Careful, Nazarene. You're gonna dig yourself a hole, here.
What does it, indeed, tell us about Nazarenes who don't walk on water?
I never said I fit the requirements of a true believer, I'm just trying to reconstruct what I believe is the original. Maybe one day I'll be involved with a miracle. I'm not making claims that I'm saved or a true disciple like most "Christians" seem to. Corinthians is much about supernatural "gifts" that Disciples of the Church can expect to have. Apparently Paul only meant the generation at the time?
Either way, the case is kinda clear. Jesus did in fact mean, according to what is said, that those who truly "believe in" him will have Supernatural abilities greater than what he allegedly was able to perform, this is basically what Acts is conveying the whole time. The idea that Peter and Paul allegedly raised people from the dead quashes any kind of metaphorical explanation of this.
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