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Bible Fails


Veteran Member
There are none. They are all apparent contradictions.
Alleged Contradictions in the Bible - Christian Research Institute

The flood happened but you are off topic since the flood claims are self consistent
A Flood of Evidence

And btw two of what seven of what context context context.... 2 of the unclean animals 7 of the clean allowed for some clean animals to be used as sacrifice

There were TWO different creation stories from Judea and Israel that were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.


Veteran Member
...I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. — Genesis 32:30

No man hath seen God at any time…– John 1:18

And hundreds more

Have you actually read the bible? And do you think the CRI are unbiased in their claims?
Here are a few from a different bias
Biblical Contradictions | American Atheists

The thread is about fails, not necessarily consistency
So to flood the earth with 80 times more water than has ever existed is ok with you,. At least 18 million animals including 7 blue whales, some animals crossing oceans band continents fitted in the vessel described, plus food for a year?
And no physical evidence of flooding earth to a depth of more than 8850 metres?

And many many more inconsistencies with reality that cannot be apologised away

Contradictions and anachronisms...


Well-Known Member
You think thr bible is perfect and inerrant?
THAT is shameful.

Not really the fool says in his heart there is no God and the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know them because they are foolishness unto him. All your doing is proving the bible true. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok, we can agree that to you I am not a Christian, I am a wolf-in-sheeps-clothing, I deny God, I lead others astray, I produce 'bad fruit', and by one of your implications I'm going to be judged (and I assumed damned) post-mortem.

But how do you define Christian? I'd still like to know your stance on what makes someone a real Christian.

It was answered in the very post you were quoting from - the fruit. Please read MATTHEW 7:15-23 and ask yourself the question what is my fruit?


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
judge not that ye be not judged, isn't that in the Bible??


Well-Known Member
How about the countless times that the Bible is wrong and "humans" are right? You are being inconsistent again.
Would be a sad thing to wake up one day IMO only to find out too late that the bible was right all this time and humans were wrong. Then again this will be the reality of many because they put their faith in men and not in God. :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
...I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. — Genesis 32:30

No man hath seen God at any time…– John 1:18

And hundreds more

Have you actually read the bible? And do you think the CRI are unbiased in their claims?
Here are a few from a different bias
Biblical Contradictions | American Atheists

The thread is about fails, not necessarily consistency
So to flood the earth with 80 times more water than has ever existed is ok with you,. At least 18 million animals including 7 blue whales, some animals crossing oceans band continents fitted in the vessel described, plus food for a year?
And no physical evidence of flooding earth to a depth of more than 8850 metres?

And many many more inconsistencies with reality that cannot be apologised away
Only two blue whales needed, but even that would strain to the bursting point. They were not "clean" by either the land animal definition, they do not have cloven hooves and chew their cud, or by the fish definition, they lack scales. But the Ark is a bedtime story for five year olds and nothing more. When a person cannot admit that they pretty much lose all credibility. There are countless facts that refute it. And only a book of myth that supports it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Would be a sad thing to wake up one day IMO only to find out too late that the bible was right all this time and humans were wrong. Then again this will be the reality of many because they put their faith in men and not in God. :)
Yes, but unless you want to claim that your God lies the Bible is clearly wrong. There are no worries about that.

You might as well say "It would be a sad thing to wake up one day and find that the Earth was flat (as the Bible describes it) all this time and humans were wrong."

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What bible fail is the most 'oof!' in your opinion?

It's moral code.

Being meek is a curse, not a blessing. Yes, I know that people want to change that to humble, but that's just good manners that will benefit one in life, like showing gratitude, speaking politely, and being clean, and no more worthy of being lauded in a morality speech like the Sermon on the Mount than any of those other things

Turning the other cheek just invites further violence. My advice would be rather than give your enemy a second chance to assault you, which serves no purpose. Better advice would be to attempt to negotiate a peace, walk away, strike back, put up one's hands to defend his face from a second blow, offer the same cheek to strike again, and offer the other cheek. Turning the other cheek invites further violence, and fails to make the point that offering the bruised and tender cheek would. And once again, I understand that believers will need to modify the meaning of turn the other cheek to something else, and claim metaphor or figure of speech.

And as we'll see below, the advice to compel rape victims to marry their rapists is primitive and offensive.

The Bible writers never praised human rights, democracy, reason, or autonomy, all high values in the secular humanist moral outlook, and all seen as mral failings of the scriptures.

Like most so called contradiction in the books of the Bible. Are usually based on the readers lack of theological knowledge

Here's where we try to disqualify the skeptics interpretations. I have a collection of these, to which I've just added your contribution. The list of these people claiming biblical superiority without demonstrating any is so long that I'll conceal it in a spoiler. It begins with general categoories of dismissal, followed by dozens of quotes.

[1] You took the scripture out of context.

[2] You don't understand literary criticism

[3] It's an allegory, not literal.

[4] It's literal, not an allegory.

[5] Scripture is only transparent to those with a child's perspective

[6] Scripture is only transparent to biblical scholars

[7] You are not filled with the Holy Spirit

[8] That's the mystery of it all. "God works in mysterious ways"

[9] Man's mind is too puny to grasp the immensity of God's truth and justice.

[10] You were obviously never a "true christian"

[11] You don't have enough faith. You have to believe to understand.

[12] You can't criticize the bible because you don't believe or understand it.

[13] Why do we think we can pretend to know God?

[14] Scripture always interprets scripture

[15] Ever heard of biblical hermeneutics?

[16] You are not TRULY with truth and sincerity seeking God.

[17] You have to know how to translate Hebrew and Greek

[18] You are using a completely unsupportable transliteration of Scripture

[19] You have clearly not studied the ancient peoples who wrote those things or you would not come up with the conclusions you have.

[20] Sorry, but attending a church for a few years doesn't make you any sort of Biblical expert.

[21] Stop scripture mining.

[22] You have to be familiar with the technical terminologies in the bible before you can comprehend it.

[23] Even Satan can quote scripture.

[24] In any other field, like medicine, engineering, technology, electronics, software, computer, unless you have qualifications and experience, you are not allowed to open you mouth.

[25] You have no reference in the knowledge of God to know our experience in Christ Jesus. The Word has to be embedded in one's heart, and that can come from God only.

[26] You're asking me to give you a four year bible study course on Topix?

[27] Don't fall in the trap of being a one verse wonder. You need to understand the passage and true meaning of the verse.

[28] You're only making a fool out of yourself trying to argue over something that you are not Blessed to understand.

[29] When you read scripture, one has to discern WHO that particular verse was written to..The believer or the Non believer. If we cant understand that then YES, the bible would seem to be very contradicting.

[30] A doctor, lawyer, scientist, or engineer are so used to reading their professional documentation literally, that metaphor, allegory, parables, hyperbole, and analogies are like another language unto themselves.

[31] You are not bright or educated enough to spew against Bible

[32] I would question the person who thinks that you understand even one page of any Bible. Without first learning the language how could you.

[33] Your arguments are so full of errors and misconceptions I don't even wanna touch it.

[34] You and others like you can't understand because you're not permitted to unless/until you repent and confess Christ as LORD.

[35] The power of the gospel is designed to frustrate the wisdom of the wise.

[36] It's so damn cute when atheists reach for their Bible to make their point. I love it!

[37] Your biased interpretation of the text is not the absolute interpretation that is required.

[38] It requires theological understanding. You don't have that. I do.

[39] We cannot and must not apply modern concepts to ancient cultures. It causes failure to understand.

[40] It takes humility to understand the Bible

[41] You get your biblical passages from Atheist web sites.

[42] A copy/paste from Biblehub does not make one a biblical expert.

[43] Don't bother quoting Scripture to me, atheist. You don't even know what you're doing.

[44] Your lack of belief in God coupled with your lack of experience with God means you are not qualified to comment on God.

[45] He believes he is qualified on the basis that he has been inside a church and picked up a bible.

[46] The word of God can not be understood no matter how many times it is read without the help of the Holy Spirit.

[47] Out of context arguments are presented by narrow minds that refuse to take in the bigger perspectives and the greater all encompassing truths.

[48] You're cherry picking scripture.

[49] You can't just read the Bible to understand it, you need to study the scriptures.

[50] You don't know what Jesus was talking about. Typical atheist.

[51] If you are going to quote Scripture for support for your claims then you need to tell me what the context is.

[52] Your ignorance of the Bible, its laws and customs and what applies to Christians today is embarrassing. You should be red faced for making this comment in public.

[53] You have no biblical expertise, your word on the Bible is strictly a layman's opinion.

[54] You want to convince me you have knowledge of the Bible. 1) Provide 5 examples of slave liberation in the Old Testament. 2) King Saul was merciful to the merciless and subsequently merciless to the merciful. Explain.

[55] You are a heretic with little if any understanding of Scripture. If you did study the Bible it was in a Laurel and Hardy College in Tijuana

[56] Like I say there are no errors in the bible only skeptics that can't read and comprehend.

[57] You're a Biblical ignoramus.

[58] You need Jehovah’s approval to understand His word.

[59] Please don't say, 'how can I trust it? The Bible contradicts itself'. That will only be evidence to me that you don't understand what it's ancient writers meant, and don't want to.

[60] I guess the issue here is, one of us has studied the original languages of the Bible, and has a degree in biblical studies and religion.

[61] How can people read the Christian Bible backwards and expect to get reasonable results.

[62] “The scriptures are "the words of the wise" and you need wisdom to understand them.”

[63] “to have a proper understanding of what God desires you need to read the whole of scripture vs picking out isolated passages.”

[64] “Fixating on individual verses, especially in the Old Testament, written in an ancient pre-Christian culture, is not really a great way to read the bible.”

[65] It's quite obvious that you don't have any understanding about Spiritual discernment : "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" 1 Corinthians 2:14

[66] A deeper understanding is important.

[67] I think someone has to be spiritually cognizant, though, to receive that.

[68] From the get go, the Bible was intended to be understood by only who were spiritually ready.

[69] a non-believer can never understand the Bible as much as a believer

[70] if you would be so gentlemanly as to refrain from commenting when you don't know Bible 101 about the issue.

[71] Coming from someone who absolutely knows nothing substantial about the Bible

[72] Like most so called contradiction in the books of the Bible. Are usually based on the readers lack of theological knowledge

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
letting deflowered girls (who we're considered valuable only when pure) rot and die in poverty was a much better option

The Bible fails for failing to state that rape is wrong, and that raped women are not damaged goods except possibly psychologically. We have come so much farther than those primitive morals.

It really takes a lot of nerve to try and defend marrying your rapist, takes all types I guess!!

Hat's the job of the biblical apologist, who has chosen to defend his Bible because it tells of the acts and opinions of what he presumes before reviewing its choices to be a perfect god, and therefore whatever it is said to do is good. The job is to whitewash the moral failing away and claim that those disagreeing lack their discernment of scripture in an effort to disqualify those opinions.

Of course, it's actually the other way around. A believer cannot be expected to read the words and repeat what they say. He needs to change meaning as I alluded to above, where meek becomes humble and turn the other cheek becomes forgive. I don't need anybody to tell me what the words man, and I have no agenda to sanitize them, so I will trust my own understanding over that of people with a need to make the words moral and consistent.

Interesting how an all powerful being is forced to work withing the culture it allegedly has all power over

This god always chooses to do what would be the case if there were no god, like a coin that always comes up tails. One begins to think that no other outcome is possible.

Like God would want creation to be a puppet show

Why not?

How nice it would be to be under the auspices of a competent, benevolent puppeteer. Better than a mentor or guru.

But kudos for expressing this idea without using the word robot, also something I would not mind discovering I was. My views on free will suggest that it doesn't exist, and I am willing to embrace that possibility. If life is this good without free will, who needs it? Why harm might having it lead to?

only a complete imbecile would think a BC writer would have global knowledge

So why would we be interested in their advice? Better that we could advise them. I'd love to be able to tell them about antibiotics and electricity.

It is amusing to see Christians use mental gymnastics to excuse their god of condoning slavery and rape so as not to interfere with free will, but have very specific demands concerning diet and hair

Got any of those to post?

Your own post excusing forcing rape victims to marry their rapists is such an example of moral gymnastics. You tried to put a positive spin on it by naming something worse that could have been the case. How about something better, like getting rid of old and hurtful ideas such as that a raped woman is of less value than a virgin? We're talking about the failings of the Bible, and this is one such area.

Just the fact you are asking the question what is a "Christian", to me, only shows you do not know what one is.

She's not asking what a Christian is. She has her definition, as do I. She's asking what the word means to you.

you are talking about laws given to a specific people, for a specific reason, for a specific time. 4,000 years ago.

There went the Ten Commandments. Not meant for us today.

And the newer stuff, also given to a specific people living in a specific time, is already two millennia old. How about we ignore it all?

The Christian (and Jewish?) argument is that it has divine inspiration, which is quite a different thing from claiming it is all of equal significance or that it is free from errors made by its human authors.

So how is one to decide which are the words of a god and which are the words of human beings? I would treat the two differently if I could distinguish them.

The very notion of "error" in the bible is itself problematic, given that a number of the stories in it clearly need to be read allegorically, rather than being read as historically or scientifically accurate.

With all due respect (and I mean that - I respect your opinions), I don't see those stories as allegorical, but as errors - best guesses - since shown to be incorrect.

An allegory is a literary form in which the author wishes to symbolize events and actors in contemporary life or history by substituting allegorical figures and acts for real ones known to the author. I don't think that that's what these myths are. What are the six days of creation an allegory for? What really happened quite differently over billions of yeas? What is the day of rest symbolic of? What represents cosmic expansion, symmetry breaking, inflation, the formation of galaxies, or the evolution of life on earth? The two stories don't correlate the way allegory (and metaphor do). They don't correlate at all.

yep, primitive saveges! That must be true. That's why we're still reading their collect works today,.... For ****s sake!

Why wouldn't we read the words of primitive savages today if they left them for us to read?

I've personally never understood how anyone can throw modern thinking at achient history.

Or why any modern thinkers should care about the thoughts of people whose lives were so different from ours in the way they viewed reality, their limited understanding of its workings, or their primitive sense of right and wrong.Those two worlds have little in common, so what do those people have to tell us that is both correct and not apparent to us without them?


Active Member
It was answered in the very post you were quoting from - the fruit. Please read MATTHEW 7:15-23 and ask yourself the question what is my fruit?

So those who do 'bad fruits' are non-Christians, and those who do 'good fruits' are Christians. Fair enough.

But that passage doesn't specify what those fruits are. What are the fruits that differentiate Christiand from non-Christians.

It does warn about those who call Him Lord and claim to come in his name. ;)

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
It's moral code.

Being meek is a curse, not a blessing. Yes, I know that people want to change that to humble, but that's just good manners that will benefit one in life, like showing gratitude, speaking politely, and being clean, and no more worthy of being lauded in a morality speech like the Sermon on the Mount than any of those other things

Turning the other cheek just invites further violence. My advice would be rather than give your enemy a second chance to assault you, which serves no purpose. Better advice would be to attempt to negotiate a peace, walk away, strike back, put up one's hands to defend his face from a second blow, offer the same cheek to strike again, and offer the other cheek. Turning the other cheek invites further violence, and fails to make the point that offering the bruised and tender cheek would. And once again, I understand that believers will need to modify the meaning of turn the other cheek to something else, and claim metaphor or figure of speech.

And as we'll see below, the advice to compel rape victims to marry their rapists is primitive and offensive.

The Bible writers never praised human rights, democracy, reason, or autonomy, all high values in the secular humanist moral outlook, and all seen as mral failings of the scriptures.

Here's where we try to disqualify the skeptics interpretations. I have a collection of these, to which I've just added your contribution. The list of these people claiming biblical superiority without demonstrating any is so long that I'll conceal it in a spoiler. It begins with general categoories of dismissal, followed by dozens of quotes.

[1] You took the scripture out of context.

[2] You don't understand literary criticism

[3] It's an allegory, not literal.

[4] It's literal, not an allegory.

[5] Scripture is only transparent to those with a child's perspective

[6] Scripture is only transparent to biblical scholars

[7] You are not filled with the Holy Spirit

[8] That's the mystery of it all. "God works in mysterious ways"

[9] Man's mind is too puny to grasp the immensity of God's truth and justice.

[10] You were obviously never a "true christian"

[11] You don't have enough faith. You have to believe to understand.

[12] You can't criticize the bible because you don't believe or understand it.

[13] Why do we think we can pretend to know God?

[14] Scripture always interprets scripture

[15] Ever heard of biblical hermeneutics?

[16] You are not TRULY with truth and sincerity seeking God.

[17] You have to know how to translate Hebrew and Greek

[18] You are using a completely unsupportable transliteration of Scripture

[19] You have clearly not studied the ancient peoples who wrote those things or you would not come up with the conclusions you have.

[20] Sorry, but attending a church for a few years doesn't make you any sort of Biblical expert.

[21] Stop scripture mining.

[22] You have to be familiar with the technical terminologies in the bible before you can comprehend it.

[23] Even Satan can quote scripture.

[24] In any other field, like medicine, engineering, technology, electronics, software, computer, unless you have qualifications and experience, you are not allowed to open you mouth.

[25] You have no reference in the knowledge of God to know our experience in Christ Jesus. The Word has to be embedded in one's heart, and that can come from God only.

[26] You're asking me to give you a four year bible study course on Topix?

[27] Don't fall in the trap of being a one verse wonder. You need to understand the passage and true meaning of the verse.

[28] You're only making a fool out of yourself trying to argue over something that you are not Blessed to understand.

[29] When you read scripture, one has to discern WHO that particular verse was written to..The believer or the Non believer. If we cant understand that then YES, the bible would seem to be very contradicting.

[30] A doctor, lawyer, scientist, or engineer are so used to reading their professional documentation literally, that metaphor, allegory, parables, hyperbole, and analogies are like another language unto themselves.

[31] You are not bright or educated enough to spew against Bible

[32] I would question the person who thinks that you understand even one page of any Bible. Without first learning the language how could you.

[33] Your arguments are so full of errors and misconceptions I don't even wanna touch it.

[34] You and others like you can't understand because you're not permitted to unless/until you repent and confess Christ as LORD.

[35] The power of the gospel is designed to frustrate the wisdom of the wise.

[36] It's so damn cute when atheists reach for their Bible to make their point. I love it!

[37] Your biased interpretation of the text is not the absolute interpretation that is required.

[38] It requires theological understanding. You don't have that. I do.

[39] We cannot and must not apply modern concepts to ancient cultures. It causes failure to understand.

[40] It takes humility to understand the Bible

[41] You get your biblical passages from Atheist web sites.

[42] A copy/paste from Biblehub does not make one a biblical expert.

[43] Don't bother quoting Scripture to me, atheist. You don't even know what you're doing.

[44] Your lack of belief in God coupled with your lack of experience with God means you are not qualified to comment on God.

[45] He believes he is qualified on the basis that he has been inside a church and picked up a bible.

[46] The word of God can not be understood no matter how many times it is read without the help of the Holy Spirit.

[47] Out of context arguments are presented by narrow minds that refuse to take in the bigger perspectives and the greater all encompassing truths.

[48] You're cherry picking scripture.

[49] You can't just read the Bible to understand it, you need to study the scriptures.

[50] You don't know what Jesus was talking about. Typical atheist.

[51] If you are going to quote Scripture for support for your claims then you need to tell me what the context is.

[52] Your ignorance of the Bible, its laws and customs and what applies to Christians today is embarrassing. You should be red faced for making this comment in public.

[53] You have no biblical expertise, your word on the Bible is strictly a layman's opinion.

[54] You want to convince me you have knowledge of the Bible. 1) Provide 5 examples of slave liberation in the Old Testament. 2) King Saul was merciful to the merciless and subsequently merciless to the merciful. Explain.

[55] You are a heretic with little if any understanding of Scripture. If you did study the Bible it was in a Laurel and Hardy College in Tijuana

[56] Like I say there are no errors in the bible only skeptics that can't read and comprehend.

[57] You're a Biblical ignoramus.

[58] You need Jehovah’s approval to understand His word.

[59] Please don't say, 'how can I trust it? The Bible contradicts itself'. That will only be evidence to me that you don't understand what it's ancient writers meant, and don't want to.

[60] I guess the issue here is, one of us has studied the original languages of the Bible, and has a degree in biblical studies and religion.

[61] How can people read the Christian Bible backwards and expect to get reasonable results.

[62] “The scriptures are "the words of the wise" and you need wisdom to understand them.”

[63] “to have a proper understanding of what God desires you need to read the whole of scripture vs picking out isolated passages.”

[64] “Fixating on individual verses, especially in the Old Testament, written in an ancient pre-Christian culture, is not really a great way to read the bible.”

[65] It's quite obvious that you don't have any understanding about Spiritual discernment : "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" 1 Corinthians 2:14

[66] A deeper understanding is important.

[67] I think someone has to be spiritually cognizant, though, to receive that.

[68] From the get go, the Bible was intended to be understood by only who were spiritually ready.

[69] a non-believer can never understand the Bible as much as a believer

[70] if you would be so gentlemanly as to refrain from commenting when you don't know Bible 101 about the issue.

[71] Coming from someone who absolutely knows nothing substantial about the Bible

[72] Like most so called contradiction in the books of the Bible. Are usually based on the readers lack of theological knowledge
My hovercraft is full of eels.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
So those who do 'bad fruits' are non-Christians, and those who do 'good fruits' are Christians. Fair enough.

But that passage doesn't specify what those fruits are. What are the fruits that differentiate Christiand from non-Christians.

It does warn about those who call Him Lord and claim to come in his name. ;)
How does a person differentiate between a Christian behaving badly and a person claiming to be Christian when they are not? This is a question I have that has never been reasonably answered.

I do not know of any evidence that demonstrates a person can know the validity of another's faith.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Because sex was considered marrying. But yes, letting deflowered girls (who we're considered valuable only when pure) rot and die in poverty was a much better option

Pretty moronic to consider rape a marriage... or to consider a female's only value to be in her sexual 'purity'. The much better option would be to treat them like equal human beings.