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Can a Christian smoke marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Genesis 9:3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
Psalm 104:14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate--bringing forth food from the earth:

The Bible is only real when you use the condemning to "hell" verses.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
do me a favor and get back to me concerning how far that degree gets you. Right now, graduating students are leaving school with an average of 30 grand in debt and.......no jobs

good luck, you are gonna need it :bow:

Uh.. thanks. I think.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Really?...something more important?

Tobacco allegedly kills 400,000 people every year.
Alcohol...another 100,000.
Backyard pools...2,000

Wrecking our lives with pot?...no....
Wrecking our lives while not protesting our laws?.....yes.

But in all fairness...
I have barely enough time to make this posting.
then off to work I go...I have bills to pay.
then chores to do.

Launch a campaign for what is right?...who has the kind of time?

Give me a break.

I am concerned with animal cruelty, slavery, starvation, female mutilation, child abuse, sexual abuse, and the economy, to name just a few causes more worthy of my attention than legalizing marijuana.

I have a full time job and a large family on top of that.

Like I said, bigger fish to fry.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
You do make a very good point. At the same time, however, smoking pot is not something we need to do, unless it is for medical purposes, of course. :)

Yeah, it's not something that we need to do and there are bigger fish to fry as has already been stated here. Maybe I'll just move to a country where it is legal then Christians wouldn't consider it a sin I guess haha.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yeah, it's not something that we need to do and there are bigger fish to fry as has already been stated here. Maybe I'll just move to a country where it is legal then Christians wouldn't consider it a sin I guess haha.

Why are you worried about what some Christians think about you smoking weed?


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
"Just Following the Law" ..... er.... "Orders" that is.... ;)

Isn't that what the Nazis said at Nuremberg?

Wasn't Ghandi breaking 'Laws'?
Does that make him a sinner?

Do we really put that much FAITH.... in our Governments?


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
^Yea... don't smoke help, you'll just get a lot of bad air....

Smoke the flowers of the Cannabis plant, hemp is just the fibrous plant material.

It's just like any other plant which has healing properties.... think 'herbal tea' folks....

Why doesn chamomile tea or the scent of lavender calm you down? ;)
The answer is natural.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Aroma therapy/Steambath is the most common way to ingest lavenders oils, but I actually HAVE smoked it in an herbal mix before and burned it as incense.


Premium Member
"Just Following the Law" ..... er.... "Orders" that is.... ;)

Isn't that what the Nazis said at Nuremberg?

Wasn't Ghandi breaking 'Laws'?
Does that make him a sinner?

Do we really put that much FAITH.... in our Governments?

Do you really think marching for human rights is in the same category as smoking some weed? No, I don't trust my government, but I don't want to be arrested because I decided I needed to smoke pot- I mean it isn't worth it. I might be willing to be arrested if I was actually doing something for the good of humanity, like Gandhi did. And obeying the law about smoking pot is definitely not in the same category as obeying the law for mass murder. :sarcastic


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
What's 'murder'?

Is it taking away people's life?

Is putting mass amount of people in prison unfairly for long periods of time taking away a mass of people's life unfairly?

Have you ever smoked pot btw?

I get the sense that most people who are against it never have....

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Do you really think marching for human rights is in the same category as smoking some weed? No, I don't trust my government, but I don't want to be arrested because I decided I needed to smoke pot- I mean it isn't worth it. I might be willing to be arrested if I was actually doing something for the good of humanity, like Gandhi did. And obeying the law about smoking pot is definitely not in the same category as obeying the law for mass murder. :sarcastic

It's not quite as bad as the government taking away people's life, but I think it does fall in with them taking away people's freedom. I believe that life is about being free, so it does greatly diminish the quality of my life whenever I cannot freely choose to use certain plants as I see fit for recreational and spiritual purposes. Like I said, I'm not really into drinking alcohol with the exception of wine, oh and white russians haha. I just don't understand why I can't just be left alone to live my life as I choose. Why does everyone feel the need to impose their sense of the ideal self onto the original self of others? Sorry, this isn't wholly directed at you Christine lol. I'm just venting a little.

I truly believe that if the Nazis were allowed to smoke marijuana, then the Holocaust would have never happened.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Why are you worried about what some Christians think about you smoking weed?

Because Christians tend to be in power, especially in the U.S. I don't know if I've even ever heard of anyone following an Eastern religion getting elected into office. A few Jewish people and Muslims here and there, so it's a predominantly Abrahamic culture in Washington.

In this particular case, I was just trying to tie things back to the OP about Christians smoking weed. It's only considered a sin whenever the government says that it's wrong but in countries where the government says its okay then it ceases to be a sin. I thought Christians tended to believe in more absolute morality...? This seems pretty relative. :confused:
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Grass does not give anyone "spiritual insight". It messes with your mind, and that's it.
I totally agree! :clap We are told in the Bible to not be drunk with wine, therefore I think that also omits the idea of getting high on weed. We need to have a sound mind, not one that is under the influence of a substance. ;)


Does ''not drunk'' mean never drinking at all, complete abstinence?
In my opinion.... I would say it means not to come under it's influence. One should use wisdom in the amount they choose to drink. For myself, I don't drink any alcohol. I've seen what can happen when a person is drunk and I find it to be frightening. I prefer iced tea, or milk, soda, spring water, none of which will make one drunk. :)