Sgt. Pepper
All you need is love.
Jesus used all sorts of literary devices in his work. He also referred to Noah and even you have to know that there never was a worldwide flood. If I point to an old lady and say "She is as old as the hills." am I lying? I can assure you that I am not. That is just a way of saying that she is very very old. Jesus could have used the same sort of literary tool to indicate that mankind has always been that way.
I think that it is important to keep in mind that whatever stories are attributed to Jesus in the Bible are most likely fabricated, or they may contain a sliver of truth, but they were greatly embellished for effect in an effort by his devoted followers to make him appear to be more than what he was and to make him appear to be godlike, if not God himself. In my opinion, if Jesus was a real person, then he was an ordinary man and prominent religious leader whose followers fabricated and embellished stories about him by copying and adapting a few myths from Greek mythology and other stories of pagan gods that they were familiar with at the time. I also believe that the Bible is riddled with contradictions, as demonstrated in these articles. In light of all this, I believe it's reasonable to presume that what's written in the Bible should be taken with a grain of salt and that we should not derive our sense of morality from it.
101 Clear Contradictions In The Bible
The Bible is Fiction: A Collection of Evidence
BibViz Project-Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies interactively visualized