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Can all religions settle their diffrences?


Well-Known Member
Elaborate a bit more. You're in Israel, can you openly be friendly towards a muslim? How would other Jews feel about that?
When I was in Israel, there was nothing wrong with Jews being friendly to Muslims.

However, Muslims were not generally part of my social circle, which was primarily made up of the people with whom I went to school.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that. Seems that the one you attended was more about political correctness than religion?
I couldn't actually tell you what it WAS that went on there.

I suppose that if I want a better sampling of what is involved in such a meeting, I would be served well to go again. However, my purpose for going was to see what my sister was becoming involved in. If I go again, it will be for the educational purpose of understanding what actually goes on there.

I already found the religious path I'm happy with. I have a long way to go, but I'm enjoying the way there. Mostly.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What is Shaivism? Why would you convert to this?

Saivism is a Hindu religion which worships Siva as the Supreme Reality.

I would convert to it because much of what I'm reading about it entails things I already believe. (And some things I don't.)


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

Bruce said:
In the Baha'i view, ALL the major religions are legitimate and of God, and it's simply a matter of getting folks to realize this!

I've always wondered which religions get excluded. I thought Hinduism was, but they're a major religion. What about Shinto and neopaganism? How do you judge?

No, Hinduism is very much part of the picture!

Paganism, to the extent that it believes in God, may be OK, but I'm not in a position to say about any given group as I don't know offhand.

Shinto is a secular philosophy, not actually a religion (ditto Confucianism).

In general, I would say the point is to stress the unity and commonality of the various religions, which have more in common than most people realize!

As to "judging," I--for one--am simply not much into judging as we already have plenty of constructive things to do to further unity and serve humanity!

Best regards, :)



ThrUU the Looking Glass
Shinto is a secular philosophy, not actually a religion (ditto Confucianism).
No, it really isn't. From the Wiki:
Shinto is characterized by the worship of nature, ancestors, polytheism, and animism, with a strong focus on ritual purity, involving honoring and celebrating the existence of Kami (神?). Shinto is a religion in where practice(actions) and ritual are of the utmost importance rather than words. Kami are defined in English as "spirit", "essence" or "deities", that are associated with many understood formats; in some cases being human like, some anamistic, others associated with more abstract "natural" forces in the world (mountains, rivers, lightning, wind, waves, trees, rocks). It may be best thought of as "sacred" elements and energies. Kami and people are not separate, they exist within the same world and share its interrelated complexity.[2] Modern Shinto does have a central theological authority but no singular Theocracy. Shinto today is an inclusive association of local, regional, and national shrines of various rank and historical significance, expressing their various beliefs through similar language and practice, all adopting a similar style in dress, architecture, and ritual, dating from around the time of the Nara and Heian Periods.
Though I do see how Confucianism qualifies.


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

You're saying live and let live basically and we can have peace... Can't you tell us more about Baha? Just the basics?

Well, I'm afraid there's far too much to post here, but I'll give you the briefest of overviews and post links to more information!

The Baha'i Faith is the newest major religion, just over a century and a half old. Our most central teachings are what we call the Three Onenesses:'
  • The Oneness of God (Who is known by many names in the various languages and cultures),
  • The Oneness of humanity (who are all spiritual brothers and sisters), and
  • The Oneness of religions, which are successive stages in a single evolving faith, the Faith of God.
You can find more information at these sites:

For general information about the Baha’i Faith, please visit:

· www.bahai.org
· www.usbnc.org
· www.bahai.us
· www.info.bahai.org

To see our scriptures and related materials, including our Peace Statement, Prosperity Statement, Race Unity Statement, and Destiny of America Statement:
· www.ibiblio.org/Bahai (This site has includes a search engine.)
· www.bahai-library.org (Click "Baha'i Writings" for our scriptures.)
· www.reference.bahai.org (This site is multi-lingual.)
· www.bahaistudy.org (This also has videos and talking books.)

To use OCEAN, an online collection of the scriptures of many religions, with a searchable concordance:


There's an excellent group of informal discussion areas about the Baha'i Faith at:

www.planetbahai.org (click "Messages").

For information on how the Baha'i Faith has fulfilled prophecies:


To view the Baha'i Newsreel:


To see an online video of the eight Baha'i temples (one per continent) around the world, including the still-under-construction Chile temple:


To enjoy Baha’i-oriented music:


To download and view other Baha'i videos:


You may often find "Baha'i Faith" listings in the White Pages of your phone book.

In the USA, you can also phone 1-800-22-UNITE for free information and literature, and—if you like—to find out where the nearest Baha'is are.

Best regards, :)



ThrUU the Looking Glass
As to "judging," I--for one--am simply not much into judging as we already have plenty of constructive things to do to further unity and serve humanity!
Judgment isn't always an expression of self-righteousness, you know. :)

What I meant was, how do you tell which religions are of God? Is it a matter of numbers? Similar teachings?

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
As a Christian, settling my differences with other religions would be to stop saying Jesus is the only way to Heaven. I cannot do that because that it what I believe.


Done here.
The main problem is that most of the adherents of the two largest religions -- Christianity and Islam -- believe their own religion is the One True Faith, and everybody should join it. They don't really want to settle their differences; they want to win.


It just can't happen. Certain religions have discrimination embedded at their core, and it can't be gotten rid of. As much as this would be nice, there will always be religious turmoil in this world. That's perfectly fine with me as long as I still have the freedom to believe what I want to believe.
As a Christian, settling my differences with other religions would be to stop saying Jesus is the only way to Heaven. I cannot do that because that it what I believe.

But you have no problem excepting the diffrences, right? You are not hostile to other religions? If this is the case I would have no issues with this. It's easier for me as I am not a practicing christian but I understand people who are staunch.
I dont get your question. why would it be strange to be openly friendly to another citizen of your nation?

Ok, I'm in Britain, I see on the news a lot of hostility in the middle east. I'm wondering is it everyone who has issues with each others religions or just some? I'm not sure how the system is over there. Are they Jews and Muslims living in the same areas? Do you live in the same streets and have neighbours of diffrent religions like we do over here?
I'm ignorant on this subject so just looking for some clarity.
It just can't happen. Certain religions have discrimination embedded at their core, and it can't be gotten rid of. As much as this would be nice, there will always be religious turmoil in this world. That's perfectly fine with me as long as I still have the freedom to believe what I want to believe.

Would it still be all right with you if one of your children (or future children) had to go and fight a war over it?
What you are saying is 'as long as it doen't effect me, who cares?', right?


Would it still be all right with you if one of your children (or future children) had to go and fight a war over it?
What you are saying is 'as long as it doen't effect me, who cares?', right?

No, that's far from what I said. We have the freedom to believe what we want to believe. Sometimes we have to fight for that freedom. Do I think that's bad? Yes, I do. Do I have a choice, can I change that? No, I can't. As long as I'm free to believe what I want to believe, I'm happy. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You took what I said way out of context, I never said I was happy with the present situation, what I said is that I'll survive as long as I can believe what I want to believe. Of course I'm not happy that we should have to fight for our beliefs, but it's just the way things are, and it always will be.
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No, that's far from what I said. We have the freedom to believe what we want to believe. Sometimes we have to fight for that freedom. Do I think that's bad? Yes, I do. Do I have a choice, can I change that? No, I can't. As long as I'm free to believe what I want to believe, I'm happy. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You took what I said way out of context, I never said I was happy with the present situation, what I said is that I'll survive as long as I can believe what I want to believe. Of course I'm not happy that we should have to fight for our beliefs, but it's just the way things are, and it always will be.

My post was not meant to offend, so sorry if that was the case.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
But you have no problem excepting the diffrences, right? You are not hostile to other religions? If this is the case I would have no issues with this. It's easier for me as I am not a practicing christian but I understand people who are staunch.

I'm not hostile to other religions unless you want to call proselytizing to them hostile.