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Businesses Requiring Vaccine Passports


Veteran Member
Deny it all you want.
You still do it.
Did I say I never did it? No, I said I don't think people should do it.
He flat out said (when you read the WHOLE thing) that the standards with which you judge others will be the same standards used to judge you.
Basically, do not be a hypocrite.
That is not all he was saying. He also said not to look at the faults of others but rather look at your own faults.

Matthew 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Baha'u'llah said essentially the same thing but He was not as nice about it.

26: O SON OF BEING! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me. The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 10


Veteran Member
You agree with a post objecting to a perceived "character assassination" but then say this yourself. What? :confused:
That was a simple observation of perceived behavior, not a character assassination. Calling people selfish because they won't get the vaccine is a character assassination.
A preaching tone is more self-righteous than anything I've seen in this thread.
Who is doing the preaching? I'll tell you who in case you don't know. It is the people who are preaching that everyone should get vaccinated or else they are selfish.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No, you don't have to judge others in order to get along in life....
You'd basically have to have no intuition, a definite lack in empathy, and be very socially dense to not be judging people. And, yes, it would actually be a disservice to someone to not judge others.


Admiral Obvious
And the argument for it is..........
That companies are well within their legal rights to implement it.

Actually, there need not be an argument for it.
Just like the No shirt, No shoes, no service was added No mask.
Now some companies are adding no vaccine.

Which is well within their legal rights.


Veteran Member
Also those with their counter sermons....
That won't fly. I am not the one labeling people as selfish. I am just minding my own business and getting labeled as selfish, being lumped in with everyone who won't take the vaccine as if we are all the same.


Veteran Member
You'd basically have to have no intuition, a definite lack in empathy, and be very socially dense to not be judging people. And, yes, it would actually be a disservice to someone to not judge others.
That depends upon what you mean by judge. I do not mean exercising your judgment, I mean finding fault with others. That does no service to anyone.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Hmm. I have issues with that too...

Plague I mean you catch it, you die. It's not a death sentence. Some people on RF had COVID and they got better. It's just an virus-not from an alien planet or so have you.
Russian roulette doesn't kill everyone who plays, so you wanna play?
High risk sex won't necessarily make you catch an STI, so wanna throw caution to the wind?
Drug overdose since that won't necessarily kill you either?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That depends upon what you mean by judge. I do not mean exercising your judgment, I mean finding fault with others. That does no service to anyone.
That is a very one sided definition, but even that we all do it. It's a survival thing wired into us.


Admiral Obvious
That won't fly. I am not the one labeling people as selfish. I am just minding my own business and getting labeled as selfish, being lumped in with everyone who won't take the vaccine as if we are all the same.
It may not fly with the counter sermon givers, but it is still true none-the-less.
I mean, one can disagree with out preaching about it.
At least, some people can....


Veteran Member
That companies are well within their legal rights to implement it.

Actually, there need not be an argument for it.
Just like the No shirt, No shoes, no service was added No mask.
Now some companies are adding no vaccine.

Which is well within their legal rights.
I thought we went over this before but this is a fast moving thread...
I have no problem with companies mandating vaccines. That's their business.
I'll just go to a different store.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It would be if everyone was putting others needlessly at risk. I'm not, so why am I being labeled and judged as of I am some kind of second class citizen?
When your decisions effect other people, things are different. In this case, things like not distancing, not cooperating with masks, not getting vaccinated effects others and puts them at risk.
Just keep in mind, this anti-vax lunacy is why things like polio and measles are coming back, and very much needlessly so.


Veteran Member
It may not fly with the counter sermon givers, but it is still true none-the-less.
I mean, one can disagree with out preaching about it.
At least, some people can....
Preaching is telling someone they should believe or do something.
Please show me where I did that.

The Hammer

Premium Member
People who were vaccinated drink from this fountain, people who were not drink from that fountain.

Vaccinated people bathroom

Un vaccinated people's bathroom.

Unvaccinated people must ride in the back of the bus. Vaccinated folks can ride in the front.

Slippery slope, much?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Russian roulette doesn't kill everyone who plays, so you wanna play?
High risk sex won't necessarily make you catch an STI, so wanna throw caution to the wind?
Drug overdose since that won't necessarily kill you either?

These are fear statements. If you don't play the game, have sex (or don't have STIs to even spread any while having sex), and don't take more drugs than you need, you'll be okay.

Just because you (people) are around majority of others who want to play safe than sorry doesn't make the minority ignorant of not doing the same. Peer pressure can be dangerous. It's really silly and makes it "seem" those who take it safe than sorry can't think for themselves.

But safe-than-sorry statements aren't good support arguments. Their guilt trip fallacies, for lack of a better word.

Are there facts that someone "will" spread the virus if they don't have the vaccine?
(Assuming, for a minute, we don't know if the other person has the virus or not)


Admiral Obvious
No shirt
No shoes
No mask
No vaccine card
No service

Do you actually approve of this?

Why not?


Because there has not yet been presented an argument against it that is more than someones hurt feelings?

And the argument for it is..........

That companies are well within their legal rights to implement it.

Actually, there need not be an argument for it.
Just like the No shirt, No shoes, no service was added No mask.
Now some companies are adding no vaccine.

Which is well within their legal rights.

I thought we went over this before but this is a fast moving thread...
I have no problem with companies mandating vaccines. That's their business.
I'll just go to a different store.
I only replied to your post flat out asking for an argument for it....