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Can known homosexuals join any Southern Baptist church?


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
All oppose it based on intolerance. Whether or not it is their own intolerance, or they are taught intolerance from someone else. It is intolerance.

But I assume that even in the most gay friendly city in the world, in the most gay friendly country in the world, in homes where parents approve of homosexuality, some Christians will become convinced that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. In Iran, homosexuals are imprisoned, or put to death, and are usually rejected by their families if their sexual preference becomes known. In spite of that, some Iranian Muslims are practicing homosexuals because of their liberal interpretations of Muslim writings about same-sex behavior. There is little doubt that some Muslim writings strongly oppose homosexuality, but some Muslims do not interpret those writings that way.

Among celibate Christian homosexuals, surely the only reason that many of them are celibate is because they believe that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. Perhaps Exodus International would be willing to verify that for you, or NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy for Homosexuals).
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Are you suggesting that no conservative Christians who oppose same-sex behavior have been influenced by what the Bible says about same-sex behavior? If so, the SBC would definitely disagree with you.

There's not much about homosexuality in the Bible. In that big book, there's less than ten sentences on it, and even these few sentences are difficult to translate in terms that modern readers can understand.

Yet we have much, much more instruction in the NT about what it means for God to love us, and for us to love each other. A focus on homosexuality concentrates on something that the Bible itself addresses as a mere afterthought.


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
There's not much about homosexuality in the Bible. In that big book, there's less than ten sentences on it, and even these few sentences are difficult to translate in terms that modern readers can understand.

Yet we have much, much more instruction in the NT about what it means for God to love us, and for us to love each other. A focus on homosexuality concentrates on something that the Bible itself addresses as a mere afterthought.

I do not dispute any of that. I wish that all Christians accepted that. However, many Christians, usually conservative Christians, honestly believe that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. The SBC would certainly claim that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior.


I do not dispute any of that. I wish that all Christians accepted that. However, many Christians, usually conservative Christians, honestly believe that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. The SBC would certainly claim that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior.

I agree that Paul opposes *at least a certain type of* same-sex behavior, and does so sharply. But a focus on this *tiny* portion of text is short-sided and unhealthy. Obviously.


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
I agree that Paul opposes *at least a certain type of* same-sex behavior, and does so sharply. But a focus on this *tiny* portion of text is short-sided and unhealthy. Obviously.

I agree. The SBC pays a lot of attention to just a few Scriptures about same-sex behavior, but turns the other cheek regarding the many Southern Baptists who are divorced, even multiple times.
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Agnostic Theist
Since you wish to continue these discussions, that is fine. You said:

"And really, this is nothing to do with Biblical grounds. It has to do with people being intolerant, and justifying intolerance."

It has plenty to do with biblical grounds in the opinions of millions of Christians. How do you propose to convince those Christians that they have misinterpreted the Bible?
Actually, what happened is that while I was typing my post, you had posted something yourself. I see it as somewhat of a poor tactic; as in, you say everything you want, and then try to stop the discussion.

As for millions of Christians believing something; well, they are wrong. Guess what, Christians are wrong on many many things. It is part of being human. Really, appealing to numbers though, is a fallacy. Especially when one can find millions of Christians who believe the opposite.

As for how I would propose to convince others that they have misinterpreted the Bible? It isn't by making things up. It is by studying the Bible myself. In order to get a better understanding, I would learn the language it was written in, as well as see what other scholars and experts have had to say about it. And then using this proper education, try to educate others in a respectful manner. And that is actually what I do.

Making things up, relying of logical fallacies, and repeating oneself over and over will not convince anyone of anything. It will just put them off, and most likely, make them dig deeper into their own beliefs.

Are you suggesting that no conservative Christians who oppose same-sex behavior have been influenced by what the Bible says about same-sex behavior? If so, the SBC would definitely disagree with you.
I don't care if you say that the SBC would disagree with me. I don't think you even really understand what the SBC believes.

The problem here is that you are completely separating conservative and liberal Christians. There are a number of conservative Christians who support homosexuality. There are a number of liberal Christians who oppose homosexuality. There isn't a complete split here.

The opposition of homosexuality has little to do with the Bible, and everything to do with ignorant prejudices that are justified in one way or another. We can find an opposition of homosexuality in a multitude of various religions, as well as non-religions. We can find an opposition of homosexuality throughout history, regardless of religious affiliation. This suggests to me that the prejudice, and opposition to homosexuality runs deeper then just an idea in Christianity.

Now, as A_E pointed out, there are only a handful of verses in the Bible that can be used to speak out against homosexuality. Looking at the few from Paul, we see something interesting. One, homosexuality (we'll just use the term homosexuality for the sake of this discussion. Paul doesn't use it, but does refer to the general idea) is not an unforgivable sin. It simply is a sin, along with a number of other vices that he lists (he mentions greedy, and who of us can say we have never been greedy?).

Paul never focuses on homosexuality, or even really makes it a big deal. It is just one more sin. And it is just one more sin that Paul states that members of this movement were, and that people can be forgiven.

If people take the time to read the Bibles, and the verses in question, they could not logically justify their blatant intolerance with the Bible. The fact that they still try to justify such ideas shows that it isn't a matter regarding the Bible, but a matter regarding a prejudice that is trying to be justified, and taught to others. Especially considering that a good amount of the Bible deals more with loving one's neighbor, not judging others, and the like. That in fact was one of Jesus' main teachings.

But I assume that even in the most gay friendly city in the world, in the most gay friendly country in the world, in homes where parents approve of homosexuality, some Christians will become convinced that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. In Iran, homosexuals are imprisoned, or put to death, and are usually rejected by their families if their sexual preference becomes known. In spite of that, some Iranian Muslims are practicing homosexuals because of their liberal interpretations of Muslim writings about same-sex behavior. There is little doubt that some Muslim writings strongly oppose homosexuality, but some Muslims do not interpret those writings that way.
Because people have a desire to justify intolerant acts. Homosexuality isn't the first time that such justification has been used. It is used quite often, for many unBiblical ideas. In pretty much every city, people believe intolerant ideas, and justify them in illogical manners. It is easy to keep an intolerance, if one can seemingly justify it. And that is all that is happening with this anti-homosexual rhetoric among Christians. It is a justification of intolerance. And it is a false justification, because if they would spend just a little bit of time reading the Bible, they would see that homosexuality is not that big of an issue, and that one of the main teachings, something that Paul and Jesus both agree on, is that one should love your neighbor. Loving your neighbor certainly does not include condemning them to hell, or hating them in any manner.
Among celibate Christian homosexuals, surely the only reason that many of them are celibate is because they believe that the Bible opposes same-sex behavior. Perhaps Exodus International would be willing to verify that for you, or NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy for Homosexuals).
And I explained that. They have been taught an illogical justification of intolerance. And it isn't that they necessarily think the Bible opposes same-sex behaviors, as that they are told that God hates homosexuals or the like. They are taught, and hammered with the idea, that homosexuality is a sin. It isn't a Biblical belief though.

As for Exodus International, you should do a little more research. The former leaders of that movement (and really many of the ex-gay organizations), have come out and spoke against such ideas.

Really though, they once again are working not with a Biblical idea. They are working with an intolerance that is simply justified by bastardizing the Bible. You can justify nearly anything with the Bible if you are willing to tear it apart, cherry pick your ideas, and spit on the rest. Because really, what it comes down to is a disrespect of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
I don't care if you say that the SBC would disagree with me. I don't think you even really understand what the SBC believes.

The SBC has clearly stated what it believes about homosexuality. Consider the following:


sbc.net said:
Resolution On Homosexuality, 1985

WHEREAS, There is a concerted effort by some to pass public ordinances which, under the deceptive guise of human rights, has the effect of giving public approval to the homosexual lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, There is an effort to have homosexuals identified as a minority, thereby attempting to gain affirmative action protection and preference for hiring.

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Dallas, June 11-13, 1985, deplore the proliferation of all homosexual practices, and reaffirm the biblical position of Southern Baptists that all such practices are sin and are condemned by the Bible; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we, oppose the identification of homosexuality as a minority with attendant benefits or advantages; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we affirm that while the Bible condemns such practice as sin, it also teaches forgiveness and transformation, upon repentance, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

fallingblood said:
The problem here is that you are completely separating conservative and liberal Christians. There are a number of conservative Christians who support homosexuality. There are a number of liberal Christians who oppose homosexuality. There isn't a complete split here.

I have never suggested that there was, but a good deal of research has shown that Christians who consider themselves to be conservative are far more likely to oppose homosexuality than Christians who consider themselves to be liberal. Regarding Christians who believe that the story of Adam and Eve is literally true, and that a global flood occurred, and that the earth is young, you would have a very difficult time finding more than a relative handful of them who support homosexuality, if any at all.

Your original argument was that Christian opposition to homosexuality is based upon intolerance. That argument had nothing to do with separate Christian groups. You have not provided reasonable evidence that no Christian opposition to homosexuality is based solely, or partly, upon the Bible.

Would you like to claim that no Muslim religious writings condemn homosexuality?
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Well-Known Member
Message to fallingblood: Consider the following:

Southern Baptist leader greets gay activists with mouthful of nonsense, no apology - Last Word

metroweekly.com said:
SBC president Bryant Wright invited the group and the press to a half-hour meeting. [He said]
''Just as we have people attending our local church that are engaging in homosexual activity, we have people attending our church who are engaging in adultery. I don't hate those people when I speak about adultery. I am just, hopefully, loving them enough to speak the truth about what God desires for the best for that person.''​



Agnostic Theist
I have never suggested that there was, but a good deal of research has shown that Christians who consider themselves to be conservative are far more likely to oppose homosexuality than Christians who consider themselves to be liberal. Regarding Christians who believe that the story of Adam and Eve is literally true, and that a global flood occurred, and that the earth is young, you would have a very difficult time finding more than a relative handful of them who support homosexuality, if any at all.
Not at all. One, you have never shown that accepting the global flood, Adam and Eve, or an young Earth relates to what people thing about homosexuality. Believing the opposite also doesn't mean that people will accept homosexuality. The two are unrelated.

Also, the acceptance of homosexuality is increasing in all areas of the public, including conservatives.
Your original argument was that Christian opposition to homosexuality is based upon intolerance. That argument had nothing to do with separate Christian groups. You have not provided reasonable evidence that no Christian opposition to homosexuality is based solely, or partly, upon the Bible.
I wasn't the one who brought up separate Christian groups. You did. I was simply explaining my position, based on a question you asked.

Also, I have stated my argument. If you aren't going to offer a rebuttal, I will just point back to my last post.
Would you like to claim that no Muslim religious writings condemn homosexuality?
Why? I'm not as familiar with Muslim writings. I know that many reject the idea that homosexuality is evil, and that is fine enough with me. Why do you want to move the goal posts again?


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
I don't care if you say that the SBC would disagree with me. I don't think you even really understand what the SBC believes.

The SBC has clearly stated what it believes about homosexuality. Consider the following:


sbc.net said:
Resolution On Homosexuality, 1985

WHEREAS, There is a concerted effort by some to pass public ordinances which, under the deceptive guise of human rights, has the effect of giving public approval to the homosexual lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, There is an effort to have homosexuals identified as a minority, thereby attempting to gain affirmative action protection and preference for hiring.

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Dallas, June 11-13, 1985, deplore the proliferation of all homosexual practices, and reaffirm the biblical position of Southern Baptists that all such practices are sin and are condemned by the Bible; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we, oppose the identification of homosexuality as a minority with attendant benefits or advantages; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we affirm that while the Bible condemns such practice as sin, it also teaches forgiveness and transformation, upon repentance, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now what do you believe that the SBC believes about homosexuality?
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Well-Known Member
Agnostic75 said:
Regarding Christians who believe that the story of Adam and Eve is literally true, and that a global flood occurred, and that the earth is young, you would have a very difficult time finding more than a relative handful of them who support homosexuality, if any at all.

fallingblood said:
Not at all. One, you have never shown that accepting the global flood, Adam and Eve, or an young Earth relates to what people thing about homosexuality. Believing the opposite also doesn't mean that people will accept homosexuality. The two are unrelated.

Can I have your permission to start a new thread and quote you?


Your original argument was that Christian opposition to homosexuality is based upon intolerance. That argument had nothing to do with separate Christian groups. You have not provided reasonable evidence that no Christian opposition to homosexuality is based solely, or partly, upon the Bible.

(... Christians justify intolerance by misinterpreting the Bible...)


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
I don't care if you say that the SBC would disagree with me. I don't think you even really understand what the SBC believes.

The SBC has clearly stated what it believes about homosexuality. Consider the following:


sbc.net said:
Resolution On Homosexuality, 1985

WHEREAS, There is a concerted effort by some to pass public ordinances which, under the deceptive guise of human rights, has the effect of giving public approval to the homosexual lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, There is an effort to have homosexuals identified as a minority, thereby attempting to gain affirmative action protection and preference for hiring.

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Dallas, June 11-13, 1985, deplore the proliferation of all homosexual practices, and reaffirm the biblical position of Southern Baptists that all such practices are sin and are condemned by the Bible; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we, oppose the identification of homosexuality as a minority with attendant benefits or advantages; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we affirm that while the Bible condemns such practice as sin, it also teaches forgiveness and transformation, upon repentance, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now what do you believe that the SBC believes about homosexuality?


*jaeger bomb*

on the house - I just needed some Red bull


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
Christians justify intolerance by misinterpreting the Bible.

Yes, sometimes, but not always, and not necessarily the majority of the time. You said that you believe that Paul opposed same-sex behavior. The SBC would surely be willing to defend its position on homosexuality based upon biblical grounds. It would be impossible to know which Christians oppose homosexuality solely upon biblical grounds, partly on biblical grounds, solely because of intolerance, or a combination of those factors.

When Christian children are taught by their parents that the Bible opposes homosexuality, those children are not intolerant. They actually believe that the Bible opposes homosexuality. Even in very gay friendly environments, some religious people end up believing that the Bible opposes homosexuality.

Some celibate Christians who have gay sexual identities would love to engage in same-sex behavior, but refrain from doing so because they believe that the Bible opposes homosexuality.


Yes, sometimes, but not always, and not necessarily the majority of the time. You said that you believe that Paul opposed same-sex behavior. The SBC would surely be willing to defend its position on homosexuality based upon biblical grounds. It would be impossible to know which Christians oppose homosexuality solely upon biblical grounds, partly on biblical grounds, solely because of intolerance, or a combination of those factors.

When Christian children are taught by their parents that the Bible opposes homosexuality, those children are not intolerant. They actually believe that the Bible opposes homosexuality. Even in very gay friendly environments, some religious people end up believing that the Bible opposes homosexuality.

Some celibate Christians who have gay sexual identities would love to engage in same-sex behavior, but refrain from doing so because they believe that the Bible opposes homosexuality.

Well, some folks can argue that they are basing their views on the Bible. I don't think that the SBC interprets Paul correctly, or the Bible in general. They think that they do, but hatred is hatred.