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Can someone explain the Trinity please...


Well-Known Member
Im not even trying.

Just showing how easy your math can be refuted with math.

You can deny the dogma all day long I do. Heck you deny just the father is two gods compiled together, so its a bit hypocritical is it not?
Nope, not at all. Bible says there is only one God. Your putting two together into one. Show me a verse on that one.....


Not your average Mormon
it all goes back to the idea that God is a family. you can have one Jones family with 3 or 4 or more members. you can also have one God "family" with more than one member. it is still one God but made up of more than one member just like the one Jones family can be made up of several members. if the Jones family has four members you can say there is one Jones family but there are four Joneses. the one God is made up of more than one member who can all be called Gods

That was a solid description of the Trinity until the last sentence.
Sojourner, would you be okay if the statement that "one God is made up of more than one member, each of whom may be called 'God'"?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ok, let's do it this way then. Show me one verse that shows that Jesus is God........ You wont find that anywhere in scripture.
I could show you several, but the truth is that a doctrine doesn't have to be explicitly scripturally-supported. That has never been the case for the church, until the heresy of sola scriptura was invented by over-reactionary Protestants, after 1500 years of church history.


Well-Known Member
Almost. Your last clause should read, "each of whom is fully God."
But the problem that your having is that you think that there are three fully Gods. There is only one fully God, then God made His son, a man. Just like the bible says. So simple. The man, Christ Jesus. But I guess we have to throw in other words that the bible doesnt use, like God the son. Why cant we just believe that Jesus is the son of God....


Well-Known Member
if Sam Jones has a son named Bill Jones then there is ONE Jones family but both Sam and Bill are Jones. If God the Father has a son named Jesus then there is ONE God family but both the Father and Son are fully God. People have been so blinded by man made traditions and false ideas that they can not see this simple idea. the Father and Son are both God (family) but there is still only one God (family). Why can't people see that God is a family when He plainly says that we can become His adopted children. a parent and children make up a family. Satan has so blinded people with his false traditions that they do not understand this simple idea. One Jones family can have several members who are still all fully Jones. One God can have several members who are each still fully God. No one even tries to show how this is wrong because they are so confused they can't even see it or try to understand it or even show why it is wrong.


Jesus in me
BZZZZZZZZT!!! I'm sorry, that's an incorrect answer. But thanks for playing! We're going to send you home with some lovely parting gifts, including the home version of our game, "Everything You Know is Wrong." you may now turn around and tell our studio audience, "I am not smarter than a 6th grader!"

The idea of Trinity is biblical -- probably equates to similar, pagan ideas of the time the texts were written, but that was in the first century -- not the third, and certainly before the church became the official religion of the Roman government. The idea of the Trinity wasn't "forced" on anyone. It was solidified by the ecumenical council that met at Nicea in 325. IOW, it was a consensus decision.

I believe it was a majority decision. The crowd backing Athanasius may very well have influended the Roman Catholic Church and thereby many protestant denominations as well.


Jesus in me
But the problem that your having is that you think that there are three fully Gods. There is only one fully God, then God made His son, a man. Just like the bible says. So simple. The man, Christ Jesus. But I guess we have to throw in other words that the bible doesnt use, like God the son. Why cant we just believe that Jesus is the son of God....

O believe that would be a problem if Christians thought that but they don't. It is a fallacy based on seeing three instances as three substances. The creed states that God is only one substance in three members of the Trinity.

I believe this stament is incorrect. God does not have sons in the physical sense but he does call those who have Him in them sons. Also He calls Jesus His son because He is in Him and because He created half the DNA to produce a conception in a virgin.


Jesus in me
The Jesus thing is very simple....
It was god sacrificing himself to himself to save himself from himself.

I believe God sacrificed Himself but not to Himself because He had nothing to prove to Himself and he did not need to save Himself because He is perfect.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I have a little more regard for the Bible. yes it was written by man but I believe it was inspired by God. while there may may minor errors, especially in translations, I believe it has more truth than not. and any church that says it puts as much faith in traditions as in the Bible does not hold much importance for me.

So who gets to decide what parts are correct and what parts are incorrect? What is the universally accepted methodology whereby we can know for certainty we know what an ancient desert tribesman meant when the stories were written? In the case of the New Testament, we can't be sure of who actually wrote the stories, and don't even have the originals.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I believe God sacrificed Himself but not to Himself because He had nothing to prove to Himself and he did not need to save Himself because He is perfect.

The problem is, if Jesus was god, then god sacrificed himself to atone for sins against his own system of judgement. And they weren't even his own sins. It's like you being hanged for a murder I committed. Even more bizarre, is the notion of a supernatural deity being able to die. It is taught he is from everlasting to everlasting. Not exactly true if somewhere in the middle he ceased to be alive. If he was actually dead in the sense we understand death, then who resurrected him? He could not have......the truly dead do not have any capacity to do anything. Also, if you wish to say it was some sort of "spiritual death or whatever notion you wish, then it was not a real death and therefore not sincere, and not valid.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I was talking to a Lutheran Pastor the other day and he said God provided the greatest gift when he offered himself up as Jesus on the cross. But from what I read in the Bible, when Jesus was on the cross, he spoke to God in heaven. How then can he be God at the same time? Please explain. Thanks

No one has been able to actually explain it in over 1,000 years, so not really.


Well-Known Member
My problem is in someone who does not believe in God telling others how their beliefs are wrong. It is just as easy for me to tell you how your lack of belief is wrong but that surely would not convince you.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
My problem is in someone who does not believe in God telling others how their beliefs are wrong. It is just as easy for me to tell you how your lack of belief is wrong but that surely would not convince you.

I just said they have not been able to come up with a reasonable explanation for why it is right.