Cameron will step down, now I wish Obama would step down if he had any honor which he doesn't. The DOW isn't even down 500 points right now as I figured and welcomed, looks like this doom scenario is petering out after only one day. The REMAIN globalist elites failed in their fear mongering, all the odds makers saying remain would win were wrong, the phony polls over the last couple of days saying remain would win were wrong, the Wallstreet globalists telling us the UK would never leave the EU were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
I love democracy and hate faraway distant governments. Now Briton is free from the bureaucracy that is chockholding the economy and flooding in terrorists. Sure, those globalist elites who hardwired stocks into the system and currency policy designed to foment dependency on THEM and their corruptions will take a hit in the market. But now as they are shakened off, the UK will come back stronger than ever. This will all start in about 2 weeks. As for my stocks, I bet LEAVE and my gold funds are giving me huge profits and my Walmart stock is up today even et all. Looks good for me, then I will sell my gold stocks to collect the big money to buy other stocks which are now cheap but the window for cheap prices is only a short lived opportunity. Buy low, sell high. I figured a 500 point drop in the DOW today but it isn't even that right now, looks like the end of the world is petering out and the only thing ending is the abomination called EU central government in Brussels.
Beautiful day. Who will exit next? I can't wait! NEXIT