I prefer to look at them from an after-installation perspective.
A bigger problem I see is when pontiffs & prudes want to restrict liberty in order to make us more chaste & pious.
I really see it more as related to health. Honestly, not fixing crooked teeth can end up as a digestive problem, high heels harms the tendons in the foot. But I do not think wonderbra's are needed. It ho0nestly always goes back, for me, to, what makes people healthy and what makes society health. In all honesty, I ahve wondered about the role of nude beaches -- and although I hacve been opposted to them in the past -- if there is good research that suggests they can be a benefit, I might be for them. Some of the research I have read suggests they can help people get over the hollywood Barbie doll image and it would educate people about real bodies.
Throughout this thread, my answers go back to health. And where we disagree is that I beleive - -and have provided supportive evidence -- that breast implants is an act of sexual objectification and sexual objecfitication is harmful to women as indivudals and to society.