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Can the US afford socialized medicine?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The defeat of socialized medicine is not good for America's position in the world.

Honestly Phil, I think bankruptcy is going to be a viable option for this country very soon. (by the end of this decade). America's popularity has always revolved around what we where going to give a country anyway.

When the dollar is worth squat, more than just Americans are going to suffer.

Sadly, this pipe dream some Americans hold to be popular overseas will not happen. World citizenship is way over rated.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
mball1297, reference post #188
"Where did I say it would do that?"

You did not. Nor am I being confrontational. I merely ask 2 questions
to get another opinion on a subject I don't understand very well.
Any reply will be appreciated.

What's the point of the questions?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I guess we could conclude that you sir, should move to an European country and quit trying to turn the good ol U.S. of A. into a socialised country.

I'd love to move to Europe. Unfortunately, my wife is pretty well rooted here. But, yeah, far be it from me to turn the good ole U.S. of A. into a decent country. Sorry for trying to improve the country you live in, Rick. I'll keep in mind that you'd rather live in ignorance and pay extra for crappy healthcare.

The health care bill is dead.

No, it's not. Even if it is, what does that have to do with anything? Would you stop trying to distract from the real conversation and address the actual points made?

Your party failed miserably to lead. :thud: Perhaps they too should move to a third world country. ;)

Well, in some ways, they're already in one. That's the problem. But anyway, please get back to the real topic of the thread.

And, by the way, I do so love your tactics of ignoring actual facts. The subject of universal healthcare is brought up, you raise objections (that have no basis in fact or logic to begin with), your ideas are discredited and facts are used to disprove your points, and then you come back with nonsense about the healthcare bill and the democrats, instead of sticking to the topic of universal healthcare and the facts associated with it. Those tactics might work on some, but they don't work here.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Honestly Phil, I think bankruptcy is going to be a viable option for this country very soon. (by the end of this decade). America's popularity has always revolved around what we where going to give a country anyway.

When the dollar is worth squat, more than just Americans are going to suffer.

Sadly, this pipe dream some Americans hold to be popular overseas will not happen. World citizenship is way over rated.


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member

We truly live in different worlds mball. You think that the rich should pay for everything all the while you are attempting to slaughter and rape the rich man.

The root emotion here is class envy. :yes:

The problem with socialism is, you run out of other folks money. :facepalm:

It must be frustrating to hold elitist attitudes believing that the only smart thing to do is become a socialist while living among the majority of stupid people blocking your every move.

I would say this frustration grows even more intense when you have to square your delusional beliefs of superior intelligence with the cold hard facts that stupid folks make way more money than these elitists.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
We truly live in different worlds mball. You think that the rich should pay for everything all the while you are attempting to slaughter and rape the rich man.

The root emotion here is class envy. :yes:

The problem with socialism is, you run out of other folks money. :facepalm:

It must be frustrating to hold elitist attitudes believing that the only smart thing to do is become a socialist while living among the majority of stupid people blocking your every move.

I would say this frustration grows even more intense when you have to square your delusional beliefs of superior intelligence with the cold hard facts that stupid folks make way more money than these elitists.

I'm not sure how many different times or ways I have to explain this to you, Rick, but I'll try again. I want everyone who can contribute to pay for things. In our country, that mostly falls on a 50% of the population, but I'd rather have better income equality, which would mean it would fall on 95% of the population. Of course, that would mean some regulations and issues that you don't agree with.

No one is trying to slaughter or rape any rich people. Asking people to put in their fair share is not even close to anything like that. Nice try, though.

I'm not envious of anyone. Would I like to make a lot of money? Sure. Am I jealous of other people who do, though? Not at all. I plan to make a very good income within the next 10-15 years. When I do, I will gladly pay my fair share of taxes.

Yes, you've mentioned the "running out of other people's money" line before, but it's still not true and it's still missing the entire point. Please, get a grip.

You are right about one thing. It is frustrating to see the large amoung of ignorant people try to keep this country in the Dark Ages. The BS "elitist" comments are unnecessary and false, though. Please keep that crap to yourself.

Now, are you ready to get back to facts?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
We truly live in different worlds mball. You think that the rich should pay for everything all the while you are attempting to slaughter and rape the rich man.

The root emotion here is class envy. :yes:

The problem with socialism is, you run out of other folks money. :facepalm:

It must be frustrating to hold elitist attitudes believing that the only smart thing to do is become a socialist while living among the majority of stupid people blocking your every move.

I would say this frustration grows even more intense when you have to square your delusional beliefs of superior intelligence with the cold hard facts that stupid folks make way more money than these elitists.

Rick - you realize there are many many many socialist elements in our society, right?


Resident Lycanthrope
I think if the fire or police come to your home, they should send you a bill. The money could pay back the tax payer.

Something you all should be aware of when trying to use Police and Fire in this debate:

In many areas the fire department will send you a bill for utilizing their services. People don't notice much because their insurance picks up the tab. This goes for emergency medical services provided by your fire department as well. Some states also require a portion of your homeowners insurance premium to be given to the fire department whether you use them or not. As for the police...well folks utilize their services whether or not they actually come to your home. The fact that you were not killed by a drunk driver the last time you were out late is mostly due to the deterrent factor of people knowing that police are on duty and ready to catch them if they do drink and drive.

Kudo's Rick...I don't know how you have the stomach to argue against so much of the ignorance in this thread.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We truly live in different worlds mball. You think that the rich should pay for everything all the while you are attempting to slaughter and rape the rich man.

The root emotion here is class envy. :yes:
No one wants your money. Keep it for all I care. Or burn it, donate it, horde it, I don't care. But under this "socialist" society, everyone pays, not just the rich. If you work, you pay income tax, and pay for a system that benefits everyone. If you don't work, well, that is a problem we already have. But, new policies are making it more difficult to live off the system without working. And why should the working class, especially the working poor, suffer because people are afraid someone will slip through the cracks and live for free off of everyone else's sacrifices? It sucks, but it's life.


It is what it is
These people would be dead if they where born 200 years ago. The pioneer spirit is what made our country great. Hard work and sacrifice, not sit on your butt and collect a check.

No work, no eat!

Thankfully we are not in the 1800s anymore. Would you execute the mentally handicapped too? Not everyone who needs some assistance is sitting on their butt. :facepalm:

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It's not. I would just expect someone who doesn't get taken in by organized religion to not get taken in by conservative propaganda.

So in other words, you think he is drinking the wrong flavor of kool-aid and have another flavor in mind for him?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
That's right. Universal health care is exactly like rape and murder.

No one with any valid argument would have to resort to such idiotic hyperbole.

Is it a valid argument that we just cannot afford to pay for a program of this magnitude with the current state of the economy?

Would it be a valid argument that many employers are unsure of what the cost to them would be to add additional employees and is a contributing factor to the unemployment rate?

Whether it is valid or perceived, it still affects the economy.

We need to fix the economy first right?
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Done here.
Is it a valid argument that we just cannot afford to pay for a program of this magnitude with the current state of the economy?
A program of what magnitude? What specific program has Matt or I introduced or endorsed?

How does that relate to rape and murder?