The Bible was written over a long period of time. Many of the stories were told orally for a long time before they were written down, which means that they were subject to change. There are several contradictions throughout the Bible, whether you acknowledge it or not. The Bible was put together by man, not by God. Several books were left out and several stories were lost. We cannot know if any of the prophets lied about getting revelation from God.
Why not view the Bible as man's ideas about God, partly inspired by God, but ultimately written by man?
Many things about the Bible don't match up with science, so why not interpret these as metaphorical or man-made?
If your God is real, then he gave you the ability to think for yourself. How do you know that the factual errors and contradictions in the Bible isn't his way of testing your faith in Him, over man? Who decided how to interpret the Bible? Man. Who put together the Bible? Man.