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Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


Oh how I love the Word of God!
How am I being insulting you? Straw-man much? Man, you are impossible to talk to sometimes.

I merely said a slave loving their master is Stockholm Syndrome, if you don't believe me, fine, look it up yourself. Or better yet, check out the "Stanford Prison Experiment".
True, and the word slave didn't mean what it did not so long ago, slave was a servant, we are all servants of god, or slaves of god.


Jehovah our God is One
Why would any homosexuals or bisexuals ever believe - let alone know - that homosexual sex is inherently wrong?

Surely you can't be implying that God is a sadist?

its against his laws.. he has told us that it is wrong according to him.

I may not be wrong according to you or many others, but if someone wants to get to know their maker and form a friendship with him, then we must meet his standards and accept them as our own.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I do not understand what you are trying to say.

That you are mistaken about the relationship between morality and the Bible. Morality may be used to validate the Bible, or at least to attempt to, but the reverse is not reasonable.

Telling me that the Bible does not approve something is doubly pointless.

Besides assuming that I will accept some specific interpretation of the Bible as correct as opposed to any contrasting ones (and no, it is by no means established that the Bible is clearly homophobic) it also assumes that I will acknowledge the Bible as a moral reference at the expense of common sense and logical reasoning - something that will just not happen. It would not happen even if I made a point of thinking of myself as a Christian.

The Bible says that the devil confuses people to keep them from God's Truth.

Were I a theist, I might actually agree. There is no shortage of examples of people claiming to follow God in order to cause harm to others, with various degrees of awareness.

Quite often that involves references to the Bible, incidentally.

And of course, a logical consequence is that everyone must be careful with moral statements and weight their actual validity.

Which I did. I have no time to blanked disapprovals of homosexuality. They are logically and morally bankrupt, even before relying on the Bible.

There are many denominations, and all of them teach falseness.

Even Solomon the son of David had to search for God.

We search for God by getting Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.

Try some Luke then, if you really need the Bible for reference. There are some nice teachings in Luke 10 and Luke 15, IIRC.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
its against his laws.. he has told us that it is wrong according to him.

How can you even consider claiming to be a Christian or to believe in the Bible while saying such an absurd thing?

I may not be wrong according to you or many others, but if someone wants to get to know their maker and form a friendship with him, then we must meet his standards and accept them as our own.

Aren't you insulting your God right there?


Jehovah our God is One
Some of it. It is a difficult book to use for religious purposes, but I am taking as a premise that we must attempt to.

thats a good start.

The mosaic law lists numerous restrictions on sexual activity... men with men is one of them .

Leviticus 18;
18 Jehovah continued to speak to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them, ‘I am Jehovah your God.+ 3 You must not behave as they do in the land of Egypt, where you were dwelling, and you must not do what they do in the land of Ca′naan, where I am bringing you.+ And you must not walk in their statutes. 4 You should carry out my judicial decisions, and you should keep my statutes and walk in them.+ I am Jehovah your God. 5 You must keep my statutes and my judicial decisions; anyone who does so will live by means of them.+ I am Jehovah.

6 “‘No man among you should approach any of his close relatives to have sexual relations.*+ I am Jehovah. 7 You must not have sexual relations with your father, and you must not have sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother, and you must not have sexual relations with her.

8 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your father’s wife.+ It is exposing your father to shame.*

9 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your sister, either the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother, whether she is born in the same household or born outside of it.+

10 “‘You must not have sexual relations with the daughter of your son or the daughter of your daughter, because they are your own nakedness.

11 “‘You must not have sexual relations with the daughter of your father’s wife, the offspring of your father, because she is your sister.

12 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your father’s sister. She is your father’s blood relative.+

13 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your mother’s sister, because she is your mother’s blood relative.

14 “‘You must not expose your father’s brother to shame* by having sexual relations with his wife. She is your aunt.+

15 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law.+ She is your son’s wife, and you must not have relations with her.

16 “‘You must not have sexual relations with your brother’s wife,+ because it is exposing your brother to shame.*

17 “‘You must not have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter.+ You must not take the daughter of her son and the daughter of her daughter in order to have relations. They are her close relatives; it is an obscene act.*

18 “‘You must not take a woman in addition to her sister as a rival wife+ and have sexual relations with her while her sister is alive.

19 “‘You must not approach a woman during her menstrual impurity to have sexual relations with her.+

20 “‘You must not have sexual intercourse with the wife of your fellow man,*making yourself unclean.+

21 “‘You must not allow any of your offspring to be offered* to Mo′lech.+ You must not profane the name of your God in that way.+ I am Jehovah.

22 “‘You must not lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman.+ It is a detestable act.

23 “‘A man must not have sexual intercourse with an animal to become unclean by it; nor should a woman offer herself to an animal to have intercourse with it.+ It is a violation of what is natural.

24 “‘Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, for it is by all these things that the nations that I am driving out from before you have made themselves unclean.+



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Uh, Pegg, I should point out that I will not use scripture to reach moral conclusions.

That is simply not something I do, or even something I approve of.


Jesus in me
Yes. I believe God created all creatures. He may speak in the Bible about homosexuality, but He's also responsible for His creations.

When someone dies tragically, you always hear, "We don't understand why, but we just have to believe this is part of God's plan".

I don't know why I am gay, but my faith tells me that I'm the person God has chosen me to be.

Welcome to RF. I believe one should not speculate as to why but do ones best to find out why.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Good christians to God or to Christians ?

Bible Verses About Homosexuality

What about Lot(pbuh) tribe ? God destoried and punish them because homosex .

That is less than clear. The text makes it appear that it might be due to their desires to force themselves on unwilling subjects, or even due to their disrespect of guest privileges.

Also, it is difficult to understand how an episode which has Lot offering his own daughters to the neighbors in order to dissuade them, and those same daughers preferring to rape him instead of seeking potential mates among other people could be taken seriously as a piece on sexual ethics.
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
That is less than clear. The text makes it appear that it might be due to their desires to force themselves on unwilling subjects, or even due to their disrespect of guest privileges.

Also, it is difficult to understand how an episode which has Lot offering his own daughters to the neighbors in order to dissuade them, and those same daughers preferring to rape him instead of seeking potential mates among other people could be taken seriously as a piece on sexual ethics.
lol what I missed , i just stop at offering his daugthers . i did not continous !!!

is not there are other Bible verses which tells that God is against homosex ?


Well-Known Member
lol what I missed , i just stop at offering his daugthers . i did not continous !!!

is not there are other Bible verses which tells that God is against homosex ?

The only time it is addressed in the Jewish scriptures is Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, which a) only involves anal sex between males and b) is for many reasons an unusual prohibition, because the text was edited in 20:13 to address both the insertive and passive partners The passive partner is ignored in 18:22 and most serious scholars I have read believe the inclusion of passive partners reflects later editing by a redactor. The text is also unusual because it uses an idiomatic expression to describe the particular act that does not appear anywhere else in Hebrew scriptures. Based on tradition, however, it absolutely prohibits consensual anal sex between two males.

The Christian scriptures contain at least one clear negative reference to homosexuality in the Romans epistle, although it refers to homosexuality as a punishment for idolatry. The other references appear in Corinthians and Timothy, and use terms that may or may not refer to homosexual activity involving males. There is no clear reference to lesbian sex in either set of scriptures; the prohibition is rabbinic in Orthodox Judaism and by tradition in the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christian traditions.


New Member
I believe he can if he believes it is a sin and doesn't practice it.

Well that's not very fair, is it?

May I assume you're straight? What if, as a teenager of say, 14, you were told that to be a good christian you had to NEVER have sex your whole life ever?

Just "burn with passion" forever and ever?


Veteran Member
I feel that a good gay person doesn't have to be a good Christian, all they have to be is simply a good person, that simple.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
That you are mistaken about the relationship between morality and the Bible. Morality may be used to validate the Bible, or at least to attempt to, but the reverse is not reasonable.

Telling me that the Bible does not approve something is doubly pointless.

Besides assuming that I will accept some specific interpretation of the Bible as correct as opposed to any contrasting ones (and no, it is by no means established that the Bible is clearly homophobic) it also assumes that I will acknowledge the Bible as a moral reference at the expense of common sense and logical reasoning - something that will just not happen. It would not happen even if I made a point of thinking of myself as a Christian.

Were I a theist, I might actually agree. There is no shortage of examples of people claiming to follow God in order to cause harm to others, with various degrees of awareness.

Quite often that involves references to the Bible, incidentally.

And of course, a logical consequence is that everyone must be careful with moral statements and weight their actual validity.

Which I did. I have no time to blanked disapprovals of homosexuality. They are logically and morally bankrupt, even before relying on the Bible.

Try some Luke then, if you really need the Bible for reference. There are some nice teachings in Luke 10 and Luke 15, IIRC.
God made a man for a woman and woman for man. The male body is made for a woman, and the female body Is made for a man.

The Bible is clear on what it teaches.