It does not coordinate with the events as outlined by Moses regarding creation.
When I read the two different stories of creation in Genesis, I'm not reading them as a scientific explanation of how things were created in any literal sense. I don't see that was their intent, to satisfy the scientific mind.
For instance, if I were to read it literally in a scientific way, it's confusing. How do you have plants on earth before the sun was in the sky, for instance? How did the earth have an atmosphere before the sun existed? How could the earth itself exist before the sun existed, since there would be no gravitational forces strong enough to form the planets without the sun? Etc.
To say the very least, if this was intended to be a scientific explanation of how the cosmos, our solar system, how the planet was formed, or how life literally came to be in what literal order on this planet, it doesn't jibe with
any of the sciences at all, not just the theory of evolution. It's doesn't fit the law of gravity either. It doesn't fit with cosmology. It doesn't fit with any of the earth sciences. It doesn't fit any evidences we have of anything in science at all. You basically has to say that all science is all wrong in everything they say,
not just the theory of evolution.
Is this what you say? That all science is wrong about everything, from physics to biology and everything in between, because your reading of Genesis doesn't fit with what all the sciences say?
To me the answer is extremely simple. The problem is reading Genesis in such a way it was not written to understood as. Its chronology was simply a matter of addressing topics about who created the various forms we have, was it the Hebrew God, or was it these other gods of the sun and the moon and the stars as the pagans believed in?
That's the true context. It was simply not meant to be understood to be teaching modern science, and asking any believer in God to jettison reason and knowledge in order to believe in the Divine. That's both absurd and obscene.
There is virtually no reason (any more) for me to believe the theory of evolution as outined by theorists in reference to events causing various types supposedly caused by natural selection, survival of the fittest regarding that which supposedly evolved by mutations.
What about gravity? What about cosmology? What about geology? Do you reject all of this as well because you place your interpretation of Genesis above all the earth sciences in all areas of knowledge?
It is theoretical and clashes with the account in Genesis as well as Jesus' own words regarding the creation by God.
It is not theoretical. You have a misunderstanding of what "theory" means in science. It does not mean a supposition or a hunch, or a guess, or a speculation. The word actually means "an explanatory model based upon the supported data". That means the data has been confirmed as factual by scientific methods of analysis. It means the data is considered reliable. And then the "theory" part of it takes a look at all the evidence, and creates a model explaining how they fit together, and how they work.
So the "theory of evolution" really means the "story of evolution" in a real sense. Compared this to the "Creation story of Genesis", which is really the "story of the Hebrew God" to address their deity in contrast to other deities.
They are different stories, explaining different things in different ways to different audiences for different purposes. They cannot be taken as
competing accounts of anything.
So you not only are falling short in understanding the sciences, but you equally do not understand the biblical materials you are looking at either.