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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Now what are you blathering about .. you got everything backwards .. you reproduced what I was saying backwards .. which has nothing to do with history. I told you the scriptures contain polemics against the Jews .. which you then turned around and cried "You don't get it .. the scriptures contain polemics against the Jews"

Then you go on to cry .. that I did deny lessons from history ?? when I did no such thing .. have not comented on any such thing .. this some fantasy conversation in your head with someone you think is me ... aka strawman fallacy.

What Truth have I denied Brother Shaul .. I will pray for you to regain coherent thought and come up with coherent response.
Changing your argument now? Previously you claimed that these "polemic passages"[sic] were only against some subset of Jews. As in post #110 where you wrote "this polemic against certain Jews". Now you argue they are against undifferentiated Jews in general. Make up your mind.


It isn't a filter. It is lessons learned from history. A history you seem to totally deny. Blood libels, pogroms, disputations, ghettos, deicide slanders, forced conversions, Inquistions and many, many other persecutions, all at the hands of Christianity. These things were done by Christians, not "faux" Christians. Attempting to whitewash centuries of atrocities with the "no True Scotsman" fallacy is futile and insulting. Until Christians truly admit what their religion has done they will never be able to advance spiritually. You call me "brother"? What sort of brother would deny the truth? I will pray for you.
I sincerely suggest you read the following book with researched historical information about the reality of difference between a truly born again Christians and those who profess Christianity, yet have only a religion often tied to a political or personal gain agenda. Both Jews, Christians, and others have been persecuted by the RCC throughout history. No one who has truly had their life transformed by Christ would hate or persecute God’s chosen people; the Jews.

“Monumental Hypocrisy The Roman Catholic Church has been the greatest persecutor of both Jews and Christians the world has ever seen, and has martyred far more Christians than even pagan Rome or Islam. She has been exceeded only by Mao and Stalin, but they hardly claimed to be acting in Christ's name. Catholic Rome has no rival among religious institutions in qualifying as the woman who is "drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus.”



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
if this makes any sense to you

It does. I'm right there with you. I understand what you're saying.

So the Anti Christ is a negative energy vortex of sorts

Got it! Ok. That is the "heavenly" anti-Christ. The anti-christ above. As it is below, so it is above, and as it as above, so it is below..

a depiction of an anti-christ of sorts -- but we also have a depiction of the anti-Christ from Jesus

Above <<<<<>>>> Below

and the two do not mesh

There is a correspondence.

Above <<<<<>>>>> Below

In General <<<<>>>> In Particular

Above = In general
Below = In particular

Do you see what I mean? The negative energry vortex that is the root of the anti-christ as it exists in heaven in general. Then that general, very powerful, very nasty force can land and manifest itself in a whole host of ways.

It's like having a pool of possible manifestations swirling around int he heavens. And then, one of the those possible forms, lands on earth.

Right? Make sense? Matches what you're describing? If so, the next step, I think is for you to provide a translation of Revelation that you trust.

Nice write-up, BTW. Sincerely,


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
So the Anti Christ is a negative energy vortex of sorts .. generated by individuals . and manifested into reality by individuals and institutions - Such as the the "Universal Church" = Catholic Church .... whose doctrine and ideology and way of being was as "Anti-Christ" as one can possibly imagine .. violating everything our good friend heyZeus == the annointed one of God == stood for. Judaism is another such institution which violated the old religious Truth of Polytheism - bringing forth the demonic Blasphemy of monotheism .. Christianity a spawn of this beast the mother beast .. now threatening to fulfill the "Fire from the Sky" prophecy in Revelations 1/3 of the world is destroyed by fire .. among others.

The Nazi's were also a negative energy vortex .. the irony that Bibi is acting just like the Brown Shirts cept the Warsaw Ghetto / Gaza Ghetto has now been turned into the Gaza Concentration Camp .. "Ethnic Cleansing" of the Land .. Just as the Bible and the Likud Charter instructs. Cleansing of the Land - From the River to the Sea - Israeli Sovereignty .. as per Deuteronomy l3:43 (must be from a translation older than the MT) .. but even the MT has the Cleansing that the Modern Bibles have removed.

Bibi himself calling forth the memory of the "Amalek" -- Can't make this sht up any better friend ..

I hear you, I am so happy to have read your entire position from beginning to end. It's wonderful. Really great. I'm not going to comment on these details yet. I feel like it's premature. I want to review The Book of Revelation from a trusted translation. If you would please provide that, I will appreciate it. And I would like to get your feedback on the "General v. Particular" "Above v. Below" correspondence model I described.

Thank you again,



Well-Known Member
Changing your argument now? Previously you claimed that these "polemic passages"[sic] were only against some subset of Jews. As in post #110 where you wrote "this polemic against certain Jews". Now you argue they are against undifferentiated Jews in general. Make up your mind.

No .. I did not change my argument .. I did not claim the polemic passages in John were only against a subset of Jews .. Just the one passage in Revelation that you could not figure out was claimed to be a polemic against a subset.

Time to improve your reading comprehension and to quit making up fantasies and attributing these fantasies of yours to others friend.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
energy vortex

Excellent word choice. I know this one. Yup.

Very. And dangerous. It's the inverse of the Taiji, what you refer to as yin-yang. While the Taiji is creating, that one? It is "negating" always and forever. And with extreme malice. It has a name. I don't have it memorized. But I know where to look.

Sarg, once we have its name, then we can use that in conjunction with the the Book of Revelation. We will have two distinct vantage points. And using that? We can chart its course through history as it is striking.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nail on the head King .. scoffer is all that has been proffered thusfar from our friend .. feigning understanding is no way to bend - "dressing up in costumes - playing silly games .. hiding out in tree-tops - shouting out rude names" Full marks to anyone who can give the artist or name that tune :)
I've offered you reasoned debate, but clearly that's not what you want.

Enjoy your game-playing.


Well-Known Member
It does. I'm right there with you. I understand what you're saying.

Got it! Ok. That is the "heavenly" anti-Christ. The anti-christ above. As it is below, so it is above, and as it as above, so it is below..

Above <<<<<>>>> Below

There is a correspondence.

Above <<<<<>>>>> Below

In General <<<<>>>> In Particular

Above = In general
Below = In particular

Do you see what I mean? The negative energry vortex that is the root of the anti-christ as it exists in heaven in general. Then that general, very powerful, very nasty force can land and manifest itself in a whole host of ways.

It's like having a pool of possible manifestations swirling around int he heavens. And then, one of the those possible forms, lands on earth.

Right? Make sense? Matches what you're describing? If so, the next step, I think is for you to provide a translation of Revelation that you trust.

Nice write-up, BTW. Sincerely,

K .. now we have a new concept that needs be defined .. just like anti-christ. heaven is a way station where the soul hangs out prior to the next vacation .. but that is a digression we need not delve into.. nor need we dwell too much on Revelations .. just one man's dream ... interpreted by another -- meaning we do not need to even use revelations to claim the anti-christ is near Bibi ... the man is making the Brown shirts at the Warsaw Ghetto look kind by comparison to the Gaza Concentration Camp. Following the Ideology of the Old Testment .. fulfilling that prophecy .. Cleansing the Land .. Deut 32:43 LXX Translation

"O heavens, rejoice with Him Bow to Him, all sons of the divine
O nations, rejoice with His people and let all angels of the divine strengthen themselves in Him.
For He’ll avenge the blood of His sons, be vengeful, and wreak vengeance and recompense justice on his foes
And the Lord will Cleanse His people’s land"

Now please to a modern Bible go ... read Deut 32:43 .. paste that version below the Septuagint (LXX) above .. and tell me what happened to all the divinities .. and who's land is it ? :) and who's hand wrote which passage ?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Now please to a modern Bible go ... read Deut 32:43 .. paste that version below the Septuagint (LXX) above .. and tell me what happened to all the divinities .. and who's land is it ? :) and who's hand wrote which passage ?

I remember this from our previous debate. However, I don't remember if these questions were answered or not. ( Because we were arguing, not working cooperatively ). What if, site unseen, I agree with you, whatever you say, however you choose to answer these questions? How does this connect to Bibi and the evaluation that the anti-christ is near in proximity?


Well-Known Member
I remember this from our previous debate. However, I don't remember if these questions were answered or not. ( Because we were arguing, not working cooperatively ). What if, site unseen, I agree with you, whatever you say, however you choose to answer these questions? How does this connect to Bibi and the evaluation that the anti-christ is near in proximity?

Well ? The hand of who removed the ancient ways and prophecy from the text ? ? Satan perhaps !! :) working through the hand of Man .. altering the Holy text such that the original meaning completely lost ? .. but this text removed also happens to be prophetic. Bibi calling out the very scripture .. "The Amalak" now keep in mind this is mere symbology .. the Amalak of the OT .. is the world of Today ..

Rev 8 :10 Then the third angel blew his trumpet. A large star, burning like a torch, dropped from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11(The name of the star is “Bitterness”.) A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water, because it had turned bitter.

The third "Angel" of YHWH -- reigning death on humanity by nuclear weapons 1/3rd of the water contaminated with radioactive fallout .

Who is the most likely nation in the world right now to be using nuclear weapons ? -- Let the prophecy not be fulfilled :) heh heh heh. You understand that YHWH is the demiurge Right !? ..

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The reverse is true .. as witnessed by two -- the one playing silly games is You then projecting on others its true.
Now now! As to what is true, please refer me to the post when you laid out your argument in a reasoned and evidence-based form, and that will cause me to withdraw my comment.

But so far I've noticed nothing of the kind.

Since you like playing games, I guess I should say, Your move.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You understand that YHWH is the demiurge Right !? ..

:thumbsup: Got it. :thumbsup:

Thank you,

1) The removal ( "negating" ) of the original text from Deut 32? You are proposing that YHVH, the demi-urge is responsible? But channeled through the hand of evil scribes? And this is also the same "negating" energy vortex which has been responsible for the more than a hand-full, at least, of the world's greatest catastrophes and tragedies throughout history? But small injustices, sinister crimes against truth and the innocent should not be neglected as possibly the ... handiwork of YHVH.

2) Psalm 82, is the description of an ascension of YHVH over the other gods in a violent unjust "negating" of their power and authority?

3) Humans are able to draw down this "negating" energy vortex, if they know how? Or perhaps, they don't exactly know what they're doing explicitly, but their ill-will and ruthless passion ( among other things ) can build a metaphorical nest, so to speak, where YHVH, the demi-urge, will land? Landing and striking with its "negating" energy here and now, in the material realm? Your proposition is that Bibi is doing precisely that?

Am I understanding? At least getting close to understanding? Like I said, I'm making a line drawing. It's never going to be as detailed as what you have in mind. But I'm doing my best.

If I am understanding properly? Is there anything else you'd like to share with me? Is there anything else I need to know?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
please refer me to the post when you laid out your argument in a reasoned and evidence-based form

I think, and I hope, it is laid out, 1,2,3 in the my post above. And, I think... well... he's not wrong.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think, and I hope, it is laid out, 1,2,3 in the my post above. And, I think... well... he's not wrong.
Thank you, but my problem with your #133, it seems to me, is that it assumes great events in modern human affairs are generated by and depend on what happened thousands of years ago in one tiny cultural zone.

Christianity is a religion quite distinct from Judaism. Paul relatively early renounced the covenant of circumcision, and despite the fact that all five versions of Jesus in the NT deny that they're God and never claim to be God, Christianity, from early in the 2nd century CE, pushes not for whether but how Jesus can be elevated to God status, with various models tried and rejected. And then the Trinity doctrine is adopted, which indeed makes Jesus 100% of God, while making the Father and the Ghost God each 100% of God as well ─ though rather than call this by its usual name, "a nonsense", they prefer to call it "a mystery in the strict sense, in that that it cannot be known by human reason apart from revelation" ─ I've never seen a claim identifying to whom it was said to be be first revealed ─ "nor cogently demonstrated by reason after it has been revealed" (their words, not mine).

So it's also not clear to me why anything in the Tanakh is relevant to the Christian world, notwithstanding the extensive use of the Tanakh by the gospel authors, since it's strictly for Jewish purposes.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Thank you, but my problem with your #133, it seems to me, is that it assumes great events in modern human affairs are generated by and depend on what happened thousands of years ago in one tiny cultural zone.

No. I was not clear or you misunderstood. However, I do think that the present circumstances are a consequence of a web of influences from prior events. I hope you agree.

If you would like more detail from me, in order to approach comprehension of this subject matter, I am at your service.


Well-Known Member
:thumbsup: Got it. :thumbsup:

Thank you,

1) The removal ( "negating" ) of the original text from Deut 32? You are proposing that YHVH, the demi-urge is responsible? But channeled through the hand of evil scribes? And this is also the same "negating" energy vortex which has been responsible for the more than a hand-full, at least, of the world's greatest catastrophes and tragedies throughout history? But small injustices, sinister crimes against truth and the innocent should not be neglected as possibly the ... handiwork of YHVH.

2) Psalm 82, is the description of an ascension of YHVH over the other gods in a violent unjust "negating" of their power and authority?

3) Humans are able to draw down this "negating" energy vortex, if they know how? Or perhaps, they don't exactly know what they're doing explicitly, but their ill-will and ruthless passion ( among other things ) can build a metaphorical nest, so to speak, where YHVH, the demi-urge, will land? Landing and striking with its "negating" energy here and now, in the material realm? Your proposition is that Bibi is doing precisely that?

Am I understanding? At least getting close to understanding? Like I said, I'm making a line drawing. It's never going to be as detailed as what you have in mind. But I'm doing my best.

If I am understanding properly? Is there anything else you'd like to share with me? Is there anything else I need to know?

Very close to the same page.. on a topic where getting exactly the page is near impossible .. remember YHWH is a symbol for the evil inclinations .. as after all - it is humans who carry out the dirty deeds not the Gods themselves .. it is humans who you need to fear .. the Gods ? not so much .. and are we not like the Gods to begin with .. in many ways "Like US -- In Our Image" .. just having less power. and were humans after all not designed with the possibility of having of evil inclinations .. designed by by "Gods" who were fallable .. and in fact the one God (Enlil if you are looking for a name .. Enlil being on of the "Annunaki" ) admits that the creation of humans was a mistake .. and tries to kill them all .. wipe this worthless creation off the face of the earth .. well .. not completely worthless .. they were good at being slaves and toiling the earth .. the God hyperbolizing somewhat stating -

Genesis 6:5 The God saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The God regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the God said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created

Do you understand ?? .. This is one of the God's of creation (and please -- we must get into the habit of reading the Bible from a Polytheistic perspective .. as that was the perspective of those whose story this is) YOUR Creation .. the creation of You - explaining what a worthless POS you are .. Now .. while good that this God has realized that it made a big mistake .. I fail to feel much sympathy for the "Deeply troubled heart" of this God .. and decision to just wipe out the whole damn experiment .. Right !

So .. let us understand .. that you are danger to yourself .. a worthless POS whose every inclination is only evil .. ALL OF The TIME. I told you this God was exaggerating .. but, there is a point here .. and that the human species is far bigger danger to yourself than direct intervention by some God .. "a big meteor wiping out most of humanity" or "Alien invasion" .. so to a large degree "The Devil" is US. We .. the People. the dance and the stakes far more complex than the simplistic black vs white monotheistic heresy .. and its God whose name is Jealousy .. Fancy that .. a God named after the most ridiculous and petty of human failings .. should one actually be the only one "All Powerfull" God .. is this not a contradiction of some kind and /or the definition of irrational ? What da fricken hell on earth does such a God have to be jealous of ?? .. right ? this is how find the hands of the devil at work ..

KK .. so you know there are different sets of commands .. by different Gods .. Right !? .. and in fact a God can be and is defined by his/her commands .. This God says X .. that God says Y .. Compare for example the 10 commands of this God named Jealous .. with the 10 commands of another God the 10 below from a random Google search

  • “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ...
  • “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” ...
  • “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” ...
  • “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” ...
  • “Honour thy father and thy mother.” ...
  • “Thou shalt not kill.” ...
  • “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” ...
  • “Thou shalt not steal.”

Compare the above 10 commands to the 10 commands of Lord Jealous Exodus 34

11 Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
12 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you.
13 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.
14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
15 “Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices.
16 And when you choose some of their daughters as wives for your sons and those daughters prostitute themselves to their gods, they will lead your sons to do the same.
17 “Do not make any idols.
18 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread. For seven days eat bread made without yeast, as I commanded you. Do this at the appointed time in the month of Aviv, for in that month you came out of Egypt.
19 “The first offspring of every womb belongs to me, including all the firstborn males of your livestock, whether from herd or flock.
20 Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem all your firstborn sons. “No one is to appear before me empty-handed.
21 “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest.
22 “Celebrate the Festival of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingathering at the turn of the year.
23 Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD, the God of Israel.
24 I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your territory, and no one will covet your land when you go up three times each year to appear before the LORD your God.
25 “Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast, and do not let any of the sacrifice from the Passover Festival remain until morning.
26 “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God. “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.”
27 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.”
28 Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments.

Without comment on the first set of commands .. I will say to you that the second set is the devil's work . Note that the first set of commands comes before the Golden Calf Incident .. the second set (above) comes after and it is the second set which is placed into the Ark of the covenant. also note that the first is a covenant (and ther are a few previous to this) .. the second is a different covenant .. different covenant .. different God.

Now .. the question of Jesus -- which covenant is that .. which God "The Father" .. Jesus being "The Logos" .. a symbolic representation of "The Word" of this God according to the author of John.

and more importantly .. what are the Commands of this God .. sent down to us through the ages ..the commands of the God of Jesus - and what about the covenant ?

One thing you can tell me for sure about these commands is that Jesus does not follow the commands of and takes no part in the covenant of Lord YHWH or Lord Jealous .. violating the commands of these two ... and this should please us that Lord Jesus .. "Son of Man" does not follow the ways of the demiurge and that demonic puritan ideology that wants to stone the whore .. Let ye who is without sin cast the first rock ! .. sayeth the Lord.

and now .. a tough test of your new found skill in recognizing Sataniel .. which is no small feat given the devil is not going to show up in horns, tail and red cape when trying to weave a deception .. "Right ! :)

Before us we have the child of Idolotrous parents .. The Parents have been slain for their sin .. The scribes have been tasked with giving us "God's Word" .. on what we should do with the Child but have come up with two conflicting options.

1) Kill the child for the sin of the Parents 2) Do not kill the child for the sin of the Father .. Let each be punished according to his own sin.

Your mission -- should you choose to accept it .. .. is to figure out which verse is from the hands of the devil .. and which from the Good God.

Bad God -- Good God Hint .. one is a Rule of Law principle .. comes down to us through the ages .. a voice from the heavens .. Hamurapi had this rule .. and the Ur Nammu Law Code .. A different "Annointed one of God" -- Cyrus the Great of Persia .. the first "magna carta" Confucius had this rule .. as did Buddha .... and of course let us not forget HeyZeus..

Now for the complicated part 2 of the question .. Tell me the name of the God of each command :)
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blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No. I was not clear or you misunderstood. However, I do think that the present circumstances are a consequence of a web of influences from prior events. I hope you agree.

If you would like more detail from me, in order to approach comprehension of this subject matter, I am at your service.
Thank you. No, I think I'll leave it there.