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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I was not predicting the end of the world --- It is you who is making up funies and nonsense .. which is fine .. but let us not project your Christian prophetic perspective my direction .. these necessary illusions in which you find yourself need be broken .. and the mind thus awoken.

Now Read what I say .. not what you think I might mean through that filter so green .. such that it is unseen.
As I said, it's all fun and nonsense and you (and I, and they) can make up any version that pleases.


Well-Known Member
I read it. I got you. It's ok. These are huge concepts. At best, I can only say honestly that my own individual research on them is approaching understanding. It's hazy, at best. But the good news is, I'm not starting at ground zero. I am familiar. I am aware.

If you can be patient with me, when I make the inevitable blunder, here and there, in this discussion, in regard to the foundations you're posting, I think I'm ready to move on the next piece in the puzzle. Or perhaps, you'd like to probe my own understanding of what you wrote to confirm we are, as I've stated, on the same page.

But, I cannot stress this enough. What you brought cannot be described as anything more than a line drawing, compared the details in your mind which are producing that line drawing. It doesn't mean we can't discuss. It means I'm going to be learning from you on the fly. And that's bound to cause some problems. I'm going to make mistakes along the way.

KK Now .. we have discussed the OT .. some of the NT -- from the perspective of what the people of that time believed .. as opposed to some Literalist dolt trying to impose a 20th century trinity perspective on "Like US - in Our Image" .. Right .. who cares what your perspective or mine --as such as absolutly Zero -Nada - Nema Nishta bearing on what the inhabitants of the Babylonian City State UR in ~ 1800 BC .. .. and the identity of "God Most High" El Elyon .. at that period of time.

The Israelites -- To a Person --were polytheistic or a very rare few might been henotheistit/monolateral believing that one God was above the others and/or worshiping only that High God .. while believing in the existance of other Gods.. So when the Bible says "Sons of God" .. it means exactly what it says ... Sons of Gods - bene Elohim and everyone living during the time of King Solomon listinging to the Hymn/ Psalm/song in the Temple of YHWH knows exactly what that term means and who the sons of God are .. YHWH being a Son of EL .. the "God Supreme" El Oliun of Psalm 82 .. and now even modern biblical scholarship is in agreement .. such that Bibles are being re-written on this basis ..
New English Translation .. Psalm 82 -- Verse 1

Psalm 82[a]​

A psalm of Asaph.​

82 YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c] in the midst of the gods[d] he renders judgment.[e]

and if we click on footnote (c) we learn the mesopotamian story of EL .. as has been previously described ..

(c) he phrase עֲדַת אֵל (ʿadat ʾel, “assembly of El”) appears only here in the OT. (1) Some understand “El” to refer to God himself. In this case he is pictured presiding over his own heavenly assembly. (2) Others take אֵל as a superlative here (“God stands in the great assembly”), as in Pss 36:6 and 80:10. (3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly. (See Isa 14:13, where El’s assembly is called “the stars of El.”) In the Ugaritic myths the phrase ʿdt ʾilm refers to the “assembly of the gods,” who congregate in King Kirtu’s house, where Baal asks El to bless Kirtu’s house (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). If the Canaanite divine assembly is referred to here in Ps 82:1, then the psalm must be understood as a bold polemic against Canaanite religion. Israel’s God invades El’s assembly, denounces its gods as failing to uphold justice, and announces their coming demise. For an interpretation of the psalm along these lines, see W. VanGemeren, “Psalms,” EBC 5:533-36.

OK -- so we have at least two Gods here .. and then many more are mentioned in verse 6 where the Sons of EL "Sons of the Supreme one" are mentioned .. and YHWH defeates these other sons of EL .

Don't call me crazy -- the Bible told me so :) heh heh

So .. what to make of Revelations ?? Some dude .. who's name we do not know .. 99.9% was not the disciple John who was martyred according to tradition around the time of James and Peter = NOT the author of the Gospel of John either.

The Jewish People of the time were having apocalyptic dreams all over the place in the first century .. was a time of numerous messiah claimants having what was an sovereign state been made a Roman Vassal round 65 BC .. -- and these are the outer provinces .. the outskirts of the Empire .. run by some hand picked Jewish Royalty "Herod" -the church having considerable power.

In any case .. throughout the first century AD there are numerous messiah claimants .. "Davidic Figures .. "annointed by God" gonna come and deliver the Jews from the Romans which culiminates in revolution .. destruction of the Temple in 72AD .. and later in the second century .. Bar Kofba or some such thing.

Now there were many such prophetic writings .. by many authors .. both Jewish Christian and Gentile .. and traditional orthodox Jew .. these can be likened to Nastrodamas .. Edgar Cacey .. Seers getting a brief glimps of the future .. which they then try and make sense of .. in terms of their own religious filter .. attributing some divine elements of the dream to what ever divinity they believe in at the time.

Eusebius - dude who put the first bible together for Emperor Constantine sometime after 325 AD .. claimed Revelations to be spurious and did not include it in Canon .. but hey ... there are skeptics in every generation .. Right ! :)

So .. in Revelations we have some prophecy and a depiction of an anti-christ of sorts -- but we also have a depiction of the anti-Christ from Jesus .. and the two do not mesh.. which I will attributed to a rewriting of the dream by a redactor with a trinitarian christian perspective.

So .. If I am describing some things from Revelations .. I am doing it trying to remove that overlain monotheistic perspective .. if this makes anhy sense to you .. get at what the vison really was.

So the Anti Christ is a negative energy vortex of sorts .. generated by individuals . and manifested into reality by individuals and institutions - Such as the the "Universal Church" = Catholic Church .... whose doctrine and ideology and way of being was as "Anti-Christ" as one can possibly imagine .. violating everything our good friend heyZeus == the annointed one of God == stood for. Judaism is another such institution which violated the old religious Truth of Polytheism - bringing forth the demonic Blasphemy of monotheism .. Christianity a spawn of this beast the mother beast .. now threatening to fulfill the "Fire from the Sky" prophecy in Revelations 1/3 of the world is destroyed by fire .. among others.

The Nazi's were also a negative energy vortex .. the irony that Bibi is acting just like the Brown Shirts cept the Warsaw Ghetto / Gaza Ghetto has now been turned into the Gaza Concentration Camp .. "Ethnic Cleansing" of the Land .. Just as the Bible and the Likud Charter instructs. Cleansing of the Land - From the River to the Sea - Israeli Sovereignty .. as per Deuteronomy l3:43 (must be from a translation older than the MT) .. but even the MT has the Cleansing that the Modern Bibles have removed.

Bibi himself calling forth the memory of the "Amalek" -- Can't make this sht up any better friend ..


Well-Known Member
As I said, it's all fun and nonsense and you (and I, and they) can make up any version that pleases.

They can make up any version that pleases . .. I didn't .. and your posts are still all funnies and nonsense - that part you got right :)


Well-Known Member
Really? "Get a grip"?? This passage does not indicate any limitation to only some unnamed subset of Jews. Furthermore it has been used by Jew hating elements of Christianity for centuries. Your interpretation is just your own and is of no consolation to the thousands and thousands of Jews that have been tortured and killed by Christians who have a different interpretation. As a Jew I am offended by your cavalier disregard for the murder of my co-religionists.
9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—

What part of "Who claim to be Jews but are not" --- did you have trouble interpreting ? .. this is not referring to all Jews .. but a certian group who claim to be Jews .. but are not actually Jews. What part of the phrase 'Not Jews" are you having trouble understanding ?

So this is not a polemic against Jews .. but those who are pretenders .. not real Jews.

What part of .. my post talked about various polemics against Jews in the NT .. did you not understand ? .. such that if this one doesn't count it is no big deal .. as the central premise is still true .. were you not able to figure out despite me telling you this last post ... Doornob .. open
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—

What part of "Who claim to be Jews but are not" --- did you have trouble interpreting ? .. this is not referring to all Jews .. but a certian group who claim to be Jews .. but are not actually Jews. What part of the phrase 'Not Jews" are you having trouble understanding ?

So this is not a polemic against Jews .. but those who are pretenders .. not real Jews.

What part of .. my post talked about various polemics against Jews in the NT .. did you not understand ? .. such that if this one doesn't count it is no big deal .. as the central premise is still true .. were you not able to figure out despite me telling you this last post ... Doornob .. open
Many Jew hating Christians have interpreted those "who claim to be Jews but are not" to include ALL Jews. That is a fact.

What does the Book of Revelation say? Does it promote hatred of Jews? Let's find out.

How does the Book of Revelation promote hatred of Jews?​

Answer: In the Book of Revelation there are seven letters to seven churches supposedly written by the heavenly Jesus. They appear in Revelation 2:1 through 3:22. In each letter the angel (messenger) of the specific church is addressed and, in turn, the church members are told that Jesus knows who they are and the level of their spirituality. We are concerned here with letters two (2:8-11) and six (3:7-13).

In Revelation 2:9, Jesus is said to have written, "I know your works, tribulations and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." In Revelation 3:9, Jesus is said to have written, "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie--behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Jews who do not accept Christianity are characterized as worshipers of Satan, hence, the expression "synagogue of Satan."

According to Paul's definition of a "true" Jew, "he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God" (Romans 2:28-29). That is, the Christian notion of a "true" Jew refers to Jews and Gentiles who follow Paul's concept of submission to belief in Jesus, not adherence to the Torah. Jews by birth or choice who do not believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior are classified as Jews of the "flesh" not "true" spiritual Jews. The author of Revelation declares that Jews of the "flesh" who do not become "true" Jews (that is, Christians) worship Satan and are destined to someday be subdued and come to bow down at the feet of Jesus' beloved church.

Is it any wonder that the expression "synagogue of Satan" in combination with John 8:44, where "the Jews" are characterized as descended from Satan, helped produce a portrait for faithful Christians of the "evil" Jew whose deeds on behalf of Satan took on ominous proportions? Is it any wonder that the church and its faithful followers sought to hasten the day when Jesus would fulfill his promise to "make them [the synagogue of Satan] come and bow down at your feet" (verse 9) by persecution of the Jews?
How does the Book of Revelation promote hatred of Jews?


Veteran Member
Whenever you hear somebody talk of the end times you always hear people saying, “Oh people have been talking about the end times for thousands of years”, but it also says that you will run into these “scoffers” in the Bible.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Whenever you hear somebody talk of the end times you always hear people saying, “Oh people have been talking about the end times for thousands of years”, .
You'll also find in the bible that π=3, that the earth existed before the EM spectrum did, and also before the sun and stars did, that at some time in the last, say, 10,000 years the tip of Mt Everest was 25 feet or so under water, that the earth is flat and immovably fixed on pillars., implicitly at the center of creation, and the sun goes round it, that if you're sick, and the elders pray for you and anoint you, you'll be healed AND your sins will be forgiven, if you abide in Jesus, and Jesus' words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you, and so on and so on and so on.
but it also says that you will run into these “scoffers” in the Bible
It's not unusual for conmen to tell you to beware of conmen, and of scoffers too, of course.


Veteran Member
You'll also find in the bible that π=3, that the earth existed before the EM spectrum did, and also before the sun and stars did, that at some time in the last, say, 10,000 years the tip of Mt Everest was 25 feet or so under water, that the earth is flat and immovably fixed on pillars., implicitly at the center of creation, and the sun goes round it, that if you're sick, and the elders pray for you and anoint you, you'll be healed AND your sins will be forgiven, if you abide in Jesus, and Jesus' words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you, and so on and so on and so on.

It's not unusual for conmen to tell you to beware of conmen, and of scoffers too, of course.
Are you one of those scoffers? Is that way you’re taking offense? Haha


Well-Known Member
Many Jew hating Christians have interpreted those "who claim to be Jews but are not" to include ALL Jews. That is a fact.

How does the Book of Revelation promote hatred of Jews?

Why do I care what Morons do .. and why is this polemic against certain Jews so important to you ? when there are plenty of polemics in the Gospel of John that Jew hating Christians might refer to when blue and needing something to do.

but most Christians love Jews .. its true .. and the extremist wing nuts .. love them a little too much .. if you know what I mean .. nudge nudge .. wink wink .. say no more :) heh heh

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you one of those scoffers? Is that way you’re taking offense? Haha
I'm prepared to scoff when scoffing will make the point, as above.

I'm prepared to engage in reasoned, evidenced historical discussions too, though if you've offered one, kindly refer me to it since I've clearly missed it.

But as you know, we materialists find the evidence for real fairies to be unpersuasive.


Well-Known Member
The Prostitute -- the "whore of babylon" is said to represent a city .. Jerusalem perhaps. ,, the King of this city brings the world together for a great war .. in which a third of the planet is destroyed by Fire (nuclear holocaust)

What you think
Initially referred to Rome, gets dragged up again by every generation of self-appointed clairvoyants to refer to any city in turmoil or, according to the religious obsessions of the time, ‘facing judgement’ over perceived whore-ishness. Generally used by generation after generation of corrupt church institutions to denounce others while keeping their own sins in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why do I care what Morons do .. and why is this polemic against certain Jews so important to you ? when there are plenty of polemics in the Gospel of John that Jew hating Christians might refer to when blue and needing something to do.

but most Christians love Jews .. its true .. and the extremist wing nuts .. love them a little too much .. if you know what I mean .. nudge nudge .. wink wink .. say no more :) heh heh
You still don't get it. The point is Christian have cognitive dissonance. While many Christians do have affinity for Jews their scriptures don't. That's the point.


Well-Known Member
You're too kind ─ I was just reflecting the subject matter.
Are you one of those scoffers? Is that way you’re taking offense? Haha

Nail on the head King .. scoffer is all that has been proffered thusfar from our friend .. feigning understanding is no way to bend - "dressing up in costumes - playing silly games .. hiding out in tree-tops - shouting out rude names" Full marks to anyone who can give the artist or name that tune :)


Well-Known Member
Initially referred to Rome, gets dragged up again by every generation of self-appointed clairvoyants to refer to any city in turmoil or, according to the religious obsessions of the time, ‘facing judgement’ over perceived whore-ishness. Generally used by generation after generation of corrupt church institutions to denounce others while keeping their own sins in the dark.

Yes Brother Tome .. the "whore of babylon" indeed has a seat in Rome .. doing dirty deeds as you suggest .. an organization in opposition to the dictates of Christ .. but the seat of power most high -- denouncing others by the by .. is in Jerusalem these days ... another religious haze wagging its Dog the USA -- the "anti christ" has arrived .. once again has come to thrive .. the Chaos Dragon and the whore shall rid the world of order once more .. another slash .. the leader a gash .. on his head .. but he did not dead .. the prophecy is coming true .. whether or not we are feeling blue ..


Well-Known Member
You still don't get it. The point is Christian have cognitive dissonance. While many Christians do have affinity for Jews their scriptures don't. That's the point.

Look Brother Shaul - you have some kind of backwards filter in place ... not understanding who are the runners in the race. That "some" scripture gives polemic to the Jew .. was the point I made to you Donut ?! and now you say "You still don't get it" after repeating the point I have been making to you back to me.

and then you go on to complain about Christian Cognitive dissonance when the log in own eye is quite massive but none of this gibberish addressing the topic at hand .. which are the signs that the anti-christ is near and that which you fear.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Look Brother Shaul - you have some kind of backwards filter in place ... not understanding who are the runners in the race. That "some" scripture gives polemic to the Jew .. was the point I made to you Donut ?! and now you say "You still don't get it" after repeating the point I have been making to you back to me.

and then you go on to complain about Christian Cognitive dissonance when the log in own eye is quite massive but none of this gibberish addressing the topic at hand .. which are the signs that the anti-christ is near and that which you fear.
It isn't a filter. It is lessons learned from history. A history you seem to totally deny. Blood libels, pogroms, disputations, ghettos, deicide slanders, forced conversions, Inquistions and many, many other persecutions, all at the hands of Christianity. These things were done by Christians, not "faux" Christians. Attempting to whitewash centuries of atrocities with the "no True Scotsman" fallacy is futile and insulting. Until Christians truly admit what their religion has done they will never be able to advance spiritually. You call me "brother"? What sort of brother would deny the truth? I will pray for you.


Well-Known Member
The Prostitute -- the "whore of babylon" is said to represent a city .. Jerusalem perhaps. ,, the King of this city brings the world together for a great war .. in which a third of the planet is destroyed by Fire (nuclear holocaust)

What you think
The "anti-Christ" wasn't a specific person, it was a general spirit among those who denied Christ.

1 John 2:22
Verse Concepts
Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3
Verse Concepts
and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.

1 John 2:18
Verse Concepts
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.

2 John 1:7
Verse Concepts
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.


Well-Known Member
It isn't a filter. It is lessons learned from history. A history you seem to totally deny. Blood libels, pogroms, disputations, ghettos, deicide slanders, forced conversions, Inquistions and many, many other persecutions, all at the hands of Christianity. These things were done by Christians, not "faux" Christians. Attempting to whitewash centuries of atrocities with the "no True Scotsman" fallacy is futile and insulting. Until Christians truly admit what their religion has done they will never be able to advance spiritually. You call me "brother"? What sort of brother would deny the truth? I will pray for you.

Now what are you blathering about .. you got everything backwards .. you reproduced what I was saying backwards .. which has nothing to do with history. I told you the scriptures contain polemics against the Jews .. which you then turned around and cried "You don't get it .. the scriptures contain polemics against the Jews"

Then you go on to cry .. that I did deny lessons from history ?? when I did no such thing .. have not comented on any such thing .. this some fantasy conversation in your head with someone you think is me ... aka strawman fallacy.

What Truth have I denied Brother Shaul .. I will pray for you to regain coherent thought and come up with coherent response.


Well-Known Member
The "anti-Christ" wasn't a specific person, it was a general spirit among those who denied Christ.

Correct that the anti-christ is not generally a specific person .. Not correct about those who denied Christ .. rather those that denied "The Word" of the annointed one of God ... aka The Logos .. an important distinction.