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Can good people go to hell?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I already proved that my God is real. The proof is yourself.
My religion always says the true things because my religion is true.

Now I think you are pulling my leg, or at least I hope so :)


- viole


Well-Known Member
I disagree deeply, once science and all religion find common ground we can move forward. Till then people will cling to confused notions.

They are the same only in the way that everything in the universe is related, or that the same human brain can switch between approaches to a problem. Remember the old tail of the blind men and the elephant? Eventually their stories all add up to the reality of that elephant...and as long as everybody involved understands that THEIR approach isn't the only one, or answers questions other approaches are better able to answer, then it's all good.

It's only when the non-believers think that philosophy and/or religion is useless, or when believers think that their philosophies answer scientific questions, that we get into trouble. Eventually everything will come together, but.......

not yet.


Well-Known Member
Practically all the Christians I know have the same attitude that I do. The problem is the word Christian. There are many groups that call themselves Christians and have sadly done things in the name of Christianity that Jesus would have never condoned. But, people will point fingers and say look what those Christians did! They broad brush everyone who says they are a Christian. Personally, I try to hold to this commandment of Jesus:. . . . . . . . "and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself, no other commandment is greater than these."
Its easier said than done for sure because there are some people that are very hard to love!:(

the problem, as you mention, is the word 'Christian.' "Christian" is a category label, it means only that the person claiming to be a Christian puts the teachings of Jesus Christ at the center of his religious belief system. It is not a declaration of salvation. I think it would be better for everybody to worry about whether he or she is Christ's, rather than who is "Christian."

Rapture Era

Active Member
the problem, as you mention, is the word 'Christian.' "Christian" is a category label, it means only that the person claiming to be a Christian puts the teachings of Jesus Christ at the center of his religious belief system. It is not a declaration of salvation. I think it would be better for everybody to worry about whether he or she is Christ's, rather than who is "Christian."
Yes I agree, very good! For me, having a personal relationship with the Almighty Creator is an incredible experience! Does that mean trouble doesnt come my way? Of course not. Jesus said that we will have trouble in this life. But its the peace that He gives during these trials that help us get through them, but also, knowing He is in full control so I dont have to worry about anything! It is so awesome because no matter what I go through, I know it is for a reason and hopefully that reason is to help someone else going through the same thing. When I was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago, I said, okay Lord, you allowed it, what are you going to do through it? To this day I dont know fully all that He did but in the process He cured me which was an incredible testimony to His power! I suppose one day if He chooses to reveal it to me, I'll know why and who was affected in a positive way through my trial of cancer. I look at it this way, if God can create the universe, this planet and all life on this planet in 6 days the way He said he did? Surely anything I go through is not too big for Him to handle!:D


Well-Known Member
When I was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago, I said, okay Lord, you allowed it, what are you going to do through it? To this day I dont know fully all that He did but in the process He cured me which was an incredible testimony to His power!

My wife's mother died of cancer. Did God not love her enough? Why did God choose to heal your cancer, while allowing over a half a million others to die from cancer each year?

How does God choose which people he cures and which people he lets die?

Also, when it comes to God healing cancer, why does God heal about 99% of those with prostate cancer, but only about 3% of those with gallbladder cancer?

Rapture Era

Active Member
My wife's mother died of cancer. Did God not love her enough? Why did God choose to heal your cancer, while allowing over a half a million others to die from cancer each year?
How does God choose which people he cures and which people he lets die?
Also, when it comes to God healing cancer, why does God heal about 99% of those with prostate cancer, but only about 3% of those with gallbladder cancer?
Well first of all we are all going to die. Even though I was cured, I'm still going to die. He just isnt finished with me yet. How we die and when, we never know. I dont know. My father fought a rare cancer for 16 years. Through that process he accepted Jesus as his savior and I know that I will see him again one day in heaven, he was 57. My mother died of lung cancer and never smoked, she was 93. I dont know why things happen the way they do. What I do know, is this life isnt all there is and if you ask Jesus to come into your life, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and believe by faith that He is God you will be forgiven. Like the thief on the cross, he didnt say any special prayer, but he recognized who Jesus was and Jesus knew this mans heart and this man was sorry for what he did and Jesus said what? Today you will be with me in paradise. You know, another thing to keep in mind, if you happen to read the book of Job in the bible, you can see that Jobs suffering had nothing to do with him being a bad guy. Satan was striking him and his family with with horrible things! You can actually read the conversations between God and Satan concerning this man Job. I believe Satan hates God, and he hates Gods creation which is us. In the book of John chapter 10 verse 10 it says The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Lets put the blame where it belongs. Satan is the bad guy in this world and will do ANYTHING to keep you from God. Your questions above sound like you are very bitter for the loss of your loved ones or friends or anyone for that matter. I didnt like loosing my father and mother to this terrible disease! Didnt like loosing friends because of drunk drivers! Satan is the prince of this world, he doesnt care about you or anyone for that matter. He just wants you to die with out Christ so you will end up where he is going. Because he knows his fate, and because he hates human beings, he wants to take everyone he can in any way he can to hell with him. Sorry, but thats the truth. God has done an incredible thing because He loves us so much! Jesus came and died and was raised on the third day showing He has the power over death. Meaning, yes we may die but God has given us an incredible offer. The question is, do you humble yourself and accept His offer of eternal life in heaven or do you not accept and choose not to be in heaven when you die? I dont know, thats up to each individual. But He has made the way for you to be in heaven when you die if that is something you want. If being in hell for all eternity is what you want, He will allow you to go there, but its your choice. Personally, I dont know why anyone would want that. Eternity is a long time!

Rapture Era

Active Member
You're right, you don't. And that's why your claim of being healed by God is both preposterous, and insulting to those who weren't healed. IMO, of course.
And you are certainly entitled to your opinion.:) My parents were not healed, they didnt think it was preposterous or insulting, they were happy that they were going to be healed with a
new body in heaven!;) Never to be susceptible to disease or pain ever again! There are people in our church who have died of cancer and some who have been healed. They accept that. The point is, we are all going to die, period. Where are you going to go after that, because that is going to be forever! That is more important to think about.


I do stuff
For the people alive on Earth at the soon coming ' time of separation ' - Matthew 25:31-33,37 - they can avoid biblical hell (grave) because they can remain alive on Earth, and continue to live on Earth, right into the start of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth when even ' enemy death ' will be No more - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8
They will come out of the great tribulation of Revelation 7:14 into Day One of Jesus' millennium-long day of reigning down blessings upon Earth.
Earth's nations will be healed - Revelation 22:2 - because mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' on Earth for the healing of earth's nations.
That will be in fulfillment of God's promise to father Abraham that ALL families and ALL nations will be blessed - Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18 - blessed with healing.
Are you saying to avoid Hell one must be a Christian?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
And you are certainly entitled to your opinion.:) My parents were not healed, they didnt think it was preposterous or insulting, they were happy that they were going to be healed with a
new body in heaven!;) Never to be susceptible to disease or pain ever again! There are people in our church who have died of cancer and some who have been healed. They accept that. The point is, we are all going to die, period. Where are you going to go after that, because that is going to be forever! That is more important to think about.
It does come off as insulting when people use medical ailments they recovered from as an argument for the proof of their faith, as if God has saved them for some special mission but let the others die because there wasn't anything else left for them to do with their lives. My mom died of pancreatic cancer in January. She had hopes and dreams. She had a lot of things she wanted to do with her life. She believed in God all her life, too. But she still died. I suffer from severe, debilitating depression and anxiety that functionally cripples me. I probably have Avoidant Personality Disorder. God hasn't cured me of that, and I'm awfully close to suicide lately.

The truth is that who dies of whatever has nothing to do with God. He doesn't play favorites and He doesn't micromanage reality. **** happens and it doesn't always make sense. But people want to have answers for everything, so we come up with reasons that are acceptable to us. That's fine, it's part of human nature. I believe in God/a Supreme Being, too. I don't always like Him and I sure don't claim to understand Him.


Well-Known Member
The question that brought me here,
Can good people go to hell?
Although we are not supposed to judge anyone, I can safely say that there will be many 'good people' in hell. Considering yourself good enough is dangerous. It is not our goodness that will get us anywhere eternally. If you do not have a loving relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I would encourage you to do all the research you can to find out what you need to know about what happens after you die! Once you take your last breath, (which are all a gift from God to begin with) you will have already made the decision as to where you will be spending Eternity. You have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior BEFORE you leave this earth. Once you have settled that in your heart, your good works will pour out of you automatically with the help of the Holy Spirit that will work within you to prepare you for God's Holy Kingdom!
You cannot know this for certain. You believe it but many other faiths believe very differently, such as mine as in my path, we reincarnate, something which has an argument for the concept in your Bible. So all your rhetoric really means nothing to anyone who is not a part of your faith and only comes across as preaching.

Rapture Era

Active Member
It does come off as insulting when people use medical ailments they recovered from as an argument for the proof of their faith, as if God has saved them for some special mission but let the others die because there wasn't anything else left for them to do with their lives. My mom died of pancreatic cancer in January. She had hopes and dreams. She had a lot of things she wanted to do with her life. She believed in God all her life, too. But she still died. I suffer from severe, debilitating depression and anxiety that functionally cripples me. I probably have Avoidant Personality Disorder. God hasn't cured me of that, and I'm awfully close to suicide lately.

The truth is that who dies of whatever has nothing to do with God. He doesn't play favorites and He doesn't micromanage reality. **** happens and it doesn't always make sense. But people want to have answers for everything, so we come up with reasons that are acceptable to us. That's fine, it's part of human nature. I believe in God/a Supreme Being, too. I don't always like Him and I sure don't claim to understand Him.
Thank you for being honest. It is in the written record of scripture that Jesus heal the sick, people who had leprosy, a horrible disease, He healed those who were crippled all their life. A woman who was bleeding for 12 years was healed just by touching His garment (because she had great faith in who He was) and this happened right in front of crowds of people but most importantly, a Jewish
synagogue leader who's 12 year old daughter was sick and dyeing. He ran to Jesus and threw himself at Jesus' feet begging Him to come and heal his daughter. But the womans healing held Jesus up and in the mean time this mans daughter died. The people told him not to bother Jesus because she was dead. The man could have been very angry at Jesus for spending time with this woman instead of healing his daughter, but Jesus told the man dont worry she is just sleeping she will live, just have faith. What happened with the woman happened right in front of this man to show him how powerful faith is. All the people were laughing at Jesus because the girl was not sleeping from their perspective, she was dead! So Jesus goes to the house and the crowds followed. Jesus only let his three disciples and the parents in the house because they were the only ones who had faith, even just a little faith that He would something miraculous. He held the girls hand and "said stand up little girl" and her spirit came back to her and she stood up and Jesus told her parents to give her something to eat. Everyone was blown away at what just happened. Mary and Martha had a brother Lazarus. Same kind of thing. They called for Jesus to come and heal their sick brother. He was two days journey away but He took 4 days to come. By the time He got there Lazarus had died and was in the tomb for days. Mary and Martha were really mad because they figured that if Jesus would have gotten there on time their brother would have lived. But Jesus let Lazarus die on purpose so that they would see He has power over death. He stands by the tomb and calls Lazarus out, and here he comes. Now Lazarus eventually died again but the point is, Jesus can heal anything and He can overcome death because He is God. 1989, Don Piper is in a horrible car crash. He is pronounced dead at the scene. Hes dead for an hour and a half. You know what happens to the brain after 4 minutes without oxygen right? Well, long story short, a fellow pastor who rolled up on the scene was led to pray for him. The pastor is thinking, what good is it going to do to pray for this guy, hes already dead! But God placed it on his heart to do it anyway. He doesnt even know what to pray so he starts singing a song he knows from church. All of a sudden Don comes back to life and and scares this guy out of his socks! He runs back to tell the last of the paramedics who were waiting on the coroner to arrive that this guy is alive and they laughed at him. He convinces them to just come and take his pulse one more time. They do just appease him and they get a pulse! Everything goes into high gear. I spoke to Don Piper personally about his story about 13 years after the event. His mind was perfect. Its medically impossible. There are so many examples. One I know personally of a young woman who had Leukemia. She was so bad the family was brought in from other states. We continued to pray for her despite her grave condition. Over the next few days she was looking a little better. They took blood samples and it showed improvement. She is now completely healed and the doctors just dont know what to say. So when you say "It does come off as insulting when people use medical ailments they recovered from as an argument for the proof of their faith." I disagree. The examples above are all about faith. Jesus Himself said that without faith you cannot please God. Blessed are those that believe and donot see. You said that you believe in a supreme being. What is your relationship with this being? Who is He to you?


Well-Known Member
My parents were not healed, they didnt think it was preposterous or insulting, they were happy that they were going to be healed with a
new body in heaven!

Than why were you so happy to be "healed" in this life? Yay God if I live, yay God if I die? What's the point then?

Also, can you tell me why God heals 98% of people who he gives prostate cancer to, less than 2% of people He gives gall bladder cancer, and has never once seen fit to heal a single amputee?

Doesn't strike you as odd that God heals people at alarmingly different rates, based on what disease they have? And that the rate of God's healing lines up exactly with the scientific survival rates? Weird huh? It's almost like God isn't really doing anything.