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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I expect that the self-professed gods are godlike in their own minds
I assume that you are referring to atheists like me, whose moral compass is his conscience and not a received set of moral instructions. I'm only a god in my mind to the extent that I am the arbiter of right and wrong in my life.

Here's something I once posted elsewhere:

"A theist can never know the ineffable joy of doing good for goodness sake, with no expectation that anyone will ever know what good he did or reward him for it. When the atheist pulls over on a rural road to save a turtle crossing it, he know that nobody will ever know or care except him. That is authentic kindness, and authentic morality - goodness for goodness sake, and as close to a godlike experience as one can get."
In the least, Fauci is going to be sued into his grave.
How is that relevant to my comment about the benefits of my education to me?
If you look at the recent University graduates, they seem to be quite indoctrinated, and without "critical thinking".
I don't have access to recent university graduates, but I doubt that you are correct, and even if you were, it doesn't speak against the benefit of a good formal education.
I notice you didn't note your source of education, or the subject of that education.
I have a BS in biochemistry and an MD from Ohio State, completed an internship and residency in Internal medicine, and am board certified in Internal Medicine as well as Hospice and Palliative Care.
A general education is more likely to provide a foundation for critical thinking and continuing education, versus a targeted focus
Agree. My formal education was extremely narrow - almost exclusively physical and life science. I learned history, geology and earth science, evolutionary science, quantum science, philosophy, and comparative religions and worldviews on my own at home following going into private practice.
Because I am being honest with you sharing Gods Words that are not mine but God's (scripture). You cannot get any more honest and truthful than that
Sure you can. You're sharing what you've been convinced are the words of god. I and all other skeptics think you might be wrong about that.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
That sounds like a speech from Dr. Fauci, who was "science" himself. In the least, Fauci is going to be sued into his grave. Your self examination seems to be on a subjective footing. If you look at the recent University graduates, they seem to be quite indoctrinated, and without "critical thinking". I notice you didn't note your source of education, or the subject of that education. If it is the so called science of "philosophy", well that type of soft "science" has had a boat load of facts coming out which undermines the entire point of view of previous "science" bent. Even doctors are working under a boat load of wrong precepts, and traditional practices, bolstered by economic forces and legal forces. A general education is more likely to provide a foundation for critical thinking and continuing education, versus a targeted focus, which can self-destruct despite the inertia against change. The "elite" are the slowest to make corrections, for that is a foundation for their prestige and income.
The organizations that he worked for have a couple of very weak lawsuits against them. They are both likely to be tossed by a judge since both of them put a heavy burden of proof upon those that started them and they appear to have no evidence for their claims. If they have made it personal the odds are that when they lost they would have had to pay for Fauci's lawyers as well. The cases are that weak. For example this one here:



Well-Known Member
The organizations that he worked for have a couple of very weak lawsuits against them. They are both likely to be tossed by a judge since both of them put a heavy burden of proof upon those that started them and they appear to have no evidence for their claims. If they have made it personal the odds are that when they lost they would have had to pay for Fauci's lawyers as well. The cases are that weak. For example this one here:

I didn't know you were a lawyer. Fauci lied to congress about funding the "gain of function" during the period when it was called "gain of function". He funded scientists after they supported his position that the virus most likely did not come from the Wuhan lab, after they had said it most likely did come from the lab. He said the vaccine prevented contacting the virus, which was not the case. Off the shelve medications were discouraged, when they were in general use, and have proved to have been more beneficial than a vaccine which is still under emergency trials, and seems to kill or disable healthy young athletes. Well, I mean, you are free to get all the shots you want, but I would suggest that healthy children stay away from it. When more studies are done, I would only hope that your government "scientist" are at least fired and pillared in public. And no, the 0.4 % of CO2 is not going to crash the earth, but once it gets down to 0.2%, the vegetation will start to die. The elite conflate politics with facts. And no, a man cannot decide to be a woman, despite whatever procedure is done. Political "science" sucks, and those that administrate it, should be held accountable, before the change in regime, after which I expect the elite to try and flee the country.



Well-Known Member
That is your personal belief and that is all. I am not arguing for or against the trinity, but it exists largely as an attempt to correct some of the rather obvious self contradictions of the New Testament.
I didn't know you were a bible expert. Did you actually read all of the bible. If not, that might be considered a good starting point. There have been additions to the original versions of the NT which might have caused you to come to your spurious conclusions, but that is a case of a poor historical background search on your part. The Arians prior to being crushed by the Roman empire had no problem questioning the Trinity dogma. The Roman sword seems to have been the major factor in the direction the Gentile church took. As for a modern day person to stay on that course, would be due to in large part cultural indoctrination and the momentum of the concept, and not independent thought.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I didn't know you were a lawyer. Fauci lied to congress about funding the "gain of function" during the period when it was called "gain of function". He funded scientists after they supported his position that the virus most likely did not come from the Wuhan lab, after they had said it most likely did come from the lab. He said the vaccine prevented contacting the virus, which was not the case. Off the shelve medications were discouraged, when they were in general use, and have proved to have been more beneficial than a vaccine which is still under emergency trials, and seems to kill or disable healthy young athletes. Well, I mean, you are free to get all the shots you want, but I would suggest that healthy children stay away from it. When more studies are done, I would only hope that your government "scientist" are at least fired and pillared in public. And no, the 0.4 % of CO2 is not going to crash the earth, but once it gets down to 0.2%, the vegetation will start to die. The elite conflate politics with facts. And no, a man cannot decide to be a woman, despite whatever procedure is done. Political "science" sucks, and those that administrate it, should be held accountable, before the change in regime, after which I expect the elite to try and flee the country.

Try to find a valid source. FOX News is far from reliable. If you want to make such a claim you need to do better.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I didn't know you were a bible expert. Did you actually read all of the bible. If not, that might be considered a good starting point. There have been additions to the original versions of the NT which might have caused you to come to your spurious conclusions, but that is a case of a poor historical background search on your part. The Arians prior to being crushed by the Roman empire had no problem questioning the Trinity dogma. The Roman sword seems to have been the major factor in the direction the Gentile church took. As for a modern day person to stay on that course, would be due to in large part cultural indoctrination and the momentum of the concept, and not independent thought.
Your logic failed you again. One does not need to have read all of it, though I probably have over more lifetime, to know that parts of it are false.

And yes, there were groups that denied the trinity. I am not debating that I said. What I claimed is that there are self contradictions in the New Testament that are at least partially resolved by the trinity. Of course there are self contradictions all through the Bible. If you studied it at all you know this.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Fauci lied to congress about funding the "gain of function" during the period when it was called "gain of function". He funded scientists after they supported his position that the virus most likely did not come from the Wuhan lab, after they had said it most likely did come from the lab. He said the vaccine prevented contacting the virus, which was not the case. Off the shelve medications were discouraged, when they were in general use, and have proved to have been more beneficial than a vaccine which is still under emergency trials, and seems to kill or disable healthy young athletes.
I'm afraid you're likely to be very disappointed by how this all works out. I see no crime or tort there, and your "science" is bad.

The vaccine was yet another gift to mankind from science. It changed my life. Exactly two weeks to the day after the second vaccine, we were back on the streets and eating in a restaurant for the first time in 15 months, and we felt safe, because we were.
When more studies are done, I would only hope that your government "scientist" are at least fired and pillared in public.
Actually, it was the president who contradicted the science who was publicly shamed. And fired.
And no, a man cannot decide to be a woman, despite whatever procedure is done.
How do you define a woman?

OK, that was deliberately provocative. I've had to expand my definition to include two entries: (A) an adult human being with no Y chromosomes, and (B) an adult of any chromosomal makeup who feels like a woman and wants to live as one. Sorry if you don't approve.
I didn't know you were a bible expert.
We all are. The language is not technical or difficult, just frequently vague, and often ambiguous or self-contradictory. Such passages have no definite meaning, and theists insisting that what they want the words to say is what they mean are irrelevant in deciding how to understand such language.

I don't defer my opinion about matters biblical to anybody else. Who would that be anyway? Certainly not a believer. People like Carrier will likely know more than I do about scripture than I do, but we will not disagree, and if we do, if he doesn't convince me, I go with my own understanding.

Believers like to posture as if there were deep wisdom in that book, wisdom that takes some kind of divine magic or superhuman effort to discern. And they like to try to disqualify the opinions of those who disagree with them. But skeptics reject that and just keep on disagreeing with the faithful based in their own understanding of what the words say and mean anyway, because they have no reason to defer to the opinions of people trying to find ways to reconcile the blemishes in their scriptures.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you're likely to be very disappointed by how this all works out. I see no crime or tort there, and your "science" is bad.

The vaccine was yet another gift to mankind from science. It changed my life. Exactly two weeks to the day after the second vaccine, we were back on the streets and eating in a restaurant for the first time in 15 months, and we felt safe, because we were.

Actually, it was the president who contradicted the science who was publicly shamed. And fired.

How do you define a woman?

OK, that was deliberately provocative. I've had to expand my definition to include two entries: (A) an adult human being with no Y chromosomes, and (B) an adult of any chromosomal makeup who feels like a woman and wants to live as one. Sorry if you don't approve.

We all are. The language is not technical or difficult, just frequently vague, and often ambiguous or self-contradictory. Such passages have no definite meaning, and theists insisting that what they want the words to say is what they mean are irrelevant in deciding how to understand such language.

I don't defer my opinion about matters biblical to anybody else. Who would that be anyway? Certainly not a believer. People like Carrier will likely know more than I do about scripture than I do, but we will not disagree, and if we do, if he doesn't convince me, I go with my own understanding.

Believers like to posture as if there were deep wisdom in that book, wisdom that takes some kind of divine magic or superhuman effort to discern. And they like to try to disqualify the opinions of those who disagree with them. But skeptics reject that and just keep on disagreeing with the faithful based in their own understanding of what the words say and mean anyway, because they have no reason to defer to the opinions of people trying to find ways to reconcile the blemishes in their scriptures.
I don't know if anyone with a modicum of common sense will agree with your definition of a woman being anyone who wants to live like one. We all want to be right all the time, but it is generally the wife (woman) that is left with that prerogative. According to Daniel 12:10, the "wicked", the lawless, are left without any "understanding", and that is why Yeshua taught with "parables" (Mt 13:13-15). Now if you didn't have your physician on speed dial, you could make your case. And lying to congress is a crime, but will not be prosecuted under your Progressive Biden, for whom lying is a part of his life.

13“Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
14“In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I don't know if anyone with a modicum of common sense will agree with your definition of a woman being anyone who wants to live like one. We all want to be right all the time, but it is generally the wife (woman) that is left with that prerogative. According to Daniel 12:10, the "wicked", the lawless, are left without any "understanding", and that is why Yeshua taught with "parables" (Mt 13:13-15). Now if you didn't have your physician on speed dial, you could make your case. And lying to congress is a crime, but will not be prosecuted under your Progressive Biden, for whom lying is a part of his life.

13“Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
14“In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,

It is unwise to use a strawman argument since all that one has to do to refute it is to point out the strawman. Perhaps you should rethink this post.


Well-Known Member
Your logic failed you again. One does not need to have read all of it, though I probably have over more lifetime, to know that parts of it are false.

And yes, there were groups that denied the trinity. I am not debating that I said. What I claimed is that there are self contradictions in the New Testament that are at least partially resolved by the trinity. Of course there are self contradictions all through the Bible. If you studied it at all you know this.
I think you actually need a referenced bible which points out the edits with regards to additions and subtractions. Your Gentile church has added and subtracted to make your Trinity more palatable. The original Pe****ta Aramaic bible was somewhat a good source until it was edited also. Yeshua pointed out the coming "false prophets", yet the Gentile church built their church on the "foremost" "false prophet". Something you seem to have glazed over.


Well-Known Member
It is unwise to use a strawman argument since all that one has to do to refute it is to point out the strawman. Perhaps you should rethink this post.
I must be "unwise" in your opinion, for the only straw man I see is with Dorothy with regard to the wizard of Oz, and his "fake" world, built on false narratives.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think you actually need a referenced bible which points out the edits with regards to additions and subtractions. Your Gentile church has added and subtracted to make your Trinity more palatable. The original Pe****ta Aramaic bible was somewhat a good source until it was edited also. Yeshua pointed out the coming "false prophets", yet the Gentile church built their church on the "foremost" "false prophet". Something you seem to have glazed over.
My bible? And you need evidence. Not conspiracy theory claims. You need to try again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I must be "unwise" in your opinion, for the only straw man I see is with Dorothy with regard to the wizard of Oz, and his "fake" world, built on false narratives.
Dude! That is exactly what you were doing.

You are objecting to a topic that you do not understand. That is shown by your poor argument. Transexualism is not based upon what a person thinks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
As you quote the unknown author of Hebrews 11, an associate of the false prophet Paul, linked to your made-up identity marker, and therefore must have drunk the Kool Aide of Paul, for you to change your direction, would according to Paul, open up his gates of hell for you to fall into, as you would no longer be "saved" according to him. Well, keep in mind, you are not saved with regard to the salvation of Joel 2:31-32, or Matthew 24:13, and are appointed to die (Jer 31:30) regardless of what Paul might have told you. The wide path you are on (Mt 7:13) leads in only one direction, which is "destruction". Your personal plagues should have indicated to you that you continue to walk in your sins, and whatever you believe, it appears to not be working. You should probably stop leaning on the message of the false prophet Paul and start heeding the message of the son of man (Mt 7:24-27). Just saying.
Just asking, do you say you're a Christian?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
2nd Timothy 3:16-17 is specific for me because it includes ALL Scripture as being God's truth from God Himself.
Jesus also believed that Scripture is religious truth as John 17:17
Yes. I had to come to that conclusion as I continued reading, studying and praying. Thanks!


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The creation story in the book of Genesis was finalized in Babylon. The captivity was roughly 500+ B.C. Genesis has creation at about 6000 years ago which is considered young earth compared to billions of years.
Thank you for your comment. It is apparent (to me) that description of what happened with Adam and his wife, then their children, was passed down. Then Moses wrote what he did and was working with a group of descendants from Jacob. Led by God. It's very, very interesting to think about and recognize.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The creation story in the book of Genesis was finalized in Babylon. The captivity was roughly 500+ B.C. Genesis has creation at about 6000 years ago which is considered young earth compared to billions of years.
I would like to reiterate that the account shows that the Earth was obviously there as an uninhabitable planet before God began preparing it for life, preparing the atmosphere, for instance, so that light could get through.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yes. I had to come to that conclusion as I continued reading, studying and praying. Thanks!
What is "scripture"? How does anyone know that it was from god? And do you realize that verse does not say that scripture is literally true? It does not even imply that.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I would like to reiterate that the account shows that the Earth was obviously there as an uninhabitable planet before God began preparing it for life, preparing the atmosphere, for instance, so that light could get through.
What makes you think that the atmosphere was opaque? Why would it be opaque? Why denigrate God by making him physically do something that a competent God could have avoided?


Veteran Member
I don't know if anyone with a modicum of common sense will agree with your definition of a woman being anyone who wants to live like one.
That is the nature of being moral and open minded. And it is about freedom and individual's pursuit of happiness. Your personal beliefs might not like what others prefer, but that is the beauty of liberty, we get to disagree and others mind their own business. The problem for religious extremists is there are many of them who disagree. Are you right, or some other Christian extremist, or Muslim extremists? In any event first world nations allow individuals freedom from the religion of others.
We all want to be right all the time,
Thanks for your confession.
but it is generally the wife (woman) that is left with that prerogative.
Yeah, men never get to be right.
According to Daniel 12:10, the "wicked", the lawless, are left without any "understanding", and that is why Yeshua taught with "parables" (Mt 13:13-15).
Notice how many are trying to correct your misunderstandings?
Now if you didn't have your physician on speed dial, you could make your case. And lying to congress is a crime, but will not be prosecuted under your Progressive Biden, for whom lying is a part of his life.
FOX is poor quality media and not a reputable source. Note that they are in the middle of lawsuits for defamation, and that means fraud that you are siding with.
13“Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
14“In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,

You're intolerant of trans people, you insist that you are correct dogmatically, and you use bad sources for your claims, yet you think any of this applies to anyone but you?