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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near


Well-Known Member
Nothing I can read? A text I can quote? Please don't be mad, but, are you using any sources other than YouTube for the ideas you have relating Bibi to the Anti-Christ?

Good grief mate .. some of the youtube content out there is fantastic but, if you like to read there are many things to read .. the earliest stories .. the Enuma Elish .. Atra Hasis Text ..

;Here is from Encyclopedia Brittanica .. uber brief summary.

Tiamat, in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, the primordial goddess who was the personification of the salt sea and the mother of the gods. She also was associated with the chaos of creation. Tiamat and Apsu (also spelled Abzu), the personification of the fresh water beneath the earth, are the source of a family of gods with whom she eventually went to war. She was slain by Marduk, the chief god of the city of Babylon, and from her body he created the world In later myths, Tiamat was sometimes portrayed as a serpent or dragon,

Here is one translation of The Enuma Elish -- there are many online .. ENUMA ELISH


Well-Known Member
Bingo. All I needed was a text to read.

Tia-maht isn't really described well in those texts if I recall. But now I know what to research.
and why you need to watch the video .. as that will give you a much better understanding of the Primordial Chaos Dragon.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
and why you need to watch the video .. as that will give you a much better understanding of the Primordial Chaos Dragon.

I'll watch it, and hopefully pull a transcript to aid the discussion.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: - Got it. Believe it or not, I've heard this information before. No problem. I can grant all of it for the sake of discussion. :)

Disclaimer: after the first 15 minutes, when it was clear that it was not new info for me, I sped up the video so I would not be watching something which is, kind of boring for me. Please don't be offended. It's not the content, it's the repetition.

I'm ready to move on. What's next? I need a link between Tia-maht and the Anti-christ. Do you have anything on that? If you don't have a single source making that connection, it's fine. I just need the next link in your chain of logic. Whatever that looks like, please send it. And I'll review it.


The Antichrist has been here for over 120 years.
He who is not in a false body (idol) is given to sit on the throne, where he should not sit.

A throne that God gives to his son, because only he is alpha and omega, and the people-traders they gave the throne to the idol, and all the people celebrate it.

I will explain in more detail.

The calendar has the shape of a pyramid, and such a building is described in the Bible as an outer building of the God temple. It is a holy place. Ezekiel 42

The top of the pyramid is a throne on which sits the one who comes in the flesh - Jesus.

But the merchants devised a character - an idol borrowed from the dogma and culture of the people, calling him Santa Claus, who they placed at the top of the pyramid-calendar as if he were alpha and omega, the first and the last.

As if it represents the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year.

The lie presented through Santa Claus is the antichrist.


Well-Known Member
:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: - Got it. Believe it or not, I've heard this information before. No problem. I can grant all of it for the sake of discussion. :)

Disclaimer: after the first 15 minutes, when it was clear that it was not new info for me, I sped up the video so I would not be watching something which is, kind of boring for me. Please don't be offended. It's not the content, it's the repetition.

I'm ready to move on. What's next? I need a link between Tia-maht and the Anti-christ. Do you have anything on that? If you don't have a single source making that connection, it's fine. I just need the next link in your chain of logic. Whatever that looks like, please send it. And I'll review it.

Very good - you have manged to escape that aweful monotheistic paradigm you were coming from .. and assuming into the picture . so let us summarize what we have learned.

1) The demiurge .. the twin .. the knowledge of the ancients a perspective now lost on everyone cept the Hindoo pretty much .. that a whole other deluge of depravity in many ways... but not all ways ..

Where do we find the demiurge .. the yang to the yin fried rice .. the black side of white .. and the dark side of light .. in your own life ... in christianity .. you want me to link to Christianity .. :) but I must torture you a bit more first my young aprentice ... for you are not yet ready for the Truth .. the Way .. The Light .. heh heh heh.

Did you forget ? .. who is "The Great Scientist in the room" ? .. lest that may have occured. Time for a Test .. cause we all love those .. test your knowledge of observable reality

You look out at the world - and what do we among the Gods of the Universe ... or "Sorry" .. The "Forces" if you wish to get scientific .. same thing at the end of the day .. an external force acting .. and I hace already answered for you .. Yin yang .. up down .. black white

There are many Gods .. but the Uncreated Primordial one .. is not One .. But Two .. the light side ..and the dark side of the force .. lest we are talking the quantum universe .. spooky action at a distance .. :) Just kidding .. is the same there too. just more spooky ..

and who is a God but you ? .. how are you definiing God through this improper monotheistic paradigm in which you have been living .. Open yur eyes .. and you will see double trouble :) heh which then multiplies into creation of many more .. but this is not Highlander .. this is " The Heaven Grinder" where there "can be only two" at the top of the food chain.

The battles with Tiamat is a battle against the primordial Chaos God .. which then results in this god being broken up and the world an the cosmos created .. and dispersed. Who is the Snake in the Garden ? .. giving wisdom to humans .. turning humans into the "I AM" of the Soul .the soul being present in a body round 22 weeks when the "I AM" moment occurs .. when the wiring of the brain is complete .. and the brain lights up like an xmas tree .. the moment you arrived on earth -- opened eyes .. and realized that you existed. .. and that is all just Science and basic Philosophy .. cause that is what I do .. And .. I will Claim .. Religion as well .. so tell those loopy Religious right mo fo's there ain't no friggen soul arrived from heaven until the fleshy abode can capacitat the "I AM" moment. .. kind of like when the dark turns into light.

And now .. having discoved your God-Like Power -- the ability to manifest a thought into physical reality .. albeit limited to your own flesh .. meaning you can wiggle your thumb through force of will but you can not make a chair move cross room .. have to call on the God of wind for that magic. ... so you are only "Like US" just a little bit. Hoping for more no doubt but is not that the name of the game now ?? Right !!

are we advancing quickly enough :) heh heh heh.

Perhaps the one who is the anti-christ .. the false - ideology .. the false - Perspective .. is when they took the Yang out of the Yin? .. thank goodness for the Serpent in the Garden give a little back .. Sophia. and when the Took Gods wife .. Queen of the heavens out of the Equation .. YHWH was worshiped along side Asherah .. they were still making cakes for her and celebrating her --similar to how catholics celebrate Mary long after YHWH was Killed by God Marduk .. and how prophetic .. as Marduk kills Tiamat 2000 years earlier in the religious belief of everyone.. ..

but I digress .. although getting closer... now in the post exhilic period .. the time where Monotheism is just a baby and having established the connection to Judaism .. the guilty party .. we will fast forward a number of centuries to Christ .. who's God is not YHWH ..says YHWH is not his Father .. but says the Father of the Pharisees is "The Devil" -- aka -- a variation on the anti christ .. keeping in mine that this is one of many variations throughout the ages .. this one being an important mainfestation in this period of time.

Marcion -- a very interesting early Christian Prophet .. lets google that guy for something for you to read Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrkiən, -siən/; Ancient Greek: Μαρκίων[2][note 1] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was a theologian[3] in early Christianity.[3][4] Marcion preached that God had sent Jesus Christ, who was distinct from the "vengeful" God (Demiurge) who had created the world.

Later branded a heretic of course .. .. what else would you expect in a world where the Demiurge reigns supreme over the Earth .. Her powers however coming from a Higher Power in Heaven we are told in the book of Job. That the Demiurge reigns supreme over the earth we are told on the first page of the "New Testament" book .. right after the man Jesus is adopted by a God .. he must go for ritual testing .. prior to the divine spark to actualize itself .. similar to the Egyptian king-making ritual and a gazillion other rituals of similar nature.

During the trial HeyZeus meets up with a Son of God ... and we are told this God and "Tester of Souls" if this is the same Ha Satan of Job .. has power over the entire earth.. but Jesus does not bow to this God eithert.

and Now .. these two Gods do battle the Chaos God of the Earth and Sophia .. that ancient Wise Dragon who gave humans knowledge .. in a motif similar to when Prometheus gave Fire .. Sophia is punished and must remain prisoner to the earth for a time. and this post way way long enough at this point ..


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Very good - you have manged to escape that aweful monotheistic paradigm you were coming from .

I can set it aside for the sake of discussion. Hopefully I won't disappoint you. If I accidentally introduce anything from the monotheistic paradigm, just let me know, OK? Old habits...

I'll spend some time reviewing the rest of your post tonight and tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the effort, putting all of that together on such short notice.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You claimed the premise was wrong .. that is what is being denied dymbh .. your lack of argument for something now .. why is Bibi not a sign that the Anti Christ is near .. Do you have a thought on the topic .. or just here to cat call ...

What do you know about the Anti Christ .. such that you can make claims on the basis of the term ?
If so, he ─ or her, or it, or they ─ is being delayed by the return of Jesus. You'll recall that in each of the synoptics, Jesus promises that the Kingdom will be established on earth within the lifetime of some of his hearers ─ an apocalyptic promise, but the Son of Man has been running late these past two thousand years.

And if I remember correctly ─ I may not ─ the Bad Guys get to run the show for a thousand years, which haven't started yet, though keep your eye on Trump ─ after which all is sweetness and light again.

But really, it's all fun and nonsense, and you can make up whatever version you like.

Predicting the End of the World is a similar game with similar-minded players.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
While the Christian Church has been anti-semetic for thousands of years .. and in fact some of the books of the NT themselves are anti Semetic. .. I don't find any polemics against Jews in Revelations. .. and in fact the Religious Right Fundamentalists in the USA love the Jews .. believe them the Chosen People ofd God .. and hence do no wrong.. So calling these folks "Anti Semetic rubbish" is just way off the mark.

In addition .. calling out Bibi for crimes against humanity ...as pretty much the entire world is doing .. is not Anti Semetic Rubbish .. bit time logical fallacy on your part .. Just because Bibi is a Jew .. does not make calling him out on war crimes .. "Anti Semetic" .. but it does make your claim ridiculous Rubbish..

Have you even read Revelations ? .. or just go around crying out "Anti Semitic Rubbish" every time you hear any remote criticism of Likhud and its War Criminal Leader..

As the Irish Delegation to the UN say "The Hague is too good for Bibi" -- are they "Anti Semetic Rubbish" as well .. along with the 10,000 children exterminated so far in Gaza and West Bank ?

Seems to me those apologizing a holocaust in the name of the Holocaust is the "Anti Semetic Rubbish" .. don't you think ?
Have you never read Revelations 3:9?! It speaks of a "synagogue of satan" and speaks of people falsely claiming to be Jews who aren't. Revelations has been a source of Jew hatred by Christians for thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
Have you never read Revelations 3:9?! It speaks of a "synagogue of satan" and speaks of people falsely claiming to be Jews who aren't. Revelations has been a source of Jew hatred by Christians for thousands of years.

Get a grip .. that is not a polemic against Jews in general .. that is a polemic against a specific Jews .. not Jews as a whole that folks could legitimately use later to claim the scripture blamed the Jew for something we should now punish them for.

Now .. perhaps there are other areas that I missed ... but this is not one of them .. and-But, this has nothing to do with the general premise of the post which is that scripture becomes more anti Jewish with time .. ? some recognition of the topic under discussion is always nice.


Well-Known Member
If so, he ─ or her, or it, or they ─ is being delayed by the return of Jesus. You'll recall that in each of the synoptics, Jesus promises that the Kingdom will be established on earth within the lifetime of some of his hearers ─ an apocalyptic promise, but the Son of Man has been running late these past two thousand years.

And if I remember correctly ─ I may not ─ the Bad Guys get to run the show for a thousand years, which haven't started yet, though keep your eye on Trump ─ after which all is sweetness and light again.

But really, it's all fun and nonsense, and you can make up whatever version you like.

Predicting the End of the World is a similar game with similar-minded players.

I was not predicting the end of the world --- It is you who is making up funies and nonsense .. which is fine .. but let us not project your Christian prophetic perspective my direction .. these necessary illusions in which you find yourself need be broken .. and the mind thus awoken.

Now Read what I say .. not what you think I might mean through that filter so green .. such that it is unseen.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
this post way way long enough at this point ..

I read it. I got you. It's ok. These are huge concepts. At best, I can only say honestly that my own individual research on them is approaching understanding. It's hazy, at best. But the good news is, I'm not starting at ground zero. I am familiar. I am aware.

If you can be patient with me, when I make the inevitable blunder, here and there, in this discussion, in regard to the foundations you're posting, I think I'm ready to move on the next piece in the puzzle. Or perhaps, you'd like to probe my own understanding of what you wrote to confirm we are, as I've stated, on the same page.

But, I cannot stress this enough. What you brought cannot be described as anything more than a line drawing, compared the details in your mind which are producing that line drawing. It doesn't mean we can't discuss. It means I'm going to be learning from you on the fly. And that's bound to cause some problems. I'm going to make mistakes along the way.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Get a grip .. that is not a polemic against Jews in general .. that is a polemic against a specific Jews .. not Jews as a whole that folks could legitimately use later to claim the scripture blamed the Jew for something we should now punish them for.

Now .. perhaps there are other areas that I missed ... but this is not one of them .. and-But, this has nothing to do with the general premise of the post which is that scripture becomes more anti Jewish with time .. ? some recognition of the topic under discussion is always nice.
Really? "Get a grip"?? This passage does not indicate any limitation to only some unnamed subset of Jews. Furthermore it has been used by Jew hating elements of Christianity for centuries. Your interpretation is just your own and is of no consolation to the thousands and thousands of Jews that have been tortured and killed by Christians who have a different interpretation. As a Jew I am offended by your cavalier disregard for the murder of my co-religionists.