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Bigfoot Evidence?


come on wolf your a sharp charactor and know allot.

Look at the body mass and look at the muscles, everything is in porportion the to extent a couple of cowboys could not pull this off.

you cant explain away the toes moving from track to track in the footage youve seen, NOR the midtarsel break moving NOR the depth of the impressions.

theres not one part of this film that does not add up

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
theres not one part of this film that does not add up

Except for the fact that if it was this easy to get footage this good, why is this the only such footage we have in the 40 years since it was taken? That and the fact that the video could easily have been faked. But really, you have mentioned that bigfeet are shy around humans and don't like to be seen, but this footage doesn't indicate that. If this bigfoot was that shy, it would have run away or towards the camera.

There is a lot that doesn't add up.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
come on wolf your a sharp charactor and know allot.

Look at the body mass and look at the muscles, everything is in porportion the to extent a couple of cowboys could not pull this off.
Actually, in a lot of it, the proportions are not out of human normal. Elbows just above hips and hands about mid thigh. Especially considering the legs are kept bent at the knee and most of the viewing angles are turned away from the camera. Add this to the featureless feet, no foot or toe pads and no visible flexation in either... and the stiffness of the neck region (far stiffer than any ape, especially given the bipedal stance), and you have a lot of room for concern.

That I never see any butt jiggle... Even the shaggiest gorilla has a well defined posterior despite the lack of developed glutes.

you cant explain away the toes moving from track to track in the footage youve seen, NOR the midtarsel break moving NOR the depth of the impressions.
I haven't seen any of that, except in "enhanced" footage. The feet remain featureless or obscured throughout.
Plus depth of the footprints will vary by the conditions of the substrate, even an ten minutes of sunshine will change how the ground accepts prints.
Anyone who is honest and actually knows anything about how tracks are made can tell you this.

theres not one part of this film that does not add up
Again, that is a lot of faith... that I don't share. I can find several areas of concern in the footage.

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Except for the fact that if it was this easy to get footage this good, why is this the only such footage we have in the 40 years since it was taken

No one has looked as much and as hard as roger and bob since there expedition. They put allot of effort in to do that.

modern man wants to drive up, get out of the suv or truck and hunt not very far from there vehicle. Some go on day trips, most of the people are going out for the weekend camping near the vehicles and thats it.

it would have run away or towards the camera

your confusing shy and fear.

most sightings indicate a creature not afraid but moves off and away quickly as this one does.

most people dont realize that if you lived outdoors and used creeks, rivers, and ridges as your hwy's and knew which ones lead to populated areas and you wanted to, you could avoid these places easily. it would be easy to go undetected.

despite a few oddball weird reports. No one is reporting sightings in citys. I live in the foothills and no one has reported them here in 20- 40 years and then there were only 1 or 2. The majority of sightings are fleeting glimpses are at high elevation out in the wilderness or crossing a road in the wilderness. Hotspots incluse California, Washington, Oregon, Ohio and Florida. Reports come from ,most states. Not one how ever has ever been sighted in Hawaii.

Sherriffs, doctors and lawyers have reported them as well as many other proffessional people.


the proportions are not out of human normal

I was hoping for you to look at the muscles and say they were in porportion for a 500-700lb animal. As they are.

featureless feet, no foot or toe pads

actually the feet would be very calloused, they look that. not enough detail in the film to make a good determination.

these tracks had a gate much furher then a human could as well sunk down in the sand to match the weight of what was witnessed. A 275lb man left only the smallest footprint next to them.

Even the shaggiest gorilla has a well defined posterior

and they do not walk bipedal very well either.

stiffness of the neck region

spitting hairs now lol for a unknown possible creature. Most sightings report little to no neck.

knows anything about how tracks are made can tell you this.

well there were obvious night and day differences between these tracks and a humans. Both men had tracking skills. Not only that a man in stompers would have floated on top of the sand just like snowshoes.

Again, that is a lot of faith

agree, there needs to be more to put this together.

One thing can be said with certainty. No one, no scientist, no proffessional of any kind has been able to debunk this. Many have tried.

It has been said if this was a hoax it was the greatest hoax every pulled off by man to date.

If you watched Bob talk about this you would have litle dought. I can pick out a lier a mile away and do it on a daily basis for my work. Tha man is as honest and as down to earth as they get.

Roger and Bob were just a couple of cowboys who stumbled onto the right place at the right time and got some of the most lucky footage anyone ever has at a highly elusive creature most men dont even get a glimpse of.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I was hoping for you to look at the muscles and say they were in porportion for a 500-700lb animal. As they are.
Except that the only way you see the muscles is if you want to. I see shadows that do not necessarily indicate muscles.

I don't have faith to fill in the moving shadow gap... much like I can't see Jesus in a piece of toast.

actually the feet would be very calloused, they look that. not enough detail in the film to make a good determination.
So are indigenous human feet, ape feet and bear feet... you can see the details of the callouses in pictures of all of their feet.
These pictures are pretty lame evidence. The "midtarsal break" could just as easily be the result of forward pressure of a stiff board causing a pressure ridge.

The problem is that Bigfoot "researchers" don't actually do any research on the subject but are happy to read what they want into what they see.

these tracks had a gate much furher then a human could as well sunk down in the sand to match the weight of what was witnessed. A 275lb man left only the smallest footprint next to them.
You don't seem to grasp how soil conditions change tracks. Were the Bigfoot and humans side by side at the same time making these tracks? If not it means nothing.

and they do not walk bipedal very well either.
The one in your much lauded film walks fine. If they didn't walk very well, they wouldn't last very long would they? Especially in such difficult terrain.

spitting hairs now lol for a unknown possible creature. Most sightings report little to no neck.
Again, such a limitation is both unusual for an ape, and very bad evolutionarily...

Your poor Bigfeet are doomed to predators... not only can they not walk very well but they can't scan for danger.

well there were obvious night and day differences between these tracks and a humans.
Indeed... one looks suspect. Cookie cutter definition (like the foot is stiff as a board), no movement in the toes like mud squishing up between them, or other hallmarks of natural prints, like rebound of compressed substrate. The toes are in identical positions in every image...like the simply can't move.

Both men had tracking skills.
but apparently very poor critical skills. And it's funny how trackers always seem to just loose the trail... like the bigfoot simply vanishes. It's magic!

Not only that a man in stompers would have floated on top of the sand just like snowshoes.
That is a big assumption given how many known fake tracks are out there.

agree, there needs to be more to put this together.

One thing can be said with certainty. No one, no scientist, no proffessional of any kind has been able to debunk this. Many have tried.
Much like religious miracles.... you can't debunk faith.

It has been said if this was a hoax it was the greatest hoax every pulled off by man to date.
Orly? Bigger than the Shroud of Turin?

If you watched Bob talk about this you would have litle dought. I can pick out a lier a mile away and do it on a daily basis for my work. Tha man is as honest and as down to earth as they get.

Roger and Bob were just a couple of cowboys who stumbled onto the right place at the right time and got some of the most lucky footage anyone ever has at a highly elusive creature most men dont even get a glimpse of.

Your faith is amazing.



Bigfoot "researchers" don't actually do any research on the subject but are happy to read what they want into what they see.

that simple isnt true. you lost credibility there

You don't seem to grasp how soil conditions change tracks

Im sorry bud, your out of your league here, been hunting all my life and can track with the best of them. Some animals do get hard to follow unless you want to spend all day. In this case and the speed it was moving there was no way they could keep up with it.

That is a big assumption given how many known fake tracks are out there.

everything you are falsely stateing is due to you thinking every BF hunter is a amatuer and has no sense. In my case you would have that right I dont spend much time with this. A country drive now and then to get out of the house, There are proffessionals involved that are very skilled with real and fake tracks

Your faith is amazing.

thats because unlike you, I have done the research, and been out in the field.

Its easy for you to armchair quarterback this one.

your someone who has it stuck in his head it doesnt exist, lets agree that we disagree

Indeed... one looks suspect. Cookie cutter definition

and hundreds of tracks taken in many different states at different times, just happen to magically be very similar in structure. Different sizes, quality ect, all very similar in structure.

with an open mind my money would still be put on real.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
No one has looked as much and as hard as roger and bob since there expedition. They put allot of effort in to do that.

modern man wants to drive up, get out of the suv or truck and hunt not very far from there vehicle. Some go on day trips, most of the people are going out for the weekend camping near the vehicles and thats it.

This doesn't even remotely respond to my point. My point was that we should have something more than this footage, if the footage is real. In the past 40+ years after a good sighting like this, why don't we have anything even nearly as clear as this? Plenty of people have spent a whole lot of time looking with a lot of modern technology, and yet we have nothing that comes close to this video.

your confusing shy and fear.

No, I'm not. I think I even said both. Whether it's being shy or afraid, either way, the bigfoot wouldn't just walk through the shot like it does. If bigfeet are afraid and/or shy enough to have eluded us for all this time even with us looking so hard for them, it seems insanely odd that this one video shows one that's not shy or afraid at all.

most sightings indicate a creature not afraid but moves off and away quickly as this one does.

No, most sightings that people claim indicate a creature that moves off quickly unlike this one. This one just sort of meanders through the shot.

most people dont realize that if you lived outdoors and used creeks, rivers, and ridges as your hwy's and knew which ones lead to populated areas and you wanted to, you could avoid these places easily. it would be easy to go undetected.

I think most people realize if you know an area well, you can get around fairly unnoticed mostly. However, that's not really relevant. Obviously this one bigfoot wasn't able to go undetected, so the chances of all other bigfeet going pretty much undetected in the past 40 years are slim to none.

Sherriffs, doctors and lawyers have reported them as well as many other proffessional people.

Please try to grasp what I'm telling you. Sheriffs, doctors and lawyers believe in God and the Bible and claim to have seen God or experienced the Holy Spirit.

Why is it you think it's acceptable to appeal to this "authority" in this case but not in others like religion?

Again, I get that there are people who claim to have seen bigfoot. That's well established. The problem is that you for some reason think that should serve as evidence for the existence of bigfeet.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
that simple isnt true. you lost credibility there

Sorry, but coming from someone who lost credibility a long time ago, that means little.

Im sorry bud, your out of your league here, been hunting all my life and can track with the best of them. Some animals do get hard to follow unless you want to spend all day. In this case and the speed it was moving there was no way they could keep up with it.

If you didn't understand what she said, you should have just asked. She said that unless the made their human tracks at the same time as the "bigfoot" tracks, it's useless to compare them. That's because of the probably change in soil consistency. If the supposed bigfoot tracks were made in soft soil, and then hours later or the next day, the human tracks were made in much harder soil, obviously the same size creature could make vastly different tracks.

everything you are falsely stateing is due to you thinking every BF hunter is a amatuer and has no sense. In my case you would have that right I dont spend much time with this. A country drive now and then to get out of the house, There are proffessionals involved that are very skilled with real and fake tracks

No, everything she's stating (correctly) is due to the idea that bigfoot hunters aren't actual researchers, and are really just bigfoot enthusiasts looking for evidence to support their belief in bigfeet. It's like a creationist looking for evidence of intelligent design. They're going to find things in everything they see that supports their idea, where someone being objective sees their "evidence" as the nonsense it is.

thats because unlike you, I have done the research, and been out in the field.

No, it's because you have faith, is what she's saying. Just as a Christian's faith allows them to see evidence for God in things the rest of us can accurately see as completely lacking in evidence for God, your faith in the idea that bigfoot exists allows you to see evidence for them where the rest of us can see it doesn't exist.

Its easy for you to armchair quarterback this one.

your someone who has it stuck in his head it doesnt exist, lets agree that we disagree

Haha! Now that's funny. No, we don't have anything stuck in our head. With the lack of evidence available, it seems highly unlikely that bigfoot exists. If you can show us decent evidence to support your claim, we'll gladly accept it. So far you have provided no such evidence.

No, in fact it is you who has it stuck in your head that bigfoot does exist, and that belief and desire for it to be true make you see evidence where it doesn't exist.

and hundreds of tracks taken in many different states at different times, just happen to magically be very similar in structure. Different sizes, quality ect, all very similar in structure.

There's nothing magical about it. If this claim is even true, it's probably because most people making the tracks use the same basic ideas for them. Their similarity doesn't mean anything. Again, a lot of Christians claim to have experiences of the Holy Spirit that are similar. Does that speak to their accuracy? No.

with an open mind my money would still be put on real.

I hope you're not implying you have an open mind about this. You've made it crystal clear that you don't. We already know you'd put your money on them being real. Due to the fact that I actually have an open mind about this, I'd put my money on them not being real.


man thats allot of blah blah blah and no substance.

Scientist have tried to poke holes in the patterson vid and failed.

You two sure dont stand any chance

I dont have faith about this there dolly lama lol


If you didn't understand what she said

can you read??? Your a city boy and our biologist is a girl, great now a couple of a kids are going to tell someone who has tracked for food for many years and spent the majority of his adult life outdoors he doesnt know how to track.

where the rest of us can see it doesn't exist.

speak for yourself many people do believe

bigfoot hunters aren't actual researchers

stupidity shines bright with this one, this shows you like to talk before you think or research

it's because you have faith

moronic and delusional

I have a very strong position but im not %100 sold yet.

theres a native american saying you might consider, white man talk so much and say so little

armchair quarterbacks the both of you.


Most of the scientific community discounts the existence of Bigfoot, as there is little or no evidence supporting the survival of such a large, prehistoric ape-like creature. The evidence that does exist points more towards a hoax or delusion than to sightings of a genuine creature

this is why I have no faith. If there is no BF I would love to know what makes most people so delusional.

I asked bud a bfro investigator why he believes in BF one night on the phone

In montana while he was hunting once with his father. His dad was driving on one side of the ridge [do i need to explain taht to you?] and bud was on the other. he noticed something black on the opposite ridge in the brush and thought it might have been his dad, when it hit the openeing he saw a all black figure walking across a large opening on a fairly steep hillside. he popped up his gun and looked through the scope and saw what he describes as a all black BF going across the hillside. About 5 minutes later he sees his dad in the brush almost on the same trial as the BF. he noticed his dad was moving very slow and was a little worried. When he met up with his dad bud asked why he was moving across the ridge so slow and if he was fine and if he saw anything. He stated he witnessed nothing and commented that he had kept a pretty fast pace across that hillside. Looking back bud stated his dad was probably doing about a 1/3 of the speed of the creature he saw.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
man thats allot of blah blah blah and no substance.

Well, no one ever accused you of being a good debater or being able to understand another person's argument, I guess.

Scientist have tried to poke holes in the patterson vid and failed.

No, they haven't. First, it needs to be shown to be an actual bigfoot. As it is, there's no reason it couldn't be a person in a bigfoot suit. Scientists have no reason to bother trying to debunk it, and they certainly haven't tried and failed.

You two sure dont stand any chance

We don't need to stand a chance. You have yet to show why it can't possible just be someone dressed up in a suit.

I dont have faith about this there dolly lama lol

That's it? You claim that my posts have no substance and then make a post that basically says "Nuh uh!". Well done.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
can you read??? Your a city boy and our biologist is a girl, great now a couple of a kids are going to tell someone who has tracked for food for many years and spent the majority of his adult life outdoors he doesnt know how to track.

Wait, so you're going to go with the "Pfft. You're just a city boy and a girl", as if that means something? Look, no one is trying to correct you on how to track. What we're trying to do is make sure you understand that if two tracks are left at different times, it's impossible to compare them to each other with any accuracy, unless you know what the soil conditions were at the time the tracks were left. If you have been tracking for a long time, I'd expect you to understand that.

Now, instead of trying to dismiss what we're saying based on irrelevant info, try actually responding to the point made. You compared two tracks left at different times to try to show that one had to be left by one thing and the other had to be left by something else. You also failed to support the fact that they were left at the same times, which negates the whole comparison.

speak for yourself many people do believe

Yes, they do, but the people who are being objective about it don't. Those with faith do.

stupidity shines bright with this one, this shows you like to talk before you think or research

I guess personal insults are better than an actual argument, huh? Can you show me where a bigfoot researcher used the scientific method and supported his/her evidence? An actual researcher wouldn't make claims based on faulty evidence.

moronic and delusional

Well, I wasn't going to go that far, but I guess you could add those to the list of you having faith.

But seriously, you should try actual arguments next time, not just insults.

I have a very strong position but im not %100 sold yet.

Yes, you are. Don't lie. At this point there is nothing that could convince you that bigfoot doesn't exist, right? I mean, can you think of anything realistic that would make you change your mind?

theres a native american saying you might consider, white man talk so much and say so little

armchair quarterbacks the both of you.

You might have missed the part where painted wolf is Cherokee, which makes your comment extremely funny.

So, to sum up, your argument is "Bigfoot is real because look at all the people who claim to have seen one, and look at all this evidence that could easily be faked. What? You disagree? Well, you're delusional city folk who don't understand the ways of the country like I do."

That's one powerful argument. :rolleyes: Just remember that you're just an armchair QB when it comes to Christianity. You don't believe because you're not in the know like Christians are.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
this is why I have no faith. If there is no BF I would love to know what makes most people so delusional.

People like a good mystery, and they like the idea of a bigfoot existing. The same reason people believe a lot of things that aren't real.

I asked bud a bfro investigator why he believes in BF one night on the phone

In montana while he was hunting once with his father. His dad was driving on one side of the ridge [do i need to explain taht to you?] and bud was on the other. he noticed something black on the opposite ridge in the brush and thought it might have been his dad, when it hit the openeing he saw a all black figure walking across a large opening on a fairly steep hillside. he popped up his gun and looked through the scope and saw what he describes as a all black BF going across the hillside. About 5 minutes later he sees his dad in the brush almost on the same trial as the BF. he noticed his dad was moving very slow and was a little worried. When he met up with his dad bud asked why he was moving across the ridge so slow and if he was fine and if he saw anything. He stated he witnessed nothing and commented that he had kept a pretty fast pace across that hillside. Looking back bud stated his dad was probably doing about a 1/3 of the speed of the creature he saw.

OK, you've convinced me. I now believe in bigfoot, Nessie, ghosts, aliens on Earth, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, pantheism, Buddhism, Hinduism...

Please, you really need to understand. Personal accounts of seeing bigfoot are not evidence any more than personal accounts of seeing God are for the existence of God. I'm guessing "bud" is much like you. He's heard the stories, and his mind played tricks on him. It happens. What you need to realize is that you're still using the same arguments for your belief that many Christians use for theirs (that I would assume you'd tear apart). I've even seen you call some Christians delusional here. You still need to explain your blatant hypocrisy.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
can you read??? Your a city boy and our biologist is a girl, great now a couple of a kids are going to tell someone who has tracked for food for many years and spent the majority of his adult life outdoors he doesnt know how to track.
You are so cute! You old fashioned people of faith.

Apparently someone is threatened by being questioned by "a girl". :jiggy:

Riddle me this sunshine... if your "boys" are such manly men and crackerjack trackers... why haven't they found a Bigfoot?
It's not like they haven't had plenty of tracks to follow for the past 50 years. :biglaugh:

At least the "Girl Biologists" have actually done something productive with apes... the first ones to really track and study all of the Great Apes.



You boys have fun playing in the woods... we girls have real work with to do. :cool:



Apparently someone is threatened by being questioned by "a girl". :jiggy:

No I respect your work, and thank you for your opinion. Im not threatened at all. I have just never had or seen a girl hunt or track and we both know that as a norm they do not. Im sure theres a few that can hang with the best. I have not met them.

At least the "Girl Biologists" have actually done something productive with apes

You mam, are no Dr goodall :)

Transcript of Dr. Jane Goodall's Comments on NPR Regarding Sasquatch

Dr. Goodall: Well now, you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist.

Dr. Goodall: Yeah. I've talked to so many Native Americans who all describe the same sounds, two who have seen them. I've probably got about, oh, thirty books that have come from different parts of the world, from China from, from all over the place, and there was a little tiny snippet in the newspaper just last week which says that British scientists have found what they believed to be a yeti hair and that the scientists in the Natural History Museum in London couldn't identify it as any known animal.

YouTube - Dr. Jane Goodall Speaks About Bigfoot-PGF Normal Speed

painted wolf is Cherokee

I am part Cherokee, I didnt mention it because its irrelevent what race or creed someone is. Are you a racist Mball?????? someone has to be native american to track, does this make them better??? take your racist remarks and beat it. Painted Wolf does not need you backing her she does just fine on her own