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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Sorry, here is where you are wrong and are claiming that your own God is evil. In the past, before contraceptives, it was necessary to control the sexuality of young people. Nature no longer controls us in that way. And many of the controls were simply wrong. You brought up porn. Study after study shows that more porn means less rape. In other words if you are anti-porn you are pro-rape.

Here is a fairly recent one:

Welcome to The University of Texas at San Antonio | UTSA 08/story/pornography-sex-crimes-study.html
The courts are FILLED with fornicators and adulterers, lots of children that become criminals. I went to court with a minor who needed help and saw juvenile court. Sad. Parents who were single mothers, worked so hard some of them they couldn't take care of their children well. Sad. No fathers around who cared. Many of them drug addicts.
I found this Scripture to be true:
”Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well. Should your fountains be dispersed abroad, Streams of water in the streets? Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love. For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, And be embraced in the arms of a seductress? For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths. His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, And he is caught in the cords of his sin. He shall die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭5‬:‭15‬-‭23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No one has proved it wrong.
Nobody need prove any religious belief wrong to reject it. Most are unfalsifiable, meaning they cannot be known to be either right or wrong, a condition commonly referred to as "not erven wrong."
at one time they said King David never existed
What the critical thinker says is that there was no reason to believe that David existed before archeological evidence provided empirical confirmation (scripture is not evidence of anything except that somebody wrote it). Scientific narratives are the simplest explanations that account for all relevant evidence. Before we had evidence that required positing a historical David, there would be no reason to do so, as that idea would not correspond to any aspect of known reality. It's the same with dark matter. It didn't appear in scientific narratives until discoveries were made not explainable without positing a source of gravity (that's the matter part) that doesn't emit or reflect photons (that's the dark part).
They claim it is a myth so the burden of proof is on them to prove m wrong.
The believer needs to provide evidence that the stories are correct if he wants a critical thinking empiricist to believe them, whose claims others are free to reject if he cannot or do not. And he's got his work cut out for him, since several of those many myths have already been falsified by scientific discovery, so the believer needs to demonstrate why he's correct and the scientists are wrong where the two narratives contradict one another.
Why do you say I do not believe that life can only come from life.
It a common creationist trope, often in association with mentions of Pasteur and false claims about what his work on spontaneous generation actually demonstrated, which was NOT that life only comes from other life. Naturalistic abiogenesis remains not just a possibility, but a likelihood.
you are saying that I believe that God is not life and created life. I don't even know what you mean by that
You have repeated several times that you consider God the giver of life, but that answer evades his likely point, which is that even creationists believe in abiogenesis. They believe that there was a first life not created by prior life. Some call their god alive. They believe that the first life was God, and that it didn't come from prior life. Some say that their god is not life - just mind and power that created the first life. They're describing supernaturalistic abiogenesis (biological creationism).

So, what is your position on that? Do you consider God alive or not? I'm not expecting a definitive answer, but perhaps you'll surprise me with a yes or no answer.
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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
in the end the narrative of the Bible will be shown to have been correct
That ship has sailed. It's already been shown to be incorrect in several places.
it’s only an unbelief on your part because you weren’t there nor were any of the people who disagree.
It an unbelief because he needs a reason to believe something more than a hunch, a gut feeling, or the will to believe by faith. He needs compelling evidence.

And I can't help but notice your double standard. You weren't there either, nor anybody who agrees with you, but that's no barrier to you believing that you know what happened.
Science disregards the supernatural
Science studies reality. Supernaturalism is fiction about the unreal. When you describe something as being outside of time and space and being undetectable, you're perfectly describing the nonexistent. I like to compare wolves to werewolves. Wolves are real. They can be studied empirically. You can look at one in a given time and place, and it will interact with you even if it doesn't see you if you can see the photons reflecting off of it into your eyes or hear it howling.

Werewolves to none of that. They can be found at no time and in no place. They are undetectable since they interact with nothing that is real. And that's because they don't exist, just like the gods and other creations of human imagination that people describe in those same terms. That also describes Superman.
That’s the problem with science, it’s a weak test because it disregards God and the spiritual world. It has no test for this.
Correct. Tests for what exists identify real things when the right detector is in the right place at the right time, and tests for the nonexistent consistently reveal nothing always and everywhere.
Not sure how you can dismiss things like this yet here we are.
What dismissed is your trying to link those events to biblical prophecy. Biblical prophecy is unconvincing except to the person who accepts it all as correct by faith, and all he sees is what he wants to see.
The prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 doesn’t fit anyone else except Jesus Christ
It's not even close to Jesus. From Isaiah 7:

13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[c] a sign: The virgin[d] will conceive and give birth to a son, and[e] will call him Immanuel.[f] 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. 17 The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah—he will bring the king of Assyria.”

Jesus is said to have been without sin. If so, he NEVER chose wrong. A land of the two dreaded kings was laid to waste? No. And where's the king of Assyria? Assyria ceased existing between the time that Isaiah was written and the birth of Jesus. Yet you say that this prophecy describes Jesus. It doesn't.
People really know that God exists
No, they don't. Nobody knows anything about any gods. They make bold claims, but their claims are incredible. You wrote, "I made it my aim to know God my Creator and enjoy fellowship with Him." Sorry, but I don't believe that. Why would I? I know why you do, but I don't decide what's true the way you do.
If someone claims to be a Christian then the whole Bible is true otherwise why would one consider themselves a Christian?
Most Christians are not literalists. They reject much of the Bible even though they NEVER say that this part or that part is wrong. I haven't ever heard a Christian call any part of the Bible wrong. They just reinterpret the words to make it right, or say that this part or that one no longer applies, or call myths metaphor and allegory instead of what they are. Myths are neither of those things. They're best guesses as to why the world is the way we find it, and biblical myths assume the existence of a tri-omni god. Allegory and metaphor aren't speculation about the past like myth is, and this can't be correct or incorrect. "She was the apple of his eye" is metaphor, but not myth, and cannot be wrong if she is precious to him. It's a statement of fact in poetic form. But God created Adam and Eve is myth, not allegory or metaphor, and it can be and is incorrect.

You yourself said when you die you die, that’s it, hopeless.
If you had matured without religion, you wouldn't think in those terms. It was decades ago that I accepted that there may be no afterlife, and I'm perfectly at ease with that. I don't hope for an afterlife, but if I find myself conscious in one, I'll check it out. But the believer has been trained to think that the purpose of life is to get to the right afterlife. He's been taught to hope for an afterlife, without which he has learned that life would be pointless. I've read those words on these threads many times, and your words above say the same.
Living holy, walking and living in the Spirit, believing God and His Word you consider abuse and false teaching? Wow, you’re really messed up in your thinking.
I'll bet that you think that others admire people living such lives.
You’re a slave to your flesh, cannot control yourself, find studies to agree with your perversion, call people pro rape who call out your perversion.
None of this thinking appeals to me. Slave? Flesh? Perversions? I don't want my head filled with such thoughts. If I'm a slave, it's to my conscience and my commitment to empiricism and critical thought.

Flesh is just an old-fashioned term for the instincts we inherited from pre-human ancestors, what Freud would call the id. The humanist has tamed those passions, or what you and others call lusts or even perversions. He controls his base urges and strives to lead an upright life while partaking of as much of it as he finds fulfilling, which includes what you would call the pleasures of the flesh. You think such people are living foolishly, and many of them think the same about the life the zealous believer has chosen and all of the irrational sacrifices he is called to make which is a huge price to pay if your faith is misplaced.

What would you do differently if God told you that you have it all wrong, or if you discovered that this god didn't exist - that all of your sacrifices were for nothing. Would you still live the same life if you knew for a fact that there was no god or afterlife? I understand that you don't give yourself permission to entertain such an idea, which you believe your god would know you were thinking and very much disapprove, so you won't be able to join me in this thought experiment.
I lived an immoral party life and it left me empty, with a life long sexual disease, abortions and heart ache and you say I missed out on all that fun!
Then you lived unwisely. I lived that life, full of wine, women, and song, as well as traveling extensively, eating in restaurants often, flying to several concerts a year, and collecting art which surrounds me now without any of those complications you named. Although it frequently does, living such a life doesn't have to lead to ruination.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
I find this verse if Scripture true:
”He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭32‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Sounds like a version of the 'way of the mean', which has been proposed by many cultures.

Do you have anything unique to the Bible?
That ship has sailed. It's already been shown to be incorrect in several places.

It an unbelief because he needs a reason to believe something more than a hunch, a gut feeling, or the will to believe by faith. He needs compelling evidence.

And I can't help but notice your double standard. You weren't there either, nor anybody who agrees with you, but that's no barrier to you believing that you know what happened.

Science studies reality. Supernaturalism is fiction about the unreal. When you describe something as being outside of time and space and being undetectable, you're perfectly describing the nonexistent. I like to compare wolves to werewolves. Wolves are real. They can be studied empirically. You can look at one in a given time and place, and it will interact with you even if it doesn't see you if you can see the photons reflecting off of it into your eyes or hear it howling.

Werewolves to none of that. They can be found at no time and in no place. They are undetectable since they interact with nothing that is real. And that's because they don't exist, just like the gods and other creations of human imagination that people describe in those same terms. That also describes Superman.

Correct. Tests for what exists identify real things when the right detector is in the right place at the right time, and tests for the nonexistent consistently reveal nothing always and everywhere.

What dismissed is your trying to link those events to biblical prophecy. Biblical prophecy is unconvincing except to the person who accepts it all as correct by faith, and all he sees is what he wants to see.

It's not even close to Jesus. From Isaiah 7:

13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[c] a sign: The virgin[d] will conceive and give birth to a son, and[e] will call him Immanuel.[f] 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. 17 The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah—he will bring the king of Assyria.”

Jesus is said to have been without sin. If so, he NEVER chose wrong. A land of the two dreaded kings was laid to waste? No. And where's the king of Assyria? Assyria ceased existing between the time that Isaiah was written and the birth of Jesus. Yet you say that this prophecy describes Jesus. It doesn't.

No, they don't. Nobody knows anything about any gods. They make bold claims, but their claims are incredible. You wrote, "I made it my aim to know God my Creator and enjoy fellowship with Him." Sorry, but I don't believe that. Why would I? I know why you do, but I don't decide what's true the way you do.

Most Christians are not literalists. They reject much of the Bible even though they NEVER say that this part or that part is wrong. I haven't ever heard a Christian call any part of the Bible wrong. They just reinterpret the words to make it right, or say that this part or that one no longer applies, or call myths metaphor and allegory instead of what they are. Myths are neither of those things. They're best guesses as to why the world is the way we find it, and biblical myths assume the existence of a tri-omni god. Allegory and metaphor aren't speculation about the past like myth is, and this can't be correct or incorrect. "She was the apple of his eye" is metaphor, but not myth, and cannot be wrong if she is precious to him. It's a statement of fact in poetic form. But God created Adam and Eve is myth, not allegory or metaphor, and it can be and is incorrect.

If you had matured without religion, you wouldn't think in those terms. It was decades ago that I accepted that there may be no afterlife, and I'm perfectly at ease with that. I don't hope for an afterlife, but if I find myself conscious in one, I'll check it out. But the believer has been trained to think that the purpose of life is to get to the right afterlife. He's been taught to hope for an afterlife, without which he has learned that life would be pointless. I've read those words on these threads many times, and your words above say the same.

I'll bet that you think that others admire people living such lives.

None of this thinking appeals to me. Slave? Flesh? Perversions? I don't want my head filled with such thoughts. If I'm a slave, it's to my conscience and my commitment to empiricism and critical thought.

Flesh is just an old-fashioned term for the instincts we inherited from pre-human ancestors, what Freud would call the id. The humanist has tamed those passions, or what you and others call lusts or even perversions. He controls his base urges and strives to lead an upright life while partaking of as much of it as he finds fulfilling, which includes what you would call the pleasures of the flesh. You think such people are living foolishly, and many of them think the same about the life the zealous believer has chosen and all of the irrational sacrifices he is called to make which is a huge price to pay if your faith is misplaced.

What would you do differently if God told you that you have it all wrong, or if you discovered that this god didn't exist - that all of your sacrifices were for nothing. Would you still live the same life if you knew for a fact that there was no god or afterlife? I understand that you don't give yourself permission to entertain such an idea, which you believe your god would know you were thinking and very much disapprove, so you won't be able to join me in this thought experiment.

Then you lived unwisely. I lived that life, full of wine, women, and song, as well as traveling extensively, eating in restaurants often, flying to several concerts a year, and collecting art which surrounds me now without any of those complications you named. Although it frequently does, living such a life doesn't have to lead to ruination.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Oh miss understood you… we would have a lot less illness and strife, religion and rules can make a person miserable but I found that this is true:
The joy of the Lord is my strength and a fruit of the Spirit is Joy

While many have beliefs that lead to fear, bigotry, and concern about imagines sins.

Giving up on religion tends to make a person happier, well-adjusted, and less likely to be a bigot.
Sounds like a version of the 'way of the mean', which has been proposed by many cultures.

Do you have anything unique to the Bible?
Yeah, God became a man, lived a perfect, sinless life, was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead so our sins could be forgiven and we could be reconciled to God, be with Him for eternity, anyone rejecting the gift of God will be be separated forever from God in a place of torment that was meant and reserved for the devil and the other rebellious angels.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah, God became a man, lived a perfect, sinless life, was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead so our sins could be forgiven and we could be reconciled to God, be with Him for eternity, anyone rejecting the gift of God will be be separated forever from God in a place of torment that was meant and reserved for the devil and the other rebellious angels.

Sounds like a perfectly horrible concept of God. Why go through all of that to forgive when a simple 'I forgive' would be sufficient? Why place doubters in a place of torment instead of giving sufficient clear evidence to lead them correctly?

The deity you believe in represents an evil mindset.
While many have beliefs that lead to fear, bigotry, and concern about imagines sins.

Giving up on religion tends to make a person happier, well-adjusted, and less likely to be a bigot.
I did give up on religion it never did make sense that’s why I rejected it. I do agree with the Bible definition of religion though.
Sounds like a perfectly horrible concept of God. Why go through all of that to forgive when a simple 'I forgive' would be sufficient? Why place doubters in a place of torment instead of giving sufficient clear evidence to lead them correctly?

The deity you believe in represents an evil mindset.
Really? That would be a horrible justice system,
I can be sure everyone will be judged with equity
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
As long as the sex is of adults and consensual, I'm not going into your bedroom to see whom your having sex with.
When I sang in church I was astounded at the choir members and instrument players that were homosexual and fornicators. At the time I didn't believe in the Bible but I took note of it.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
When I sang in church I was astounded at the choir members and instrument players that were homosexual and fornicators. At the time I didn't believe in the Bible but I took note of it.
Abrahamic religions are all sex-negative. That is one of the evils they propagate. Homosexuality should not be a crime. Nor should sex outside of marriage. Adultery is an issue between the spouses and nobody else.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
When I sang in church I was astounded at the choir members and instrument players that were homosexual and fornicators. At the time I didn't believe in the Bible but I took note of it.
What I dislike is hypocrisy. Those that say others should be heterosexually monogamous while playing the field themselves are a problem. Better to simply stand up for what they do.


Admiral Obvious
Abrahamic religions are all sex-negative. That is one of the evils they propagate. Homosexuality should not be a crime. Nor should sex outside of marriage. Adultery is an issue between the spouses and nobody else.
The USA should adopt a nikah mut'ah system.
The money from said system is then to be used for the educational system (K-12 only).


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It astounds me just how many Christians are seemingly obsessed with the love lives of other people, particularly homosexuals. If they spent as much time minding their own business as they do piously judging others for alleged sins, then perhaps they wouldn't be perceived as judgmental and hypocritical.
The Bible says fornicators and adulterers will not inherit God's kingdom. I wonder how many who claim to be Christian here believe that.
1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites...will inherit God's kingdom
Abrahamic religions are all sex-negative. That is one of the evils they propagate. Homosexuality should not be a crime. Nor should sex outside of marriage. Adultery is an issue between the spouses and nobody else.
They are sex positive and a blessing when you do things Gods way and a curse when you don’t.