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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near


Well-Known Member
Well, in my little way, perhaps to promote 'Gens Una Sumus', which you doubtless recognize from your FIFA days.

I think you meant to FIDE (the chess org) , as opposed to FIFA (Football org) and how wonderful to produce a Latin Slogan .. I am quite fond . Latin legal terms such as - Prima Facie (sp) "on the surface" and interesting foreign words such as the German Shaddenfrude (sp)- (the pleasure you feel when bad things happen to other people) not sure there is a comparable word in English but, now to symbolic notation .. Symbols and Signs that tell us the anti -Christ is near being the topic .. but for now the Symbols used to communicate in Chess .. a subject I must say I have not quite "mastered" .. however very familiar .. ? , !, ?!, !?, ??, !! six symbols .. have you learned the meaning !

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think you meant to FIDE (the chess org) , as opposed to FIFA (Football org) and how wonderful to produce a Latin Slogan .. I am quite fond . Latin legal terms such as - Prima Facie (sp) "on the surface" and interesting foreign words such as the German Shaddenfrude (sp)- (the pleasure you feel when bad things happen to other people) not sure there is a comparable word in English but, now to symbolic notation .. Symbols and Signs that tell us the anti -Christ is near being the topic .. but for now the Symbols used to communicate in Chess .. a subject I must say I have not quite "mastered" .. however very familiar .. ? , !, ?!, !?, ??, !! six symbols .. have you learned the meaning !
Yes, FIDE, my careless error. Apologies. Schadenfreude will do the trick. Prima facie is Latin, 'at first appearance' (and unlike English in Latin pronounced 'preema fahkieh').



Well-Known Member
Yes, FIDE, my careless error. Apologies. Schadenfreude will do the trick. Prima facie is Latin, 'at first appearance' (and unlike English in Latin pronounced 'preema fahkieh').

Prosit! .. like "on the surface" better but, same idea.. Philosophy of Law class and so how is it going with learning the chess notation !?

Potatoe Petato :) I knew what was meant .. nein shadenfreude haben .. Learned about the "prima facie' in the Philosophy of Law class .. having fun with electives .. but the word "fahkieh" is interesting as my wife speaks Romanian .. and Fac .. pronounced "fuk" is basically the word for doing .. for example Nu fac nimic = I am doing nothing

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Potatoe Petato :) I knew what was meant .. nein shadenfreude haben .. Learned about the "prima facie' in the Philosophy of Law class .. having fun with electives .. but the word "fahkieh" is interesting as my wife speaks Romanian .. and Fac .. pronounced "fuk" is basically the word for doing .. for example Nu fac nimic = I am doing nothing
Yup. The Roman Empire left Latin everywhere, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and of course Romania. In Latin C is always pronounced K, so facere ─ infinitive form ─ is pronounced fahkehreh ─ to do, to make, to cause, to create, with lots of other usages for particular circumstances. In French facere became faire (fehre), Italian fare (fahreh) so why not Romanian face (fahchih)? (In Spanish it became hacer and in Portuguese it's fazer, but both are from the Latin originally.)

I first noticed Romanian when I read Seamus Heaney's translations ─ more correctly versions ─ of Ana Blandiana in Where the Tunnels Meet and of Marin Sorescu in The Biggest Egg in the World. If your wife likes poetry, perhaps she could help me find the original Romanian for a few of the poems there that I've been unable to find for myself ─ two (of the ten) by Blandiana, four (of the six) by Sorescu. If she doesn't, no problem of course.


Well-Known Member
Yup. The Roman Empire left Latin everywhere, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and of course Romania. In Latin C is always pronounced K, so facere ─ infinitive form ─ is pronounced fahkehreh ─ to do, to make, to cause, to create, with lots of other usages for particular circumstances. In French facere became faire (fehre), Italian fare (fahreh) so why not Romanian face (fahchih)? (In Spanish it became hacer and in Portuguese it's fazer, but both are from the Latin originally.)

I first noticed Romanian when I read Seamus Heaney's translations ─ more correctly versions ─ of Ana Blandiana in Where the Tunnels Meet and of Marin Sorescu in The Biggest Egg in the World. If your wife likes poetry, perhaps she could help me find the original Romanian for a few of the poems there that I've been unable to find for myself ─ two (of the ten) by Blandiana, four (of the six) by Sorescu. If she doesn't, no problem of course.

She grew up under Ceusescu - when to the same gymnastics school as Nadia -- came to America when was 16 .. so left the academic culture at that point .. is also Serbian by Ethnic background so speaks both languages fluently -- me as the second husband together 20 years have been much introduced to both cultrures .. and 90% of friends .. aaquaintences and so forth are going to be Romanian and/or Serbian and/or Eastern European .. and they are always getting togther for everything .. so well exposed to the culture or rather "Romanian-Americano Culture" .. which we should distinguish from actual Romanian Culture in 2024 .. or Serbian .. or .. :) this is one of the reasons I failed to learn "Romanian" as I have two to learn .. one slavic .. one Latin .. and in fact Romanian is the closest Language to Latin which no longer is spoken cept perhaps in the Catholic church from time to time.

"When I was one and twenty .. I heard a wise man say .. give crowns and pounds and guineas but, not your heart away" :)


Christian Evolutionist
I don't know. We've read stories over the ages about similar events, from Sodom and Gomorrah, and before this the Nephilim at the time of Noah, etc. Other cultures have similar stories, and I honestly couldn't count the list of them, being unaware of how many have been articulated and documented. Babylon ... I was under the impression that this was about the confused language and the barriers between us and God and/or heaven. It appears that some entities are not so fond of "being found out". On the same notion, there was Azazel and the army of iblis, then on to Azrael who was sent to fight that specific army. The first and last or the first and second Adams perhaps being referenced in old religious teachings. We have many barriers between our cultures, and we rarely see eye to eye on many issues. I envision less literal fire, at least until our sun expands enough to become that type of reality here. In the meantime, I will presume evolutionary changes are due and are ongoing and that we have our work plate fairly full. I'll fall short of calling out this city or that city. The tectonic plates shift, just like our climate shifts as we spin on our polar axis, making our rounds around the Sun. I think many things will be chaffed, but I also have a feeling that the pruning will enable greater growth. The question becomes what exactly is being chaffed? My guess is false paradigms and the ever so common deception we've grown so confused in - Babylon.


Well-Known Member
Well I think it would make a good movie
That it would but, even better if instead of the end of the world drama we do an authentic movie about the actual life and times ~900 BC in Israel .. including all the Gods worshiped .. and I do mean "Gods" YHWH for example was worshiped alongside Consort Asherah -- "queen of heaven" and daughter Anat -- after visiting the male and/or female prostututes .. you may want to do a "Hotbox" while worshiping at the Asherah standing stone ... can't avoid it really as they are burning cannibis oil and frankenscence ... then perhaps outdoors to the high place for a little sacrifice .. perhaps eat some sacrificial meat .. drink some sacrificial wine .. a far more interesting holy communiion than Chistians partake in today.


Active Member
That it would but, even better if instead of the end of the world drama we do an authentic movie about the actual life and times ~900 BC in Israel .. including all the Gods worshiped .. and I do mean "Gods" YHWH for example was worshiped alongside Consort Asherah -- "queen of heaven" and daughter Anat -- after visiting the male and/or female prostututes .. you may want to do a "Hotbox" while worshiping at the Asherah standing stone ... can't avoid it really as they are burning cannibis oil and frankenscence ... then perhaps outdoors to the high place for a little sacrifice .. perhaps eat some sacrificial meat .. drink some sacrificial wine .. a far more interesting holy communiion than Chistians partake in today.
Wow, does sounds incredible


Christian Evolutionist
Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near

In (Jesus) First Coming he was opposed by the then wicked and "Adulterous Jews"(Matthew 16:4) and by the Paulines who cunningly made him "god" and "son of god" to derail his simple minded followers from his real deeds and teachings, an opposition in disguise, please, right?

The first man Adam was of the earth, the second man Adam was of the heavens. The two types weren't so compatible apparently, so the development began after the second Adam came to face the first Adam. We've been developing ever since. The name for this second man has been subject of discourse and debate, but no matter which name we attribute, the notion remains the same. It's understandable the Jewish resistance to Jesus, but even without acknowledgement, spiritual development takes place. If we are not sons and daughters of God, what are we?


Well-Known Member
Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near

In (Jesus) First Coming he was opposed by the then wicked and "Adulterous Jews"(Matthew 16:4) and by the Paulines who cunningly made him "god" and "son of god" to derail his simple minded followers from his real deeds and teachings, an opposition in disguise, please, right?


and lest we not forget "The Father" of these "Adulterous Jews" is the demiurge ("The Devil" ) John 8:44 .. aka the twin God whose names are Jealous and YHWH.

The first man Adam was of the earth, the second man Adam was of the heavens. The two types weren't so compatible apparently, so the development began after the second Adam came to face the first Adam. We've been developing ever since. The name for this second man has been subject of discourse and debate, but no matter which name we attribute, the notion remains the same. It's understandable the Jewish resistance to Jesus, but even without acknowledgement, spiritual development takes place. If we are not sons and daughters of God, what are we?

Ahh .. and look at this .. again we see the twins showing up .. not necessarily the same twins as above .. but same motif of sorts. The twins need not be positive and negative either .. such as Zedek .. Patron God of the City of Peace (Jerusalem) -- the twin Gods Justice and Righteousness .. who sit at the right hand of "The Father" (and not the bad Father described above) head of the Divine Assembly of EL .. Psalm 82 .. Chief God of the heavens.

The Priesthood of Melchi-Zedek .. ~1800 BC or the Zadokite Priesthood .. is not the levitical priesthood of Aaron .. who is the priesthood of God YHWH .. The Zadokite Priesthood is a different God .. different priesthood .. passed down in Jerusalem for 800 Years Adoni-Zedek being the King when David took over. Then David .. rather than slaughtering everyone .. all the priests .. makes the head Priest of Jerusalem at the time whose name was Zadok -- the head priest over all of Israel .. as opposed to the Aaronite Priest. .. David himself a Priset forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek Psalm 110 - and it is Zadok who annoints King Solomon .. "annointed one of God"

and now for the 1 Million dollar Question we all should be asking at this point .. which is ????????????????????

--- >>> Which Priesthood does Jesus belong to <<<<<-----

A) Aaronite - Levitical B) Zadokite .. Hint .. Hebrew 6.


Christian Evolutionist
and lest we not forget "The Father" of these "Adulterous Jews" is the demiurge ("The Devil" ) John 8:44 .. aka the twin God whose names are Jealous and YHWH.

Ahh .. and look at this .. again we see the twins showing up .. not necessarily the same twins as above .. but same motif of sorts. The twins need not be positive and negative either .. such as Zedek .. Patron God of the City of Peace (Jerusalem) -- the twin Gods Justice and Righteousness .. who sit at the right hand of "The Father" (and not the bad Father described above) head of the Divine Assembly of EL .. Psalm 82 .. Chief God of the heavens.

The Priesthood of Melchi-Zedek .. ~1800 BC or the Zadokite Priesthood .. is not the levitical priesthood of Aaron .. who is the priesthood of God YHWH .. The Zadokite Priesthood is a different God .. different priesthood .. passed down in Jerusalem for 800 Years Adoni-Zedek being the King when David took over. Then David .. rather than slaughtering everyone .. all the priests .. makes the head Priest of Jerusalem at the time whose name was Zadok -- the head priest over all of Israel .. as opposed to the Aaronite Priest. .. David himself a Priset forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek Psalm 110 - and it is Zadok who annoints King Solomon .. "annointed one of God"

and now for the 1 Million dollar Question we all should be asking at this point .. which is ????????????????????

--- >>> Which Priesthood does Jesus belong to <<<<<-----

A) Aaronite - Levitical B) Zadokite .. Hint .. Hebrew 6.

Which comes first, the lesser or the greater, ignorance or knowledge, dark or light, error or rightness, etc? I'm sure all this is pertaining to our ongoing development from unknowing to knowing, perhaps from nomad to settler, from isolated to communitive, from warrior to peace maker, etc.

Jesus is believed to be of the Melchisedec order, which is part of Soloman's own, and as you suggested "anointed of God"- (a Christo's), just as many others become anointed. Truth oriented people are honest people and without truth there is no true communication of truth, nor sincerity of honor.

I like Hebrews ... The 4th can be a little intimidating, but the 12th is a little more appealing being noted as children of. The eternal or consuming fire that is defined as God is accurate enough to acknowledge, given our life is lived under the sun and we are filled with the spirit of life because of it. I'm sure Melchizedek is mentioned somewhere, also ... I'm assuming in 6 ... thanks for the hint.
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Well-Known Member
Which comes first, the lesser or the greater, ignorance or knowledge, dark or light, error or rightness, etc? I'm sure all this is pertaining to our ongoing development from unknowing to knowing, perhaps from nomad to settler, from isolated to communitive, from warrior to peace maker, etc.

Jesus is believed to be of the Melchisedec order, which is part of Soloman's own, and as you suggested "anointed of God"- (a Christo's), just as many others become anointed. Truth oriented people are honest people and without truth there is no true communication of truth, nor sincerity of honor.

I like Hebrews ... The 4th can be a little intimidating, but the 12th is a little more appealing being noted as children of. The eternal or consuming fire that is defined as God is accurate enough to acknowledge, given our life is lived under the sun and we are filled with the spirit of life because of it. I'm sure Melchizedek is mentioned somewhere, also ... I'm assuming in 6 ... thanks for the hint.

Melchi-Zedek "Prince of Peace" Genesis 14 - Zedek Seated at the right hand of "The Father" - Hallowed be thy name (that nobody knows) Righteousness and dispenser of Justice .. a type of the Christos some say ... but .. the question we are after is .. what is the "hallowed name of the Father" .. the God of Jesus ?

and clearly the son proceeds from the Father .. an emanation from the Godhead if one likes the Gnostic


Christian Evolutionist
Melchi-Zedek "Prince of Peace" Genesis 14 - Zedek Seated at the right hand of "The Father" - Hallowed be thy name (that nobody knows) Righteousness and dispenser of Justice .. a type of the Christos some say ... but .. the question we are after is .. what is the "hallowed name of the Father" .. the God of Jesus ?

and clearly the son proceeds from the Father .. an emanation from the Godhead if one likes the Gnostic

I always thought his name was Joseph. Solomon proceeded from David and the bible speaks of the son of David as being Christos. Melchi-Zedec came long before Jesus was birthed as I understand the text and Soloman before Jesus, and David before Soloman, etc.

Is Ra El? Who is El O him? Is Ra Star Fire? Who is the son of whom? Sun? Is Ra El? What/who is El?

Is El God?

Do you know?

God is. We exist in God and God exist in us. Names have meanings, and characteristics associated with the names. What is Jesus known for? How about Melchi-Zedek? How about Joseph, Soloman, David, Abraham, Issaac, etc?

Is God All?