puppet fantasy.

I told you that your religious affiliations have absolutely nothing to do with the Anti-Christ of the OP .. and so far you have shown not to have the faintest clue about the anti-Christ under discussion

Since you had no idea what the anti -christ being discussed is - any claims you made about the anti-christ were fallacious nonsense.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You did not ask a yes/no question ?

Question mark? You don't know if I asked a yes or no question? I did. You read it and replied. Or so it would have seemed.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Since you had no idea what the anti -christ being discussed is - any claims you made about the anti-christ were fallacious nonsense.

"... any claims I made ... "

I made no claims other than: "Ambiguous rubbish".


Well-Known Member
Question mark? You don't know if I asked a yes or no question? I did. You read it and replied. Or so it would have seemed.

View attachment 94131

Crying out -- "Its a simple Yes or no Question" -- is not a question ?! .. now what is this simple question that relates to the anti-christ ? as opposed to a simple question one might ask such as "are you a moron" .. which does not relate to support for your fallacious "Absolute Rubbish" claim -- and subsequent quest for how anti-christ is being defined

YOU "exclaimed" I am not a Christian .. ( and neither am I assuming your definition of christian is a standard definition .. you refused to give a definition so this is an ambiguous rather than simple question) which is a completely irrelvant piece of information which matters not to the fact that your "ambiguous rubbish" comment was Rubbish.

Now what is this simple Yes or no Question relating to the anti christ .. and what are the valid reason for asking ?


Well-Known Member
"... any claims I made ... "

I made no claims other than: "Ambiguous rubbish".

It is your "ambiguous rubbish" claim which turned out to be ambiguous rubbish on questioning .. you having no idea what it was you were claiming due to lack of understanding of the meaning of anti-christ in context of the OP.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What question is that ?

I asked on Thursday:

If I read your posts in this thread, do you explain what you meant by starting a thread titled: "... a sign that the Anti-Christ is near"?

I asked the same Question Friday:

If I read your posts in this thread, do you explain what you meant by starting a thread titled: "... a sign that the Anti-Christ is near"?

Sarg, If I read your posts, yes or no, do you clearly describe what you mean by "Anti-Christ"? And, yes or no, do you specify how soon is "near"?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Prostitute -- the "whore of babylon" is said to represent a city .. Jerusalem perhaps. ,, the King of this city brings the world together for a great war .. in which a third of the planet is destroyed by Fire (nuclear holocaust)

What you think
That city is on seven hills, otherwise known as Rome during its pagan years.


Well-Known Member
I asked on Thursday:

I asked the same Question Friday:

Sarg, If I read your posts, yes or no, do you clearly describe what you mean by "Anti-Christ"? And, yes or no, do you specify how soon is "near"?

What question have you asked that has not been answered ?? and what question have you asked that has not been irrelevant fallacious BS attempt ?

Regardless ... Finally head pops up from out of the Carphole and addresses the central question .. so kudo's for that much. I have described various features of the Anti Christ .. if you wanted more you should have asked .. and you were told already that there is no time specification .. because the time is NOW .. Donut on the time question.

What has been revealed thus far and what is yet unclear to you ... the Nature of the Beast ? I have forgotten how much you were told .. so long and far running down the rabbit hole .. but finally we are here In the present .. the realization that this goes far beyond "Christianity" should be starting to dawn ..

Chaos Dragon - The primordial Serpent .. vs the Primordial serpent of Order The separation of the Salt water from the Fresh Water .. the cosmic battle of the Universe .

This is the definition as per the ancient stories
That city is on seven hills, otherwise known as Rome during its pagan years.

Yes .. The city in which the "Whore of Babylon" resides .. aka the Pope .. the anti christ resides somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
I asked on Thursday:

I asked the same Question Friday:

Sarg, If I read your posts, yes or no, do you clearly describe what you mean by "Anti-Christ"? And, yes or no, do you specify how soon is "near"?

What question have you asked that has not been answered ?? and what question have you asked that has not been irrelevant fallacious BS attempt ?

Regardless ... Finally head pops up from out of the Carphole and addresses the central question .. so kudo's for that much. I have described various features of the Anti Christ .. if you wanted more you should have asked .. and you were told already that there is no time specification .. because the time is NOW .. Donut on the time question.

What has been revealed thus far and what is yet unclear to you ... the Nature of the Beast ? I have forgotten how much you were told .. so long and far running down the rabbit hole .. but finally we are here In the present .. the realization that this goes far beyond "Christianity" should be starting to dawn ..

Chaos Dragon - The primordial Serpent .. vs the Primordial serpent of Order The separation of the Salt water from the Fresh Water .. the cosmic battle of the Universe .

This is the definition as per the ancient stories
That city is on seven hills, otherwise known as Rome during its pagan years.

Yes .. The city in which the "Whore of Babylon" resides .. aka the Pope .. the anti christ resides somewhere else.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What has been revealed thus far and what is yet unclear to you ...

Like I said, my recollection is an end times prophecy. When you objected, I looked it up and found an end times prophecy. Up to now, you've telling what it isn't.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Chaos Dragon - The primordial Serpent .. vs the Primordial serpent of Order The separation of the Salt water from the Fresh Water .. the cosmic battle of the Universe .

Now we're talking. OK. I'm catching up. :)

This is the definition as per the ancient stories

Gimme a couple of names of ancient stories, and if I have time I'll read them, maybe take notes. And we can have a lot of fun discussing it.

Please give me good examples? Things you've read? If possible, translations you trust? I'd rather not get bigged down again. We've spent too much energy already getting to this point. I'd rather not get caught in some whirlpool of talking past each other again.



Well-Known Member
Now we're talking. OK. I'm catching up. :)

Gimme a couple of names of ancient stories, and if I have time I'll read them, maybe take notes. And we can have a lot of fun discussing it.

Please give me good examples? Things you've read? If possible, translations you trust? I'd rather not get bigged down again. We've spent too much energy already getting to this point. I'd rather not get caught in some whirlpool of talking past each other again.

