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Can all religions settle their diffrences?

I'm not trying to tell anyone on here how to behave. But the idea of the thread is to try and bring religions together, lol. Be nice to keep it friendly. Just a thought, that's all. wink. (And just for the record, I think everyone so far has behaved incredibly well considering the subject.) Wink.
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i come from a similar household.. but my family didnt stick with their teachings.. they force fed us jesusness.. day and night.. homeschooled us with christian curriculum..and as we became teenagers.. they twisted that belief from our minds by turning into complete hypocrits.. in a very extreme sense.. volitile, abusive. it was f*king confusing to a child who "walked with god" to have him thrown out and dismissed unless it somehow excused their behavior.

i agree with you completely when you talk about these religions all having claims on being the "right" religion. when in fact they very well could be all wrong. and as long as each religion feels "chosen" of god, there can be no peace between the religions that all stake claims to the same god..i have my thoughts on how they very possibly are wrong.. and originate in the same place.. but that's not for this thread.. as it's hardly religious at all.:p

You can put your thoughts on religion here. I notice you describe yourself in your avatar as 'anti-religious'. Does this mean you are hostile to religion and religious people? If so can't you change that to just not believing? That would be better for you surely? (Not trying to put words into your mouth as I mentioned to another, just trying to get to the bottome of things.)


BB... i really dont think it's a possibility for the major religions to accept each other. there is a basic human need to compete. and this applies to religion as well.. every religion is "special" every religion is "chosen" every religion is "right". as was stated before by two.. stevo and bruce.. "every religion can't be right, but they can all be wrong". until we have irrefutable proof as to the existence of this god or this jesus or this mohammad (sp) or this joseph smith etc etc.. there will always be a war between religions. individuals on an individual basis can indeed come together and be harmonious regardless of their religious beliefs.. but religions as a whole.. will never come together and accept the other's right to exist because they all believe so severely that they are the only ones who actually "know the truth".. it's disheartening.. because with all these religions preaching that they're the only way, so many people are losing out on the joys of research and discovery. i can never judge another person's beliefs because i believe that what i once believed is false. i cant say that about other beliefs because i havent believed in them. and i probably won't.. see my signature statement.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Everything would be fine if everyone simply stopped practicing the wrong religion, and converted to the right one. Problem solved.


You can put your thoughts on religion here. I notice you describe yourself in your avatar as 'anti-religious'. Does this mean you are hostile to religion and religious people? If so can't you change that to just not believing? That would be better for you surely? (Not trying to put words into your mouth as I mentioned to another, just trying to get to the bottome of things.)

i say anti religious meaning. .the idea of organized religion is not for me. i am not hostile to anyone that is religious, and dont mean to imply that i am. anti-religious is a bold statement. as i intended..and i'd understand the need to change it if it were say anti-christian or anti-semetic.. i will question what others believe as i would expect them to question why i no longer believe. i am on a personal journey, and this forum is only a part of it. i feel the need to get other people's perspective.. from all forms of religion. i like the clashing of ideas. it's healthy.

thank u for asking me to clarify. i do not judge what another believes. i question them with humility, with a desire to learn more than i knew before... that will change however, should someone of faith come to me and flat out tell me im wrong with no proof other than the bible. the bible cant be used to prove the bible.. duh lol. i dont mind conflict and confrontation, but i do expect the same respect that i offer them and their right to believe what they believe regardless of what makes them believe.:p


Agnostic Pantheist
Ok, I'm in Britain, I see on the news a lot of hostility in the middle east. I'm wondering is it everyone who has issues with each others religions or just some? I'm not sure how the system is over there. Are they Jews and Muslims living in the same areas? Do you live in the same streets and have neighbours of diffrent religions like we do over here?
I'm ignorant on this subject so just looking for some clarity.
I see what you mean. many places are comprised of people of a certain ethnic group, ie mostly Jewish areas, or Arab villages and cities, and so on, although there are also places who have people of the different ethnic groups leaving in the same city, some like the city Haifa, boast of co existence between the groups. there is a fair share of Arab students in my university and other Israeli universities.
also the 'general hostility' in the middle east has many layers, leaving the media attention on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, there are more dramatic issues in the region.
as for everyone 'having issues', it doesn't matter to me if a person is a Muslim, Buddhist or Satanist, all he has to do to gain my respect is behave as a human being. I enjoy traveling to nations like Jordan and Egypt, and it was not uncommon for me in Britain and other pars of Europe to get along well with Muslims from Iran, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc.
I actually have some interesting stories in that regard.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I think it's unfair to criticise him for his beliefs. That is part of his teaching. I think the issue really is in the way you try to convert someone. Ok, let's say you approach someone and tell them about Jesus, and they respond by saying, 'I already heard of him, thanks anyway'. I don't think anyone really would have any problems with that, it's when that approach changes to pressure that we get issues.
So can you just approach someone and then take no for an answer? Or is this going against your teaching? I'm just asking the question remember, not judging.

If someone says no, what I do is follow that person, kidnap them and take them to the basement or our church. Where we waterboard them and force them to accept Jesus.


Greetings! :)

Then I humbly suggest you're not very famliar with the Baha'i Faith!

Peace, :)


and this baha'i faith.. is accepting of all other faiths?.. do the other faiths accept baha'i ? i've heard of this faith only once before.. and it all seems so very nice..

the more i read.. the more i reflect. .the more and more i become convinced that religion was never needed until men became obsessed with power and control.

im really starting to lean much more heavily toward "there is no god" we just "want to believe there is a god" because "i feel like i deserve a mansion and a gold driveway" and its so much fun to tell someone that "you're going to burn in hell because you dont "buy" into my jesus".. and i mean that seriously.. religion is a BILLION dollar enterprise. prostitution isnt the oldest profession.. preaching is... why kill a good thing when it pay soooo good?
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BB... i really dont think it's a possibility for the major religions to accept each other. there is a basic human need to compete. and this applies to religion as well.. every religion is "special" every religion is "chosen" every religion is "right". as was stated before by two.. stevo and bruce.. "every religion can't be right, but they can all be wrong". until we have irrefutable proof as to the existence of this god or this jesus or this mohammad (sp) or this joseph smith etc etc.. there will always be a war between religions. individuals on an individual basis can indeed come together and be harmonious regardless of their religious beliefs.. but religions as a whole.. will never come together and accept the other's right to exist because they all believe so severely that they are the only ones who actually "know the truth".. it's disheartening.. because with all these religions preaching that they're the only way, so many people are losing out on the joys of research and discovery. i can never judge another person's beliefs because i believe that what i once believed is false. i cant say that about other beliefs because i havent believed in them. and i probably won't.. see my signature statement.

So you are saying it's not the masses that are at fault here, they are just going along with what they are told to believe? And I agree most people can get along. And you stress the guys at the top will never acknowledge each other because of the power and money involved? That's kind of what I believe too.
I think it all goes back to the way religion is taught. I know some people say religion should be completely eradicated but I believe that's for people to chose for themselves.
It's a bit like big business. Too much money involved for anyone of position to stop it. Hmmm.
I see what you mean. many places are comprised of people of a certain ethnic group, ie mostly Jewish areas, or Arab villages and cities, and so on, although there are also places who have people of the different ethnic groups leaving in the same city, some like the city Haifa, boast of co existence between the groups. there is a fair share of Arab students in my university and other Israeli universities.
also the 'general hostility' in the middle east has many layers, leaving the media attention on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, there are more dramatic issues in the region.
as for everyone 'having issues', it doesn't matter to me if a person is a Muslim, Buddhist or Satanist, all he has to do to gain my respect is behave as a human being. I enjoy traveling to nations like Jordan and Egypt, and it was not uncommon for me in Britain and other pars of Europe to get along well with Muslims from Iran, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc.
I actually have some interesting stories in that regard.

Hey, we all like a good story. Hint.
Greetings! :)

Well, I'm afraid there's far too much to post here, but I'll give you the briefest of overviews and post links to more information!

The Baha'i Faith is the newest major religion, just over a century and a half old. Our most central teachings are what we call the Three Onenesses:'
  • The Oneness of God (Who is known by many names in the various languages and cultures),
  • The Oneness of humanity (who are all spiritual brothers and sisters), and
  • The Oneness of religions, which are successive stages in a single evolving faith, the Faith of God.
You can find more information at these sites:

For general information about the Baha’i Faith, please visit:

· www.bahai.org
· www.usbnc.org
· www.bahai.us
· www.info.bahai.org

To see our scriptures and related materials, including our Peace Statement, Prosperity Statement, Race Unity Statement, and Destiny of America Statement:
· www.ibiblio.org/Bahai (This site has includes a search engine.)
· www.bahai-library.org (Click "Baha'i Writings" for our scriptures.)
· www.reference.bahai.org (This site is multi-lingual.)
· www.bahaistudy.org (This also has videos and talking books.)

To use OCEAN, an online collection of the scriptures of many religions, with a searchable concordance:


There's an excellent group of informal discussion areas about the Baha'i Faith at:

www.planetbahai.org (click "Messages").

For information on how the Baha'i Faith has fulfilled prophecies:


To view the Baha'i Newsreel:


To see an online video of the eight Baha'i temples (one per continent) around the world, including the still-under-construction Chile temple:


To enjoy Baha’i-oriented music:


To download and view other Baha'i videos:


You may often find "Baha'i Faith" listings in the White Pages of your phone book.

In the USA, you can also phone 1-800-22-UNITE for free information and literature, and—if you like—to find out where the nearest Baha'is are.

Best regards, :)


It seems here an attempt to bring all religions together under one 'banner', so to speak. A bit like having muslims, christians and jews etc all coming together?
How big is the following? I've never heard of it but then I live in Britain so maybe we are behind over here?


Well-Known Member
and this baha'i faith.. is accepting of all other faiths?

Not literally "all" as our scriptures say a very few are the result of human perversity. But all the great religions, yes, with the stipulation that there are also other legitimate faiths!

do the other faiths accept baha'i ?

Not relevant to the question asked.

the more i read.. the more i reflect. .the more and more i become convinced that religion was never needed until men became obsessed with power and control.

Then again, you should perhaps become more famliar with the Baha'i Faith.

We have only elected administrative bodies--no clergy whatever--, and these are elected by an entirely nonpolitical process in which those elected have no special status or power over others. Works great for us! :)


Not literally "all" as our scriptures say a very few are the result of human perversity. But all the great religions, yes, with the stipulation that there are also other legitimate faiths!

Not relevant to the question asked.

Then again, you should perhaps become more famliar with the Baha'i Faith.

We have only elected administrative bodies--no clergy whatever--, and these are elected by an entirely nonpolitical process in which those elected have no special status or power over others. Works great for us! :)



Can I just ask if you make any donations to this organization?


Well-Known Member

Can I just ask if you make any donations to this organization?

No one else's business, yours included.

I will point out two important points about donations, though:

  • ONLY enrolled members may contribute to Baha'i Funds! All other would-be contributions are turned away, or if you insist on giving, forwarded to a non-Baha'i charity (typically UNICEF or the Red Cross).
  • ALL contributions are strictly voluntary and confidential! NO ONE is ever "asked" to contribute anything, one's contributions aren't monitored by anyone else, and no collection plate is ever passed!
Peace, :)


No one else's business, yours included.

I will point out two important points about donations, though:

  • ONLY enrolled members may contribute to Baha'i Funds! All other would-be contributions are turned away, or if you insist on giving, forwarded to a non-Baha'i charity (typically UNICEF or the Red Cross).
  • ALL contributions are strictly voluntary and confidential! NO ONE is ever "asked" to contribute anything, one's contributions aren't monitored by anyone else, and no collection plate is ever passed!
Peace, :)


It wasn't meant to be an offensive question. I was just wondering who did administrative duties etc without pay? I guess it's run by volenteers in the main then? That's great.
If you had have just said 'yes', it takes donations it would not have necessarily been a black spot against it. I believe any organization which wants to grow needs financial help from people who wish to see it grow.
I would find it hard to start my own religion without finacial backup. That's all I was getting at.